Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

A beautiful nearly-spring day
in our neighborhood

1.  Thursday marks the first day of celebrate would you rather plant a garden or go for a walk in the woods? Would either of those activities be possible on Thursday where you live?

 Photo taken March 18, 2014

The garden is just beyond that buried gate, so no, I won't be planting anything in the garden on the first day of spring. The woods is at the top of the photo, with a snow-covered field between here and there. So no, I won't be taking a walk in the woods either.  But I will be enjoying the wood-burning stove - and checking Travelocity for airfare.

2. When did someone last spring something on you? (or when did you last spring something on someone?) 

Click on the button and join us 
at Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge!

My husband has been hiding marshmallow Peeps here and there for me to stumble upon - like when I open the cupboard to get a coffee mug - there will be a Peep staring at me - or upstairs on the dresser,  or on top of the piano, or hiding in something, etc. etc. annoyingly etc. Finally, one evening after he had his shoes off, I stuck one down in the toe of his shoe when he wasn't looking. Of course he never mentioned that he found it the next morning when he put his shoe on and the toe of his sock got stuck on a pink marshmallow Peep. LOL  (I know. We're easily amused up here. Blame it on the long winter.)

3.  We often think of spring as a time for new beginnings. What's something you'd like to start doing this spring?

 The cure for winter

I'd like to begin making plans to become independently wealthy and move to England.  At least there, even if there's snow in the wintertime, there's so much interesting stuff to look at - castles, abbeys, cathedrals, drystone walls, sheep... all in such a small space.

4. Where do you like to sit in a movie theatre? When did you last sit there, and what were you watching?

First of all, I'll never go to the first night. Ever. I can't understand people who stand in line for hours so they can be crammed into a movie theater.  I won't stand in line for anything I don't absolutely have to. I've been known to pay for a grocery item in the automotive department just to avoid standing in a line.  I like to wait a few nights or a week after a movie opens, then go when the theater is mostly empty (or empty) and sit at the very back with an aisle in front of me, so I have lots of leg room. I think the last movie I went to was Lincoln -  or maybe I went with Lincoln. Can't remember.

5. When you meet someone for the very first time, what do you want them to think about you?

I don't want them to think about me.

6. March is frozen food month (yes, really!). Besides ice cream (gotta make you think a little) what's your most often purchased frozen food item?

Udi's Whole Grain Gluten Free Bread. I know, that's boring, but honestly, I can't think of anything else. The next time, I might buy a banana or orange popsicle. That sounds really tasty.

7. What's something you avoid?

I avoid large, noisy crowds. So oddly, a very contradictory wish I have is to attend The Last Night of the Proms at Royal Albert Hall some September. I want to hear the crowd sing Jerusalem and God Save the Queen. Other than that, I avoid wheat and corn. But when I go to Indiana after the baby's born, I will avoid nuts because our grandson is allergic to them. They are a mainstay of my diet (honestly, I think half my weight is in mixed nuts), so I'm trying to figure out what [easy, quick thing] to eat instead that will give me enough protein. I can't find a single high-protein food bar that is  peanut and tree nut free and gluten free, all at the same time.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

 Can you name these items??

Do other people have junk drawers? Do they clean them periodically? If so, why? It seems so pointless to me. Not to mention the fact that if I put any of these objects ANYwhere else, I will never find them again. My visual memory seems to be very rigid and inflexible.


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Denise said...

You made me smile, thanks. I wonder, if you fed chickens marshmallows, would they lay peeps? lol

Trace4J said...

What a fun post.
My hubby loves peeps.
But we are trying to avoid sugar and especially those little cute buttons at every corner dressed in green.
The long winter made for a very tight waist line.
Oh Spring..
I am planting all my seeds indoors.
Woolie HUGS

Joyce said...

I hope you get to the Proms...Royal Albert Hall is one of the most beautiful venues in the world! I like the Peeps prank. I might steal that : )

Susie said...

I love your peeps story so much. It is wonderful to have what I call "running jokes," between your husband and yourself. I always hope when a person meets me, they think I am nice. I try to be.:):) Enjoy your day,xoxo,Susie

Anonymous said...

I think I too shall plan to become independently wealthy. It's a sound plan!

Loved your post for this - the photos (it looks like where I live so we won't be planting tomorrow either) the peeps and your movie date :)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Let me know when you go to England. We can be roomies! Or would that be flat,ages? ;-)

Yes, I have a drawer like that. It starts out neat and does an about face when I have a party and get things off my counters. Sigh.



The Quintessential Magpie said...

Argh... Flat ages? IPAD med that up. Flatmates! Or did I? Double Argh!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Med.? I need new glasses!

Vee said...

So funny! "I do not want people to think about me." I nearly spit out my coffee. I see that you are planning an escape. Now I must go see what I missed yeaterday.

Pamela Gordon said...

I enjoyed these random things today, Judy. They made me smile. I won't be planting a garden or walking in the woods either. There's more s**w coming tonight and rain tomorrow. A nice messy mix. Have a great day!

Cathy said...

Yes, we have a junk drawer. I wouldn't know what else to do with the stuff.

Jean | said...

Judy, we have so much in common. England. Queueing. Crowds. I was amen-ing your cinema comments when I came to "I think the last movie I went to was Lincoln - or maybe I went *with* Lincoln." My first laugh of the day--and a big one!

April said...

I love how you and your hubby have fun with each other using Peeps! My husband and I will prank each other from time to time...keeps things fresh and exciting! Sure hope you thaw out soon!

Sue said...

I enjoyed reading your Wednesday Hodgepodge, so much, and found we have a lot in common. My dh likes to tease me too, I also avoid big crowds, and don't like to stand in long lines.
Thank you for visiting me and for taking the time to leave me a comment.

