Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hodgepodging a Sneaky Cat and a Sick Little Granddaughter

That basket is supposed to contain a towel only.
vintage clawfoot tub,
vintage windows
vintage McCoy pottery
vintage wallpaper  :-)
year old cat

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

1. What keeps you blogging?

Right now, what keeps me blogging at all is Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Thank you, Joyce.

2. Some people like to travel in the winter months. Do you enjoy the beach in winter? According to Southern Living the best U.S. beach towns to visit this winter are-

St Simons Island (Georgia), Hilton Head (South Carolina), Bald Head Island (North Carolina), Seaside (Florida), Bay St. Louis (Mississippi), Cape San Blas (Florida), South Padre Island (Texas), Folly Beach (South Carolina), Chincoteague (Virginia), Duck Key (Florida), Nags Head (North Carolina), and Fairhope (Alabama)

Have you been to any of the towns listed (in any season)? Which on the list appeals to you most this winter?
Is this some kind of a cruel joke? We've got at least 3 more months (okay, maybe 2 1/2) of winter to endure, and there are no hopes of heading south, let alone to a beach. But if I could be teleported to any of those listed, it would be Chincoteague. I've read about the ponies on Chincoteague and would like to see them.

 Winter in a wee village in Wisconsin

3. What's a song you're embarrassed to know all the lyrics to? Are you really embarrassed or do just think you should be?

Love Potion No. 9. But then I'm not actually embarrassed. I probably should be embarrased to admit that I know all the lyrics to most of the Saturday morning cartoon TV shows from the late 50s, early 60s. Really. Still. And someday when if I'm in the nursing home in the Alzheimers Unit, I'll probably be singing them to the top of my lungs. Just a fair warning.

 Beautiful Wisconsin Barn on Hwy 29
4. When you were a kid what's something you thought would be fantastic as an adult, but now that you're an adult you realize it's not all that fantastic?

Being older.

 My favorite photo from my journals
(see below)

I told Mr. C. that I want to live in York Minster Cathedral. He says they'd probably put me in charge of scrubbing the tile floor. Would that be all bad? I mean if I get to go to Sunday morning worship and Evensong services? He says he'll buy me a one-way ticket. Should I be thrilled...or worried??
5. Share a quote you hope will inspire you in 2018.

“Worship works from the top down, you might say. In worship we don’t just come to show God our devotion and give him our praise; we are called to worship because in this encounter God (re)makes and molds us top-down. Worship is the arena in which God recalibrates our hearts, reforms our desires, and rehabituates our loves. Worship isn’t just something we do; it is where God does something to us. Worship is the heart of discipleship because it is the gymnasium in which God retrains our hearts.”  James K.A. Smith, You Are What You Love:  The Spiritual Power of Habit
 “Our essential embodiment will keep interrupting our Platonic desire to do away with the body, will keep insinuating itself into our dualistic discourses to remind us that the triune God of creation traffics in ashes and dust, blood and bodies, fish and bread. And he pronounces all of it “very good.”  - James K.A. Smith, Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation

6. Insert your own random thought here.

 Photo from New Year's

The sweet little granddaugher standing next to Mr. Blue Eyes grandson was admitted to the hospital on Sunday night and has pneumonia. She is on an IV of antibiotic and steroids, is being given a nebulizer treatment every three hours around the clock (it was every two hours until Tuesday), and will be able to go home when her oxygen levels have been high enough for an entire day/night. So far that's not happened. Please pray for Lucy and for her exhausted mama. (She's the daughter who put her back out the beginning of last week.) I returned home on Saturday and Lucy was admitted to the hospital a day later. We will probably be heading over there on Thursday.

And full disclosure: my Christmas decorations are not down yet. Possibly tomorrow, likely not. Maybe February. When I got home from our daughter's on Saturday evening, I continued working on my England photo journal because all of the photos, ephemera, etc.were STILL strewn across the entire kitchen table and I had to get that done and the table cleaned off!  So 96 pages later, my two-volume photo journal is finished. So you see why I can't possibly do a Shutterfly photo book. It would cost me a fortune!

I'll admit that I got a little sick of the whole project before I was done.


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eileeninmd said...

Hello, Sending my prayers and get well wishes for your granddaughter Lucy! I love Chincoteague. The ponies are awesome to see. I remember wishing I was older when I was a kid too. What was I thinking! Your England albums look cute! Have a happy day!

