Monday, November 12, 2012

Pomegranate Orange Scones Recipe

Okay, before I get to the recipe, I have to admit that until last week, I'd never tasted a pomegranate in my life. When this deep, dark secret was revealed, my granddaughter and my next door neighbor lady, who just happened to deliver a few pomegranates, were horrified. Bethany proceeded to peel the pomegranate right then and there, and I was initiated into the wonderful world of arils.

So I ate my first pomegranate arils. Eating pomegranate arils was a lot like eating really sweet and juicy fruit at the same time as chewing on dry field corn. But the juicy part disappears and you're left with a bit of mealy stuff in your mouth.

If you didn't grow up on a farm, you might not have eaten dry field corn. It's not something that our mother served us at the dinner table, of course, but a kid eats dry field corn for the same reason that they lick a block of salt that's been set out in the pasture for the cows or drink out of a mud puddle.

Pomegranate Orange (Chocolate) Scones, Recipe:
Makes seventeen 3.5 inch scones

The original recipe, which I tweaked a bit, was found at

4 c. all purpose flour
1 c. butter, cubed
2/3 c. sugar
2 t. salt
2 T. baking powder
1 t. baking soda

1 c. buttermilk
2 eggs
1/3 c. orange zest
6 oz. mini semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 c. pomegranate arils (in this case, it was all the arils from two pomegranates)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.  Spray heavy jelly roll pan with no-stick cooking spray.

Combine flours, butter, sugar, salt, baking powder, and baking soda in stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Mix on medium speed until finely mixed.

In a small bowl, whisk together all remaining ingredients except chocolate chips and pomegranate arils. Pour wet ingredients into stand mixer and mix together on medium speed until incorporated. Add 6 oz. mini semi-sweet chocolate chips and mix into the rest.

Fold in pomegranate arils.

Drop by large spoonfuls onto baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 18-20 minutes until lightly golden brown on top and edges.

Best served warm with REAL Wisconsin butter!

And the mealy stuff doesn't hang around your mouth. It works well into the whole scheme of the scone.


So I just now took them out of the oven and have a buttered scone sitting here in front of me. I took a bite...........................  Here's my assessment:

Tender and Delicious!! Lots of pomegranate arils, plenty of orange zest, and mini semi-sweet chocolate chips are a terrific combination.

This would be a nice treat early on Christmas morning, to go along with your freshly-brewed coffee or tea!

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Denise said...

So glad you shared this recipe.

Trace4J said...

Oh how I used to love those.
My girlfriend and I would beg for them at the market.
I will not tell you what we did with the seeds? :)
We were tom girls. hehe
Oh your soap sounds heavenly.
Wonderful Christmas gift!
Woolie JOY

Unknown said...

I thought the same thing when I had pomegranate for the first time. I've come to find out that I like the juice more than the actual fruit! Unless they are in the scones like this though.. YUM!!! I could go for a couple of those right now!

Terri D said...

I have been having a love affair with pomegranate lately. I put about a half cup on plain Greek yogurt and sweeten it with just a little agave nector. Yum. These scones sound so good. Thanks for posting the recipe.

We used to take a handful of wheat and chew it to make our own gum! Tasted terrible, but that's what kids on a farm the corn! LOL You brought back some memories.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i only tasted one many years ago and was not impressed, but i am thinking this is delicious and that the chocolate did away with the dry corn. LOL on the licking the block of salt and eat the dry corn. i must admit that at age 12 i smoked a grapevine. because i could.

Amy Burzese said...

How pretty they are! I bet the scones taste great.

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

I have never tried to make scones, but would love these to be my first attempt. Thanks!

tlcukjourney said...

I only tried pomegranate for the first time last year, and it was only a teeny morsel that I tried, I didn't even know what they were called! But that scone sounds GORGEOUS!! Thank you for the recipe!
By the way it's very chilly here in Texas so it must be freezing up there!!

Olive said...

The batter looks yummy. I am a batter eater. Pomegranates are way too expensive here.

Ruth Kelly said...

I just thought you ate the fruit and spit the middle part out.

tlcukjourney said...

I hope that you don't mind that I mentioned you on my blog xx

tlcukjourney said...

I so wish I could tell you!!
But my ticket was the same price I paid this past summer! And usually this time of year it's cheaper to go... by about $300.
I'm flying British Airways though and if you fly before January 1st, you get double the airmiles. So I will rack up a free ticket soon.

SImple and Serene Living said...

These look delicious. I know that pomegranates are really good for you, but I don't like to just eat them. I guess I should try baking with them. One of my most memorable childhood event was eating a bite of dog food out of my neighbor friend's dog dish.
Oh boy that was certainly tasty and non germy. :)

Amy Burzese said...

There look wonderful and are so pretty. I haven't had pomegranate seeds in a long time. About how many pomegranates does it take to get 2 cups of arils?

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Ohhh! Those look so good! I have never baked with pomegranates. I will have to try. We do make a wonderful Winter Fruit Salad with pomegranates, pineapple and coconut. We have been eating them since kids, one just has to accept the seed as part of the fruit....

Cranberry Morning said...

I got about a cup of arils from each pomegranate. I don't know if this is typical, but they were about the size of a small grapefruit. And now they're gone. :-( Must order more. They were $1.25 each pomegranate. I didn't think that was too bad.

RURAL said...

Wow, those do look good, hmmm I think I need to pick some up again.

I think they would go great with your soap.


Carla from The River said...

Yummy! We tried Pomegranates last year for the first time. We loved them!! But, cleaning them is tricky.
Thank you for sharing.

Katie said...

MMMMMMM these sound so yummy! Thank you for sharing this recipe!

Chatty Crone said...

When I was a little girl my dad would buy me one of those and I'd eat on it all day. I have never made scones Judy - but they look delicious. sandie

Cynthia said...

These look and sound fantastic, Thanks for sharing this.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the laugh and smile:) I didn't grow up on a farm but my mother did and oh the stories. To city folks they are more then a funny treat.

Bella@artclubblog said...

Sounds yummy. I might just try this recipe since my kids love pomegranates. Problem is none of us like to peel them!

Bethany Nash said...

You owe me a scone.

Debra Hawkins said...

Oh my yum! Those look delicious!

Julie C. said...

I have two pomegranate trees in my back yard and this is the first recipe that I have come across that uses the whole seed (aril). Thank you and I can't wait to try it out tomorrow!

Adorned From Above said...

Your scones look amazing.
Debi @ Adorned From Above

Candace said...

I would have never thought of putting pomegranates in a scone; but they look amazing and I can only imagine how delicious that flavor combination would be. Love this, Judy!


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