Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hodgepodging Mother's Day and Other Stuff

Our first garden asparagus - last night for dinner!
Steamed, bright green, a little butter, a sprinkle of salt: Delicious.

Join Joyce and the Gang

From this Side of the Pond

 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

1. Share a favorite memory of your mother or share a favorite something from your own life as a mother. If you're a mother (or stepmom) tell us how your experience as a mom differs from your own mother's experience.

 My mom and dad - Both cute, nice, and kind.
I'm pretty sure I was adopted, but they never let on.

My favorite memories of my mother were as a grandma to our kids. She was a good mom too, and extremely hardworking and conscientious, but always busy. She was a wonderful grandma and had more time on her hands at that time in her life. She loved to go swimming and loved to serve us treats on the deck in the summertime. Both of my parents taught me to love and trust God and recognize him as the source of all beauty, love, and truth.

My favorite memory as a mom is probably the 21 years I homeschooled our kids. It was a great experience, and I loved taking the kids to the creek, laying a blanket on the bank, eating a picnic while reading aloud to them. Or nature walks...or visiting historical sites, etc. etc. Memories too numerous to recount here. 

Differences in our experiences? I had a dad who was nice and kind, loved God, loved my mom, and was my biggest fan; Mom had a dad who wasn't a nice or kind person, didn't love God, and pretty much just loved himself. My own mom had to work away from home, whereas I was able to stay home with our kids. I value that opportunity and time with them. And my kids better quit complaining about all the Civil War battlefields they visited. I mean it!

 Wishbone Longstreet

2. In May we celebrate teachers (May 9) and nurses (May 6) both. Most every family has at least one in their midst, so tell us something (or a few things) you appreciate about the teacher or nurse on your family tree.

 Daughter and  Mr. C.

I appreciate our daughter teacher in our family. At present, however, she is not teaching but is doing curriculum assessment at NWTC. She is smart, organized, extremely capable, and fun! AND, she (and our SIL) moved back to Wisconsin from Texas, a really smart move. I think she's wonderful. :-) The photo above is from when she was teaching at University of North Texas. We're planning to visit them in June and go into Door County (for my first time ever!) A three-hour drive to visit them is sure a lot better than a 20-hour drive!

3. Chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad...which would you go for if all three were on the menu? On bread or a bed of lettuce? If you answered bread, what kind of bread would make it the perfect sandwich?

 'Order the chicken salad!'

I would ask if I could get a hamburger with fried onions. There's not too much that can go wrong with that, right? I stay away from any of the meat/chicken/egg salad things. Shudder. I'd love to get my hamburger on a thin, gluten-free bun, but you know that's impossible, at least in this country.

4. Do you have a desk? Is it organized? If so, share your secret to keeping it that way. If you don't have a desk, where in your home do you take care of family paperwork and business? Where do you normally sit to blog?

 My beautiful antique desk
(if you could see the top)
Fortunately, this clutter does not extend to my kitchen.

Of course it's organized. Wouldn't you say it's organized? I know exactly where everything is, and if it makes you nervous, don't worry - I'll tidy it up before company comes. And yes, I sit at this desk to blog. And to Google everything in life.

 The drawer and inkwell (upper right corner, which I'm afraid doesn't show up)

Believe it or not, the same desk, when I'm expecting company
But we're friends, right? You're okay with the Before pic??
I'll let you know when I find the secret to keeping it this tidy.

5. When I was nine years old....

I was in fourth grade. I liked my teacher, but missed country school. The city kids were snobs. And the girls wore fancy dresses.

 Sorry, this is at 7.
No 9 year old pic available.
I see I'm missing a tooth
and why do you suppose my mom cut my bangs so short??? 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I've been working on getting a few new things added to my Etsy shop, HomemadeSoapnSuch. Mr. C. has been wondering (aloud) for the past few years when the 'Such' is ever going to appear. Well, hopefully, by early June, along with a couple new soaps, the 'Such' will also be listed. Hopefully. You will find a clue on my desk, but I know you don't have time to go looking through all that clutter, so that's okay. Neither do I.
Have a wonderful Wednesday! 

P.S. Thank you to Joyce who always brings us the Wednesday Hodgepodge. I LOVE having 5 questions with a 'random' added at the end. 

 Happy Mother's Day!


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April said...

How wonderful to have your daughter closer to you now...I know that makes your heart very happy. You were such an adorable little girl, Judy! I had very short bangs at that age, you will see on my post. Worked for you...not so much for me. Have a terrific Mother's Day!

Vee said...

Isn't it odd to see photos of parents when they look more like our contemporaries than our parents? Handsome couple. No wonder you're so cute! Yes, your desk is organized because you know right where everything is I am sure. So glad that your beautiful daughter and family live much closer now than Texas. Enjoy your burger now...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the bangs are like that because we all had them that way, I have about 4 years of photos in the first years of school that mine are just like yours... I laughed out loud when I opened the post and saw you were decorating with asparagus in a vase. THEN I read the post.. ha ha on me. I love your beautiful desk in before or after. my desk no one sees because it was cheap pasteboard at the box store in 1997, the cheap paper is peeling and I have used black duct tape to hold it down. every time I make it neat, 2 days later the top is a mess. I have organizers and drawers but can't seem to use them...
When I was 9 I lived in a chicken coop that was remodeled into a four room house.. in my aunts back yard. fond memories were made there and not so fond. i have a computer desk for blogging, a laptop table for holding the laptop, the tablet lives on the breakfast bar so i can torment bob by playing word with friends while eating...

