Friday, December 2, 2016

Surviving Winter

This is a post I meant to put up last week during gun deer hunting season in Wisconsin. It's definitely not my thing to kill a deer. I don't presume to tell people who need meat for their families not to shoot a deer, but for me personally, I'd rather have peanut butter on toast and let the deer run free in our woods. Yes, I do know that the herd needs to be thinned, as they say, but I'd let someone else do the thinning. And I definitely can't think of hunting as sport.


The above photos were taken November 23, 2013, but it's that time of year again when the hunters, including our son, are out trying to get that elusive venison. Fortunately, this year the temps aren't quite so cruel as they were that day. We're in the thirties, so that makes everyone a little happier. Still, we're sliding into that cold, dark time of year. Mr. C. always reminds me that in another month the days will be getting longer and that the coldest day is usually mid January. I'm not sure why he always tells me that. It's not like I don't know, and it's not like I'm suddenly going to become fond of winter.

Instead, it's the time of year that I have beautiful music playing on Pandora or Spotify, and start thinking about travel.

I realize that England isn't exactly a tropical paradise, but these photos of the ephemera I gathered and later used in journals take me out of the snow and cold, at least for a while.

I talked with a friend today and we agreed that the worst of winter in Wisconsin is from mid January through the end of March. At least in April we can hope that spring weather is just around the corner. So we wait, read, sit by the fire, and check airfare. Or maybe just stay in Wisconsin and watch kittens.

Do you have winter travel plans?

 Tom Kitten & Smokey
No, Tom's not supposed to be on the table.
He managed to throw aside the table runner 
and is playing hide'n'seek with Smokey.
Did you find Smokey?


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Mike@Bit About Britain said...

I don't believe that even the Scottish Highlands gets weather quite as bad as Wisconsin. (And they're not as world-famous for their cheese, either). It's been beautifully frosty in our little corner of the world - enough to necessitate violent scraping of windscreens in the mornings and to put a hazy glaze on the grass that makes the sheep look dirty. At the moment, it's just dull. Anyway, I can say that I enjoy all the seasons, even winter, probably because we're lucky not to experience too many extremes. Love a brisk walk, suitably wrapped against the cold, and coming back to a warming coal fire and a cuppa...

Arlene G said...

I love meat of all kind but if I had to kill it and dress it, I might just become a vegetarian.:) So far we have had a mild season but it is just in the 50s today which is about right for this time of year. We lived in Louisville Ky for four years and I thought winter would never end so I do not think I could make it up in Wisconsin. You know my father in law moved to Savannah Ga from Waconia MN and he never went back except to visit.( and usually those visits were in the summer.):)

podso said...

It sounds like a good past time--planning trips and remembering past trips. If you get one planned, maybe you can take it! Stay warm. Where my husband grew up in PA they had off from school for the first day of deer hunting.

Debbie said...

It's soo hard for me to relate as bloggers start telling of their cold weather and snow and hunting and etc. We are happy over here because our high is only 65 today! YAY!! Feels a little more Christmasy. It cools off terribly clear down to the low 40's at night, even an occasional high 30's. But that is rare and sure hasn't happened yet. Everyone is busy turning on their heat and digging out warm sweaters and coats. Me? Never turned my heat on once last winter (though some do complain it's like a meat locker in here) and our bedroom window is still slightly open at night. I have at least progressed to warm slippers on my feet in the morning, and a long sleeved tee shirt, lol. Enjoy your week-end!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see Smokey and I see Tommy and I see to cute for words. they should keep your cold winter happier than without them. the coldest temp I have ever lived in and that was only 3 days a year, was in Savannah and it was 16 maybe 2 or 3 times a year, no snow, no ice, I did live 5 years in KY but the snow was only 3 inches and that was rare. I have been in Paradise for 33 years now, that would be Florida and I love it and never intend to leave. but I do know never say never...

Empty Nester said...

I was hoping I'd see a kitty in this post. :) How's Tuppence doing with the 2 little ones? I'm with you on the hunting. I don't like it but I don't tell others what to do or think. But I really hate it. Sitting by the fire with books and kitties sounds wonderful to me. But I know I wouldn't survive your winters.

Terri D said...

No travel plans for us. I hope we are packing and moving in the next few months. Our cats go wherever they want to go. I don't keep a centerpiece on the dining room table anymore, unless you want to consider Vinny as a slightly off-center centerpiece! Ha! Lots of sanitizer gets used in our house and tablecloths are put on at the last absolutely latest minute before dinner guests arrive. Hang in there....Spring is coming.

Debbie said...

we do not have any winter travel plans. we have income property that needs our attention in winter - if it snows, we take care of things. we sometimes do a 1 or 2 day quickie, if the forecast is good!!

as for killing bambi's, i just can't talk about it. they are so beautiful and a "dear" love of mine. what if someone thought there were too many people, and decided to thin us out. i just don't agree!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, I'm with you about the hunting issues. I'm happy for you that you are having mild temperatures so far. Planning a winter retreat or remembering an old one is a fun past time. Of course, I hope you are in the planning stage! Have a great weekend. ♥

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

OH you know as a fellow WI Gal I completely agree with the January through mid March feelings Judy. Winter can feel brutally endless during that time of year here. We often get to go to Vegas in February or March as my Hubby goes there to a convention for his work. A little grown-up time away from the kiddos and warmer weather equals win-win. ;)

I'm also not a deer hunting fan - and my Hubby and family never did it. But I grew up with it and my Dad and Brother and Uncles always did it- and very respectfully. All the meat was processed and used. I actually really liked venison sausage or jerky. And also my Dad made really good venison stroganoff.

Wishing you a blessed weekend my Dear! xoxo Hug the kitties for me.

This N That said...

I guess we have about the same winter..I don't seem to mind it..Prefer it to the heat of summer, mostly.
It's hunting season here as well..I don't like them on the highways but I would never shoot one..They run through my back yard quite often.
I haven't done (and probably won't do )any traveling since my husband died..I need to renew my passport but am thinking that it would be a waste of money..
Enjoy your weekend..

Cheryl said...

I share your sentiments about hunting. Could not do it. Bambi? The Yearling?

Mr. Cranberry sounds like my Ron who gives me frequent updates on things like how many weeks/days until Christmas. Can't we be allowed the bliss of ignorance? Or denial?

Vee said...

Through November 10? That's either out of date or the most generous offer ever.

No, I do not dream of travel. Quite the opposite. It must be a pleasant diversion for you to plan a trip that very likely will happen. Yes, I expect you to be reporting from Britain come May.

Those kittens! Better than watching The Keystone Cops. 😊

(I took a snooze between the beginning of this reading and the end. My apologies. I know how that messes with the stats.)

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I feel the same way about the deer and hunting. I would prefer a peanut butter sandwich. We are in my happy place for the winter and can go on daytrips rather than longer trips. Love the cute kitty. Happy Sunday, enjoy your week ahead!

Anonymous said...

Those kitties are so cute! They're bound to keep you smiling this winter. I don't see where there is sport in hunting, either.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I am of the same mind about hunting, becoming a full vegetarian wouldn't bother me at all. We will be renting the same house in Florida for February next year, our annual, and only vacation.
Those kittens are little scoundrels. lol

Lynne said...

No winter travel plans . . . I am ok with that.
I am a winter gal.
Love those kitten pics . . .


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