Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hodgepodging Mentors and Weirdness

 January 6, 2018, from the porch

Join Joyce and the Gang

 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!
1. January is National Mentoring Month. Have you ever had a mentor? Been a mentor? How would you rate the experience?

Yes, I'd say that I've had several mentors. I've never met any of them in person, but I've learned a lot from them: Francis Schaeffer, John Gerstner, R.C. Sproul, C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, and N.T. Wright, mostly.
Uh, yes, there are more.
2. What current trend makes no sense to you?
Why Tommy & Smokey are so fascinated with the bathtub makes no sense to me. That is a recent trend. If trends are not occurring in my house in front of the fire during this cold January, I'm not aware of them. I don't watch TV, only YouTube lectures and British mysteries on Acorn, so I'm not aware of trends. I hope to get out more in the spring. :-)

3. I saw a cartoon on facebook highlighting a few 'weird' things that make you happy as an adult. The list included-writing with a nice pen, having plans cancelled, freshly cleaned sheets, eating the corner brownie, cleaning the dryer lint screen, and sipping coffee in that brief time before anyone else wakes up. (Credit for the cartoon goes here) Of the 'weird' things listed which one makes you happiest? What is one more 'weird' thing you'd add to the list?

None of those things seem weird to me. Fresh air-dried sheets and pillowcases are a favorite thing when it's not minus 20 degrees F. Of course, we're currently experiencing a heatwave and it's in the 20s today. Of those things mentioned, that is probably my favorite (the line-dried sheets). My  next would be a really good pen, and I happen to love a black TuL pen. I was tempted, when recently at Office Max, to purchase a set of TuL pens of many colors. Maybe later in the winter.
Okay, but I don't think this is weird either: opening a new book. You'd think I have a crush on the UPS guy for as often as he brings me 'presents.'
 From the archives

4. What's the last good thing you ate?

Probably the last good thing I ate was a hamburger patty with coarse ground mustard, a large green salad, and fried onions and peppers. Supper, last night. I would have said my morning coffee and food bar, but Mr. C. insists that it's not actually food. What does he know.

5. Describe life in your 20's in one sentence.

I'm trying to figure out how to get naive, ignorant, foolish, selfish, impatient, and young in one sentence. But I had a good husband, two sweet and cute little ones, wonderful parents and parents-in-law, and a merciful, patient, loving God.
Now that I look at that list again, I'm hoping that some (any!) besides 'young' can be crossed off for a current description. Have mercy, O God, according to your lovingkindness. 


6. Insert your own random thought here. 
I might not get to anyone's blog tomorrow (I'm writing this on Tuesday) because I just found out that my daughter in Wausau threw out her back in a major way and I'm going over there within the hour to spend some time doing what I can to help - maybe to help get her up off the floor! Anyway, please understand if I don't get back to you. This young woman has a three year old and a 7 year old, is currently in a lot of pain, and prayers for her would be appreciated. Thanks.

 In Bisbee, AZ

My Etsy shop and
are closed until I return. Thanks.
Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning



Dicky Bird said...

Yes, He has loving kindness and grace sufficient for you and me. I need it too. I'll be in Wausau today, I'm looking at a small estate buy out for a retiring couple. I have said already a prayer for your daughter-in-law. Enjoy your grandchildren.

NanaDiana said...

I am so sorry about your daughter, Judy. She is in my prayers-and so are you as you step in to help, I have been in that position a few times, too.

I love all your responses-as always. I hope you have a good week in spite of what is happening there-at least we are not below freezing today! xo Diana

Arlene G said...

I think we all agree that clean sheets are one of the best things in life.:) I hope your daughter can get some relief. Back issues are no fun at all. So glad she has a caring mama who will help her out.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Nothing is better than air-dried sheets. Hope your daughter is on the mend soon. Have a good week, dear Judy.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Judy, I hope your daughter feel better soon. Sending my get well wishes. I love the mural with the dog. The first scene from your porch is gorgeous and I love the red barn too. Your hamburger meal sounds yummy. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I want that mural on my wall, i love it including the dog under the steps.
as for me in my 20's i was everything you described and the one sentence that would apply to my 20's is the last one you wrote here. Have mercy, O God, according to your lovingkindness. because i needed it a lot.

hope your daughters back is better soon, i have suffered with back going out for most of my life which means i can relate.

Joyce said...

Oh gosh I hope your daughter's back mends quickly and am glad you're able to help. I love opening a new book too : )

Mrs.T said...

I hope that your daughter is able to get some relief for her back. God bless you for heading on over to help out.

That hamburger meal sounds fabulous! And yes, the sentence describing your 20s could have been written by me.

podso said...

Oh wow about your daughter. Will pray for a miraculously quick recovery. Loved the AZ picture and the weird thing list. Though the only one that sounded weird to me was the corner brownie. I'd rather not have the crustiness.

ellen b. said...

