Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Colors in our Neighborhood

 Barn on 18th

This past week was gorgeous here. I think as of today, we're heading down the other side of brilliant color, but we knew it couldn't last forever. It was such a blessing to have it as long as we did, without any storms to take the leaves before they had a chance to reach peak color.

Thought I'd end the week with some shots of our neighborhood, taken the week of October 7.

 4th Street
  The road may look straight from here, but trust the sign! 

We always called them 'roads' when I was a kid, and 'street' was used for town or city. Now everything's a street unless it's a highway or freeway. I'm not complaining, for the most important thing to me is that Barron County has all its streets (aka roads) numbered in logical order, so that you can determine from an address (which number is the same as the fire number, btw) how far the location is north of the south county line border and how far east of the west county line border. Streets run south to north. Avenues run west to east. All streets and avenues are numbered from the SW corner of the county.

Okay, I realize that the above paragraph is probably totally confusing and no one but me finds that information thrilling.

But this is why I do not need a map, nor do I need a GPS, as long as I stay within Barron County. Cross the county line into Dunn County and all bets are off. Their mapping system (no, I actually don't think there is a system to it at all) is totally crazy. (IMHO, of course).

 Birch and Sumac on Fifth Avenue
Why does this remind me of a line of ballerinas?

6 PM Light (appx. 7th Avenue - I wasn't paying attention to the signs)

Hill on 18th Street

Sheep on One-Half Avenue
They're not just for England anymore.

Tree Tunnel on One-Half Avenue

Neighbor Bill's Shed and Maples

 Sumac - just about everywhere


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Have a great weekend, everyone!



Elizabeth Edwards said...

awesome colors. you live in a gorgeous area. right now we have a bit of color & i know it will only get better. i know it!! i LOVE FALL! ( :

have a great weekend, Mrs. Cranberry!!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Oh my, what a beautiful area you live in. Our trees are just turning so hopefully we have a lot of beauty ahead. xo Laura

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

So beautiful! Have a great weekend!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You have so many pretty maples and plants like sumac and other weeds can be pretty with Fall colors, too. We're looking forward to going up in the mountains soon to see the colors and drive some of those winding roads! The streets here in FL are the most confusing I've ever seen. There are some that are...example...111 SW St. Ave. What's with that? A street AND an avenue! heehee!

TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous color! thanks for sharing it with those of us who don't get much. love that sumac!

Vee said...

Well that is gorgeous color! I appreciate the discussion about a well planned county road system. It's cow path alley up here!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was trying to remember each one and what was in it so i could say it was my favorite. guess what, they are ALL my favorites, love the colors and the hills and another guess what.
i fully understand the streets and avenues and i can travel here and find anything with no map. St Petersburg Fl is the best for this i have ever seen. i lived there for 4 years and loved it
the streets are numbered from 1 to 128 starting at the bay and going to the gulf. so yes i love that paragraph

Terri D said...

Truly breathtaking. We had a big maple tree in our backyard, when I was a kid. I loved the fall colors (and had my reading platform up in the branches!) You live in a beautiful place, but I sure don't envy you when the snow starts!!

Thanks for sharing your photos!! Wishing you a good weekend.

Nancy said...

The landscape in your area is just beautiful....You have certainly had wonderful color decorating your fall this year....I love the sheep picture; being a spinner I love their fiber....

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Such gorgeous color!

Smalltowngiggles said...

Fall is my favorite season. We were in Prairie Du Chein last week and the trees were just starting to turn. Bet they are very pretty now.

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

beautiful pictures. The colors look amazing

Chatty Crone said...

There is nothing as beautiful as a fall in the north - you have much prettier colors then we do!

20 North Ora said...

Oh Judy - what gorgeous colors! Our leaves are not turning yet - probably within the next week or so they'll start changing. Your part of the country is so pretty.


Grandma Barb's This and That said...

You've had beautiful Fall color there! Ours has been pretty dull this year. I think it is because we are so dry. The prettiest colors I've seen were the ones I took up around Onamia last weekend.
The barn and the fall colors in the first photo is my favorite!

Diane said...


Bernideen said...

What a beautiful fall you are enjoying!!!

Under Her Wings said...

Oh, to have been in Wisconsin last week! We are heading to Jasper, AR, next weekend to stay a couple of days and view the fall foliage. It has been warmer than usual here; we're hoping it has changed colors.

Judy said...

Great photo series. Your colors are WAY more vibrant than ours, we have to search for some color here ;)

Lita said...

OMG! He has created such beauty. If I could only have your Fall colors without the winters, I'd live right there with you. Don't ever take those color for granted.

Linda @ Tumbleweed Contessa

Fun60 said...

What amazing colours.

Donna said...

You fall photos of the countryside are glorious! Thank you for sharing!

Lynn Blaylock said...

You have captured Autumn in it's full array of color. I've never been to Wisconsin but you sure make me want to take the drive. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pics.

By the Way...we still call them roads around here...

Have a blessed weekend!

Carla from The River said...

Now, we are really going to have to have tea and pie together and discuss Barron Counties roads! ;-) I am not a Barron County native, so I had a real hard time figuring out the system. Especially, when a road just ends! And there was no Dead End sign. LOL

Love Ya! Great Photos. :-)

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

The pictures are gorgeous. I love those colours.
I cannot imagine numbering the streets (though I thougt it was very convenient in NYC). Here all the streets have names and the only disticntion I can make is that if it's a weird name, it's an old street, if it's a pretty easy name like a musician's or painter's, it's a new street! Thanks God I have a GPS!!!

podso said...

Thank you for sharing your beauty! "Our color" hasn't started much at all yet -- very unusual and not sure what it is attributed to. But it will come but maybe not as colorful as yours! I understand about your street system having grown up near Chicago. In my husbands little town it's all Alphabet one direction and numbers the other.

Here where I live now there's a rare straight street and just for fun the roads change names every few miles.

Samantha said...

Sheep are for all countries :P

Jean | said...

With your being used to such a super simple street system, you must go nuts in England where street names seem to change with every little curve in the road. Gorgeous photos, as usual, but especially the little lamb!

Suzan said...

You have fall!! Your colors are lovely and very bright!! This is the bestest time of year!!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Beautiful! I don't think we are going to the vibrant colors we got last year here. Our nights don't get cold enough before all the leaves fall. This week is a bit cooler though. Thanks for sharing your wonderful autumn colors!

Cynthia said...

These are just gorgeous pictures. Loving the barn and your neighbors shed. The goat is a cutie. You must really love seeing all that beautiful color every fall.


Karen said...

These are wonderful views of the fall colors. I am anxious for the peak of the color here. Hope to get see lots of color this coming weekend.


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