Wednesday, December 28, 2016

On the Fourth Day of Christmas

Good morning, friends! 

I had my carry-on sitting out because a friend had asked to borrow it for an upcoming trip, but the kittens thought it made a great snuggly bed. I'm not sure she's going to get it away from them.

So here is it, the Fourth Day of Christmas. Did you receive your four calling birds yet? And in case you (like I), had forgotten what 'calling birds' are, let's review, shall we, class?:

'Four Colly Birds: The birds are really Colly Birds, not Calling Birds.  
Colly birds may be any of several coal-black birds – crows, jackdaws, rooks, or ravens. These birds of the night carry the power and mystery of the dark season of the year. The raven was the bird of battle.' That's one definition (from somewhere on the internet). Another says that the four 'calling birds' referred to the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Hmmm. I'm thinking the first is more likely. Colly, as in Collier, Coal, etc. etc. Well, anyway...moving along...
I spent all day Christmas Day and the Second Day of Christmas in bed with an intensely achy virus. As they say, 'I'd like tuh died.' Once when our younger daughter was little, she and I came down with the flu on Christmas and spent the day in bed, listening to Christmas carols on the radio. She was selfish enough to grow up, get married, and move away, so it was just the cats on the bed with me, attacking my feet through the blankets. Mr. C. was very kind and compassionate, however, which is always much appreciated by someone who feels they're at death's door - or wishes they could be and get it over with.

 How can I even look at these right now??

All better on The Third Day of Christmas, so that I was able to do laundry, do a little walking, and make another double batch of Andes Mint Truffle Cookies - recipe at that link - (but not in any mood yet to eat them). I'm letting you know right now not to bother to make a single batch. Start out with either a double or quadruple batch. They're so easy and there's enough time to make them for New Year's Eve. And you can even get a half dozen eaten before you start your New Year's resolutions!  You know, the one where you're not ever going to eat sugar again.

Little grandsons, budding artists, Christmas Eve
I wonder if this is how Ferrante and Teicher started out. 

For some reason, the past couple nights after being sick I've been on a Hercule Poirot (David Suchet) marathon. I didn't care much for some of the very earliest ones, but then they start getting pretty good, like The Yellow Iris, The Case of The Missing Will, The Chocolate Box, etc. It's been fun to see them again after all this time.

I might have to replace the lights out by the pond next spring.

Christmas Eve Eve
Neighbors with two combines in the corn field,
trying to beat an incoming snowstorm

We're expecting family to start arriving Friday and we'll spend the weekend together. It's always wonderful to have them here. That's also why I made a quadruple batch of those chocolate mint truffle cookies! 

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Day. Have you made New Year's resolutions?
Mine involve more exercise, getting out of the cold at least a few days during February, more Bible study, and cleaning out the house. I know, I know, I said the cleaning out the house thing last year, but 2017 is THE YEAR.

See you in the new year!

 Princess Elsa


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Debby Ray said...

Colly Birds?? I would have never guessed! Isn't it funny how we think we know things that we have heard ll of our lives to be! Thanks for the "real story". Glad you were able to start feeling is never fun to be sick on Christmas. I remember a few years back when our grand, Olivia spent a day in bed while they were here from TN. She wound up at urgent care with that horrible norovirus, poor thing! I know your Christmas with those adorable little ones was fun...and I won't even mention those Andes mint ball thingys. I am with you all the way on my resolutions which I have already started. I seem to be more hopeful (at the moment) that I may be successful at it this year! May your 2017 be blessed. my friend! ♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I actually said awwww out loud when I got to the princess at the end. and as for Ferrante and Teicher they are adorable...thanks for the reminder, I will find them on youtube and give a listen. I stopped and found Exodus and now am listening while I talk. so glad you are going to live and I know that feeling where you think you might die and wish you could... sorry it hit during the holidays. hope you are 100 percent before your family gets in.. yum on the truffles

Aritha V. said...