Mary said...

Hope your granddaughter feels better soon. It's been a nasty winter for illness.
I'm going to have to check out Chincoteague, but I don't think I'd want to go there in the winter.
The picture of the church is gorgeous. Churches are my favorite places to see when I go to Europe. They are just awe-inspiring!

Lynne said...

Prayers for your granddaughter . . . daughter and family too.

I think kitty looks comfy and innocent in the basket . . .

St. Simons is a wonderful winter beach visit . . .

I could spend time in tha church too . . . especially listening to the music . . . magnificent pipe organ style . . .
(Scrubbing the tile floors . . . not so much.)

I liked this that I heard the other day . . .

Compatibility is overrated.
What’s required is unity.
Unity doesn’t mean
that you’re the same.
It means you’re together.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Good morning Judy! When you mentioned Love Potion No. 9 I had a flashback to my Dad's Album Cover of Herb Alpert. It was a picture of a lady dressed in whipped cream. Sista and I thought that it was the naughtiest thing that we have ever seen!! Hope you're staying warm!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for your sweet granddaughter and her mom to, for all of you. i am with you on the getting older thought. love that white building in the wee village and would like to live in that and leave you to the cathredal living. i don't know all the words to a single song. i have never been able to learn a song, i can remember the tune all the way through but not the words.

Marcia said...

Prayers for Lucy. I hope as I write this you have gotten word of her improvement.

This year I didn't make a separate Scotland photo book. Didn't have the energy. I included photos of our trip in our 2017 photo book. Easier that way. That arrived from Shutterfly yesterday. Now I need to annotate it.

I've still got photos to post on my blog from our trip and we returned in early October.

Mrs.T said...

I will certainly pray for sweet little Lucy and for your daughter, too.

I too love the white building in the little Wisconsin village, and also that gorgeous red barn.

Your photo journals look beautiful! I'm sure you did get a bit weary of the process, but how great that they are finished!

And that soap ... seems like I can almost smell it!

Trudy said...

Your poor daughter sure is having a rough start to 2018. Prayers going out for you all.
Your photos are so beautiful. I've been wanting a new camera. However, I barely know how to get away from the basics on the one I have. A more complicated one would probably blow my mind. I know you have told me once, but please tell me again what kind of camera do you have?

ellen b. said...

Oh no...praying for dear Lucy right now.
Judy, now you have me singing Love Potion #9 haha...I forgot about that one.
I enjoyed your answers to the questions. The quotes are ones to chew on.

Robin said...

Sending prayers for your sweet granddaughter Lucy. I’ve made photo books on Shutterfly the last two trips to England. I always wait till they have half price off. I have one more to make from the trip in September, but with my husband having trip bypass at the end of October, then my broken shoulder I haven’t gotten done.

Empty Nester said...

Your pictures are beautiful! So sorry that sweet child has pneumonia. I hope she's able to go home soon and recovers quickly. I've made several books on Shutterfly and they sit right there until they offer a 50% off coupon though that might not help with the one I'm working on right now. I think the kitty in the basket is way better than a silly 'ol towel. :)

Linda said...

Prayers for Lucy and her mama. It’s hard when a loved one is ill but when it’s a child, it really hurts our heart. I’m keeping a prayer journal this year and will be praying for Lucy by name, out loud and on purpose.
All my Christmas is still up except for the gazebo. I plan to take it all down and have it neatly packed away and the house clean by Valentines Day. That seems like a reasonable plan to me. I’m not entertaining until spring so why hurry and wear myself out?
It was 10 degrees last night here in the country (Texas) and it will be near 70 with thunderstorms on Sunday! Go figure!

Cathy said...

Praying for your granddaughter. Hope she gets to come home soon.

Don't feel bad about the Christmas decorations. Mine are down, but so far they have not been removed to the garage. In fact, I still have several that need to be wrapped and packed in their boxes and then maybe I'll get around to getting the boxes back to the garage.

As always your pictures are beautiful.

Joyce said...

I do hope your little granddaughter improves and is home soon. So much awful sickness this year! I'm sure being hospitalized has been scary, and I will keep everyone in my prayers. Take care.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

My goodness, Judy, my prayer for little Lucy is to quickly improve and be able to go home.
When you work at the York Minster I'll help with the scrubbing of floors. It would be an honor to do so, if I'm allowed to look up frequently! Take care. ♥

Chatty Crone said...

