Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Hodgepodging Hot Summer and Hot Dogs

Tuesday morning Bible study
from Zionlutheranwausau (fb)
on the screen porch.
It was raining like crazy.
Great for the corn and very pleasant to hear.

Join Joyce and the Gang

From this Side of the Pond

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and link up !

Thank you, Joyce! I'm posting this early and hope to remember to link up tomorrow.

1.  Do you think the pandemic has had any kind of positive impact on your mental health? Explain.

No, I'm pretty sure it hasn't. Maybe at the beginning I kinda enjoyed it, when staying home was a welcomed novelty for everyone except the most extrovert among us, but this has dragged on and on. I can't even take a loaf of banana bread to new neighbors!

View off the south end of the front porch
on a very rainy day
(Sorry I didn't straighten this photo. I know, it bugs me too)

2. A hot mess, hot under the collar, in hot water, hot button, hot diggity dog!, hot shot, hot seat....choose one and tell us how it applies to your life currently.

I'm sorry, Joyce, but none of the above applies to me. Hot and humid would apply to Wisconsin the past week, though, although I realize that Wisconsin's 'hot' isn't exactly what southerners experience when they deal with hot temps. Our suffering is in February and March.

Reflections in the garden pond.
Notice how the few water hyacinths and water lettuces
have multiplied!
The golden color in the water is just late afternoon light
on leaves that have fallen into the pond.

3. Speaking of the hot seat, do you work well under pressure or do you actively avoid high pressure situations?

Yes I DO work better under pressure. I can get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time. But I also do tend to avoid high pressure situations, but that's a different kind of thing. So for getting work accomplished, yes I do work better under pressure.

Mailbox at the farm and the old barn across the road

4. Hotdogs-yay or nay? If you said yay how do you like yours? Did you know July is National hotdog month?  I don't usually eat hot dogs but if I do [rarely] eat a natural hot dog, I like it with coarse mustard and jalapeno slices.

BUT, this is my favorite hotdog:

But because it was SO HOT,
she had sense enough to stay indoors and enjoy the AC

Bianca is a beautiful cow.
But for some reason, she thought she wanted my phone.

5. I read here a list of America's coolest Southern towns. They are Marfa Texas, Greenville South Carolina, Abindgon Virginia, Athens Georgia, Bentonville Arkansas, Florence Alabama, Oxford Mississippi, Abita Springs Louisiana, Wilmington North Carolina, Monroeville Alabama, McMinnville Tennessee, Natchez Mississippi.  How many on the list have you seen in person? Which town on the list would you most like to see?

I have been to Greenville and to Athens. I think of those on the list I would most like to see Natchez, MS.

Horsemint in the foreground
CORN in the background
On 5th Avenue, our favorite place to walk

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Since we visited a large group of people in Minnesota over the weekend, we are quarantining ourselves on the farm for two weeks before returning to Wausau. No reason to suspect any virus, but I guess we're playing it safe. So here are a few more farm photos. The farm's not a bad place to be stuck for 2 weeks, believe me.

This is what it looks like at 5:15 AM
in the cornfield north of the house

The old milkhouse door
that I plan to take with me to Wausau
as soon as I can talk you-know-who
into moving that heavy beast.

A little blurry, but evening light
on the bean field south of the house

On our evening walk on 5th Avenue

Neighborhood farm on a very bright
Sunday afternoon

Seldom was heard a discouraging word,
And the skies were cloudy all day

I'm not a fan of church marquees,
but this is a pretty little church in Dallas, just down the road.

The stupidest church marquee I ever saw
(no, wait. actually there were even worse ones that I'll not repeat)
was on Mother's Day.
It read: 'God couldn't be everywhere at once, so he made mothers.'
I can't believe that pastor didn't flunk out of seminary.
I don't know who his god is, but it's not the One I worship.
Church marquees need to go. It's not a McDonald's, for Pete's sake.

Okay, I probably shouldn't have dredged up that bad memory.

And now, for the GOOD NEWS:

Bible verse. More than Conquerors. Romans 8:37-39. Christian | Etsy
via Pinterest

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

i will skip answering the questions, but you needed not ONE word on this post. every single photos is absolutely gorgeous! all of them are a amazing. love that door, love that beautiful church, and the corn sunrise. wow... even your Bible study is gorgeous..

