Wednesday, January 24, 2018

It's Positively Hodgepodge!

 I'll take the tree off the porch
as soon as it stops looking like
Christmas out there!

Join Joyce and the Gang

 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and  join in!

1. January 24th is National Compliment Day. Is it easy or not so easy for you to accept a compliment? Share a recent compliment you've given or received.

I'll let you know. (but seriously yes, and easy to say thank you.)
But I don't hesitate to give compliments, or I guess I should say that I like commending people for things they've done well, happiness they've brought to others, or beauty they've created. It is good for people to be acknowledged and helps them become happier people. And why on earth not? If it's not sincere, then of course it's just flattery. But contrary to what some seem to think, commending someone or giving a compliment doesn't detract from you in any way, (an attitude that just boggles my mind.)

 Big snow storm yesterday.

2. Ten little things you are loving right now.
Tommy & Smokey (except that Tommy just crashed my Bridger shrine photo and broke the candelabra doing it.)
Fire in the stove
Thoughts of spring
Good coffee
Snow that won't stay more than three more months
A good snowplow and a man who loves to push snow around
Good books that arrive in the mail
A PayPal account that I hope will increase soon
Book of Common Prayer
A not-so-little thing, Mr. C. who keeps that miserable long driveway plowed after snow storms and who is a cheerful and fun companion.

 I'll pretend that Tommy didn't do this on purpose.

3. Would people describe you as a positive person? Do you see yourself that way? I read here  a list/description of eight things positive people do differently-

I don't know. I hope they would. I certainly see myself as a positive person. I positively hate winter, so even that should count, right? But I love May, (except for a few years ago when we got a May blizzard with 18 inches of snow) and I think of the beauty of May awaiting me.

Positive people find something to look forward to every day, they celebrate the small stuff, they're kind, they stay busy, accept responsibility for their actions, forgive themselves, know when to move on, and resist comparisons

Which action on the list would you say you do regularly? Which action could you add to your life to give you a more positive outlook? If you're a positive person, what's something you do regularly that's not on the list?

I would say that I've got most of that list covered, but there's room for improvement in the area of kindness. Of course I have to be out among people in order to be kind to them, and I mostly find myself being kind to Tommy & Smokey, who are the ones here at home with me, staying warm beside that ever-hungry stove. And yes, I am kind to Mr. C., but that occasionally takes more effort.

To add to the list, I'd say that spending time reading and praying (see Book of Common Prayer) and in general reading good books regularly is really important for staying positive.   Also, worrying less about decluttering the house (my daughter will cringe) and instead enjoying it during the long winter months helps me stay positive. There's so much fun stuff around me - Did I mention books? and dark chili chocolate? and replays of Endeavour and Lewis?

 I did get rid of the clutter, I want you to know.
And it's not my fault that Mr. C. brings home bits and bobs from job sites! 
BTW You can get a Church of England Daily Prayer app for your Kindle or smartphone. 
It's the best habit. I love it.

 4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili...what's your pleasure on a cold winter's day?

A bowl of chili - about 5:30 in the afternoon. Love it!

 Hospital pics from last week.
Daughter (left) knitted that darling hat! (Scottish Blackface sheep, my favorite)
Little patient and brother getting a ride in the wagon, thanks to Gpa.
Tommy & Smokey & Tuppence getting a drink 

Little Patient
upon being discharged from the hospital
Pure joy.

5. The best part of my day is....

That would be morning. I am definitely a morning person. And Anglophile that I am, starting the day with my version of a Full English Breakfast: (I did say my version).

 Black coffee and a protein bar
and my Kindle, of course
And morning Scripture and prayer with BCP (see above). Yes, I have the app. So handy.
Why did some churches stop kneeling for prayer??

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

 New book and fresh attempt at liking tea.
Book a huge success,
Tea an utter failure.
(the part of my Anglophileness that I regret)
But I love my 'Robins in a Starry Night' mug.

“Being a disciple of Jesus is not primarily a matter of getting the right ideas and doctrines and beliefs into your head in order to guarantee proper behavior; rather, it's a matter of being the kind of person who loves rightly--who loves God and neighbor and is oriented to the world by the primacy of that love. We are made to be such people by our immersion in the material practices of Christian worship--through affective impact, over time, of sights and smell in water and wine.” 

