Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. The expression 'mad as a March hare' originated with a fictional character who is distracted and frantic. When were you last 'mad as a March hare' and what was it that made you that way?
If I'm thinking I'm going to be late to something (anything), I border on frantic. I can't think of anything that brings out frantic in me as much as the thought of being late. If I'm driving on icy roads (which is rare) I'm very focused.  On the other hand, my husband often accuses me of having ADOLAS (Attention Deficit, Oh Look! A Squirrel!!)  Maybe that's just when we're in the car together - because anything like an old barn, a cow, a beautiful tree or a sunset or a flower can divert my attention and totally derail our conversation.

2. Mardi Gras this year falls on Tuesday, March 4th. Have you ever been to Mardi Gras, and if so what did you think? If not, do you have any interest in going?  Purple, green, and gold are the colors of Mardi Gras. Which one is most prevalent in your wardrobe? How about in your home?

I have never been to Mardi Gras and have no desire to attend. However, I would like to go to the old part of New Orleans to see where General Longstreet's office was after the War (Civil War, that is).  Purple and gold are royal colors, making me think of kingly robes and golden crowns, but green is my favorite. Most of my wardrobe (besides the blue of bluejeans) is green of some sort, or brown.  Even a couple of our living room walls are a sage green. But my favorite green is the green that's lying under the 3 feet of snow in our backyard. You won't be able to pry me away from Wisconsin when May arrives. It's GREEN and alive and gorgeous.

General Longstreet
1872 New Orleans
National Archives

3. Are you old fashioned?

I think that depends upon who you ask. If you were to ask anyone older than I am, they'd probably think that I'm not old fashioned. If you asked my grandkids, they'd say YES, I'm old fashioned. That's probably how it is with any generational difference. I love my laptop and blogging and my smartphone and text messaging and reading my Kindle - all newfangled things. But I HATE what's on TV, so we almost never watch it. I like old fashioned mysteries like Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot or Lord Peter Wimsey or Campion - where you usually came in after-the-fact and tried to solve a mystery - NOT where you see murder and mayhem on the television screen. Also, I like to hear 'please' and 'thank you' and to see a gentleman pull out a chair for a lady (assuming he's not pulling it out from under her as she's sitting down.) Cooking and gardening and canning are things I enjoy, so I suppose in that sense I'm old fashioned. According to the number of people who were buying dinner at the deli the other day, I'd say that cooking must be an ancient, nearly-lost art. But I still love it.

Did you want these answers to be short?? 


4. Do you carefully plan your vacations, or do you prefer the days to be more spontaneous?

I plan vacations nearly to the minute, even including where we'll eat each meal. That said, I like to reserve the right to do something entirely off-schedule, should the opportunity for something better arise out of nowhere. But planning forces one to research, making sure you're not going to miss something you'd later regret. Also it means there's no time wasted, where people sit in a hotel room wondering 'what should we do today?'   That would drive me crazy. So I'd say plan, plan, plan, but be flexible. And don't overschedule, trying to cover too much in one day.

5.  March is National Sauce Month...what's your favorite sauce, and what do you most often top with this sauce?

The only sauce I ever eat is something I've made myself. Sauces at restaurants or on the grocery store shelves are notorious for containing headache-inducing ingredients.  I actually prefer things without a sauce, unless it might be a lemon or blueberry sauce.

6.  What's something that easily brings a tear to your eye?

I'm not really much of a crier. Until about 5 years ago, I think I probably cried at only a handful of movies - ever.  That was before Downton Abbey. Good grief, I've cried over that stupid show more in one season than in all the other movies put together in my life!  Why?  Because of scenes like this, between Lord Grantham and Matthew as they're walking the grounds of the estate (back in season one):
Lord Grantham: You do not love the place yet.
Matthew Crawley: Well, obviously, it's...
Lord Grantham: No, you don't love it. You see a million bricks that may crumble, a thousand gutters and pipes that may block and leak, and stone that will crack in the frost.
Matthew Crawley: But you don't?
Lord Grantham: I see my life's work.

or this one, after Matthew is talking about dismissing the 'superfluous' valet, Mr. Moseley, who didn't fit his lifestyle:

Lord Grantham: “We all have different parts to play Matthew, and we must all be allowed to play them.”
7. If you could own any sports team, which one would it be and why?

