Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hodgepodging the Dust Collectors

 Flowering crab in front of the
old Rutledge home in Chippewa Falls, WI

Join Joyce and the Gang

 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

1. May 17th is National Pack Rat Day. Sidebar-should we be celebrating this? Hmmm...

Are you a pack rat? Even if you're not a full fledged pack rat, most people have one thing or another they struggle to part with. Tell us what's yours.

Did my daughter suggest this question? Huh? 

My kitchen is almost always tidy and the counters clean unless I'm in the middle of a project (or something). But it's true that I still have an ultrasound pic of pre-born Lucy (who's now three years old) hanging above the sink and I have grandkid art on the doors of the cabinets, etc. I promise to take it down before they graduate from high school. And you saw my desk last week.

But, it's this kind of thing:

(contained in a box, upstairs)

and this kind of thing:

that kinda gives it away. I'll have you know, however, that all the knickknacks you see on the shelves above are now in boxes upstairs (but might leap back onto the shelves at any moment).

2. What are two things you know you should know how to do, but you don't?

1. Drive in Big City traffic. And it's not that I don't know how, but that I won't. Just thank me.

2. Dive.

With 15,000 lakes in Wisconsin, you'd think I would have learned, but no. The thought of going headfirst into water...

3. Do you crave sugar? Do you add sugar to your coffee and/or tea? Do you use artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes? When dining out is dessert a given? Are you someone who has slain the sugar dragon, and if so tell us how you did it.

I only crave sugar if I've had even a microgram of it. Once I've tasted it, it's all over. But if I stay away from it completely, no, I don't crave it.  BUT, when you're at a Mexican restaurant on Mother's Day and choose the steak & chicken fajita (to split with Mr. C.) so you have 1 1/2 little, teensy weensy tortillas and meat/veggies, all goes well UNTIL the cheerful waiter brings a surprise dessert and exuberantly  announces, 'Happy Mother's Day.' I have never learned how to deal with that kind of situation, so of course I ate it even though it was DAIRY and WHEAT and SUGAR, it was nothing I would ever have ordered, and I felt horrid afterwards.

So my advice to slay the sugar dragon is to not even have a speck of it, and if someone kindly offers you a luscious dessert, say, 'Oh, that's very sweet of you, but please keep your stinking dessert!'  (No, don't say that, I'm kidding.) :-)   But if you have any advice on how to gracefully decline, let me know please.

I think I'll pass on dessert, but thanks anyway.

4. What's a trend it took a while for you to come round to, but now you can't imagine living without?

Maybe Instagram. I'm sure my kids can't imagine living without all my Instagram messages to them. :-)

I wish Tommy & Smokey would learn to make their bed.

5. What's a song that reminds you of a specific incident in your life? Please elaborate.

I can think of no song (except Love Potion No. 9, which I told all about in an earlier post) that reminds me of anything except when I hear the Barber Violin Concerto or Bach's French Suites, it reminds me of our daughters playing piano/violin and that reminds me of their music lessons and our older daughter at Geneva College in Pennsylvania and the times we spent at Barnes & Noble in Minneapolis while our younger daughter took violin lessons at MacPhail. Those were fun times, at least for Mr. C. and me. Well, at least for me. An afternoon in the Big City with maybe Brit's pub after. And I love visiting the city, as long as someone else is driving.  But I want to live here (not in the barn, of course).

I love how the pretty yellow flowers pop right back up after Mr. C. mows the yard. :-)

 The last of our daffodils and the flowering crab
which just opened up yesterday after a big rain
with sunshine and nearly 80 degrees following.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

It's not exactly random, because it's been on my mind all week, and that's that I'm hoping to get around to visiting all my blog friends. I'm sorry I've been so remiss.  As Calvin said, 'The Days are Just Packed!' (the other Calvin.)

 Winter's in Springtime

Who would plant a spruce tree right in my line of vision??
Beautiful little barn and wood silo south of Bloomer, WI


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Michelle said...

