Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Hodgepodging the Countdown...

Sunrise, looking SSE from the front porch
with the ever-present lawn ornament

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

1. What's left to be done on your Christmas to-do list? 

With only 4 more sleeps 'til Christmas, my list consists of cleaning the house and making New Year's Day menu plans. Everything's organized, at least on paper. And for me, once it's on paper, I'm good. I already have the minced clams for Christmas Eve's clam chowder that we'll eat, along with popovers, after the church service.

 Snowmen in the library

2. The Hodgepodge lands on the first day of winter this year. What's your favorite thing about winter? 

My favorite thing about winter is the last day of it, which is sometime in April (when you live in northern Wisconsin). 

The barn on a cold!! winter afternoon

An armful of energy

3. In what area of your life are you immature? Feel free to elaborate or not. 

I'm not immature in any way, and why are you asking this anyway? Did someone tell you that I'm immature???

 Santa on the cookstove

4. What was the most (or one of the most) important lessons you learned in 2016? 

There's no quick way to learn patience.

Another wheelbarrow full of wood for the stove

In case some are wondering, Mr. C. pulls the wheelbarrow backwards into the house because it's just easier that way. It might seem odd to those who don't live in the frozen North and who don't burn wood. But believe me, when staying warm takes top priority, we get the wood into the house as quickly and efficiently as possible.

5. It's Fried Shrimp Day...are you a fan? What's your favorite way to eat shrimp? Will there be shrimp somewhere in your holiday feastings? 

I think that shrimp was (were) meant to be part of the food chain, to be consumed by something else that lives in the sea, not by humans.

Sunset and the old farm fuel tank

6. What sound lulls you to sleep?

The car engine (whether or not I'm driving.)

 Evening, View SE from the front porch

7. What one word best describes your 2016? 


8.  Insert your own random thought here.

 Yea, Lord, we greet Thee,
Born this happy morning;
Jesus, to Thee be glory given;
Word of the Father,
Now in flesh appearing.

I'm including the last paragraph of a Christmas letter we received from a friend. I thought it nicely summed up what Christmas is all about. Thank you, Laurel:

'A simple birth - not the end of the story nor the beginning, but the pivotal moment in history when God's promise to send a Saviour was put into motion on earth. God loved us enough to send His Son to redeem us from the consequence of sin, so we can have peace with God, the joy of knowing we are His, and hope for the future. His perfect justice is tempered with the gift of mercy for anyone who will believe the truth and tear open the ribbons! Merry Christmas!' 

Have a blessed and very merry Christmas, friends, as we celebrate the birth of our Rescuer, Jesus. He gives us every reason for Joy.



Elizabethd said...

The last paragraph sums up Christmas so beautifully.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Lovely paragraph at the end. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and new year, dear Judy.

Linda said...

....and a very Merry Christmas to you. smiles

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Judy! Great answers and beautiful images. I wish you and your family a blessed and Merry Christmas!

NanaDiana said...

I didn't say you were immature! I don't care what those other girls told you--it's just not true. Oh! And did you see these new jeans I got at the mall? Aren't they cool?

Great post! Dealing with teenagers you can see which one of your answers struck me funny. lol Have a great Wednesday- xo Diana

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Every single one of your photos today is just awesome. I love the sunset sunrise and I love the Snowman. In the interest of time I'll just say I love all your photos today. I love fried shrimp boil shrimp any kind of shrimp. Your answer made me laugh out loud. Your answer to it being immature or has me rolling on the floor. When I read that on another blog I thought am I immature and anything and I wanted to write I am not inventory in anything but did not so now I will say it here I too am not immature.

Arlene G said...

When it is cold here in Alabama, I always think of my friends who live in the frozen north. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Judy!!

Vee said...

Oh I love that! "Not the beginning nor the end..." Those kittens are getting to be an armful! I like the way you think about winter. Merry on!

Stacy said...

What a lovely thought from your friend. Thank you for sharing it with us. Have a blessed and merry Christmas!

Theresa said...