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

When I saw your post this afternoon, I was startled and wondered if I had missed a whole day this week. It is so hard to keep up with the day and certainly the date. Oh my, those pictures! Every one could be a postcard. Except maybe the church and I had to laugh at your story. I’ve heard that before and also thought, they don’t know my God.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful area you live in. I have always loved farms and the rural countryside. You are blessed to get up every morning to look at all of that!

Michelle said...

I will confess that I have enjoyed this time of staying at home. I have completed a lot of projects/gardening here on our small farm. I still have 3 years until teacher retirement, but would take it now, if I could. I have enjoyed staying home that much. Good to hear from you and stay well.

L. D. said...

Your photos are all so wonderful. I started reading and I will return tomorrow to finish reading.

Terri D said...

Beautiful photos, Judy, and the place you are self-quarantining could be a whole lot worse!! Your farm is so beautiful!

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

Picture perfect postcards. Your farm is beautiful.

Theresa said...
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Theresa said...

I am so happy to visit your blog this morning. It has been a long while. Your farm looks so beautiful and the clouds are amazing. Looks like you can reach out and touch them. I would love some of that corn. One of the most comforting attributes of God is His omnipresence!

Joyce said...

I agree with Libby...your photos could be postcards! So pretty! And I’d be finding a way to lug that barn door : )

Creations By Cindy said...

The pictures are beautiful and I enjoyed seeing your answers. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I always enjoy your posts and photos.
I hope you can convince Mr. C to take that door. ;-)

Carla from The River said...

P.S. If he does not want to take the door all the way to Wausau, he can drop it off here in Cameron. Ha!

Tanya said...

I dream of sitting on a porch with that view. Absolutely beautiful.

Cathy said...

I have totally enjoyed your pictures. So glad you got to be with loved ones this weekend. Enjoy your time at the farm.

Susie said...

Judy, I love your beautiful pictures. Right now the fields around here are so pretty. Blessings to all of you. Stay safe. xoxo, Susie

Jean | Delightful Repast said...

Judy, your photos are wonderful! I need to learn how to paint skies like those you've photographed. What a beautiful spot to ride out a two-week quarantine! One of the things I'm most looking forward to when this is all over is doing my own grocery shopping. I've been blessed with a number of shoppers, friends who shop for me, husband who can stand about 20 minutes of grocery shopping, and the person in my local natural foods store who puts together my online orders. They all do well, but there are some things I need to pick out for myself, and I need to plan my menu on the spot with the seasonal produce.

Vee said...

Grinning on the church marquee commentary, Reminds me of Mark Lowry discussing how much he hated singing "When I get to heaven gonna tell King Jesus just how I made it through." He doesn't think he'll be telling King Jesus any such thing.

So glad that you are enjoying this time on the farm. More memory building and soaking up those scenes.

ellen b. said...

Oh boy...I am soooo with you on church marques. If they have to put something on it they should put a verse from the Word of God...
Your farm scenes are glorious and I know you have to enjoy these scenes before you are covered in snow again.
Yes, please take that door with you. It's fabulous!

JanCT said...

You're so right about church marquees! I loved reading your post, and I was extremely encouraged by all your quotes in the sidebar. Your farm is incredibly beautiful.
Blessings, Jan
Laughter and Consistency

Mrs.T said...

Beautiful photos, Judy! I am with you about that "God couldn't be everywhere ..." quote. It has always annoyed me to no end. What blasphemy!

And yes, two weeks on the farm sounds downright heavenly. Enjoy every moment!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love that old milk house door. I would definitely take it no matter how heavy. xo Laura

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That sounds like the perfect setting on the porch with the rain. I love when it rained at my dads cottage. Thanks for the memories. I agree with your answer with nothing positive coming from the pandemic. Love the reflections in the pond. Even when I know company is coming in a few weeks I always have and always will wait until the last minute because in those situations I work better under pressure. I would say I have a hot dog just a handful of times a year but they can be so good. Hope you are doing well with your quarantine. Stay well!

podso said...

It's nice you can quarantine on the farm these days, and we can enjoy your beautiful photos. I will be interested to see where you put that milkhouse door at your new place.

R's Rue said...

Love it.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Wow! I love your cornfield shot. You take such wonderful photos! :)


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