Last night I was taking pictures while driving home from a ballgame. I thought, that tree is in the middle of my photograph. I feel your pain! lol

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

The flowers are lovely...even those bright yellow ones that pop up right after the lawn is mowed. The bees love them - so I always think they serve an important purpose.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

At our tops meeting last week we discussed the dessert thing and how to get out of it. The lady doing the meeting said simply say I am so sorry but I can not put another bite in my mouth but thank you. She said we all need to say that several times a day and get in the habit of when someone offers us anything that we feel we should not eat that that is the comeback period I am with you on the sugar I am an addict I can go off of it and I'm fine and that's how I've lost the weight that I've lost because I am not eating sugar period once I start I can't stop and it also makes me eat other things. I think God put that tree in the middle of your photo for me because it is my favorite part of the barn picture so beautiful. You know I love the kitties. There is no song that reminds me of my mother but there is a one one of your photos the one with the yellow daffodils that mother called jonquils because they were all over her yard

Joyce said...

I definitely would agree with you on cravings. It's hard to stop at 'just a taste' : ) Hope you have a great day Judy! Also, art from the grandkids is art, not pack rattiness : )

Vee said...

Oh that's awful that you felt so poorly after eating that dessert. I love cashews and they call to me, but I do not eat them unless I am prepared to visit the ER. Maybe it just needs to make you feel a titch worse and that will cure you from ever being tempted. If I had your woes, I'd probably croak. So hard to completely refrain from those things.

I so enjoy seeing your corner through your eyes as you share it so beautifully, even the spruce that blocks part of what you really wish to see.

And why do I find it charming that you still have Lucy's photo up? Do you suppose that one day she'll ask you to take it down? (I have had a painting my daughter did as a child for thirty years or more. Maybe I should have it framed.

Cheryl said...

Define "pack rat." ;)

I have not considered myself a pack rat, but then when I think of the various things that I "struggle to part with" . . .

Awwww. Lucy's first photo. How could you part with that?!

I do like a little something sweet, but I have a much harder time with portion control when we're talking savory. Sigh.

Enjoy your lovely Wisconsin spring!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Hi Judy.. I've seen those trees before but never knew that the name was Flowering Crab. I know a few people that could qualify for that nickname. As always, gorgeous photos. Have a fabulous week.

Debbie said...

I can't tell you how much I enjoy your photos...soo glad I found you on Instgram. I've got my hubby looking at them now regularly too, lol! I am soo right there with you on the sugar. I have to just not hardly even look at lest I "kick the beast" and wake it up. Better left completely alone. And I have the gluten issue as well. I usually do a much better job of leaving that completely alone because it's never worth it to feel rotten. Enjoyed your hodgepodge!

Mrs.T said...

I also find portion control more difficult with savory than sweet. And I do feel better when I eat very little sugar.

I know one fellow who can't eat sugar due to allergy issues. He's pretty blunt about calling it "poison", but I know sugar truly can be akin to that for many people. Makes you wonder why we reward ourselves with something that isn't really the best for us (I say even while rejoicing that our favorite ice cream place is now open for the season).

Always love seeing your photos of barns and the countryside. And the flowers are gorgeous too.

Stephanie said...

Dearest Judy, your posts are always a delight and your photos always put a smile on my face.

Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy, What gorgeous photos you have shared. I love seeing the kittens. They are so precious! We are trying not to have any sugar in the house. It is hard! Your weather looks so lovely there. We are having high temps in the mid 90's this week.....too hot!

Debby Ray said...

I so enjoy your answers to the hodgepodge. After seeing those photos, I'm still not sure I would call you a pack rat...when I hear that term I think of the show "Hoarders" about giving you the heebee jeebees!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I always enjoy reading your answers. Your flowers and blossoming tree are gorgeous! I can not drink coffee without a little sugar. But, I am able to turn down desserts. The barn, silo and tree sca pretty scene! Enjoy your day!

Marcia said...

