Sunday, March 19, 2017

Antique Books, Minnesota, and Kittens

 Young Folks' Library

I'm pulling some photos from my February file (except for the last one) because I've been so remiss in taking photos of anything but kittens and cat for the past few weeks. I know that many of you, like me, love old books. The spines pictured above are from a beautiful set of antique books I bought at a used book store more than 20 years ago. It is a complete set, including the index.

 One of the color plates from
Young Folks' Library

And a few photos from Minnesota:

These photos were taken north of Rochester, MN, and I don't know why it's always so interesting to me when we drive through one of these large cuts that were made so the road could go through. But it is. And when the light is better, that sandstone looks golden. This is just before entering Zumbro Falls.
 I think I put this barn photo on Instagram - maybe.

 Huge grain bins and a cattle trailer.
Look how dark that soil is!
We live on sandy loam, so this soil looks beautiful to us.


Oh! And guess what. Surprise, a little kitten collage!

I took these photos after little Smokey returned home from the vet. I had thought that I would have to keep them separated for a week or so, but the vet said no. The two kittens were eager to see one another, and you can see that Smokey got her spa treatment from Tommy (l), and after they posed for the middle photo, he decided to use her as a pillow. I did watch her belly to make sure that I could see the rise and fall (to make sure she could breathe), but she seemed to be perfectly content. I think they're happy to be back together. And they will not be making kitty babies. 

I hope you all had a nice weekend. I was hoping that Masterpiece would be on PBS, but it's another pledge drive. I think I'll read. 


Maggie has such a pretty springtime header on her blog. But she lives in Normandy. Springtime doesn't actually arrive in NW Wisconsin until mid April -  if we're lucky. I've finally learned to stop thinking that it's supposed to arrive on March 21. It helps to avoid disappointment. 


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Lynne said...

I would enjoy browsing that antique book collection . . .
Loved your Minnesota pics . . .(always like your photos!)
One thing for sure . . .
I am SMITTEN . . .
For those kittens . . .
So sweet, cute, cuddly looking!

Terra said...

Those old books are handsome, the illustrations, covers and everything about them. I see you are reading a book by N.T. Wright, I am reading his "Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon." That old red barn photo is wonderful.

Tired Teacher said...

The dark soil reminds me of the area surrounding Fargo, ND. It saddens me to see the city sprawl and cover excellent agricultural land. I know our country will regret it one day.

Anonymous said...

Such sweet pics of the kitties.
Your books were a great find; I would love browsing thru the pages.
Interesting to see such dark soil; we have red clay here in GA!
Wishing you a very nice week.

Marcia said...

Your kitties are very cute. And now I understand why you got Smoky spayed. Will you neuter the other one?
Spring is trying hard to arrive here. Snow last week put a damper on it, but the sunlight is warm and snow is almost all gone.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those are the prettiest and shiniest grain bins I have ever seen. I love the road cut through the mountain and there are many in KY that are just like it. I loved them when I was a child and still do, but I can't trade my love of sunshine year round for roads cut through mountains. I can enjoy by looking at your photos. you already know I love the kitten pics

Vee said...

The collection of books has such intriguing illustrations. I could happily enjoy an afternoon looking at them.

Interesting that you did not have to keep the kittens separated. Is Tommy going to receive similar ministrations one day? He definitely seems to be the dominant kitty. There's one in every crowd.

It looks like early spring in your corner. If warmth comes, it'll green up fast and be lovely as any spring ever was.

Maggie said...

Glad to see that Smokey is doing well after her trip to the vet, looks like Tommy was pleased to have her home.
Love the red barn capture, we have very different types of barn over here.
They're usually built of stone with huge wooden beams and rafters, not pretty in red like yours.
I'm so happy that you like my spring themed blog header, the daffodils took quite a battering from the wind and rain this past weekend. I had to bring so many of them indoors I ran out of suitable vases!
Happy Mosaic Monday.

Michelle said...

I would enjoy perusing that antique book assortment. I love books.

Arlene G said...

I love old books as well. I really need to cull my books but it is so hard for me as I love them so!! When we were in Utah we were on an interstate where the mountains were literally blasted through for the road and it made me very claustrophobic. I am glad my husband is a good chauffeur because I would not have been able to drive through there!!

Snap said...

I love old books -- especially childrens books. The illustrations are wonderful. Great barn and I love seeing the kittens. Happy that Smokey is doing well. Happy Monday!

Cranberry Morning said...

For those who asked, YES, Tommy was neutered in early January. See January 6th blog post for the kitty who was eager to climb into the pet carrier for his trip to the vet! :-)

Pamela Gordon said...