Vee said...

Oh, I blame Mamie Eisenhower for those unfortunate bangs we all were sporting back in the day. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Yum! Fresh asparagus. What a treat! How true that 21 years of homeschooling is filled with too many memories to share. The ones you mentioned are surely representative of so many wonderful times of learning together! Hope you have a great Mother's Day!

Cheryl said...

Short bangs must have been a trend. My sister and I sport that style in many of our childhood photos.

I love the photo of your parents! They look like such sweet people! I can definitely see your face in your mom's. There are so many beautiful people in your family, including the teacher-daughter.

I always relate to your love for homeschooling. Yes, many years of fond memories. What's up with complaining about battlefields? ;)

Lynne said...

Loving fresh asparagus time . . .
Not home grown for us, but fresh from the farm . . .
Western Michiganders claim asparagus as their "claim to fame."
Steamed, fried, raw, grilled, festivals, parades. . . . deep fried too . . .
It is happening right here now . . .
We, like you, steamed with a bit of butter, salt . . .
Oh my . . . asparagus and morels . . . it is time . . .

Happy for you that your daughter, SIL have moved closer . . .
Enjoy your trip to Door County . . .

Angela said...

Aww! You love me, you really love me! :D That's a great picture of Dad and me. I'm saving that one. :)

Cranberry Morning said...

And to think you heard it here first, Ang. 😃😃💕💕

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Good morning, Judy! Your pic of your parents is so darling! And you were the cutest little girl! Also great pic of your daughter and hubby! I love asparagus and yours looks so good. Hope you have a wonderful week!

Arlene G said...

I love that picture of you Judy....pretty as a picture then and now.

Empty Nester said...

I love that picture of your parents. They look so sweet and happy. Three hours is WAY better than 20! That's almost next door. I agree that it was a very smart move. :) My desk is in the nursery until Maggie moves out in July. Unless Molly moves back in for the year her BF is away training for his manager position in which case, I give up. LOL Would the 'and such' have anything to do with vases? Or signs? Or something? Ha! I can't wait to see what it's going to be! Have a great day!

Chatty Crone said...

I do so enjoy coming here on Wednesdays! I love the photos as usual. Love the asparagus - I would love some fresh like that. The picture of your mother and father was so sweet. You were a cutie at 9 - good thing - you could pull off those bangs! sandie

21 Wits said...

Good morning, what a lovely heart-filled post. Enjoy your Mother's Day!

Debbie said...

I am surprised at how many of us have teacher daughters! And how fortunate you are that yours is close now. And let me say desk before and when expecting company is just like I do know where things are, but can never quite keep it that neat and tidy way. Your mother is soo cute! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Mrs.T said...

We all had short bangs back then, Judy. It was apparently the style. My grandmother cut our hair (and that of all her granddaughters, as far as I know) and she did a beautiful job, but ALWAYS got my bangs shorter than I liked. I would look in the mirror and just cry.

The cluttered photo of your desk looks a great deal like mine ... only mine is larger so it has even more clutter. Something I need to remedy!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think a desk can be messy. I love your desk and I am a huge fan of Toshiba computers! Enjoy your hamburger. Love your soaps and Amber's arrived safely....thank you. Happy Mother's Day

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I love the photo of your parents, Judy. I'm so glad your daughter is closer to you now. Our's still lives 600 miles away and we don't like it one bit. I have the same photos of me and my sisters with the bangs up to here! I always blamed it on my Mama. Sure wish she were here to discuss that issue. Have a wonderful Mother's Day! ♥

Tanna said...

Love. love. love. homegrown asparagus. I'm trying to decide if we would be in this house long enough for me to start a bed. ;)

Great photos of your mom and dad and you at 7!! My desk shares the Dr. Jeckel/ Mr. Hyde duplicity. LOL! Also love the photo of your husband and daughter! My daughter graduated from UNT in 1999. And, I know you ARE going to enjoy that shorter drive! We swapped out a drive to VA(16hr) for a drive to Ft. Worth (2hr) this year. Much easier.

Looking forward to hearing what you're up to with your Esty shop. blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

hello Judy, I enjoyed reading through your hodgepodge answers. Love the before and after of your desk top! Happy Mother's Day to you, too!

Terri D said...

Such a tease! Now I can't wait to find out about the 'Such! I have so enjoyed this Mother's Day Hodgepodge and all the memories shared!

Michelle said...

I am a messy desk person. Can't have it any other way!

Cindy said...

My bangs were just as short back then! Love the before and after pictures of your desk, makes me feel better knowing my desk is the same! Before company and after company. :)

Wendy said...

My desk is often messy too but I also know where everything is. I'm sure you're very happy to have your daughter closer to home.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a wonderful and fukk post to read today. Lovely hearing about your family and greast that your daughter will be closer to you. I am sorry these days I do not have the same time to comment on all your posts due to recent events but I appreaciae you posts and your comments on mine.


Loved the comments you had today and those awesome pictures. I have a seven year old picture that looks almost like yours. You were precious. I love the desk too. wow! I would love to have the last picture in my house. Beautiful. Have a great weekend.

Terra Heck said...

I have some garden asparagus in my fridge that I need to cook. We usually grill it in olive oil, then add parmesan cheese. Your desk is fine. Trust me, I've seen worse.


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