I read your answer to the one about the sugar looking for the sure thing that works. I've tried so hard to stay away but Dan is no help. Always when eating out its "let's look at the choices." Then "will you split one with me?" How can I refuse. I've cut way back on the sugar in tea and trying to watch the added sugars in prepared items. I have an exercise class 5 times a week, but the weight keeps creeping. Some of it is salt in restaurant food. Hard to avoid when eating out.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, your items from trips is one that I struggle with as well. Do I really need these items? Probably not, but they sure do bring a smile if and when I see them. One day I know our children are going to just toss them. Congratulations on cutting the sugar out. I really need to, but apparently don't want to! Have a nice week. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I always enjoy seeing your barn photos. I loved reading your answers. Hope you are having a nice week.

NanaDiana said...

When I was "off sugar" for several years I would always decline by saying- thank you so much but I have an allergy to sugar. (and I do-one piece of candy is too much and a whole box is not enough)...I am just in the process of, once again, detoxing from the Sugar Satan that lives in my mind.

Love your answers- they are always fun! Have a great night- rain moving in here AGAIN---ugh---xo Diana

Anonymous said...

Love the name you came up with for your hodgepodge! My hands can testify to that as I've been going through boxes of dusty paperwork. Driving in any big city is not something I all. I enjoyed reading your answers.

Empty Nester said...

I can drive in a big city but I won't either. Because people are stupid. And because it's not worth the jail time. :) I'm still working on the attic purge. The Kidney Foundation came by today for a bunch of boxed. They said I could call when I'm ready again and they'll be here the very next day. This has turned out to be quite a project. I agree with you on going cold turkey on the sugar. As I eat my ice cream. Sigh. :)

Terri D said...

I can get lost in your photos, Judy. Wow. I enjoyed your Hodgepodge answers but found myself wishing I could just plop down on the ground with all those yellow flowers!

Lynne said...

Many years ago I stopped eating white flour and white sugar . . .
It took me a few weeks to get in the swing . . . but once I got there it was simple.
Vegetables became the primary in my diet once again . . .
I felt soooo good . . .
And then one day I slipped back . . .
Might just be my thing to do . . .
Again . . .
Makes things easier in a way . . .
No sugar, no white flour . . .
Thinking . . .

Tanna said...

Just so you'll know, I love your shelves "crammed" with books and knickknacks!! blessings ~ tanna

Lisa said...

It is so interesting to read how spring is finally arriving where you live . . .and knowing that here in the deep south, we had daffodils in February and the highs this week have been in the low 90's. Your pictures are gorgeous!! Someone served me a piece of coconut cream pie recently (and I LOVE coconut cream pie). I knew that I had to taste it. It was delicious. I immediately gave the remainder of the piece to my hubby and ate a bite of non-sweet hoping to keep the sugar dragon at bay. It worked this time! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Jean | said...

Judy, I always love your hodgepodge answers (just thought of this, Audrey fforbes-Hamilton being called Podge Hodge at school). And I can just picture Tommy and Smokey learning to make their bed! :D

Wendy said...

I am useless at turning down dessert - I have a dreadful sweet tooth. But I am getting better at knowing when I'm full and stopping. I can't dive either and like you have no inclination to do so but having grown up in the city driving here holds no worries for me.


Love the pictures as always. The Amish picture was awesome, as was the flowering crab. Loved reading your responses. Have a great week.

Ida said...

Fun post. - I can't imagine not eating dessert (I have a sweet tooth).
Love those darling kitties. - Ours don't make the bed either!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The days really are so packed and lately I'm doing things up until time to go to bed and that has to stop. I need to READ before bed! LOVE your bookcases! And I'm like you, I try to keep the knick knacks at a minimum and the books read to be taken off the shelf at a moment's notice! Enjoy your busy week! Take time! heehee!

podso said...

Life just doesn't seem to slow down these days, or maybe it's taking me longer to do things. I enjoyed your hodgepodge. Oh my that mother's day dessert was just not the thing for you. I do feel awkward when I visit someone's house and they've made something sweet and special and I would rather not have the sugar. That last barn/silo picture is amazing!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - your flowers are just gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I can't believe you are a rat packer! I gave up sugar on Monday - and obviously I am addicted - I am having a rough time - feel like a train wreck! I can't believe how addictive it is. Good for you that you can stay away from it. Have a good weekend. Sandie


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