Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In the Backyard - Truck Tire

I can't begin to tell you how much more stuff I notice, since I got my new camera. It's nothing fancy, and is really what they categorize as a 'point and shoot,' but it does give me the ability to walk around, taking pictures of things I like. Believe it or not, I liked this. It's the wheel and tire on an old truck that sits next to our garden. And I see that it's already been decorated for fall: a little nesting material, some moss, rust, and a cobweb. I feel like I stumbled upon someone's little treasure box.

I know some of you, like Jen and Amy and Sandra, find wonderful treasures daily, which you show us in gorgeous photographs. Others comb thrift stores and estate sales for vintage items. I love looking at those things. And others come up with the most clever crafts or jewelry, or items of furniture you restore - or recipes you share with us.

So, what's your favorite treasure of late?

I'm still looking for that 1950s pair of young boy burgandy and black hockey skates - that I wish I'd not given away... probably 10 years ago. And we won't mention the teddy bear.


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Anonymous said...

I think it is a great shot, and it shows how much we miss when we only give things a cursory glance.

Paulette said...

Looking through the eye of a camera makes mundane objects become alive, case in point your wonderful photo of the wheel.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i retired in 2006 i went through my house like a whirl wind, I removed every thing i had no USE for, i had several collections, Santas, Oil lamps, owls and bottles. i kept only my most favorite. i can't say how many times i wish i had some of it, but only to take its photo. i agree, the camera makes us see what we did not notice before and you just proved that ordinary daily things can be made into art by the camera and the photographer. if 10 of us took a shot of that same tire they would all be different. Snap ON

Amy Burzese said...

We do miss so much, and I did for all of my life until the last few years. I am constantly looking for something to see. I notice that when I am driving, my husband, son, and others mostly look straight ahead passing everything by without notice. They would say it is a matter of taste, but so much is missed . . .

Terri D said...

That is a great photo, Judy, and you have a good eye!

My latest treasure was finding my soaps in the mailbox yesterday! They sell SO good!! :)

Terri D said...

That is SMELL so good!! LOL

(though I am sure they sell good, too, because they are so wonderful!)

Anonymous said...

I think we are enjoying the new camera as much as you, beautiful shots,

Robin said...

Great picture. Thanks for sharing.

Ruth Kelly said...

I treasure my family especially my grandchildren but I also treasure cousins and family that has passed knowing some day I will see them again.

Denise said...

Awesome picture.

Chatty Crone said...

That photos was awesome. And I know what you mean you never know whether to hold something or let it go. What kind of camera did you buy? sandie

Debra Hawkins said...

What a great shot!! Love!

Unknown said...

I really like this shot Judy :) When I moved to Ireland I left everything in Sweden basically...not missing it though.
Have a lovely week my friend\1


SImple and Serene Living said...

Love that shot. So what camera did you get. I really want and need a new one, but I can't afford a super expensive one.

Under Her Wings said...

I become so envious of your beautiful photography that I probably shouldn't even look at your blog! Wonderful photo, and it reminds me that when we look at people, no matter how run down or "used" they may look, we are looking into the eyes and face of those whom God created and may desire to redeem. Thanks for the picture.


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