Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Slow and Steady Hodgepodge

Amish Farm in Vernon County, WI

Most of the photos in today's post are taken from my March, 2016 photo file, so if you think they look familiar, that's why. We're hoping to get back down to Vernon County in another couple weeks.

Red Dot = Barron County
Blue Dot = Vernon County
(about 3 hours south)

 Map of Wisconsin from:

 And now, on to
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!
Thanks, Joyce!

1. 'Slow and steady wins the race'...tell us about a time this was true in your own life. 

The entire past 3 1/2 years has exemplified 'slow and steady,' or maybe 'wrong, slow and steady, worse, slow and steady, REDO, then slow and steady with more slow and steady for the next 6 months or so.' 

 Fuel tank on a farm near Sand Creek, WI

2. 'As slow as molasses'...Do you like molasses? How about maple syrup? Caramel? Butterscotch? What's your favorite of the slow moving treats mentioned here, and what's your favorite food made with that sweet treat? 

I like molasses in molasses cookies, and only occasionally. The others aren't favorites. I could eat a caramel, but its best feature is the chew, not the taste. Of course it would be followed by a major crash in a sugar coma. Butterscotch is way too sweet. I found this out the other night while watching a movie and 'needing' something to munch on. So I got a little cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and pecans. Next time I'll leave out the butterscotch chips. If there is a next time. And there probably will be, because it seems to be the go-to treat when I'm in a foraging mood and popcorn isn't available. 

 Amish, Maple syruping in Vernon County
3. Your favorite slow song? 

4. Your favorite thing to make in a slow cooker or crock pot? 

The easiest, most delicious, and therefore favorite thing to make in a CrockPot is cream cheese chicken. Mix up 2 cans of chopped green chilis (don't drain) with 8 oz. cream cheese, then pour it over 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Set CrockPot to Low. It takes 6-8 hours, depending on your slow cooker. When done, break apart the chicken and mix it a little better into the cream cheese. This stuff is incredible and good with broccoli or green beans.

Barns near Sand Creek, WI

5. 'You may delay, but time will not.' ~Benjamin Franklin Are you more a hurrier or a delayer when it comes to unpleasant tasks that need doing? What are you currently either delaying or hurrying to get through this week or month?

I'm most definitely a hurrier, to get unpleasant things done and out of the way. Well, usually.

 Horses on a neighboring farm

6. Tell us three things you encounter regularly or even just occasionally that you find to be annoyingly slow.

Organizing the house
Waiting for photos to upload
Waiting for spring.
Bonus item: See #1

 Center Pivot Irrigation nr. Sand Creek, WI

7. March is National Craft Month. Are you crafty? Tell us about something crafty you'll try in the next thirty one days. Or something crafty you'd like to try or wish you had the skill to make happen. 

I am not crafty, but I can make killer gluten-free scones and cookies. The closest I'll get to trying anything crafty in the next thirty one days (more likely next thirty one months) will be if I buckle down and finish a couple sweaters I started knitting.  I had a great start on both of them, then became completely bored with the project and lost interest, then eventually got a motivating burst of guilty conscience and determined to complete them over the winter...but there were so many other important things that got in the way.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

I understand that some famous Hollywood type (not Paul Hollywood), who is very vocal about man-made global warming due to carbon emissions, hired someone to fly all the way from Australia to Hollywood in order to do his and someone else's eyebrows for the Oscars. Yes, their eyebrows.

Isn't that just precious.


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Tanna said...

Thank you for that chicken crockpot recipe, Judy!! I've done that with corn, but this chicken sounds delicious! ;) Yes, precious. blessings ~ tanna

Sylvia said...

I love old barns and farms, I guess because I was born on one. Love these photo's

Joyce said...

The chicken sounds good, so thanks for sharing that one. Don't you make soap : ) That's crafty for sure! And I think cooking is definitely crafty! Enjoy your day!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Good morning, Judy. Your photos are as stunning as always. I wish someone would GIVE me some eyebrows to groom. They are leaving me slowly but surely with age! My favorite picture is the last ones. I think pigs are the cutest. Enjoy the rest of your week, dear Judy!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this post would be perfect if you removed all the words and questions and answers and called it wordless wed..... I love every single photo today, they are all AMAZING...every single photo I sat and stared. the pigs are soooo sweet.. my number one favorite is The Cat In The Rocker... love the chair and the cat and the photo is awesome... I always really enjoy your Amish photos.. ha ha on the eyebrow thing. about your answer on number 2. I love every thing listed there and anything made with any of them and could eat a bag of butterscotch and ask for more. see why I am fat? sugar is my addiction

April said...

I never tire of seeing your beautiful photos, Judy. I will definitely be giving your recipe a try this weekend...sounds delicious! I bet it would be great served over brown rice.

Arlene G said...

That crockpot recipe sounds delicious. Will be trying it!!

