Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wednesday Wanderings

 This time I didn't ask permission to post her photo.
I mean really, it could be any little girl, right?
Or any little boy with long hair, right?
And she's checking out the backyard, watching
Mr. Chippy, who is probably confused by the new snow.
He loves to scamper along the stream-bed rocks.

 My coffee tables, besides the tool chest,
are antique boxes that I've collected over the years.
They're sturdy and work well.
When it gets a bit warmer out,
we'll have lunches in the gazebo!

 The city snow had become dirty,
so it was actually nice to see a fresh layer and
frost on the front yard trees.
I can hardly believe that I'm having welcoming thoughts about snow.

 Her last words to me before she left for school this morning:
'Don't mess with my ant city, Gramma.'
Like I had plans to do so??
Yesterday, before there was the new snow,
there was no snow in this area of the yard and she
built an 'ant city.'
When the weather gets warmer, I hope they appreciate the little bridges.

 We don't get very far with putting all the books away.
We need them to be accessible!

Left: books about Italy
Middle: children's books
Right: The Liturgical Year, my mom's Bible, and
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
(and view toward the foyer of the Wausau house)

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone.

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Elizabethd said...

Ant city is obviously of great hope you arent touching it!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I bet you can hardly keep your hands off that ant city, Judy. LOL!! It is definitely spring here with lots of things blooming. I tend to forget how wintry it still is in other parts of the country. xo Laura

Gloria said...

Hello There! I popped in to see you through my cousin's blog. It looks like winter is still lingering in your neck of the woods. Your home looks so warm and inviting. I say you can never have too many books! Nice to meet you. :)

ellen b. said...

Chuckling about the warning from your granddaughter. Wonderful Psalm.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first things my eyes lit on were the oil lamps on top of the book shelves. I love old oil lamps and at one time had about 30 in my collection. now I have five.

Marcia said...

You're looking very settled. Good luck with the house selling.

Lynne said...

I like a new freshen up layer of white on the grey!
Lovely foyer near the Common Room.

The mail has been delivered and my email says my soap has been delivered.
Out I go!

Robin said...

Your new home is beautiful! Enjoyed seeing all the pictures.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Yes, it was funny to hear you so excited about a little snow. It is beautiful and I can fully understand why you would enjoy it. From being in Indiana for a little while, I can easily visualize the ugly side of living with snow. Your new home is so inviting and warm. Books and treasures do that to a space, don't they.

Jean | said...

Judy, fabulous! I would do afternoon teas in your gazebo. I'm planning an afternoon tea in our gazebo in April, I hope. And I hope a really wonderful family buys your old place and fills it with love.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Great to see something of the new home - looks like you're settling (or have settled!) in!

Judy S. said...

It's nice to see you posting again! We're supposed to get snow and rain here this weekend which is most unusual for this time of year. Hope the things that are blooming will be OK! As always, I loved seeing all of your photos.

Terri D said...

It is so great to see your blog pop up in my reader again!! I've missed you! We had 88° today and have had the AC back on this week. Hard for me to even remember snow!!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Lovely photos! We didn't get any snow at all this winter here!! It was amazing even though it was very cold!

Cheryl said...

Fresh snow is definitely beautiful! As is your darling granddaughter! As are those stacks of books (in their own way)!

Barbara said...

Yes, she could be any little girl but she's not because she's your dear little one! Such a lovely picture.

Ant City. That's cute. I used to make pretend communities in my back yard when I was little, too.

And yes, welcoming fresh snow in March to cover up the dirty city snow. I have felt the same way (back in the day when I lived in snow country).

Theresa said...

Such a sweet picture! I am way behind in the blog world. The snow is pretty, we didn't get a single flake this season. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Snow is always pretty until it gets dirty! Enjoyed your day, thanks for sharing it with us. The ant farm is unique.

Country Girl said...

Lovely blog and pictures! I enjoyed the visit!

Joyce said...

We hit the 80 degree mark today and sunny finally. We have had a ridiculous amount of rain and more to come next week, although now the crazy pollen is here so rain will help. I am going to try to revive the Wednesday Hodgepodge, at least for a while, starting this week. I would love to see you there! Stay well!


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