Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Parable for Demythologizers

"'We come with rusty hatchets to chop down
Old Yggdrasil, the mightiest of trees;
We come with buckets full of air to drown
Old Triton, ruler of the seven seas.

For we are modern men, the heirs of time,
And won't be ruled by anything that's gone
Before. So if we think it more sublime
To exorcise Aurora from the dawn,

Then who is there who dares to say us nay?'"
And so the desert wind swept through their minds
And found no obstacle placed in its way
To stop the stinging dust, the sand that blinds.

Blistered, parched, and withered, one by one
They fell beneath the branches of the tree,
Succumbing to the unrelenting sun
In cool green shade beside the roaring sea."

- Donald T. Williams

Have a blessed Lord's Day!



Terra said...

Powerful poem, and thought provoking, and your photos are sensational. The red of the bird feeder makes the white snow pop, and the second photo is equally beautiful.

Diane said...

Quite a poem!

TexWisGirl said...

a beautiful warm light in that photo.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

both photos are absolutely stunning. the birds will not have a hard time finding there feeder at all. i can't decide which one i like best

Noelle the dreamer said...

Thank you for sharing Judy!
Mother Nature played a dirty trick on us...below average cold weather for us the last 2 weeks but no snow...I still dream of a White Christmas (and probably will have to be happy with the movie only) and so does Mac the Corgi (who would be in heaven around your location, he loves snow!)

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

beautiful poem and beautiful pictures

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Those long shadows on the snow make for a wintry scene. Stay warm and enjoy your afternoon my friend! Sweet hugs!

Terri D said...

Deep meaning, deep shadows, deep snow...they all blend together perfectly!

Pamela Gordon said...

What gorgeous photos! I love the red bird feeder in the white landscape and the second photo is so beautiful!

Vee said...

Uh? It's been a long day. Shoveling. My brawn, which is nil is mightier than my brain today! Lovely winter images.

NanaDiana said...

I am smitten by the images and the poem. LOVED this post, Judy- xo Diana


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