Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend 2013

We're back from Thanksgiving weekend in Indiana, where we got to see this little guy whom we'd not seen since August. The big excitement was putting up the Christmas tree and decorating/undecorating it. In the photo above, he's reaching as high as he can to strip the tree of its ornaments so he can bowl with them. What a great idea, huh! Good thing they were plastic, not glass!

 The kitchen bowling alley

Remember when your kids were little and they hung all the ornaments mostly in one spot?

Helping Grandpa with a game of Scrabble

He is one busy (and charming) 3 year old!

And waiting for a little sister, who is expected to make her grand appearance next spring. They will be the same distance apart in age as our first two were. I remember when I caught our 3+ year old son zooming the newborn sister around the house in the laundry basket. 

I promise, the baby had been sleeping in her bassinet and I'd only gone into the other room to answer a phone call from my mother in law. A lot can happen, FAST!

Amazingly, they both survived childhood - and I survived their childhood to tell about it!


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Unknown said...

Awwwhhh.. great pictures.. he's so darn cute!!! Glad you got to spend time with your family for the holiday!!

Yenta Mary said...

Oh, I love the family photos!!! Always happy to see the smiling grandkids, who are growing up WAY too fast (which, of course, you already know!) ....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is truly beautiful.. and what a wonderful way to spend your holiday

Terri D said...

That little guy is quite the charmer! Three is a great age, because some of the things he experiences now will stay with him as memories - including a doting grandpa who likes to play games. So glad you had a good visit!!

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at the laundry basket story. and thank goodness those are plastic ornaments! what a cutie he is.

Judy S. said...

What a little cutie! Those were the days, weren't they? Lots of fun memories!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Great photos! The laundry basket story is funny!

Lynn Blaylock said...

Awe...he is a charmer..sweet pics!

Life Happens said...

What a cutie! What a fun visit with the family. I can't wait to see the pic of him pushing his soon to come baby sister around in the laundry basket! ha! They do grow up too fast.

Glad you had a fun Thanksgiving with your family.

Susie said...

Your story of the older one zooming the baby ...I know it's true...cause my oldest was getting ready to carry her baby sister down the stairs while holding her by the head. Thank God I thought to see why she was so quiet. You do have to watch every second.:):) Your g.sons reminds me of my oldest g.son when he was small. blond and sweet. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Vee said...

Bowling with Christmas ornaments! LOL! This explains why my son and daughter-in-law's tree lived in a gated community for the first six years. Perhaps, it'll be part of the family this year...finally. Thank God that He gave guardian angels...so many times my kids needed one. I see that yours did, too.

Suzan said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Three - what a magical age for Christmas!! He half way understands the lights, decorations and presents.
Congrats on the new Granddaughter to be!! God's miracle of life is amazing!!

Chatty Crone said...

Awe what a great Thanksgiving you all had. He sure is cute!!!!! And I can remember how fast those kidlets can be - amazing anyone survives. The body is strong.

Beth said...

He is adorable, Judy!

Carla from The River said...

Sweet photos.
Glad you made it home before the snow started to fall. :-)
Did Joe do a good job taking care of the pets?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

He is indeed a charmer...look at that sweet face! I know you enjoyed spending time with him and getting to do fun things like this. Making memories. I raised 4 sons and I know I had help from above with all of them. The oldest was 7 when the youngest was born...that's close! lol! Sweet hugs!

podso said...

You have a really cute little grandson there! How creative to bowl with the tree ornaments!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

LOL What a cutie bowling with the Christmas ornaments!

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Great series of photos! Must have been a very special time for you. We are making a similar trip this weekend.

Amy Burzese said...

I'll say it again. He is such a cutie. I can't wait to see his little sister.

Cynthia said...

The story about the laundry basket made me laugh out loud! He is such a cutie. Funny he wanted to bowl with ornaments. Hope he helped Grandpa win at Scrabble. Great to see families enjoy time together, that is what life is about!!


Karen said...

Great pics! Looks like everybody enjoyed themselves. I went to Indiana too. It was wonderful to see the grandkids.

Donna said...

LOL, bowling with ornaments!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I actually like when the Christmas trees have all their ornaments in the same spot: it means they were made with more love than design ideas!


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