First of all, I don't even know what sports teams are out there. But I'd find someone who could tell me which is the most lucrative - and I'd want to own that one - so that I could sell it and travel, as well as own a home next to each of our children. Ha!  Just kidding! (in case any one of them is reading this.) And then of course, there's that little stone cottage in Yorkshire...

But I'd love to see this more often!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

This should be easy, because I have a lot of random thoughts. But the one that springs to mind today is this:  Why is it that after poring over seed catalogs with photos like this:

my order finally arrives and it looks like this (below)

What a disappointment!


Thanks for The Hodgepodge, Joyce! Be sure to stop in and visit her at 'From This Side of the Pond.'


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Denise said...

Awesome post.

Diane said...

Here's my random thought: I ordered from Park Seed too!

Vee said...

These always make for a fascinating post. I enjoyed learning more about you.

Terri D said...

I so enjoyed your Hodgepodge, Judy!! It is so much fun to see how many of us answer one or more nearly the same! I can understand why you want to see more of that precious face!!

Debbie said...

I soo enjoy this, and your answers were so good! I love to see there is someone besides me who answers with kind of long answers, lol Enjoy your day!

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE your random...that really made me smile. Funny, our day dreams from looking at catalogs look so different after the order arrives.

And when it comes to owning a sports team and having what you wish to have more of...I would have to agree whole heartedly, what a dear, precious smile on such an adorable face.

Did you say lemon sauce? On a pound cake. WHERE is IT?!! I'm so there.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What plain jane packages! If they showed might not buy as many. Hope you enjoy your day my friend and the twinkle lights on your front porch glow! Sweet hugs!

April said...

Those rosy cheeks and nose are just too cute! Thanks for the smile!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen seeds packaged like that. at least they wrote what type seed is in it...

Unknown said...

First of all, I SO love the verse you have written on the side of your blog! One of my favorites! And I'm right there with you on Downton Abbey - cried buckets over that silly show! But, oh I do enjoy it!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Seeds and seed catalogs...... be still my heart!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I hate being late, too. Drives me crazy. Love learning more about you, judy. xo Laura

TexWisGirl said...

'do you want these answers to be short?' bwahaha

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I couldn't go on vacation with you, Judy, because I am don't plan to the minute, but I could meet you in NOLA and show you around. I love history, and I particularly love Civil War history, and you know how I am about England!

I get mad s a March Hare and go off like a rocket when someone does something mean to someone I love. That makes me crazy.

I would own the New York Yankees because that seems like the ultimate sports team to me. I used to love the Dallas Cowboys when Roger Staubach was the quarterback. He seemed such the gentleman to me.

I couldn't wait to plant seeds as a child. I would get so excited! I don't plant from seeds mow, living in the city, but you just reminded me of happy childhood memories!

Hope you are feeling better.



The Quintessential Magpie said...

Sorry for the typos. I have a hard time seeing small print, and the IPAD gives me fits.

Joyce said...

For the record my answers are rarely short (kind of the way my blog rolls in general) so I'm okay with a longish answer. Glad you joined in...we can't see any grass here either, and the snow on top of it is so rock solid frozen I'm sure it will be a while. We can dream I guess : )

bp said...

Nice to visit you today on the Hodgepodge.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Judy I feel I know you a little better after reading your post today. Thanks.

Marla said...

I have ordered from plant catalogs in the past and am usually sadly surprised at how small they are when they arrive. BUT - I have had success with some. Not all of them…but perhaps it's because my thumb was not very green. But, I keep trying! ( : I hope your seeds turn into great veggies!!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Very interesting. Those Yorkshire cottages are darling!
The seed packets look so sterile the way they are packaged. I guess you put them in a greenhouse.

