Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Plant Ladder - Bringing Plants Indoors for the Winter

It's that time of year, time to bring those sweet little (or huge) plants in from outdoors where they enjoyed the sun and rain for four months. I had already brought in the spider plant and had it hanging from a long hook in the corner, but it was a pain to try to water it. I needed it down lower for easy access.

I've seen the ladders that bloggers have decorated for Christmas and other seasons, and always thought that was pretty clever. Also beautiful. They'd gone to great pains to refinish the ladder into shabby chic or whatever. I did not have a decent wood ladder available. Actually, there was a smaller wood one I could have used, but I'm pretty sure it would have collapsed under the weight of my plants. It was in bad shape.

So, the ladder I used is actually my very favorite ladder, for it's aluminum - very lightweight but strong. It's the perfect ladder for me, cuz it's easy to carry from point A to point B. And that brings one to the natural question, 'So why did you use it for plants?'  The answer, simply, is because it's the one ladder Kevin doesn't use or need. And it was there.

I was in a big hurry to get this done, so I did dust it a little afterwards (I want you to know!), but didn't actually take time to do anything with it other than place a white bookshelf across the top shelf (the paint tray) and balance two plants on it. Then I pulled up my last two cayenne plants, tied them with macrame cord, and hung them from the ladder. My peppermint also needed picking, so that was next. Both will dry naturally as fall wears on. When the peppermint dries, I'll put it in an old Mason jar.

A Yankee candle on top, an vintage egg crate and milk can underneath, and I think we're set. Look at that crazy wild rosemary in front of the patio doors!

This spider plant was sitting out on a stump all summer, and had grown a ton of new stems (?) with buds. It is loaded with babies!

(Oregano, Carmen Peppers, and Orange Peel
Dried, on Table)

I made sure to put the oregano plant on the window seat in our bedroom. It's Tuppence's favorite. And no, I don't use the cat-chewed oregano for cooking. (I know what you were thinking ;-)  I've already harvested and dried the oregano for the kitchen. (See table above.) The oregano plant is Tuppence's special treat. I'll awaken at night to hear her chomping away. Crazy kitty.

 A couple winters ago

P.S. If I come across another ladder that would work just as well, I'll probably switch ladders. I already know I'm going to miss having my lightweight aluminum ladder to use for projects.


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This post may be linked to one or more of the following: Mop it Up Monday  and Mosaic Monday and Barn Hop and  Get in My Tummy and  Cure for the Common Monday and  Clever Chicks Blog Hop and  Barn Charm and  The Marketplace  and  Mix it up Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and    Making the World Cuter Mondays and Make the Scene Monday and  Something I Whipped Up Monday and  Motivate Me Monday and  Making Monday Marvelous and Get Your Craft On and Efforts and Assets and   You're Gonna Love it Tuesday and Knick of Time Tuesday and  Creative Showcase and Memories by the Mile and Crafty Texas Girls and  Tweak it Tuesday and  Coastal Charm Tuesday and  Take a Look Tuesday and  Tasty Tuesday  and Love Bakes Good Cakes and Mom on TimeOut  and Adorned from Above and Wildcrafting Wednesday and   Cast Party Wednesday and  We Did it Wednesday  and Whatever Goes Wednesday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday  and The Girl Creative, Thursday and  Creative Things Thursday and Be Inspired and Time Travel Thursday and Thrifty Things Friday  and  Friday Fences and  Thursday's Inspiration and  The Self-sufficient Home Acre and  I'm Lovin' it Thursday and Creative Things Thursday and   Mandatory Mooch   and Foodie Friends Friday and Freedom Fridays and From the Farm and   Anything Blue Friday and Junkin' Joe and  Serenity Saturday and Get Schooled Saturday  and Inspiration Friday(ThursNite) and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Photo Friday and Share Your Creativity and   A Favorite Thing Saturday and Sunny Simple Sunday and Sunlit Sunday and  Market Yourself Monday and  Saturday Nite Specia


Unknown said...

Love it! What healthy plants! I need to bring mine in. I can only fit a few in the house. The rest go... to my classroom! How convenient! Love the egg crate!!!

