Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Into The Woods

I told my daughter that we were going out to the woods today. She said, 'You'd better go in disguise.'*
I can always count on my kids to come through when I give them a good setup like that. :-)

These photos are from October 12, which I had thought was Columbus Day, but I guess it shifts from year to year. And oddly enough, in 1984, I was expecting to deliver a baby on October 12, but she came early - September 26. Not that anyone needed to know that, but the date rang a happy bell for me.

Is This Chicken-of-the-Woods?
It looks like giant candy corn!

Look at all the varieties of lichen and fungi**! I think they're all so pretty and interesting. And I love the smell of a woods in autumn. Kevin reminded me that it is the smell of everything dying. (Thank you, Kevin.) Oh well, it smells rich and wonderful. I only wish that a mouse dying inside the walls in the winter smelled as good.

Waiting for me to get help
(just kidding, of course)

Walking out of the Woods
to a gorgeous October sky

So is it autumn where you are? Yes, I realize that technically it is, but I'm talking about the cooler weather and beautiful leaves. And did you, or are you, going to get a walk in the woods? It's so worth it! I love the rustling of the crisp leaves and being able to enjoy the woods - after all the mosquitoes are gone!

Neighbor Bill's Triangle
Across the highway from our house
This piece of land is gorgeous in every season of the year!

It was 27 degrees here this morning and it was snowing about an hour ago. I think we're supposed to have frost every night this week.  Autumn, as we know it here in NW Wisconsin, is quickly sliding into winter.

*From 'The Teddy Bears' Picnic' ♫

**So what's the difference between lichen and fungi?

1. Lichens are composite organisms composed of algal (phycobiont) and fungal(mycobiont) partners.
2. Here thallus organization is complex type with upper cortex, medulla, lower cortex and root-like rhizines.
3. The partners are intimate combination, showing mutualism or symbiosis.
4. Special structures like isidia, soredia, etc. are formed for vegetative reproduction.
1. Fungi are non-chlorophyllous thallophytes.
2. Thallus is mycelia, made up of threads-like hyphae.
3. These are heterotrophs, live either as saprophytes or as parasite.
4. No such structure is found in fungi."

There! Aren't you glad I cleared that up for you?!

BTW, that came from preservearticles.com


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Unknown said...

Gorgeous photos, Judy!! I love the area where you live.. too bad you get so much cold and snow, otherwise I would want to live there :)
Although we have had cooler weather here, I can't really say it's autumn yet... but that's what everyone else is calling it here!

Samantha said...

Snow?! Oh no!! That was a short reprieve for you! It's been around the low 50's here recently, although I've heard a long range forecast saying we'll be snowed in all November. We don't usually get snow til January, so maybe I'll have to follow your advice and get some supplies together!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we woke up to 71 and headed for 86 today.. these woods are so beautiful and you found so much to show us. i love the candy corn you found in your woods. if i were there i would most definitely want to walk there. this reminds me of where we lived in KY... could have been the same valley we lived in... i like all the close up shots a lot. and handsome dude holding up that tree while waiting on the photographer.

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

Ice on the cars this morning here! Your photos are gorgeous - I can smell the woods from here :-)

Vee said...

Uh? = D

Yes, it is autumn looking a lot like yours only more leaves have fallen and the frost has come...no snow!

No, it is hunting season and we are not inclined to walk in the woods, though I would certainly enjoy it.

The Quintessential Magpie said...


TexWisGirl said...

just loved your walk and all you saw and shared. :) i saw the 'candy corn' as soon as that photo came up! :)

Ruth Kelly said...

My cousin keeps telling me that when Utah is warm, Wisconsin is cold and there you go. We are expecting 60s this week and a warmer trend while you are cold.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Thanks for taking us along on your walk in the woods. Love all the photos! That does look like candy corn. There is something special about a walk in the woods in the fall.

Diane said...

Vey nice pictures. You're right about Columbus Day on the 12th. It's "observed" on the second Monday in Oct.

Anonymous said...

You won't be setting us a test on lichen and fungi, will you?
Beautiful pictures with glorious colours. Everything has gone a bit soggy here lately as it keeps raining.

Terri D said...

Well, definitions aside, whatever is growing on those trees is quite interesting!! Your fall photos are gorgeous! No changing leaves here, or woods nearby to walk through. Swampy lakes with snakes and alligators....

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Judy I cannot believe it is that cold yet with you but I heard today although we have high temps for the time of year here in the UK that October is going to turn Arctic!! Anyway, I love all your photographs, a special place to live

Deborah said...

Loved the photos and the science lesson. It IS cold here today. I haven't been out in the woods as my body is already thinking about hibernation. lol! So nice Kevin went with you. :)

Heide at ApronHistory said...

We finally had our first frost last night! So chilly this morning. The wind was horrid yesterday, we had to dig out our lightweight fall hats and mittens.

It certainly feels nice wearing wool again!

Susie said...

Great pictures. I like the way the woods smell too.I am enjoying all the pretty colors of fall now. Take care.xoxo,Susie

NanaDiana said...

Judy- Fall is so beautiful in our part of the country, isn't it? I, too, love the smell of woods in Autumn. I love the sound of stepping into leaves and twigs, too, and the sweet aroma that arises when you disturb the layer of leaves. GREAT post- xo Diana

podso said...

Me, a city girl, spent the weekend on a VA farm. Now I'm getting a sense of the life you have the the fresh air you breathe!

Chatty Crone said...

I love your camera! The photos are so awesome. I just love them all. The second to last is my favorite - love the sky - love the fall. You looked like you had a great walk.


Nancy said...

Beautiful walk in the woods...I am like you there's nothing like the smell of the woods and all the fun things you encounter....I am not familiar with the the one that looks like "candy corn" but it sure is interesting.....

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness said...

The photos are so pretty. I am in Minnesota and I am not looking forward to the winter.

Anonymous said...

You woods look lovely... I'd like to walk there...

Under Her Wings said...

Gor-ge-mous! (Southern for "gorgeous!" We went to N. Arkansas last weekend, and it looked more like summertime than autumn, although the sumac and a few other things indicated that color was on the way. While you are in snow, we will be in fall.

Carla from The River said...

Great photos! I like the smell of of the woods too, I will forget what Kevin had to say. ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful walk. These photos look like postcards! I love fall temperatures. We are having very fall like weather in our part of the woods this week. Thanks so much for the visit...I am following along now so I can keep up with your beautiful blog.

Donna said...

Your pictures are glorious! All those lichens are a sign that you have good air quality, BTW. The weather has gotten brisk here. We ventured out without jackets today, and we regretted it because the weather got cooler as we completed our errands. Tonight it is supposed to get down to 36 degrees! I do love this time of year.

J_on_tour said...

I'm liking the light & colour contrast in the first one, the richness of the last one, but best of all escaping the woods for that awesome photo.
Hope you managed to let that tree down safely :-)


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