Debbie said...

I wasn't going to do any commenting right now because I am running out the door soon, but I just had to tell you that I am downright excited to try that chicken in the crock pot recipe! lol I am soo desperate anymore it seems for new items, lol, so thanks for posting that. Ok, I am off! Have a good day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I would love your chicken crock pot meal. It is a shame my hubby does not like spicy foods or the green chilies. I love the animals, the piggies are so cute. I am a hurrier too, I would much rather have the awful stuff done. Have a happy Wednesday!

Chatty Crone said...

I love your photos - I have always wanted to go see the Amish people myself. I was thinking about you when it asked about slow and steady - your hip! Also to become a Christian for me is a slow and steady job. Can't say i like molasses. I have my crock pot on today! Sandie

Cathy said...

I especially love your pig picture and the kitty in the rocker. That crock pot chicken sounds delicious.

Stephanie said...

I always enjoy seeing your photos and I love reading what you have to say, my friend :) Thanks for another lovely post.

Happy March to you! Hugs!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your recipe sounds delicious. Love your random and enjoyed the photos.

Debby Ray said...

Lovely, lovely photos. I never ever would have thought that Wisconsin would be anywhere I would particularly like to visit until I saw yours and Anita's (Johnson)photos of the beauty of the rural landscape...and of course THE BARNS! Your chicken recipe sounds like something I would like to try...thanks for sharing! And there's that pretty chair with the pretty kitty. Happy March! :)

Terri D said...

I always love your photos, whether I've seen them before or not. You really should frame the one of the cat in the chair. Gorgeous! The chicken dish sounds yummy and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at your random. The Hollywood types (for the most part) are ridiculously hypocritical and they don't even see it. We have snowbird neighbors from Wisconsin. I haven't met them yet, but Joe did.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The barns and horses are just beautiful...the pigs kind of cute too! Hugs!

Pam said...

Love the pics. Looks like an interesting place to visit. Love the horses of course but the pigs are so sweet. I have a friend that has 4 pot bellies and they are the smartest animals. Great post.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

More smiles, CM. Love the comments and the photos - another world, really. Presumably you know that Britain is only a teeny-weeny bit bigger than Wisconsin? I'm not sure I've ever had molasses - is that what we call treacle?

Michelle said...

I will have to try your chicken recipe. Sounds fantastic!

Julie said...

It's been a very long time since I stopped by. I enjoyed reading your answers and I always enjoy your pictures.

Lynne said...

Quick read/comment . . .
Enough time to copy the Crockpot Cream Cheese Chicken . . .
Looks sounds easy peasy yummy . . ,
We have gone from green to blizzard . . .
Again . . .

Vee said...

You have had a season of taking it you have some thoughts about patience, biding, and trusting. You could probably tell the rest of us just a few things.

Hadn't heard about the Hollywood type who hired someone from afar to do his eyebrows. Those eyebrows must be something special. All the global warming types tend toward precious, bless their hearts.

That chair looks so it has a nice glide.

podso said...

The pig picture comes after the eyebrow story for any particular reason? They are cute though. The recipe does sound delicious.
I bet you are ready to be more active --- Your little munch snack sounds good!

Cheryl said...

Your crock pot recipe sounds like a keeper! (Is anything with cream cheese bad?)

The eyebrow thing. Unbelievable.

Slow and steady is how I live, but I am sure that it has been difficult for you as you have waited for so long. Your patience will be rewarded!

Ann said...

I just love your blog. I'm from Wisconsin, although no longer live there. Just too much cold for me, but I have to say I miss so much of it. Your map made me realize I am not familiar with western WI at all, although I have family all over. Anyway, it definitely has to be waiting for anything load computer wise. We live in the boonies and have less than pleasing internet service that seems to be all over the place with speed at times. Have to try that recipe!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I am always so impressed with how you do this. Excellent. I love your photos, news, and stories. Hope you are well. Hugs.

Paula said...

#8 has me laughing out loud; oh, the irony! :) Lovely photos, as always. I hope you have a wonderful day! :)

Jean | said...

How fun, Judy! And I *must* know - what Hollywood type did the eyebrow thing?!

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

I have never had the cream chicken...sounds yummy. Your photos are great. Enjoy your day.

Lady Fi said...

I love the red barn.

Mrs.T said...

Wisconsin is beautiful. Our daughters went to college there, so we spent a bit of time in WI as we ferried them to and from New England. Always hoped to get back and visit more areas of the state, but it hasn't happened yet. Since our younger daughter and family have settled in NV, that has by default become our travel destination of choice. Maybe when Mr. T retires, although, as we are fond of saying, by then we won't have the money to travel. We will see!

And that crockpot recipe sounds amazing. I will be trying that!

Anita Johnson said...

I love visiting here.....your photos...answers.. my eyebrows are hurting from smiling. Oh my. And now I crave chicken 😉


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