Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge No. 168

Wisconsin Sunrise, March 25, 2014
Our front yard (which you're probably sick of seeing)

Join us in Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Click on the button below for instructions.

 1. March is known as the windy month. Which of the following phrases best fits your March so far...'throw caution to the wind', 'three sheets to the wind', 'run like the wind', or 'see which way the wind blows'?

I'm not sure how any of these can describe March, so...I never 'throw caution to the wind,' so that one is out. I don't think I've ever been '3 sheets to the wind' either. Once, many many years ago, I might have been 1 1/2 sheets to the wind. Not sure. 'Run like the wind' hasn't described me for many years and certainly isn't describing this March which is taking forever to bring us spring (not complaining, mind you), and 'see which way the wind blows' does not describe a planner, so that doesn't work either, although I suppose that's what we have to do with March.

What would best describe March, in my opinion?...GONE WITH THE WIND.

2. Your favorite green food? Your favorite dish made with your favorite green food?

My favorite green food is broccoli, (take that, Pres. George H.W. Bush!) BUT I can't make guacamole with it and that's my favorite green dish. Well, I'm thinking it can be considered a main dish and potato chips a side? Otherwise, my favorite dish made with broccoli is broccoli/chicken casserole.

3. Ever been locked out of your home-car-office-anywhere? Do tell!

I'm sure there was some event in my early life that was so horrific that I've simply blocked it from my memory. So the only time I can think of was recently, last summer, when I was locked out of the house because our screen door automatically locked after I went out (dumb thing).  So now, when I take the dogs out, and because the house had to be broken into to get back in, I leave the inside door open and the screen/storm door ajar with a stick holding it open (don't tell you-know-who). I refuse to be locked out by a temperamental screen/storm door, especially when it's 9 below zero or something!

4. Yoda, Kermit, Shrek, The Wicked Witch of the West, Oscar the Grouch, The Grinch, or Mike Wasowski (Monsters Inc.)...of the green characters listed, which one's your favorite and why?

I'm still scared to death of her, not to mention her attendant monkeys, but I do kinda like the Wicked Witch of the West. 'Hehehehehehe, I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!!' I think I would watch her while peeking through my fingers covering my face. But it's a love/hate thing. AND, I do like Kermit. He is so sweet and cute and I still don't see why he hangs around that obnoxious Miss Piggy!

Lee rides into Cashtown
or into our living room windows
A.P. Hill, looking confused

5. "The first task of a leader is to keep hope alive."~Joe Batten Do you agree? Why or why not?

Agree/Disagree. It depends. If there is truly hope to be had, then yes, a leader should strive to keep hope alive. I think that's what Churchill did during WWII. But the first task of a leader is to lead, to be willing to forge the way, not expecting more of others than he's willing to give him/herself, and to be honest with his people, even if it means he won't be popular because of it. If the leader knows there is no hope for the mission, or if the mission is not clear and he sacrifices his own people because of his pride and foolishness, then he is a tyrant and a liar. And maybe tomorrow I'll think of a better answer. Wow, I could spend a couple days pondering this one.

6. Share a favorite song with an emotion in it's title.

'Feelings, nothing more than feelings'...or as I think of it when I'm at the dentist office, 'fillings, nothing more than fillings' (except during a cleaning when they poke at your teeth with a sharp metal object)  Most of the music I like is instrumental, but I suppose that doesn't let me off the hook, does it, for they also have titles. Death isn't an emotion, otherwise it would be Walton's Death of Falstaff. It's beautiful. Oh, I just thought of one: The Beatles: All You Need is Love. (but it's not my favorite, and I actually believe that love is a commitment, not an emotion.) Is there a song that has 'frustration' in the title? 

Wait! I just thought of one of my favorites, and it does have an emotion in the title:

Joy to the World, the Lord is Come!!! 

7. What's a road trip you'd like to take?

I'd like to take a road trip to Indiana because our daughter is due to deliver a baby girl!!!  After that, I'd like to take a road trip to Texas because our other daughter and SIL live there. Isn't it ridiculous, that we have kids who live so far away we have to take a road trip to see them??!  The other road trip I'd like to take is to eastern Pennsylvania. That is such an interesting drive! So much to look at. And I'd like to take a road trip to Denver and to Great Falls, MT and...and...and...


8. Insert your own random thought here. 

It is so wonderful that there is a young family (friends) willing to stay in our house and take care of it and the animals while we're gone to Indiana to see the family (including new baby whose arrival is imminent). It is truly a blessing. Otherwise, with our kids grown and out of the house (therefore no one to take care of the dogs and cat), it would be impossible to take time away. 

 No, it's not the baby
It's a doll that belonged to our daughter
The 3 year old is practicing being kind to it.  

One more random thought: As I was writing that just now, a helicopter flew over our house. Most likely, it is a medivac helicopter, coming to transport someone from Barron to Eau Claire. I can't hear that sound without thinking of the trauma some family is going through, how scared they are, and praying for them. A medivac transported my husband from Barron to Eau Claire after a tree fell on his head in April of  '05 (long story, but not unfamiliar to people cutting down trees). He's fine now, but it was a very scary time for us and made a lasting impression on the kids and me, who saw him lying on the ground, unconscious, with blood running out on the ground behind his head. We praise God that he is alive and well today.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

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Denise said...

Enjoyed your answers.

April said...

I'm much like you whenever I hear a firetruck or an ambulance go by our house, which is fairly often, unfortunately. I always say a prayer to myself for those involved. I really love the first photo you pretty, but I know you're ready to thaw out! I woke up to temps. in the 20's this morning. Sure doesn't feel much like springtime to me!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Oh my, your husbands logging accident sounds scary! So glad he is fine now.

