Saturday, March 4, 2017

If You Go Out in the Woods Today...

If you pester the kitties long enough, they'll be exhausted and easier to catch.

Except for the occasional moments when he's being a pill to his brother,
 this kid really is as angelic as he looks.

It was fun to have our son and a couple of the boys out over the weekend.The weather was cold and windy, but not bad enough to keep us from walking to the woods. It felt so good to be outdoors, trudging across the alfalfa field. I am so ready for spring to be here!

 At wood's edge

 Climbing to the tree stand
(but we didn't let him climb all the way to the top)

 Hacking away at a rotted stump above an ancient burial mound
(or maybe just where a tree fell over and uprooted)

BTW, Barron County has the greatest number of Native American burial mounds of any county in Wisconsin. Alas, it's doubtful that there are any on our farm.

Checking out a possible future cabin site

Sword fight

 Most of the snow will be gone by tomorrow evening.
It's supposed to be in the upper fifties.

 It wasn't terribly cold, but it was very windy.
Still, lots of fun to be out there with the kids.

I hope y'all are having a great weekend!

Linking to Mosaic Monday


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Christine said...

Oh that looks like such a fun place to be! The kids must love it there!
Happy weekend!

Arlene G said...

Looks like a bright cold day in Wisconsin. Here in NoAla it is very spring like, trees are budding and the birds are singing. So glad you got to spend a day with your men.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

love seeing you able to be out and about and enjoying all of this again! The children are adorable and clearly having fun :)

Susie said...

Judy, Some times even a cold walk is good for us. It just clears our thoughts. We woke up to snow and it was all gone in no time after the sun came out. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Anonymous said...

Future cabin...that sounds like fun. Those boys know how to have fun in the woods.

Linda said...

I loved this post and wish I could breathe in your cold crips air!! Not much of that down here in Texas!

Lynne said...

Looks like a fun walk with the family . . .
Excited about the "future cabin" mention . . .
Happy to see you out and about enjoying
the family . . . and hiking in the woods.
The new hip is treating you kindly . . .

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Really neat weekend. xoxo Su

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Great fun to be had in those woods

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking the kitties had as much fun with the boys as they boys with the kitties. my favorite today is the one above the collage, I love TREES and I love sunshine and this has both. so beautiful. I wish I could walk in those trees

Tanna said...

Grandkids and the woods. That's as good as it gets. As for the kitties tiring... this grandmother uses the "wear the kids out" plan! Ha! I always take them out and run them down so bedtime is MUCH easier. ;) Good for all to be out in the woods. blessings ~ tanna

Vee said...

Awww...too bad you missed the teddy bear picnic. Oh I am glad that your temps will be rising, but watching those west coast bloggers struggle with winter weather, I know that it's coming in a new wave for next week. Blast! And that's about the size of it. Bitterly cold here. How did you luck out? Yes, boys who love cats can tame them very well!

This N That said...

Send those 50's our way..In the 20's this morning..My heat has been running constantly..Always fun to walk in the woods with kids..Lot's of things to discover..good times..

Michelle said...

Looks like a great way for the boys to burn off some energy.

Terri D said...

Looks like a fun time 'playing' outside! Looks mighty cold to me! Great photo of grandson and kitten!!

Anonymous said...

It does look cold, but what fun pictures. Sweet photo of your grandson with the kitty. God bless your Monday. xo

Maggie said...

Getting out into the fresh air and tramping through the snow looks like a great way to spend time together with your family, a new cabin in the woods sounds exciting.
Lovely to have you with us again for MM this week.

Jill said...

Wonderful pictures! I hope you have an amazing week!


podso said...

Looks like a nice place for a cabin! And a heat wave is headed your way?

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

You folks have to be 2 of the most fun grandparents to visit! What a "playground" your place provides. ;)
Blessings on your week ahead dear Judy! xoxo

Aritha V. said...

What a Nice area for childs and adults!

Lorrie said...

Spring is sure to come, but it's late here on the west coast, too. This is the coldest winter we've had in a long while.
The grandchildren look like they are having a lot of fun, no matter the weather.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Family doesn't get any better than that! I love tramping in the woods like that and finding home sites! Nice to have some sunshine to warm you up while your walking too! Hugs!

Cheryl said...

Why am I humming "Teddy Bears' Picnic," I wonder? :)

That is a cute little boy there in your top photo. Angelic for sure! (People used to say that about my pretty little blond sister. My dad would respond, "Her halo is a little crooked.")

Spring is sure to come . . .

Theresa said...

It is always nice to take a walk in the woods! Love your pictures you took to remember this day! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

There's lots of fun and imagination to be had in the woods. It appears that Grandma has started the ball rolling with the ancient burial ground story, and a good one too!

Pam said...

SNOW....I so wished Nashville would have gotten some this year. Great pics. I have a friend that makes soap. I love the Oatmeal. But my cousin makes hers with goat milk. I am getting a rosemary/mint and a apple spiced oatmeal from her. Can't wait till that comes in. So love the smell of the oatmeal.


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