Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Bits of Life Wednesday

 Tommy, waiting.
I love that face.

I had to post this photo of Tommy that was taken by Mr. C. as he was coming back to the house and saw Tommy patiently waiting for him at the back door. The reflections are startling: the cookstove is behind Tommy, in the kitchen of course, and you can see through the doorway into the library with its window seat at the far end. But you can also see the bird feeder and the trees in the backyard. Oh wait. That is not the bird feeder. That is the bird HOUSE (sitting on top of the cookstove), which was made by our son and painted by our grandson's little paint-drenched hands a couple years ago.

The one in the backyard is a bird FEEDER
and looks like this in December.

Robin, Emma Bridgewater

This is one of my favorite mugs (maybe my favorite) to accompany my early-morning-still-in-bed reading.. My inverted Longaberger basket makes a great table.

 August in Wisconsin

It seems that we've had a string of foggy, hazy, warm days of late. I know this isn't a pretty picture, but it's what it looks like around here right now. Summer is definitely winding down, with our high today of 71 and low of 48. Kinda scary, actually, because I know how soon that landscape will be all white. Shudder. I am not one of those pushing for autumn to arrive!

This little grandson (same one pictured with the bird house above) turned 4 yesterday.
His auntie built him a fantastic gravel pit cake!

 USAAF Eighth Air Force patch

 From Wikipedia: In Europe, Eighth Air Force was the first USAAF strategic air force, with a mission to support an invasion of continental Europe from the British Isles.

So I finally got around to posting this WWII USAAF field jacket on Ebay. We'll see if I get any bites.  This jacket has been hanging around here for a long time, and it's not from anyone in the family, so in my quest to downsize (avoiding the book issue), we're starting with the jacket.

Inside and sleeves completely lined,
thank goodness, or that wool could be pretty uncomfortable!

 Alaskan Air Command patch

I've decided to give the books (that I can part with) to St. Vincent's thrift store. Many are like new, and hopefully they can get a little for them and of course that helps their work in the  community. That's a good thing.

And last, but certainly not least, is the photo I took of St. Mary's Church in Marathon City, WI a couple weekends ago.

The neighbors across the street were kind
enough to plant a hydrangea bush in my line of vision.

A bit of the interesting history of this church from their website:

"The first group of settlers to what is now Marathon City came in 1857. The area was dense wilderness at that time and the first years were a struggle for survival. In 1858 an area in the center of the village was set aside for the Catholic Church and school. That area is now the part of Marathon enveloped by Fourth and Fifth Streets and Market and Main. A log mission church was first erected and according to records, was first named St. Benedict but was later changed to Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1863 when the first resident pastor. Fr. Joseph Lutz, was appointed to the Marathon parish. This first pastor remained for one year and then chose the life of a hermit.." 

That last sentence made me chuckle. I can relate to that. :-) Anyway, to read the rest of the history, you can click HERE.

My burgandy lily, which succumbed to
one of our harsh Wisconsin winters

"Thus says God who created the heavens, who fashioned the earth and all that dwells in it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it, 'I am the Lord and I have called you in righteousness, I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the captives from the dungeon, from the prison, those who sit in darkness. I am the Lord, that is my name; my glory I give to no other.'" - From Isaiah 42 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Please join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning



MadSnapper n Beau said...

that church is so pretty and your photo of it is excellent.. love it. my favorite photo is Tommy. if I were to have a cat, it would be what I call the Morris cat. my hubby says of all the cats they had when he was raising his family, these cats like Tommy were the best. Tommy is just so handsome and I love the reflections of reflections. good job grabbing this memory Mr. C.... I wish you could send us a little cool air, 83 at wake up 93 high with humidty making feel like of 103... and no relief until November. might get a little in Oct but not much

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I think the landscape picture is beautiful. I know you are dreading winter, but we are expecting several more days in the 100 degree range, and with the humidity, a heat index of well over 100. To have some cool days of early Fall would be wonderful. That picture of the church is captivating and the history also gave me a chuckle. My dad was a pastor and I can relate to wanting to become a hermit. I always enjoy your pictures of Tommy and Smokey and especially the grandkids. Have a good week.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness I love your pictures - is it the photographer or the camera?
The church was gorgeous as well as the burgundy lily.
Even your hubs to ok a great picture of Tommy - it looked 3D.
It does seem like fall is coming up there.
And the way he was pl saying the the black soil was such a good idea.
Hope you sell the nice coat.
You have a lot to do to downsize.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a sweet photo of Tommy. So many interesting views! Emma Bridgewater makes the best mugs. That cake is so darn cute. The photo of the church is beautiful and I love the hydrangea bush, makes a beautiful addition to your picture.