I think you may be right about shrimp, but they are so delicious I'll try not to think about it ;) I chuckled to your answer about winter. Still waiting for a significant snowfall here. Merry Christmas Judy.

Trudy said...

I'm with you about winter! My answer would have been ...when it's over.
We don't burn wood, but I do understand the work involved.
Have a Merry Christmas.

April said...

Loved your random thought for today, Judy...beautifully written! Wishing you and yours a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Joyce said...

Think of all the beauty you'd miss without winter. Your photos are gorgeous! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Ha! It was fun to read your hodgepodge. Loved your answer to #3. Oh boy hope you don't fall asleep while you are driving. :) Have a very Merry Christmas!

Cathy said...

I love your pictures so much Judy! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Love all the winter pictures you shared. I love driving but when ever I'm in the passenger seat I have to struggle to stay awake.

Have a very blessed and merry Christmas!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Merry Christmas!!

Mrs.T said...

Loved that last paragraph! Your pictures are lovely also, especially the sunrise one. We are in the frozen north as well, albeit in New England. It is SO cold here. It seems be be a colder-than-usual December for us.

Susie said...

Judy, I love your pictures...they sure show how cold it is there. Your home decorations are so cute...even the two little furry kittens. Stay warm and safe please. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I love the thoughts of your friend--"not the beginning, nor the end". Amen to that! Your first photo is just gorgeous, Judy! I hope that your recovery is complete soon and you will be able to do all the things you wish. Have a wonderful Christmas! xo ♥

Empty Nester said...

I'm still laughing at your answer to #3. :) The kitties look warm in all that cold. Do you leave your vehicles out in the bitter cold? I just wondered what that does to them. My brother lived in NH for a while and said it would get so cold that, if you weren't careful, the car door handle would break off in your hand. That's just too cold! Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family!

21 Wits said...

Awe, your post warms my heart very much. Enjoy all your festive celebrations and a very merry and Happy Christmas to you too!

Mary said...

It looks soooo cold! (ha, ha!) Beautiful, but cold.
Merry Christmas!

podso said...

A wonderful quote from your friend. Wood must be on your mind a lot. I just about agree with your shrimp answer. And I am similar in the getting it down on paper. That's the struggle but once done it goes smoothly. Have a wonderful time contemplating and celebrating.

Terri D said...

Your friend said it so well!! And so did you! Joyful, joyful we adore Thee.... another song I love. I enjoyed your Hodgepodge, Judy! Merry Christmas to you and yours! The clam chowder sounds wonderful!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I always love these posts so my Judy. I love the beautiful photos. I love your humor. I love that you live "practically next door" so we share so much of the same WI love and knowledge. I love your kitties! I love that we're kindred spirits in many ways (I'm SO with you on the whole shrimp thing!). I love that you're such a wonderful blogging and Insta Bestie. And I love how you love our Jesus too.

Merry Christmas blessings sent to you with lots of love. xoxo

Jean | said...

Judy, gorgeous photos! Especially the kittens, of course. You expressed my views on shrimp so well! Now if I saw someone pull a wild-caught shrimp out of clean water, I might be tempted. But so many of them are farmed -- and farmed in a gross way that would kill anyone's appetite for them.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I really enjoyed all of your photos.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Cheryl said...

"Recovery" is a good word, and I am glad that it applies to your year! Love your photos...and there are never too many kitten pics! :)

Christmas blessings to you and yours!

Anita Johnson said...

I had so much to say about your beautiful photos, life in Wisconsin, your thoughts on shrimp....I feel the same way and the word recovery. But that last paragraph said it all. What a gift we were given....a Savior...Christ the Lord! Merry Christmas!

BeachGypsy said...

warm greetings from charleston--just stopped in to wish you a very beautiful and happy Christmas and a new year full of blessings and faith, love from friends and family, good health and peace. Just look at those little kitties.....already changing so fast and growing up so quickly!---goodness they are adorable! They sure make Christmas merry and fun, don't they? Enjoy your day my new friend.


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