 “Liturgies aim our love to different ends precisely by training our hearts through our bodies.” - James K.A. Smith, Desiring the Kingdom

 Snuggling during the blizzard


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Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!

Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning



MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am a bit of a negative nelly, but only have positive things to say about your beautiful cats and your positive outlook on the broken frame of that beautiful dog. Chili is our go to food for cool days. i do all the things listed as positive traits but for 2, I find it difficult to forgive myself and always compare myself to others and come out on the bad end of the stick. i have suffered from that my whole life.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Good morning, Judy! I love your pics! We finally cleaned out the window boxes with Christmas decor because for a while they were frozen into the boxes. I'm with you about winter. Hate it. I'm a much nicer person in the beautiful weather. Enjoy your week!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Your Christmas tree still looks very pretty on your porch!

Love your thoughts on compliments. I agree with them 100%.


eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty views of the snow, lovely mosaic. Your family and grandkids are beautiful. I like your list of the things. I try to be positive, I am positive about not liking winter.
Chili is one of my favorite foods, yum! Have a great day!

Cheryl said...

Oh, that hat! I love it!! But more than that, I love that your darling granddaughter is better and at home. Praise the Lord!

Oops . . . Tommy didn't mean it.

Barbara said...

In all honesty, I rarely "like" hot tea, but I do like the benefits it gives my body and mind.

Hope the little patient recovers completely. She is very cute!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like your list of ten things. Sorry about Tommy's accident. Little patient looks so happy going home. The snuggling photo is so sweet.

Trudy said...

I believe you haven't tried the correct tea. First off get rid of the Stash's. I have never liked that brand. Tazo and Twinnings are good brands, and they many flavors to choose from. If you think you would prefer the tea sweet try sweetening it with raw honey. So much better than sugar. If you want it white use milk. Cream is used in coffee, milk in tea. The reason for this is because coffee has hardier body let's say and can handle the heaviness of cream whereas tea as a lighter body. Cream in tea would end up being tea with your cream.
Don't give up on the tea drinking. There are so many brand out there to try I know you will find one you like.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I am so with you on that Christmas tree. I'm sure it glitters brightly across the expanse of snow. And you know how this southern gal loves her snow. So glad your adorable little girl is home and doing well. Preppy Empty Nester had a suggestion for hot tea that you might want to try. Have a great rest of the week.

Joyce said...

Aside from the tea your English breakfast is very un-English : ) Give me the real thing, but hold the blood pudding. ewwww. I'm so glad to see your granddaughter is feeling better and out of the hospital. I say if that Christmas tree makes you happy leave it up while the snow sits. Enjoy your day and dark chocolate!

Empty Nester said...

I'm hoping my PayPal account increases soon, too. Otherwise, no food. Ha! Those kitties. I'm sure Tommy didn't knock over the picture on purpose. It was probably just in his way. :) So very glad your little one is out of the hospital. I have a friend whose hubby is in ICU and has been since Thursday with the flu. They called the family in last week but he rallied and is improving a bit every day. And they had flu shots. We don't get them in our family and I avoid leaving the house during flu season so I hope I'm safe. LOL I just love the snowy pix you are sharing! We're having temps in the upper 60s with threats of 70 but we'll cool back off next week. Or so they say. Fingers crossed!

Debby Ray said...

Well, I just had a big ol' comment that got! I must have missed the post about your grand girl being in the hospital...glad she has been discharged and recovering! And, the tree on your porch is so beautiful covered in snow...I'd leave it up too! Too bad about that smashed picture but Tommy and Smokey are still as adorable as ever. :D

Robin said...

I love the hat your daughter knitted. Have you ever tried Twinnings Assam, PG Tips or London Cuppa (which is my favorite)? Your tree on your porch.

Mrs.T said...

Great answers today, Judy! My Christmas tree (in the house) is still up. It has white lights and I removed the Christmasy items, leaving up icicles, snowflakes, sleds, etc. I'm calling it a winter tree and enjoying it on these dreary days. Your porch tree with the colored lights continues to look lovely and perfectly appropriate in the snowy landscape.

