Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Hodgepodging Driftless Wisconsin

Little barn on the hillside north of Ontario, Wisconsin



Join Joyce and the Gang


She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!

1. Let's start things off right...Wednesday is National Dessert Day. What are we having? How often do you  make/serve dessert? Store bought or from scratch? 
I rarely make/serve/eat dessert. But when I do, it would be made from scratch and gluten free. If I need something sweet, I could always go for jelly bellies or a piece or two of the several dark chocolate Lindt bars I keep in the drawer under the KitchenAid mixer. Just for emergencies. And it seems that fall brings on emergencies more often than summer does. But if I were to bake something, it would be an apple or pumpkin pie. And that sure sounds good right now!

A pretty little street in Viroqua, Wisconsin

2. Slow as molasses, icing on the cake, that's the way the cookie crumbles, have your cake and eat it too, half-baked idea, that takes the cake...which phrase might be applied to something in your life in recent days? Explain. 

 That's easy. It would be 'icing on the cake.' From Thursday afternoon through Saturday afternoon, Mr. C. and I spent 48 hours traveling through the gorgeous Wisconsin countryside to Westby (home of the ancestors), spending time in Westby and the neighboring town of Viroqua (Mr. C.'s native town) and visiting favorite spots. It happens that the color of the trees was at peak, and everywhere we looked it was such a glorious testimony of God's beauty and generosity.

A warning sign read: 'Hill Blocks View.' Mr. C said, 'What?! The hill IS the view!"

Pretty Jersey heifers
(You'll also see them later in this post)

3. Something that's 'easy as pie' for you to do?

Something as 'easy as pie,' would actually be baking a pie. If I didn't have to monkey with piecing together a gluten-free crust but could use plain flour, it is not only easy, but such a therapeutic thing to do - especially rolling out and fluting that pie crust. And such a feeling of satisfaction when finished. 

A little country church on a grassy hillside
near Chaseburg, Wisconsin 
And when you turn around, 
you look directly across the road at the following scene:

Harvesting soybeans

4. Are you someone who likes to 'sugarcoat' news you think might not be well received, or are you more of a tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may? Do you like to receive your news the same way you give it? 

I definitely am not one to 'sugarcoat' anything, but I hope I'm not just uncaring and 'letting the chips fall where they may.' I have been 'accused' of 'exact speech.' And it's the same way I want to receive news. Sometimes when people try to 'sugarcoat' news, they spend so much time doing it that the message comes across as ambiguous at best, and you're left trying to figure out what on earth the message was in all that! 

5. Something you did recently that made you feel like a 'smart cookie'? 

I'd like to think that there was at least one thing I could dredge up, but unless it's being right about directions on our little trip last weekend, I can't think of anything. And don't ask me to prove it. Mr. C. and I both grew up in a part of Wisconsin where all the streets and highways are laid out on a grid in an organized fashion. So we know our cardinal directions and generally have good internal compasses. Usually. Not always. But when we get to the Driftless area of Wisconsin where there are few straight roads, all bets are off unless it's a nice, sunny day. Then we still have a general idea of directions..

A Victorian B&B in Viroqua

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Would you want to rent a canoe from them??

It was when I had opened the car door to step out onto the bridge and get a video of these pretty heifers, that the wind blew the map from the dash of the car.* I tried to catch it as it scudded across the bridge and into the creek. There was no retrieving it. We made our way back to town.

 Have a great Wednesday, everyone!

Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning 


*In case you're wondering why we didn't simply use the GPS on our phones: There's no signal down in those coulees.



Linda said...

Beautiful photos, love the Autumn colors. I take it you have moved now? (see what happens when one spends 4 yrs in school and looses touch?)

I hope you have a lovely day, smiles.

Theresa said...

I always enjoy your posts and beautiful photos. The fall foliage hasn't peaked yet here so I especially loved seeing the stunning colors in those trees. Sorry about your map, glad you found your way!

songbird's crazy world said...

I love your photos

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Precious video of those cows and I love every single one of your photos today they're all absolutely beautiful. Sugarcoat is not in my vocabulary whatever I say I say it just like it is

Joyce said...

Gorgeous photos! Trees are just beginning to turn here, but we also have a lot of pine so you don't get the mass of color like you do in the north. Course we don't get the snow either so I guess everything balances out in the end : )

Wendy said...

Lovely photos and yes maps come in useful from time to time.

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

WOW!! I love the photos...such beauty. I am not one to sugarcoat news; I just get tongue tied so I think it is best to just 'spill the beans'.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your photographs on Instagram have been so pretty. Me too on the dark chocolate. I need to get to See's soon! The colors are so pretty that you saw. That's a beautiful church. I have a pretty good internal compass too from Illinois. We had normal street names. When you drive through Utah and even in Great Falls by Amber everything is very confusing. That's an interesting name for that rental but I think it is cute and would probably rent from them. Love seeing the cows in the video.

Terri D said...

Well, map or no map, that looks like a wonderful trip. AND, if you made it home without the map, you are certainly one smart cookie!! This was a fun Hodgepodge (always fun!) and I enjoyed seeing a post from you! Beautiful countryside and I loved seeing the Jerseys!!

Susan said...

Loved all your fall pictures. My grands need to eat gluten free so I am looking into that.

ellen b. said...

We are finding that we have no connection or GPS in lots of areas around us and are reminded that paper maps are a good thing to have in our vehicle! Lovely photos from your road trip! Love the look of that Victorian B&B!

Cheryl said...

One of the lovely things about blogging is enjoying so many different places vicariously. I can revel in the glory of your autumn show a week or two before our own peek arrives! Win-win . . . because I never tire of autumn!

Now I want an apple pie. I should just go to bed before I think about it too much . . .

Nope! I'd not rent a canoe from them! 😂

Lynne said...

I have never figured out “Madison grid!”
Other than that, I do quite well.

“Mister Irish” is the best at grids, signage, he calls it his “Jack Jack” and it works great.

I put him to the test the other day, we were going for a ride to see color.
I suggested, no maps . . . “let’s just go right and left!. (He did it!)

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Absolutey incredible colors!! You are so lucky and I have to say you do take some really grand photos!! Thank you!

Vee said...

GPS can be dangerous when out an about in driftless Ohio and that is also true in Maine. My daughter arrived late for her birthday gathering because GPS had sent her hither and yon. She says she'll follow the map next time. BTW, someone's going to find yours some day and wonder...

Such beautiful colors there! I love to see them. And that charming street with the three points of red and the white picket fence...🧡

Vee said...

Ohio? I swear that I know you live in Wisconsin! I may not know where I am, but I know where you are! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Creations By Cindy said...

Love, love, love the pictures. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jean | said...

How gorgeous, Judy! And you have the photography skills to do that scenery justice. I rarely take photos of anything but food! Interesting questions and answers, as always!

Susan Zarzycki said...

Love your photos! 💖

Susie said...

Great pictures Judy. I could almost see myself walking that pretty street. I love scenes like that. The cows look like they have earrings. Hope everyone is well and doing fine. Blessings to you and your family, xoxo, Susie


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