My husband used to be a logger for a number of years and had a few accidents. I was so relieved when we moved and he got a much safer job

Pamela Gordon said...

I enjoyed this post again today. The questions are thought provoking and some give an option to answers. A fun meme. I'm so glad your husband is okay after that awful accident. God is good!! Have a great day.

Teresa Kander said...

Enjoyed reading your answers...your song choice is another one that's going to be stuck in my head today!

Terri D said...

I so enjoy Hodgepodge Wednesdays! It is interesting to find common thoughts and interesting stories - getting to know our friends here better! Scary stuff, trees falling! Praise God your sweet husband is okay!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Kermit is a doll, and the WWW still terrifies me, but her flying monkeys were worse!

Glad you found house sitters.

My favorite green veggie is really a fruit... Avocado.



~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like reading the answers...we get to know each other so much better. We're having some of those March winds this week but our temps are nice so it looks more like Spring. Enjoy your day my friend!

Debbie said...

I agree on your number 5 answer...way too much thought for me this early in the day, lol. How exciting about it almost being baby time. And I can only imagine how scary that accident had to be for your family! wow. Glad it all turned out well. Enjoy your day!

Hootin Anni said...

That soap looks great!!!

A tree fell on his head? Oh my word, that musta been REALLY scary. Glad to read no permanent damage there.

Your answer to the 'wind' question was a bit similar to mine.

I understand about children living far away. Heck, our son lives in Houston and it's nearly a 4 hour drive from where we live in Texas. Then our daughter is in Missouri. A couple days to get to her home.

How exciting to have a new baby due soon.

Debby Ray said...

I had to laugh at your answer about the March winds..."Gone with the wind"...I left our patio umbrella up since it was so nice here over the weekend and my husband noticed this morning that was MIA! Last night the wind picked up, lifted it up over the house and sat it down in the front yard! It didn't even! This is a heavy crank-up THAT'S a March wind!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was so pleaded with your answer to number 1, it is what i would have said about me... and here I want the Wind to be GONE.... whenthe wind blows bob stays home from the park and drives me crazy.
that first photo is why you have a blog named Cranberry Morning. the cramberry color of the light on the snow is fantastic.
i would love to take a road trip to western PA since that is were hubby is from. and alos would like to take a road trip of the wild wild west.

retired not tired said...

We have taken a road trip through Eastern Pennsylvania and thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of Civil War sites.Look forward to seeing pictures of your new grandchild. Wishing everyone the best.

camp and cottage living said...

Hodgepodge Wednesday is so good for getting to know a person better!
Our children all require road trips to visit too. It sure makes it tough with G'children!

Unknown said...

Joy to the World! What a great answer!!

Joyce said...

Wow I'm sure that was terrifying. Glad he recovered! I bet you're excited to welcome a brand new granddaughter. I do understand children and geographical distance, and that is going to be us for the next several years at least. Thankful for facetime, texting, and airline miles!

TexWisGirl said...

i think about those folks in the careflight helicopters, too - thankfully i don't have personal experience with them - so glad yours was a good outcome!

laughed at the dentist ditty! and i completely understand about the housesitters. with 4 dogs and 2 horses (used to have a 5th dog and a cat, too) i have not traveled in 7 years...

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I just LOVE your answer to #1!!

My grands have instilled in me the habit of praying whenever we hear an ambulance. I live close to a hospital and frequently hear medical copters overhead and now pray when I hear them.

podso said...

Wow! A lot to absorb in this post! I'm so thankful your husband is fine today. Love the photo of your sunrise. It seems a slightly new view to me. I'm not sure how to describe March for us but yours is pretty good. You have such a great sense of humor! Enjoy that new little grand girl when she arrives!

L. D. said...

It is a great post. It was fun to read the answers.

Vee said...

The question that makes you really think makes me think, too. You did a good job with that one. Your story was intense. So glad that your husband made it through that storm. Praying for this new little grand about to be born...are you leaving right away when you hear the news?

Cheryl said...

I love reading your Hodgepodge posts, Judy! I must confess that my heart did a flip-flop as I read of your husband's accident! (My husband cuts trees for firewood for our wood stove, so that hit close to home.) Oh my. That must have been terrifying. What a blessing that he is "alive and well" today!

RURAL said...

I love the trees in your front yard...we have mostly fir and pine up here, so it's nice to see something different.

I read somewhere that when we hear a siren, or in this case a helicopter, we should send up a prayer that they will be able to help, and save's always stuck with me.


Carla from The River said...

I enjoyed your answers. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

How nice to read your answers! I love your Joy to the World too! Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Meee said...

Oh no we never tire of seeing that beautiful front yard! I agree with you on the broccoli; it's my favorite green food but guacamole is my favorite green dish by far. Fun post!

NanaDiana said...

Absolutely wonderful post, Judy. There is lots of thought that went into your answers. We think so much alike on several issues. xo Diana

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Here's one for you....Broccomole

Feelings, that's a good song and I do like your take on Joy to the World the Lord Has Come! How wonderful that you can take your trip because of the kindness of others.

Nikki said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the photos of your pets! I love cats & dogs as well, i have a cat who's almost 17, she's doing okay. My dog is a wild 3 1/2 year old papillon. :)

Julie said...

I enjoyed reading and getting to know you more. I couldn't imagine being you during your husbands accident - nor would I want to. Horrifying!

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

Our family also has a history with the med-evac helicopter and I also shoot up arrow prayers when I hear them overhead. We actually had a friend who did the same while outside at her sons soccer game, never knowing she was praying for us.

'Tsuki said...

I like very much the reflection picture : very intriguing. Have a nice weekend !

Nefertiti said...

magnifique photo la premiere superbe paysage de neige ;o)


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