I've only planned European vacations, because I didn't want to miss anything I absolutely wanted to see. But when I travel in the U.S. it doesn't matter, because I know I will return again.

Pamela Gordon said...

I enjoyed that Judy. Fun questions and great answers. Thanks for sharing about YOU.

Debby Ray said... much fun to read your questions and's so amazing that some of your answers are very close to what I would have answered. I will say though that one of our our most fun vaca times was when we just just headed to the beach with no reservations in the middle of the summer. We wound up finding a lovely vintage motel right on the something right out of the 60's...clean and cozy!
I'm right there with you about Downton...I cried like a baby when Sybil and Matthew died...even the second times around watching. And as far as sports goes...well...the only interest I ever had in any sport was when when my kids or grandkids were playing them :)
Fun post!

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at your random thought! They DO make those seed catalogs look inviting, don't they? At any rate, our garden seeds will be lovely, once they're in the ground and in full bloom :)

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

This is an awesome posting. I've never been to Mardi Gras. I am old-fashioned. We are getting seed catalogs, too. I enjoy looking at these catalogs and planning our garden.

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at your random thought! They DO make those seed catalogs look inviting, don't they? At any rate, our garden seeds will be lovely, once they're in the ground and in full bloom :)

Empty Nester said...

I'm not a fan of much on tv either. There are only 5 I watch that aren't reruns of something like The Cosby Show. I'm trying to get motivated for a garden. So far, nothing.

RURAL said...

Ohhhhh seeds...I just look at mine, and wonder when we will ever get to plant them, there is so much snow.

Sorry about the link, I've fixed it now, and you can see her tutorial. Thanks for pointing it out to me, missed that one because I was in too much of a hurry...oh look a squirrel.


podso said...

Enjoyed your hodgepodge. I'm with you on number 3 for sure. I should do better planning of vacations. You have inspired me!

Ruth Kelly said...

That was a ton of questions. I have never been to Mardi Gras and when I was younger, I wanted to go there but not now. It is the last place I want to visit. I feel the same way about Vegas.

I feel old fashioned next to the new generation - we sorta get left behind which is ok. I don't care to keep up with all the new gadgets and how they work.

I always plan my trips but I don't always make reservations but choose as I go.

Carla from The River said...

Fun post Judy. I am happy to read your answers. :-)
I cried at that same part in DA. :-)

Stacy said...

GREEN in all caps is exactly how I describe Pennsylvania in the summer. I love it here then. Right about now, though, I am ready to pack up and head south! We sound very much alike when it comes to technology. I love it, but I'm not always thrilled with what's on it. :P

Miss Debbie said...

Hi Judy! It is nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting me! I am a Downton Abbey fan, too! I just wish there were more episodes. I couldn't believe it two weeks ago when it said "season finale"! I sure wish something good would happen for Edythe! I would probably cry for joy!:-)

Judy S. said...

Fun post, Judy! It's going to be a long time till the next DA season, too. :>(

Chatty Crone said...

As you can see I am late! Hey I am going to HAVE to start watching Downtown Abbey. Everyone does. I have never been to Mardi Gras either. And I like to plan vacations and I love to just go.

NanaDiana said...

Oh- I loved reading this. We have a lot of similarities-except for the vacation part. LOL Our lives are so structured most of the time (not always) that when we take a vacation we just "wing it". We get in the car and drive until we feel like stopping. lol

Love that sweet little smiling face!

Loved this post, Judy. What a fun thing to do. xo Diana

Jean | said...

Loved the Q&A, Judy - especially about travel. You and I could travel well together. I like to have a very detailed itinerary I can then choose to deviate from if I like.

camp and cottage living said...

I discovered we have a lot more in common from this post.
And your little red nose and red cheeked g'daughter is sure a cutie!

Anita Johnson said...

I hope my ADHD personality allows me to remember ADOLAS! I actually laughed out loud!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

That was so fun learning more about you!

Mocha with Linda said...

Your picture at the end made me laugh! Ain't it the truth!

Really enjoyed your answers. You and I were on the same page about owning the sports team: own a good one and sell it! LOL


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