Chatty Crone said...

You sit in the back row - you must be far sited. In the theater - I like that first row - in the middle - and the middle of the middle - so you can put your feet on the rail and relax! The first seats going up. I know you plant and love gardens.

retired not tired said...

Love the peep story. I would love to independently wealthy and be able to live on a cruise ship and sail around the world.

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud at the 'peeps story'!
As for a junk drawer, I don't have just one, I have several. I clean them out every few years...

Unknown said...

I don't want them to think about me LMHO !!!!!!!!!
You may want to reconsider moving to England - can you take the damp?
As much as I hate winter - I'd rather have snow than damp wet days !
Maybe you could have a summer home in Yorkshire and a winter home in the south of France - now that sounds ideal!

J said...

LOL I really enjoyed your random post! We have a lot in common! I was the ONLY one in the theater (impulse stop during the day) at my last visit and it was heavenly!
The Peeps venture is great - but I think my cats have beat you to the idea. I've found their soggy cat toys in the toes of my shoes several times! ewwww!

Cranberry Morning said...

Ok Suzan. I've adjusted my plan.:-)

A Joyful Chaos said...

The peep in the shoe made me smile. What a "sweet" surprise to slip your foot into a shoe and find something unexpected waiting there.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Judy Yes I am surprising my grand daughter this evening by taking her to the video linked Ballet from Covent Gardens, London. I like to sit in the middle of our cinema. Frozen peas i think might be what a lot of people have. It is spring here now, lots blooming and potatoes are always planted on St Patrick's Day.

Ruth Kelly said...

I always have a junk drawer and I can go right to it and find any object that I know is there. I tend to not like large noisy crowds now - big change from 10 years ago.

Debbie said...

I enjoyed hearing about you and hubs and your "surprises" for each other, lol. And I have two loaves of the UDI bread in my freezer as I type this, lol Forgot about that as you can almost always find it there. Terrified I will run out I guess and it is not always easy to find. And as for junk problem is I have more than one of them! Enjoy your day!

sweetbriardreams said...

I loved this post, it really made me smile. When you come over to England come and look me up and we can go exploring! I love your junk drawer, I have one called the 'odds and sods drawer'. This is where my hubby leaves all his tools and bits and pieces for me to find on the kitchen work surface. I come home, open the drawer and then scoop the whole lot into it. Instant tidy up and I don't have to nag for him to put it all away! Enjoy the rest of your week xx

RURAL said...

Yes, we woke to snow, so no planting of gardens, most likely not even a walk in the woods around here.

But I can hope.


TexWisGirl said...

the hidden peeps are so cute! i have 2 junk drawers that i will occasionally try to straighten out. doesn't take very long and they're a mess, again.

good luck with that snow!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ditto on the theater, been in one once in 30 years.
and i can see you will not be walking OR planting in the near future.
i would like to plan the wealthy thing, but we would only move 3 hours away to Ormond Beach on the other coast of FL

Heide at ApronHistory said...

It is raining here today. Feels very odd. But we are suppose to get snow again by the end of the week. At lest we are having fun wearing our wellies!

Terri D said...

Your junk drawer looks very much like my TWO junk drawers!! LOL

Love your Hodgepodge answers! Especially the fun you two are having with the peeps!

podso said...

Not wanting people to think about you simply means you are focused on them and not yourself. Good!
Funny post --last movie WITH Lincoln? and you could send some peeps our way.

tlcukjourney said...

Ok the peeps thing amused me:)
And please take me to England with you when you're wealthy!!! It's hot in Texas already... not blistering hot yet though!
Much love,
Tammy xx

Julie said...

Thanks for stopping by my page, it's nice to meet you Judy. So you're northerners must stick together. I live in Upper MI, so your buried garden gate made me feel right at home. Can't wait for spring up here!

Love the story of the peeps! That's one way to keep the romance alive!

Empty Nester said...

I avoid large, noisy crowds too. No fun at all. I love the Peep hiding game. I think I'd like to play that myself...hmmm...LOL

Carla from The River said...

Funny, I love your peep story.
I had to share that with Jeremy.

Julie said...

Hey Judy, I got your message. Thanks for following me, I also am following you. Out of context that doesn't sound so good LOL! Anyway, I think you have to be added to my Google+ circle of friends before you can see most of what I post there or comment. I would love to add you, but I can't find you. Maybe you could add me on yours and I can then add you back? I'm not sure the best way to do it.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Lots of fun answers in this one! And junk drawers are priceless! lol Sweet hugs!

Julie said...

I understand. I don't know how to enable my email on my blog since my Google+ page is my blogger profile as far as I know.

Maggie Ann said...

My memory is sketchy already on what to comment on of your questions....but, I really enjoyed reading your post. I could take a little walk along a country road. And I recognized the Magic Marker in your drawer...oh boy, do I have a junk drawer. I clean it out every so often but. About meeting strangers...I don't want to be particularlly remembered either. I don't go to movies...just get dvds. Sarah Plain & Tall is a very favorite of mine. Loved the hiding of both sound like fun. & thanks for visiting my blog =) hey...I remembered more than I thought I would!

Cheryl said...

Ha! This post had me smiling all the way through...from the photo of your garden to the mysterous Peeps to the comment about Lincoln...yep, still smiling! You have a way with words! :D

Donna Sexton said...

The peeps story sounds fun except I personally can't stand them. I was allergic to chocolate as a kid (very fortunate that I grew out of that one) so I feel that way about almost every non chocolate holiday candy.

Anonymous said...

Now you can't move to England if you can't queue - stand in line - you know it is what we do best!!! Actually, I am hopeless at it, and avoid doing it as it makes me too grumpy.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so sweet about the Peeps! I have a few junk drawers that should be cleaned out and made into one.


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