Love and Hugs!!!

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

You, my friend, are brilliant!! What a great idea, and if you don't mind, I'm going to copy it. Do you think Greg and Brandon will notice a ladder missing from off the siding trailer? It's supposed to freeze here later in the week so I can't put off bringing all the plants in any longer.

Paulette said...

What a clever, functional and decorative idea. You my friend have a green thumb.

Unknown said...

I think it looks great! Oh sure, you could find something more fancy and painted, but why? This seems to work just as well.. and I think it looks lovely with the plants on it!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all your hard work saves the plants and looks great and will be a bright spot during the winter months and the big plus is you made the crazy kittie happy.. great idea with the ladder.

Diane said...

Looks very nice-- lucky you have the space for it. And who could argue with your reasons??? Your plants certainly are thriving!

Muffy's Marks said...

Your plants did well outdoors for the summer. Love your ladder, with its lush greenery.

Donna said...

Using a ladder is a good solution for plant display!

Nancy said...

This is a smart and creative solution to bringing your plants in for the winter. They will be so much easier to water this way..

Susie said...

That is too funny about the cat. You sure have some nice plants too. Hope you are having a good week so far. xoxo,Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That is a great idea because it's also good for the hanging plants. It's always a challenge to find a place for all the plants with good lighting. I love the ladder idea. You have a green thumb my friend!

TexWisGirl said...

i like my lightweight aluminum step-ladder, too. the old wooden one was too dang heavy! leaned it up against a tree (back when we had kittens). left it there for them to climb and it eventually rotted and had to be thrown on the burn pile.

Ruth Kelly said...

I have one tomato plant which I have not taken out yet. I tried a recipe for fried green tomatoes but takes me back to when I ate more fried food and now I just do not. I did have to cover my tomato plants one night but so far, got lots of green tomatoes waiting to turn.

Terri D said...

What a great idea! It looks terrific, Judy. Our cats would be trying to climb the ladder to get at the plants though. I can't even have a bouquet of fresh flowers in the house. I love seeing how you used the shelf, though, and put the crate under it. Very clever!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love this idea! I need a lightweight ladder. I have all my plants brought in and had a hard time finding a place for all of them. I do have a little step ladder that I painted and have one plant on.

Sherry from Alabama said...

You have a wonderful spot for your beautiful plants. I know they'll enjoy their winter!

tlcukjourney said...

I love this look!
I don't know how you keep your cat from knocking everything over! They love to get into things don't they?!?
It's still hot here in Texas, I would love to trade weather just for a day~
Much love,

podso said...

You did a great job! It looks very good and I like the metal aspect of it.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the milk carton. so cool. my mom has a couple similar. very green.

i wonder if the candle smells delicious? ( :

NanaDiana said...

Judy- What a great idea. Love it. Great minds think alike (or Wisconsin minds do). I started bringing my plants in this morning, too. I am trying to find a place for all of them. xo Diana

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

It's cute!

A non metal ladder is best for outside due to electrical hazards.

My spouse's is made of fiberglass. I think many ladders are now. But you probably know that, because I think you said your family is in construction.

Chatty Crone said...

I think it looks great. You could add pumpkin for Halloween or a Turkey when Thanksgiving came. How do you water them in baskets and they don't leak? I love your kitchen! Love the yellow. sandie

Olive said...

Great solution to use the ladder. I have numerous plants to bring inside. I have some time til first frost though. Some go into our shed as our winters are so mild. I cannot get them all into the house.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I think it looks great and good for you for using what you have. xo Laura

Carla from The River said...

I like your idea. It looks nice and will add summer to your house all winter long. (sorry I had to say that word) ;-)

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness said...

I love how you used you ladder for your plants, it looks very nice.

Our photos said...

Lovely idea and You have make beautiful photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

Angie @ Knick of Time said...

I love your ladder, but I'm really just envious that you have such beautiful plants! I always manage to kill them before they get very large!

Judy S. said...

Good reminder! We need to bring stuff in this weekend and get the spring bulbs planted also. Thanks.


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