Elizabethd said...

Your snowy photo would make an excellent Christmas card!

Terri D said...

Beautiful photos, as always! Tommy's face really is interesting and handsome! Do keep us posted on the sale of that uniform! Hope someone grabs it up from you! Beautiful church and an equally beautiful flower!!

Sue said...

Love all the photos, Judy, Tommy seems to love the camera. I can imagine how much your grandson enjoyed his cake almost to pretty to cut.
hmmm!I wonder why the pastor of the church decided to become a hermit after shepherding for only a year.
Have a blessed evening.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That really is a beautiful church and the flower is perfect! I know it's not easy to downsize...I need to work on getting my house pared back just to be more comfortable! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

Vee said...

Well, obviously, Tommy lives in Narnia where things are never quite what they seem. I also have an AAB on autumn...(arbitrary autumn ban). Though it is my favorite season—if autumn comes can winter be far behind? I do forgive Texans, and anyone sweltering all summer long, for pushing, nay shoving, the seasons. Your photography and Mr. C’s, too, is exceptional. I am sorry for the loss of such a beautiful lily to Old Man Winter. Surely, though, we have plenty of summery days ahead. Here’s to them🌻

Creations By Cindy said...

Judy, I loved all of your pictures. That cake is adorable but that cutie is just the cutest! The church is beautiful! WOW! I bet the inside is something to see. Girl, it's still very hot here in Florida and even with the rain the humidity is awful. I can almost smell Fall but can't hardly make myself decorate for it. I have transitioned a tad towards Fall with doing a tablescape but that is far as I have gotten. Hope you have a great day Judy. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jean | said...

Judy, that Tommy is soooo photogenic! And you should see if Marathon City WI will buy your hydrangea-in-the-foreground church photo to use as a postcard.

Robin said...

Great pictures!!! Love the Tommy picture.

podso said...

A nice capture of that church from the hydrangea view! And even a year as pastor of some churches can make one desire the life of a hermit. It certainly is not an easy job. I hope fall comes very slowly to your neck of the woods. We are having a "fallish" day here, rather unheard of for August, but summer will be back soon.

Lorrie said...

Your landscape view is very pretty, even if the foliage is beginning to dull to autumn tones. The church photo is lovely, and I had to laugh at the pastor who decided to become a hermit. We have several pastors in our family. Summer is ending although autumn can be very lovely, too. I hope the snow holds off for you this year. Emma Bridgewater makes gorgeous mugs.

Cindy said...

Your kitty is so cute!! I had cats off and on for about 40 years. I really miss having a cat but I certainly don't miss cleaning up after one. I know I'm not ready for another one yet. I absolutely love the red bird house in winter, so pretty! A picture postcard.

Carla from The River said...

As always LOVE your photos. How on earth did Oliver get to be 4 already. I just love his eyes, such a sweetheart.
Love, Carla

Lynne said...

Tommy looks serious . . . quite . . .
Usually Tommy and Smokey are snuggling/sleeping . . .
Surprised . . . maybe he is looking at me way over here in Michigan . . .

Love the cake . . .
Happy four to your little grand . . .

Like the red bird house hanging and the other one too . . .
We cut back on feeding the birds this summer . . .
Not really cut back, one feeder broke and I gave another to a friend . . .
Looking for something new . . .
Goldfinches are flitting about and I hear plenty of sing8ng when I am on the porch reading . . .
That will change soon . . . Cooler days and nights here too . . .

Loved the picture of the Hydrangea view and the church . . .

Hope the uniform sells and finds a new home . . .
This downsizing, sorting, cleansing seems to never end . . .

Happy August end . . . and September days!


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