I have seen some of your photos on Pinterest ♥ Love the little princess. Such a lovely photo. I haven't made New Year's resolutions.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are adorable! Oh yes, I plan to eat lots between now and Jan. 1!!! lol
Enjoy your family and all the best in the new year.

Marcia said...

No New Year resolutions yet. Likely they will be the same as this year. Hmm ... I guess I didn't do so well with those. No plans to make more cookies. the last of them are going out the door in a few minutes to my sister's house. She has company so they;ll get eaten there. Well, we may have a few there too today.

Tired Teacher said...

Ferrante and Teicher? I haven't thought about them in years, but I may have to pull some of the old albums out and play them. Thanks for the nudge.

Eating a delicious cranberry scone and sipping tea as I read blogs this morning - glad to spend some time with you and learning about Colly birds and seeing the kittens and your precious Grands. Happy New Year.

Linda said...

Colly Birds??? Really...I always thought it was calling. I hope you get to feeling better...a Happy, Merry Belated Christmas to you.

podso said...

Colly birds is a new one to me. But I know there is meaning to all those old songs, etc. that has become lost over the years. That is a darling kitty photo. Glad you are on the mend and its good family is coming this weekend not last.

Terri D said...

Colly birds...interesting! The truffles sound delicious! So glad you survived the nasty virus and are looking forward to fun and family this weekend!!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Oh, so sorry you were "puny"! Hope you're all better now. I'll have to check out those truffles. Like I need them! Ha! Happy New Year!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

That piano picture is priceless. One playing and the other covering his ears...I just bust out laughing!

Glad to hear that you were recovering...there's nothing worse than getting sick around the holidays...been there done that.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope your feeling better. My husband like Piorot. The kittens look so cute and I like the bulb with the water. How did that happen. Enjoy your weekend. Happy New Year!

Deb said...

The colly birds got me, too. Did not know that.I think I may have missed where you have named the little fur-balls. They are certainly adorable and would make great bed buddies while recuperating. No resolution made yet but I know de-cluttering is always at the top of the list. Enjoy your time with the kids.

Lorrie said...

Such a sweet little princess! I sympathize with your aches. I'm on day three and I'm not even at home, but supposed to be playing in the snow with my children and grandchildren. Instead I've been dozing on the couch and drinking copious amounts of tea. Here's hoping it's over soon.

Linda said...

I learned soemthing new here! Colly Birds! Who knew??
I am so sorry you have been ill! Glad you are on the mend. Love the cute pics of your grands at the piano!! And I REALLY love that photo of your lights by the pond!! I am a sucker for little lights!!
Happy New Year and thank you for the Truffles idea! I may be making these for our New Year's gathering! Hope you are completely well by then!

Lynne said...

Hope you are still on the mend . . .
Those two kittens cuddled near would help one feel better in a jif . .
So adorable!
Enjoy your family weekend . . .
Happy New Year Judy . . .

Preppy Empty Nester said...

That pic of the kittens is so darn cute, Judy! I have had that achy virus a few times in my life and it is the worst. Glad you are feeling better. Have a great time with your family and I hope you have a happy, healthy new year.

Creations By Cindy said...

Well Judy, I have learned something today. Colly Birds? WOW! I never knew this. Oh I hope that you are feeling much better and stronger. Several of my family members has also been victim to either a flu bug, stomach bug or something over the holidays. Two of grandgirls has been to the dr. One of my daughters slept it off. Praise the Lord everyone is beginning to be human again. Praying for a wonderful New Year for you Judy. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Vee said... sorry that you were so ill on Christmas Day no less. I have only been ill once on Christmas Day and never wish to have the experience again. Talk about insulting!

Second...colly birds! Ah ha! Now I have been watching a nasty little scene (or not so nasty if one believes, as I do, that squirrels are taking over the world) of squirrels being chased into the road by crows or ravens. The end can be quite the battle scene. And I'd like to leave my car out of it thank you very much.

