Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Hodgepodging America's Dairyland

Back in Westby for the final round

Join Joyce and the Gang

From this Side of the Pond

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

1. When was the last time you chatted with a neighbor? About what? (sharing that last bit is optional)

Who is my neighbor? I chat with people in the grocery store (mostly about increasing prices or the weather or where to find an item) people I meet here and there wherever I go (about whatever comes to mind) and with Tommy and Smokey and Mr. C., my closest neighbors. Otherwise, there are no close neighbors out here in the middle of nowhere.

Except for these lovely ladies

2. River, lake, ocean, or waterfall...which one are you most like and why?

I have absolutely no idea what this is all about. I'll take a stab at trying to answer a right-brain question with a left-brain brain, and say probably a river - because I like to be moving and like to travel - to go somewhere.  I can't imagine where a waterfall comes into this, but it seems like it would be uncomfortable and dangerous.

Red Cedar River nr. Sand Creek, WI

3. July 13 is National Delaware Day. Ever been to Delaware? Delaware is called 'the first state' because it was the first to declare independence from the British. What's your state's nickname and does that moniker make sense to you? If you were in charge, what nickname would you give your home state?

I've never been to Delaware. My state's nickname is The Badger State OR America's Dairyland. I prefer that one. If I were in charge of naming it, though, I would change it to "Wisconsin - Home of Tommy and Smokey." Can't you see that on every Wisconsin license plate!

Wisconsin - Home of Tommy & Smokey

4. What dish did you contribute to the last pot luck meal you attended? Do you have a go-to recipe for pot luck suppers?

It was probably a gluten-free chicken penne pasta casserole (delicious) or a salad. Pot luck dinners aren't my favorite thing, because there's not much there to eat. Once I saw someone bring out a wonderful green salad, and just as I got my hopes up, she poured an entire bottle of some unknown liquid substance all over it, drowning the poor greens, tomatoes, and vegetables in a long list of unpronounceable ingredients.

Looking through my 'chicken' files, I saw this and realized that I'd not made this in a long time. It's one of my favorites (so why haven't I made it recently ??): Basil Pesto Fetuccine with grilled chicken. SO good! On the menu soon!

5. What is your number one tip for a brand new parent?

You can never love, hold, or talk to your child too much. One young parent told me that she didn't want her child to become 'too attached' to her. Really?? I think that's called BONDING and what we should all want. (Yes, I was accused, when our firstborn was a wee lad, that he was too bonded to us.) Children need a sense of security that only comes through bonding.

Yep, definitely too bonded.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The past couple days we were in Westby, wrapping up the cousin's estate. Mr. C. had to testify before a judge that he'd taken care of all the particulars of the estate and all was in order. Then the judge said to him, 'I just have one question:  Where did you get your shirt? I really like it.'  HAHA. (It's a sage green Field & Stream shirt that he got at Sam's Club and it really is a nice shirt, but that gave us all a good laugh.)

Jerseys on Bloomingdale Road
nr. Westby, WI

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!


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Theresa said...

I like your advice to new parents. Funny how some people get nervous when a baby is held too much. What does that even mean?! As for salads at potlucks...I think dressings should be on the side. Have a great week :)

Arlene G said...

Those pretty ladies in the field made my morning Judy. And LOL on the judge asking your husband where he got his shirt. I am glad you all have finished that task, I know it was a big one.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, sometimes it maybe better to have cattle as neighbors than mean people. I like your river photo. Cute shot of your hubby and grandson. I like to have my salad dressing on the side, that way I can control how much I want to use. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my heart is full, you started your post with cows and ended it with cows and if the cows were my neighbors I would be chatting with them... no neighbor chats at home but like you I chat with any/all that I meet if they want to... good catch on the who is our neighbor, I would not have thought of that... ROFL on the question from the judge.. love it... I have to say those cows at the end have truly kissable faces. and of course so do the kittens

Debby Ray said...

Ah yes, it is a dream of mine to have cows as my neighbors one day...and that may be happening sooner than later! I really enjoy your wit and sense of humor...especially the nickname for Wisconsin. Tommy and Smokey would certainly make me want to visit!

Anonymous said...

OK, your photos of the cows and your peaceful country living made me sigh... so different from where I live, in busy southern California! As a mom with three teens, where the cuddles are rare and we bond in different ways now, I agree - enjoy those cuddle moments when they are babies, enjoy the laughing, the playing, the innocence. I'm not QUITE ready to be a grandma, but give me ten years and I"ll be ALL OVER IT!

Nonnie said...

