Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cold Wood and Fish

It was just 10 degrees and very windy here in NW Wisconsin. Our house is insulated and we heat with wood, which I usually love. But today, I just couldn't get warm for anything. If I stood in front of the stove, my backside would get too hot while the fronts of my legs were freezing.


I blame it on 'cold wood.' This happens, occasionally, when we're burning wood that hasn't had the proper cure time. It just doesn't throw enough heat. You'd think, by looking at the coals in the stove (above) that it's pretty hot, but there's something about cold wood that just doesn't heat up the house like really dry wood would. (wood would, get it?)


So earlier, I was making a batch of soap and asked Kevin to smell the fragrance.

'Does it smell kinda musky to you?'

He inhaled deeply, then thought a minute, and said,

'No. It smells more...walleye.'   (He really ought to take his show on the road! I wanted to insert Vaudeville end-of-skit music here, you know, where at the very end they squawk the old auto horn - but couldn't find it.)

ANYWAY, This is what I put up with...on a daily basis.

And of course I laughed. I always laugh. I sometimes think I shouldn't encourage him. ;-)


Hope you're staying warm - but not too warm. :-)

And yes, we laugh a lot around here! It helps us stay warm in the winter.

So do you escape the winter or dig out the polar fleece and brave the elements?


Christmas Sale
now through December 19

...and more! Check out all our handcrafted soaps at


Samantha said...

I have days like that where I just simply can't get warm for trying. That's when I admit defeat and go for a hot bath before reapplying my thermal vest, thermal leggings, jeans, t shirt, 2 (or 3) jumpers and a hot water bottle. If things get desperate then a hat too and possibly, if it feels like there's ice inside the house my fluffy dressing gown on top. Admittedly I could fall down the stairs in this lot and not suffer so much as a weeny bruise but hey, it keeps me warm! :D xx

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

I never knew that, there are always so many good things in your posts!!

tlcukjourney said...

You always make me laugh!! Your blog seriously needs to come with background music!! I've missed soaking up your blog, I'm back home and will play catch up soon!! Must run 3 million errands first.

Unknown said...

Oh my that is cold!! You are more than welcome to come spend the winter in the warmer southwest desert with me :)

Unknown said...

Yes I know what you mean with cold wood, there's nothing better than get a nice dried wood, and it kind of cracks in the fire. Hope you stay warm my friend. It's a bit chilly over here in Dublin too, was a bit frosty this morning for the first time this winter.

Cranberry Morning said...

And yes, Samantha, I forgot to mention that sometimes in the middle of the day, you might find me wearing my Cudl Duds, polar fleece, PLUS my bathrobe!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have my windows open because i got to warm playing with my new toy, a monpod for the camera... we woke up to 67 headed for the 80's.. so come on down and it will not matter if the wood is cold. by the way, i did not know that about dry wood. but then i have never had a fireplace, well i did have one for 3 months in a rental back in 1967

Pollyanna said...

I did not know that about wood ... how fun to learn something new just surfing blogs!! Stay warm!

Eileen H said...

I keep adding more clothing layers to keep warm. Funnily enough I would prefer to be cold to being too hot.
I didn't know that about cold wood, but then we have a gas fire and gas central heating here.
Hope you feel warm soon.

Maria C said...

Hello! I came over from the Prairie Flower Farm Blog, nice to meet you! I live in Idaho, and we heat with wood also. I agree, some days it just can't get warm enough! Enjoyed your blog!

Deanna said...

I always dread winter and basically just hibernate indoors when it's cold. We have a new central heat and air unit plus a fireplace so we can stay warm indoors. The challenge will be that we now have a dog which requires walking a few times a day. You should have seen the get up I had on this morning when I took him out. Good thing we live in the middle of the woods where no one could see me!

tlcukjourney said...

Are you by chance on Facebook?

Terri D said...

We have 73 degrees today, at noon. I love winter in Florida!

We are using Christmas Morning in the shower right now, and the fragrance is wonderful - fills the entire bedroom. I love your soaps... but I wouldn't buy Walleye!! LOL

Judy S. said...

Brrr, that's cold! It's not that cold here, but it IS rainy. Forties and rainy = cold of a different sort. Umbrellas and hooded jackets are essential. (So is determination to go walk anyhow!)

RURAL said...

We have forced air, and about 4 feet of insulation in the attic, the house inspector said it's great. But that said, there are days when I can't get warm either...

Although I love the wood heat, the dry warmth of it, I will take the furnace anytime over wood. For me it's healthier for my lungs, and my allergies.


Meee said...

That comment that your husband made sounds exactly what my brother would say when I'm making a batch of soap. Men can sometimes come up with the most random comments but they are so funny you can't help laughing!

cj said...

Hi, just found you through Linda at Prairie Flower Farm, your soaps look awesome! I would love to try the Olde Thyme Christmas and Figgy pudding sounds interesting, (I love figs, had a fig tree in our yard when I was a child in Laguna Beach Ca. Thank you for your blog, hope you warm up, never heard the term cold wood!
Your husband is funny! It's good to have laughter in a marriage, my husband makes me laugh as well.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

My brother just put a wood stove in his house. He likes to come over and gloat about about how warm it is in his house. We just tell him the next time the power goes out we are all going to be on his doorstep!

Chatty Crone said...

Do you use your fireplace to heat the whole house - is that a dumb question? We are trying to keep the heat low to save money. So we are all dressed warm in the house! lol

laurie said...

It is getting cold, isn't it? I'm sitting here cuddled up with a down throw.I may have to dig out the Cudl Duds yet!

Carla from The River said...

Oh, I love Kevin! I cannot wait to meet him.

Stay Warm!

I thank you for making me chuckle. :)

Denise said...

I enjoy embracing the elements.

mn said...

yes, i can relate to the cold. here in ak, the wind is howling, hurricane strength, and it is minus 4 degrees. no snow, it all blew away! no moose, either, they hide in weather like this. not sure where, though. just never see them right now.
bye now! stay warm!

Annesphamily said...

I am cold blooded I think! I find it hard to stay warm when I get cold and we had a few mornings with 30 degree temps! Brrr.....
You have a terrific blog! Always a good place to visit for smiles! :)


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