Well I love your photos as usual. I blog or came back to have a little on line fellowship I guess. Love your photos as usual. I remember Love Portion No 9!!! And I hate like heck your granddaughter is in the hospital. I will send out a prayer. Love, sandie

Dicky Bird said...

Oh no, praying already for Lucy, her mama and you. I love the pictures too!

Terri D said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet little granddaughter. Prayers lifted and please keep us posted on her AND your daughter. I enjoyed your Hodgepodge. All of us seem to feel the same way about adulthood! LOL

jennyfreckles said...

So sorry to hear your granddaughter is unwell. Praying for her full recovery.

Anita Johnson said...

Most importantly, I’m saying a prayer for strength right now for Lucy and her mom.
I love your post... so many similarities. I saw the wild horses on the outer banks years ago. I will never forget it!
And I don’t want to forget the photo...priceless. He has found the perfect spot!

podso said...

I am so sorry about Lucy. This flu is awful. I will pray for her and hope there is better news today. I enjoyed your post. The top photo is really beautiful, IMHO.

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh dear Judy, I am praying right now for your grandgirl. I am so very sorry to hear that she is sick like this. So many are battling this horrid flu and in my neck of the woods it seems to be rampant right now along with stomach bug. I hate it when our little ones are sick. 4 of my family members has battled stomach bug in the last week. All of your pictures are so pretty Judy. Enjoyed your post today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jean | said...

Judy, why mothers (and grandmothers) get grey! Hope your little on is better soon. And her mom, too. Loved your answer to #4, and I need say no more on that subject! :-)

Cindy said...

I pray Lucy is better soon. Poor girl! Your scrapbook looks amazing! I just finished an album of our trip to Cabo San Lucas and I had to take a lot of the pictures out at one point (I no longer make scrapbooks, just don't have the time!) and like you, I was tired of it by the time I finished!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I hope Lucy is doing better now. LoveYork minster it is amamazing place. Have a great weekend.

Denise said...

Hi Judy,

Just so you know, I always get a good chuckle/hearty laugh out of your hodgepodge answers! :D You have such a dry sense of humor, which I thoroughly appreciate. The barn picture in the snow is so pretty. We have snow in N.C. right now, too, a good amount for us. It's been here since Wednesday, as the temps. have been very cold.

Judy, I'm so sorry to hear about your granddaughter. I had to be hospitalized with pneumonia about ten years ago, and it was awful. Even after I got home, it took a long time to completely recover. I can't imagine how hard that would be on a child -- sending prayers for her speedy recovery.


Denise at Forest Manor

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Poor Lucy! What an ordeal for her to go through! I just saw your post today that she is going home, so thankful for that! Such a beautiful place the York Minster Church! What an incredible scrapbook you created! It is expensive to make them through the online print places, and your handwritten and created one will be much enjoyed by all! Happy hugs to you today :)

Vee said...

Good heavens! I’m so glad that your most recent two posts arrived bundled in my inbox together. That way, I know that Lucy is home again. I have never understood the reason for “when it rains it pours” stuff, but then, pea brain that I am, God has left me out of that loop. Still I know that He is on the case and it is enough to hang on because better days are ahead. I am late to the prayer meeting, but add my prayers now for good health all around.

Mr.Cranberry wants to gift you with a one-way ticket? 🧐 Obviously, winter has got its grips on you. I find that blogging makes the extended stretch of winter challenging because we have friends all over ze place who are enjoying far better weather and much earlier. For example, did you see that Lorrie in B.C. already has snowdrops blooming? Good grief, they’re not even blooming in Georgia, but they are in Lorrie’s corner. This is like my watching too many of the HGTV show, which puts me in a perpetual state of envy.

Congratulations on the finished project. You may not have enjoyed doing it at the end, but I know that you will enjoy it going forward. P.S. My tree was packed away just yesterday. I didn’t do it until I was good and ready. (Next snowstorm I’ll be wishing it were still in place.)

This sounds like a letter...sorry that. I don’t get out enough. Winter has its grip on me...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

True, Joyce keeps me blogging each week! Love the photos. I see you have a post about Lucy coming home. I am so happy to hear that. Thank you God for your blessing on little Lucy.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

I can't keep up with comments - just saw from a more recent post that your granddaughter had been in hospital and skipped back to find out more. So glad she's out now! Love from Mr & Mrs Britain.


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