Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Filibuster on the Senate Floor

Was anyone else glued to C-Span, watching the hours and hours long filibuster of the CIA Director Nomination?

Our Constitution was written to restrict the powers of the federal government, not the rights of the people. Our government was given a few, defined powers. Our liberties are many. Our Tenth Amendment states 'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.'

Apparently there are many Americans who are unaware of that.

But if they tuned in to C-Span today, they certainly should know it by now.

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky stood for all Americans, regardless of party affiliation, when he asked this question of the President:

'Do you think the President has the power to authorize lethal force against a non-combatant U.S. Citizen on American soil without due process?'

Let's see if we can get a straight answer.

Has the citizenry become so fearful that we're willing to sacrifice liberty for a false sense of security?



Mary Bergfeld said...

Hi, Judy. I just stopped by to say hello. I hope you've had a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Denise said...

Very thought provoking.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think filibusterering is a waste of time and should be outlawed. it changes nothing and i turned it off because it makes me angry to see it. not the question the act of blah blah blah shutting down the govt while he did it. they need to sit down and TALK and stop acting like children in day care.

Unknown said...

I didn't get to watch that, but I did read a bit about it.. and was glad to hear what Rand Paul said. And I love your statement.. what are we truly willing to sacrifice??

Joyce said...

I guess for me the biggest thing was that finally someone had a principle and they stood on it and didn't waver. It's depressing the way no one in Washington stands for anything. They blow whatever way the winds of popularity blow.

Suzan said...

All OUR government needs to do(rewrite) and say is NO!! Not on American soil!! At this point - in the last several years- Washington doesn't seem to realize that we have a constitution or they do not feel like the rules apply to them!! It's very scarie the mentality that is in DC!!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Good for both of our state senators....neither of them supported Rand Paul and I'm disgusted that they didn't.

Donna said...

God bless Senator Rand Paul for standing up for us and the Constitution! The expanded powers of the Federal government are wildly out of control. And the people currently in power have a frightening view that we are to serve and obey them, rather than the other way around.

Unknown said...

Things are crazy these days. Thanks for saying hi. Hope you are having a good day. I take care of baby. That's my job lately :)

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Whether one is liberal, libertarian, middle of the road, or conservative we should be concerned with Eric Holder's interpretation of the use of drones on American soil.

Scary. No trial.

Rand Paul is correct.

Ruth Kelly said...

Not on American soil!

Olive said...

It is very distressing. I just about cannot watch the news. I do read the news to stay informed. Of course it is all slanted one way or the other.

Terri D said...

I agree with you (and Donna). I did not watch it, however. God bless Rand Paul.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Rand Paul makes great sense to me. Most Americans don't even pay attention to politics, and that's why things are going downhill. The founders gave us a great opportunity to govern ourselves, but we've become so apathetic and lazy, we are going to lose it all. We don't take the responsibility seriously enough.


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