Monday, March 9, 2020

Amish Quilts and Front Porch and Huge Natural Vegan Soap Sale

Last Saturday was a perfect day to wash my handmade Amish quilts (1970s vintage) and hang them over the front porch railing to dry. And today is even better, but I'm caught up on blanket washing. P.S. I only hung them face out for the photo. Usually, to protect the colors, that side is not allowed to see the sunlight. Just in case you were worried. :-)

And yes, I will miss this front porch and its views. It was the best thing we ever did to our farmhouse, which we are working to get on the market May 1.

 Don't miss out!

Now is the time to stock up on HomemadeSoapnSuch natural vegan soap bars. 

8 bars for only $20.

Nine orders are being shipped this morning.

Thanks to all who purchased my soaps thus far!

Don't miss out on this incredible deal.

While inventory allows.

Mystery Grab Bag Sale

8 bars, no cello bags, no labels,
Just great clean and fragrant moisturizing bars of natural vegan soap.

I will choose soaps, but will not duplicate any more than absolutely necessary.


If you don't have an Etsy account, but have a PayPal account
and wish to get in on this sale,
you can send
$27.50 (inlcudes shipping and handling) directly to (via PayPal)
and I will fulfill your order.


More farmhouse reno photos and Wausau house photos coming soon!

Have a great Monday, everyone, as we all try to adjust to Daylight Savings Time. Ugh.

 Join me on Instagram:



Cathy said...

Such beautiful quilts and those pictures would make really neat jigsaw puzzles!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The quilts are all so beautiful and I know you will miss the view!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that porch and that view can never be replaced for sure.. LOVE the quilts. I thought you were selling them...😊 can't wait to see the rest of the reno

Elizabethd said...

Such lovely quilts. I've always wished for an Amish quilt, but have no porch to hang it on!

podso said...

Seeing the quilts air drying makes me think of spring in spite of the snow on the ground. They will smell so fresh and clean, and they are beautiful.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Such beautiful quilts and you created the ideal country front porch setting with them. Yes, you will miss that view and so will we!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing those beautiful quilts! I love your's so great for the skin! Thanks for the sale! Hugs!

Linda M. Conley said...

I loved seeing those quilts...reminds me of spring or seeing things on the line...I do miss country living. Smiles

Keeping you in prayer. (p.s.) I still haven't opened your Lady Mary soap, it sits in my lingerie drawer, tmi, but it makes the drawer smell so pretty, smiles

Michelle said...

Your quilts are just gorgeous!

Terri D said...

Beautiful quilts!!

Carla from The River said...

Your quilts are beautiful Judy. Did you purchase them in Westby?

If you have time show Kevin my post that will publish this evening. It is about Sam. I think he will get a kick out of it. Sam has been away to training at Webster Field.. close to DC.

Happy Full Moon .. Love, Carla

Lynne said...

Oh my . . .
Gorgeous, treasured quilts . . .

Dicky Bird said...

What bright, sunny views of field and fabric

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Those quilts are gorgeous! Stay healthy, dear Judy!

ellen b. said...

Beautiful quilts! May 1st...hope all works well toward this deadline!

Wendy said...

Your quilts are beautiful.

Annie said...

Absolutely beautiful quilts and hanging them on the front porch makes for some beautiful pictures!


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