Arlene G said...

I am definitely a Morning person as well Judy. Right now I am reading God or Nothing by Cardinal Robert Sarah...what a great book and it is leading me to spending more time sitting quietly waiting to hear God's voice. I ordered his book The Power of Silence against the Dictatorship of Noise. I am sure it will be a worthy read as well.

Vee said...

Okay. You talked me into a visit to the App store. I will appreciate this because I can easily read on my iPad. Thank you. I think.

Are you opposed to a little honey in your tea and/or a splash of milk or cream? I think this could turn around the tea thing for you and, really, have you ever heard of an Anglophile who did not like tea?

Naughty kitty to knock over Bridger’s photo. He needs to learn from the bull who, I am told, is misrepresented in that entire “bull in a china shop” expression.

So glad that Lucy is home. That hat really looks as if it should belong to you. 🙃 Suppose you can talk your darling daughter into giving it up?

Reading your Hodge Podge posts are always fun and educational.

Nonnie said...

This post is just filled with good things to like and comment about. Coffee! Yes. Mornings? Yes. Tea? No! I've tried many times to make tea work. I have a Book of Common Prayer, but I find it easier to use the prayers in The Valley of Vision, which I think come from the Book of Common Prayer. I love the scenery where you are and the snow and the Christmas tree. What a delight to continue enjoying the lighted tree during winter months. Your little patient is adorable and I bet the hospital staff loved that cutie.

Susie said...

Judy, Those cats crack me up...always hugging. I loved the pictures. I am so over winter...even though it's not over for us by any means. It's hit and miss. snow, rain, sleet, fog, ice ...this morning was ice. So scary. Please stay well and be safe...I am longing for spring. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Sandi said...

Love the lights on your tree. It does look like Christmas out there!

The only church I have been in where they kneel is a Catholic church. They had thise kneeling benches in front of the pews.

ellen b. said...

Enjoyed your hodgepodge and am still thankful your little Lucy grand is out of the hospital. There are a lot of morning people who participate in the Hodgepodge. Quiet mornings are special.

Chatty Crone said...

I love those cats in the box hugging each other.
I have a compliment for you! I think you take the prettiest photos i have seen on the blogs - and i love that you love your family. sandiae

NanaDiana said...

I always love to pop in and read your answers to the Wednesday hodgepodge!

I am like you- I just can't bring myself to drink tea. I am a coffee gal through and through. I don't even try it anymore.

Glad your little sweetie is home and I can tell she was glad to be headed home by the look on her face.

Hope you have a good night, Judy. xo Diana

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

I always enjoy your hodgepodges, Judy. The photos are always excellent and you always make me smile with your mixture of observation, humour, family stuff and (occasionally) wise words. Who decides it's 'National Whatever Day', anyway? Fortunately, I'm in a different nation, so assume I'm excluded... Mind you, I think a National Compliment Day is a really inspired idea; simply excellent. Remind me to discuss English breakfasts one day...

Lynne said...

Those two fur balls would put a smile on my face every moment . . .
I love seeing them cuddle . .
Recognizing, encouraging, pleasantries . . . I can’t imagine anyone complaining . . .
I love them and Judy . . . you are very good and great “on kindness!”

Jean | said...

Judy, Judy, Judy! Your "fresh attempt at liking tea" was so feeble it couldn't possibly work! If you will follow my instructions on how to make a proper cup of tea, you will LOVE it! Glad to see granddaughter on the mend, and I love the stuffed Tommy, Smokey and Tuppence.

Julie said...

Hi Judy, it's been a while. I missed this hodgepodge...maybe next week. I enjoyed my visit to your page and I'm glad I stopped by. Have a good rest of the week.

podso said...

I'm late to your hodge podge but it's always worth coming by and reading! Nice to see the hospital pics now that it's history.
I'm coffee in the morning, and tea in the afternoon--PG tips from England is my passion, even though I know it's "nothing special" tea there. The gardener got me hooked on it as he'd bring a good supply home in his suitcase every time he traveled there. Now I have places to find it here.


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