Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Hodgepodging Orange and All Saints Day

When we took some scaffolding out to our son last weekend, we also took a drive north of New Ulm (where he and his family live) to the town of Sleepy Eye, MN. The photos above are of an old abandoned schoolhouse we found along the way. The tile spout drained water from the concrete floor. There was one on either side of the steps - back in the day.


Join Joyce and the Gang


From this Side of the Pond

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and link up!

Thank you Joyce!
1. Boo, boo-hoo, make a boo-boo, boo(ze)...pick one and tell us how it relates to life lately. 
It would have to be 'Boo!' because our grandkids have been hiding a really big, ugly, gray plastic rat for me to find when I'm least expecting it. This morning it was between the cushions of the sofa, just inches from where I sit to have my breakfast coffee. I'm not going to take a picture of it because, like I said, it is UGLY!
Another barn between New Ulm and Sleepy Eye.

2. Do you like the color orange? Would we find this color in your home? Your wardrobe? Peach-pumpkin-tangeringe...your favorite shade of the three listed? 
I do like the color orange - sometimes. It's so cheery. In my home, the color orange would be on an orange peel. I like to eat an orange in the evening to avoid eating a gazillion other things that could be worse. And of course, there are evenings that those other things get eaten anyway, kind of like a dessert after the main course.  Peach-pumpkin-tangerine. My favorite would be peach or tangerine. There is none of those colors in my wardrobe. I do have one longsleeved t-shirt that is rust colored. And why not more orange in our home? I think becaue I vividly remember the '70s.

In Sleepy Eye

3. October 28th is National Chocolate Day. What's the last chocolate something you tasted? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being out of this world delicious, how would you rate it? 
The last chocolate I tasted was this morning, and it was Lindt Dark Chili Chocolate.. One square. It would a 10 for deliciousness. Even better than Ritter Sport Dark Chocolate with Hazelnut, which was my favorite for years. But since we don't eat nuts in our new living arrangement, hazelnuts are not on the menu.

The incredible dark soil of New Ulm.
I should have bagged up some of it to take home!

4. Life is like a box of chocolates or so says Forrest Gump's mama. Would you agree? Aside from the pandemic fallout tell us one way this saying has played out in your life. 
I think I'm too literal for this question. Well, maybe we're talking about a box of milk chocolates. In which case you can have every last one of them. But if we're just saying that life is full of unexpected things, some good and some bad, I'd say that this year has had more dark chocolate in it than milk chocolate. Some very good things have come of this year.

 The New Ulm Cat, Bingley

5. As October winds down tell us three things you loved about the month we're bidding adieu. 
Travel Food
(The peppers go fast)

Travel Reading

Travel sites - this one near Viroqua, WI

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Quotation from the church bulletin
Zion Lutheran Wausau
Photo mine.

For All The Saints
Who From their Labors Rest

Sunday, November 1
All Saints Day
Coon Prairie Lutheran Church
Westby, Wisconsin

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!

Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning






MadSnapper n Beau said...

If I had a way to be transported other than driving a car riding a train or flying in a plane I would be right there to visit that town of Sleepy Eye! I love the name and I love the school house and would like to live in it and I know I would love all the rest of it too. Mine would be boohoo because I've done nothing but have accidents and I did cry. This whole year has been one big boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo. And I say boo to the year 2020 and hope next year is better! Love the kitty!

Theresa said...

Your travel food looks delicious. My husband loves when we travel and I pack snacks because he says I cover all the bases... sweet, salty, crunchy, etc. We haven't traveled in a long while! Your photos are gorgeous like always and thanks for letting me see another part of the country that I probably will not get to see in person. Have a great rest of the week :)

Linda said...

Such lovely photos, oh how I would love to refurbish/redo that schoolhouse, smiles. Have a beautiful day, friend.

p.s. wow, snow! I guess it will be heading here soon to western NY, I see Friday evening is suppose to get sketchy here. smiles

Marcia said...