Third...what?! You dare to give us the recipe for such a tasty tidbit this far into the Days of Christmas? Wait! It's early yet...only the 5th Day of Christmas...well...well...I like Andes mints.

Fourth...the Little Princess is adorable! Just look at all that imaginative play.

Fifth...a very Happy 2017 to you and yours! Have a lovely weekend celebrating with your family!

Empty Nester said...

I am so sorry to hear you've been sick! That's awful. I'm sure glad to hear you're better, though. I know what you mean about children having the nerve to grow up and move on. I do not like it. They're all here now, though and that makes me very happy. :) I have to quadruple the cheese and olive ball recipe every year. You're right- just go ahead and do it. It's not pretty when you run out, is it? LOL My no sugar started before Thanksgiving. I have most successfully fallen so far off the wagon I may never find my way back to it. So, I'll be making that resolution for sure. I won't keep it, but I'll make it. Enjoy your wonderful family! Keep those pictures coming!

This N That said...

Sorry you weren't feeling up to par..glad you are better..Your kitties made me very sd today..I had to put my beloved Max down yesterday..So very sad..

Michelle said...

Best wishes for a fantastic 2017!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Thanks for the Colly birds lesson Judy! I swear I learn something each time I'm here. Lol

I hope you're feeling ever so much better my dear Friend!! And I'll eat your share of the cookies if you'd like. ;) My New Year's resolutions haven't started yet so I can easily oblige.

Sending you big hugs, kind wishes, and sweet prayers for a very blessed 2017 my dear Friend!! xoxo

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

It's not fair to be ill on Christmas! So sorry Judy. I'm feeling a little ill today or maybe it's just exhaustion! The last of the family has left and it's nice to relax.
Your little princess is so sweet--look at those eyes! Colly birds is a new one for me. And those chocolates sound delicious. I'm afraid we still have tins of goodies leftover, which means resolutions will have to wait!
Enjoy your family and Happy New Year! xo ♥

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Aw! Being sick on Christmas is truly the worst time....Love seeing your budding pianists and the little Princess :) Those cookies do look addicting and mint and chocolate are two of my favorite flavor combinations. They are pretty, too! I have quite a few 'Colly' birds around here - I just heard one cawing today. No doubt pestering the red-tail hawk I saw later......The kittens are getting big already! Hope you are feeling better for all the family visiting. My New Year resolution is to do more of the things I love to do. I always seem to find too much work around here and not enough fun. Wishing you and your family many lovely blessings in the coming New year! Hugs xo Karen

Jean | said...

Judy, so sorry you were sick. But glad you got the short version. I have some friends down the street who have had it (whatever's going around) for two weeks. The kittens must be a comfort though! :-)

Cheryl said...

Oh, being sick at Christmas is no fun at all. I have spent two of my fifty-six Christmases sick in bed, although at the time, I did not care a bit that it was Christmas Day or any other day. I am glad that you are feeling better now!

New Year blessings to you and yours! Enjoy your family gathering this weekend!

Arlene G said...

So sorry you were sick on Christmas Judy. I hope 2017 is a great year for you and your family.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Princess Ella is adorable, and not ever ever did I know it was coly birds! Sorry about your achies, and I hope you are much better with your company due in. Have a safe, and happy New Year's Eve and a great start to your New Year!

Anita Johnson said...

Happy New Year....your little ones are so cute....and the pond lights? Yes, they might have to be replaced. Bruce has a horrible cold and cough....I can't imagine I won't get it. So tonight we will enjoy a movie at home and relax. We will never make it to midnight. That's ok too. I don't make resolutions, but I can't go wrong reading my bible more. ( I think Google+ is very unfriendly.) see you in the new year.😀

Judy S. said...

Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year! Those mint cookies sound dangerous, and I'll probably try them for Valentine's Day!

Lowcarb team member said...

Princess Elsa looks fabulous as do those little grandsons,
Happy new year wishes

All the best Jan

Rose said...

Wonderful post....Happy New Year!


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