Great advice to new parents. Now you are so clever and so correct about neighbors and chatting because I too make conversation with people when I am out and about. I answered from the box on that question thinking of the people on my street! Your kittens and cows are just too beautiful.
I also mentioned in my answers a chicken penne pasta, but mine is not gluten free. I will have to google your chicken dish.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad he wore that shirt...certainly lightened things up! Hope things go well with all of it! Enjoy your day! Hugs!

Empty Nester said...

I never listened to a single soul when I was raising my girls. I didn't care a hoot what they thought I should or shouldn't be doing. Most people didn't like that very much. If I had a question or wanted advice, I'd ask for it but unsolicited was a pet peeve. I quite agree with your new name for your state. I think it would be adorable! I think I need to live out in the middle of nowhere. I can't stand to be stuck outside talking to people in this heat. Our AC is almost back on so I'll be much nicer in a few minutes. Probably. LOL

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I like your advice and AGREE!! I love the photo as well. Mr. C and his handsome crew.

What all happened with the estate? Are you having a sale? Will you still travel to Westby, I know how you love the area.

21 Wits said...

Good morning! Bravo on that first shot, it is incredible and one that would be lovely hanging on one's wall even. I like that private property sign too. You always post the prettiest of places, and your family is always fun to see.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The middle of no where sounds perfect to me! So glad you got the estate taken care of. Hopefully you can rest now. That was sweet of the judge to ask the question, I guess he really liked the shirt.

Cathy said...

Great new parent advise. As always I love all your pictures. And I think the nickname you picked would be perfect. I was just showing a friend some of your cat pictures yesterday. They are the most photogenic cats I've ever seen.

Mrs.T said...

Wonderful photos as always -- I pinned the river and the building at top to my "God's Beautiful Creation" and "Barns and other country places" boards respectively. I enjoyed reading all of your answers -- and what great advice to new parents!

And what a relief to have the estate wrapped up! As one just getting started, I well understand your elation.

Lorrie said...

Great photos, and wonderful advice to new parents. The judge's closing comments certainly lightened things up a bit! Glad the estate is wound up. It's a big job.

Michelle said...

Potlucks are always a dicey situation. You just never know. I remember people telling me I was going to spoil my babies. How can you even do that?!

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

It sounds like the judge was a lot like Uncle Ken. He would talk about everything under the sun while going through a trial. Uncle Ken liked to fish. A good fishing story was better than evidence, especially when the arresting officer was his son-in-law. But, that is how it is here in the South. Have a great day.

Vee said...

He had to go before the judge? =\

Otherwise, it bodes well that one day there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you for the visit. I loved this. I really like Wisconsin, too. HUGS.

Creations By Cindy said...

Loved all the pictures Judy . I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day . Hugs and blessings, cindy

Chatty Crone said...

Again I really enjoy your photos. You live in God's country. I can't imagine ever living in the middle of nowhere, but it is gorgeous! I love water but i guess if I had to pick it would be water falls. I see God's power in it. I love when I can feel and see God. Take care - love your cats too. Sandie

Jean | said...

Judy, I love your idea for a new state motto. I now email photos of Tommy and Smokey to my husband - he's a real fan! Mr C is probably not used to being asked for sartorial advice! :D What a hoot!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Sweet cats and sweet cows in this post and oh so yummy looking in the post before, the Cherry jams...yummy~

Cindy said...

Beautiful photo of that river!

Terri D said...

I'm so behind - catching up!! Had to laugh at the judge asking about hubby's shirt!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hey Doll! Hadn't checked in for a while. I love we get lots of insta time. ;)
Love your photos and answers, as always! You do our state proud Lady. I would gladly have that license plate!! Lol

And I especially love all you said about kiddos. Amen Judy!
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend. xoxo

Suzanne McClendon said...

How blessed you are to be able to live so far away from everything. It sounds like Heaven to me!

Your photos are great and I couldn't agree more with you about the parent/child bonding. How could someone NOT want that? I don't get that at all.

About your kitties, all I can say is, awww, so sweet!

Have a blessed weekend. :)

Sue said...

I absolutely enjoyed reading every word of this post! I agree, we can't have to much bonding with our children and I might add grandchildren, there are way to many latch key kids now days! Enjoyed all the photos you shared, have a great weekend,

Patti said...

I'm sure the Tommy & Smokey plate would be a winner!

Lynne said...

Enjoyed the judges . . ."nice shirt"

Investing in our children, grands greats
with our time, thoughts, love, caring,
is the best investment ever . . .

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Judy your posts are always a fun read.

Children need a sense of security that only comes through bonding.

So true


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