You have such beautiful scenery to travel through. How can you read while traveling? I like to look at everything.

All your photos are lovely.

Cheryl said...

There are plenty of things here to chat about . . . but after I read the quote on your church bulletin, I can go no further. How absolutely true that is!!

Cranberry Morning said...

Thank you Marcia! I did not read while traveling through the Driftless region of Wisconsin. But have you ever traveled through the Great Plains? I could look up every half hour and pretty much nothing has changed. Not the most exciting scenery, but incredible food-growing capacity! 😊

Cathy said...

I must say your travel snacks look delicious!

Joyce said...

If I were traveling with you the olives would go fast too : ) I eat an orange most nights for the same reason. And recently I read that eating an orange in the evening somehow helps reduce stress? I don't know the correlation but it sounds good to me.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What lovely photos! Wishing you a wonderful rest of your week!

songbird's crazy world said...

Your photos are lovely

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

Yummy travel snacks and the scenery is absolutely beautiful.

Pam said...

Sleepy Eye! I'm wondering if it's the little town so often mentioned in "little house on the prairie?" Love the name.

Barbara said...

(Quoting from your blog post today) "… freedom and safety are indeed great blessings, but hardly essential for a life of following Christ."

That is very thought-provoking. How many of us have not looked at it this way? Those who have experienced true religious persecution are very well aware of this truth. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Your photos are wonderful, as always.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Did you know that my birthday falls on All Saint's Day? Sure enough! Now about that Milk Chocolate you don't want. I'll take it but not the association with not so good happenings. I love that your year has been full of mostly good things. Ours too and I know these are blessings from the one who desires that we not tether ourselves too tightly to things of this earth lest we lose sight of the eternal. I choose to see the good and not dwell on the not so good. Loved all your pretty pictures.

Terri D said...

I enjoy your posts so much! Those olives look SO good! Joyce gave us another fun Hodgepodge. I love seeing the old schoolhouse and the barn. Gosh, it's so sad to see old buildings falling into disrepair. I always think of the history, of the people, of the stories...

ellen b. said...

I enjoyed all your photos and your hodgepodge answers. Those traveling snacks look great. I should be more organized for our roadtrips! Happy All Saints Day to you.

Creations By Cindy said...

Love all of your wonderful pictures and yes kind of travel food. Happy day to you dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Barbara Smith said...

I've never replied to your blog but we share over on IG. I loved that quote about our freedom to worship! Can I share that with my siblings? It's fun reading your blog and I enjoy the pictures of the beautiful Wisconsin. Blessings to you my friend!!

Willow said...

I love all your photos of your trip, especially the last one. That picture looks like it was taken at a country church in England!
Our travel food is similar--lots of veggies we can eat 'by hand' and then throw in an apple or two.
Ahhh- grandkids- they're having fun...

Jean | said...

Judy, I remember Sleepy Eye MN from Little House on the Prairie! Love going along with you on your country drives. And Bingley is a beauty!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Again, you have some very lovely photos! Happy Halloween and All Saints Day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's funny about the rat...LOL! Sometimes in the evening I just can't stop myself from eating those other things. Then I get so mad at myself. Yum, those chocolates sound delicious. I love travel snacks. I'm not a fan of green peppers but I love the orange, red and yellow ones. Our Skye loved them too. Hard for me to cute them up and not think about her. Olives are awesome and the cheese too! Love your random. Have a wonderful weekend.

Anne said...

What wonderful photos and such a great post. I am very happy I stopped by. That rat would have given me a scare. HaHa! I am not a fan of rats or mice. Have a wonderful SONday and All Saints Day. HUGS & LOVE

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hey Lady!
It's been ages since I caught up with you here. So fun to read your answers always. I had to laugh at the trick your grandkids played on you. 😂
I think you have great taste in chocolate. The chili one sounds delish! And I always LOVED that hazelnut one too!!
I always love your pics. You should put together a book. 😉
Have a blessed week. xoxo


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