Oh no, sorry about your daughter throwing out her back. I'm glad you can get over there to help. I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge. Your book shelves have some of our favorite authors on them.

Sandi said...

Love the snuggly cat photo. And the one of you and your grandson on the sidebar!

maddie/cadesmimi said...

Oh, no! Prayers for your daughter! Back issues are not easy to deal with...said one who's been there and done that!
Kathy (Reflections)

Chatty Crone said...

I have some of the same mentors and books you have.
I don't really gets baths either.
I found a new type of erasable pen I love.
Your cat is so gorgeous in that blanket!!!!!!!!!!
Hope your daughter's back gets better soon.
Love, sandie

Maggie said...

I hope your daughter's back mends quickly. How lovely that you can help. Safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Hi - I'm dropping by from the hodgepodge today and I loved your answers, especially the photo of the line dried laundry and the ploughed field. I hope your daughter's back isn't too painful for her and she recovers quickly. Offering prayers from the UK.

Terri D said...

I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge, Judy, but sure hated learning about your daughter. Please know that she is in my prayers! Keep us posted when you can, please!

Cranberry Morning said...

Thanks everyone for your concern about our daughter. She's home, on pain meds, and moving extremely slowly and cautiously. This was a bad one. I'm doing some things around the house and mostly keeping her from bending or lifting... anything!Time for me to go play Old Maid with the grandkids.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm glad to see your daughter is improving. I'm sure she is thankful to have her mother there! I'm praying for a speedy recovery. Enjoy your grands, Judy. xo ♥

Carla from The River said...

Hello Judy,
Sending prayers to your daughter. She will receive two bouquets of Sweet Peas from me in the summer. :-) I am glad she is home, I just read your comment.

A crush on the UPS man!! Maybe Mr. C puts the rats out to try to scare him. LOL ;-)


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I hope your daughter recovers quickly from her back problems...saying a prayer for her.
Enjoyed too seeing your books, great authors. And love the photo of the sleeping sweet!
Take care. xx Cheryl

Vee said...

Your poor daughter...I empathize completely. Praying for her ongoing healing. How blessed she is to have you!

Your description of yourself in your twenties is apt for most of us I’m sure. It certainly is for me. Lord have mercy...

Wendy said...

Enjoyed your post until I reached the end. I hope your daughter is feeling better and makes a quick recovery. I'm sure you're relieved to be able to just drop everything and go to help.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love your answer for #1. I think the last time I had fresh sheets from the clothesline was when I was a child. Love the barn!! Your burger sounds yummy. So sorry to hear about your daughter. I will keep all of you in my prayers. ((Hugs))

Cathy said...

I hope your daughter is feeling better today. Back issues are definitely no fun! As always, I love all your pictures! That barn is gorgeous. You've inspired me to take pictures of barns when I see them, but mine are never as good as yours. But I still like doing it. Hope you have a great day.

Susie said...

Judy, I love all your pictures. Even winter can look nice with sunshine. :):) Praying for all of you. Back pain is so hard to cure and pinpoint at times. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Debby Ray said...

Another fun batch of hodgepodge answers. About those current trends, do you mean that you haven't even heard of a man bun? must get out more before you miss it! LOL And on a not so funny note, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and sending my prayers for her to recover soon. There is nothing quite so painful and debilitating! I loved your answer to #5. I also had too many words to fit into I sentence so I simplified it the best way I could and still told the truth!

Rita said...

So very sorry about your daughters back. I hope she has a quick recovery and you can have fun together. I would love to have a copy of the picture/mural at the bottom of your blog. A dog, and many lovely flowers in pots.

Jean | said...

Judy, I'm so sorry; I hope your daughter is okay. Love your answers, especially about trends. I hate trends, unless orange stripy cats are a trend! Tommy is adorable.

Cindy said...

I hope your daughter-in-law is doing better. I was it by a car when I was 12 and have had back pain my whole life so I understand! I love a good writing pen! I've never watched anything about the K's so I don't understand what the excitement is all about.

Lynne said...

Frustrating . . .
Ever write a comment and then lose it . . .
Just did . . .
I will make this comment shorter . . .

Wondering about Smokey and Tommy and the bathtub . . .
My sheets have never seen the inside of a dryer . . .
Fresh Air dried sheets are the best . . .
In Winter too . . .
Oh my . . . the fragrance . . .

Many “book mentors” in my life . . .
Book cases full on grief and loss . . .

I hope your daughters pain has lessened.
“Back out” happened to me this past May.
I did something I had never done before.
Went to a chiropractor . . . approved by my family doctor.

Judy S. said...

Hope your daughter's back gets better soon! Nice you can help her out. Happy 2018, Judy!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

OH I hope that your daughter gets better soon!!! Poor girl / yes mama you go help out :)


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