I find rock cuts along highways very interesting and beautiful. We have lots of them here due to the rolling hills. I agree with you regarding the arrival of spring. It will be mid to late April here before it feels like it and usually May before we start to see some real greening up. I just know I was born to live in the south but they have tornados and hurricanes and we have 4 beautiful seasons. Happy Spring to you none the less. We can try to get the feeling of it and enjoy the beautiful sunshine days. Have a good week Judy.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Beautiful photos. I love antique books. I don't think there is such a thing as too many photos of cute kitties. Enjoy your week dear Judy.

Terri D said...

Old books are lovely to collect. Your collection looks amazing. I always enjoy your photos, but the kitties are my favorite! I love how the snuggle. None of ours were litter-mates. I'll be amazed if they ever sleep closer than three feet from each other.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh you know how much I love old books! and I KNOW this is before our time, but doesn't it make you think of learning about the explorers in school and history. I don't think they teach kids the things we learned in the olden days. Cute kitties...of course....but you knew that, didn't you? Hugs!

podso said...

Wonderful set of books! And the kittens look happy to be back together--glad it all went well. Happy Monday!

~Pam~ said...

Hi Judy, lovely books, thank for sharing the photos! Happy Spring!

This N That said...

I remember when I used to take animals to the vets separately the one that was left at home didn't like the smell of the one who went..Not a problem when they go together..Lovely books..Happy Spring..

NanaDiana said...

I have that same set of books, Judy...or did. I gave them to my daughter-they belonged to my husband's family.
Your 'babies' are getting so big and are still so cute, Judy. Nothing like a cute kitty in the house
Hope you have a wonderful, blessed week- xo Diana

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm so glad to see Smokey feeling well and back home with her buddy. Your books are very special. What a treasure to have the complete set. Enjoy your evening, my friend. ♥

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

These are such beautiful antique books, Judy! True treasures,

Your kittens are so cute! I had a cat named Smokey when I was a child.

I see you don't have snow on the ground either. We have had half the snow we usually get so far this year and it has been extremely dry. Hoping for either rain or snow soon!

Cheryl said...

I would love to sit down with a cup of coffee and peruse those old books! They look delightful!
I'd like to cuddle with those darling kittens too, but something tells me that they are still a little young to stay hunkered down in a lap for very long.

Mrs.T said...

Those antique books are beautiful. They look to be in pristine condition for their age. They reminded me of some children's classic editions that I grew up with which also had lovely illustrations.

The barn photo is lovely. And it's fun to see the kittens reunited. The nursing home where my dad is has a resident cat on his unit. His name just happens to be Smokey! This is an added blessing for my dad, who would have loved to have a pet at home in recent years but would not have remembered to take care of it. He's in a home -- but the Lord gave him a cat to love and enjoy anyway!

Deborah Montgomery said...

Oh aren't those illustrations beautiful!! What a lovely set of books. And so nice you didn't have to worry about keeping the kitties separated. They sure look happy.
I always laugh when the groundhog declares 6 weeks of winter left. Everyone thinks that's such a downer! We would be tickled pink if we only had 6 weeks after Groundhog Day. It is more Mother's Day before we can really believe it's spring, so like you, I just resign myself to more snow, even in April!
You always have the best pictures of churches and barns.
xo Deborah

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hi Judy!

That book collection looks amazing! Books are such beautiful things, aren't they?

Such beautiful photos too. We are blessed to live in such a beautiful area of the world. You capture it all so beautifully.

And I love that you keep sharing the kitties. I get my fix! I'm so happy that they got to be together right away. Lovie time is the best healing medicine anyway. ;)

Blessings. xoxo

Anita Johnson said...

We may or may not to be able to go to Mayo in Rochester next month....I'd like to see the countryside. I'm a sucker for cat pictures. I love your books....please care for them better than we did. I thought ours were great, but mold found its way in. The illustrations are excellent.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I love old books and these are beauties! The illustrations are so wonderful. I've never been to the upper midwest - it looks so beautiful with the rolling hills and all the farmland. Glad the kitties are back together again and no chance of kittens. You might want to neuter the male, too, as they start 'spraying' to mark their territory soon. Once they start, it is hard to break them of it, but if you neuter them before (like right now), they won't do it. xx Karen

BeachGypsy said...

oh yes i do so love old books too and so does Diane over at Lavender Dreamer, do you know Diane? She posts some neat old books from time to time. So glad to see Smokey recovering so fast----see?---they do recover so quickly and bounce back so fast! Love the little collage. I bet they DID miss each other---they are together constantly, a big part of each other's world.Have you read the Maud Hart Lovelace books?

BeachGypsy said...

PS--so glad you liked the post about the Irish family, I did so enjoy the research and putting it together!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is such a lovely tryptich of your adorable kittens. Love those beautiful old books -- Collecting books (just for the love of them) is the one thing I miss living in tiny houses as we do. (I was going to say I miss books, but we do still read of course -- Library and Kindle -- but most of my collectible books are on the shelves of our kids and grands now.)


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