Friday, April 24, 2015

Durham Cathedral - Part C - The Venerable Bede...and giveaway reminder.

Tomb of the Venerable Bede 672 AD - 735 AD.
in the Galilee Chapel of Durham Cathedral
From Durham World Heritage site, re. the Galilee Chapel, which contains Bede's tomb:

"Built in the 1170s, [the Galilee Chapel] was originally planned as an extension to the eastern end of the Cathedral, which was always full of pilgrims and therefore cramped. However, due to a change in the level of the bedrock from the rest of the Cathedral, the walls kept on cracking during the construction and all attempts to build it at the eastern end of the Church seemed to fail. This was taken as a sign of divine intervention, and it was built in its current location at the western end of the Cathedral instead."

Bede: Living At The Monastery at Jarrow

St. Paul's Church, Jarrow
Home of the Venerable Bede
 18 miles NNE of Durham

If you zoom in on the map, you will be able to see where this is in relation to Durham.
Durham is just a half hour by train from York (York Minster),
York is just 2 hours by train from London.
SO worth the trip! 

If you click on the 'Satellite Imagery' square on the lower left
and then zoom in, you will be able to see the ruins of the monastery.


"Bede was a monk at the English monastery of Wearmouth and Jarrow, in Northumbria. From the age of seven, he spent all his life at that monastery except for a few brief visits to nearby sites. He says of himself: 'I have devoted my energies to a study of the Scriptures, observing monastic discipline, and singing the daily services in church; study, teaching, and writing have always been my delight.'"

Just to place this on the timeline of your mind, Bede was 15 years old when St. Cuthbert died, and lived 48 years beyond the time of St. Cuthbert (last week's post).  He became a deacon at 19, a priest at 29, and after his ordination wrote commentaries on the Scriptures, as well as writings on geography, arithmetic, and astronomy. He wrote two accounts of the life of St. Cuthbert, one in prose and one in verse, along with his Ecclesiastical History of the English People


 "In 731/732 Bede completed his Historia ecclesiastica. Divided into five books, it recorded events in Britain from the raids by Julius Caesar (55–54 bc) to the arrival in Kent (ad 597) of St. Augustine. For his sources he claimed the authority of ancient letters, the “traditions of our forefathers,” and his own knowledge of contemporary events...It remains an indispensable source for some of the facts and much of the feel of early Anglo-Saxon history."

Benedict, founder and abbot of Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Priory was responsible for its extensive library, resources used by Bede. During Benedict's travels to Rome, he acquired volumes that he brought back to the monastery. I can't help having visions of him dragging that carry-on through Heathrow.

When Bede died, he was buried at Jarrow, but in 1022 his bones were buried alongside St. Cuthbert's relics at Durham Cathedral until they were moved into the Galilee Chapel in the 14th century. 

Galilee Chapel: Slender Columns, Zigzag Arches

Hammerbeam ceiling

Just-barely-visible remains of 13th or14th century fresco paintings
(see next photo also)

Whitewashed during the Reformation,
the whitewash was scraped off during the Victorian Era,
taking much of the paint with it.
The pictures depict Christian martyrs

Beautiful zigzag on arches,
very different from arches in the main cathedral 
(See last Friday's post)

Okay, this is all I can tell you about Bede, and I hope most of it is true.


Happily moving on from the Venerable Bede, we have a birthday at our house today, and it's not mine:

He's still a pretty cute kid!


Last Day to Enter my Natural Soap Giveaway!
Ends tonight at 10 PM.
Winners will be announced on Saturday morning.
Enter Giveaway on YESTERDAY'S POST

Have a great weekend, everyone!  

Check back tomorrow for giveaway winners.

Next Friday I promise to get out of the cathedral...for a while.



Arlene G said...

How interesting Judy...thanks for sharing. I know some would think, "How could a person live all their lives in a monastery?" But when God calls and the servant answers, great things come of it. I am in awe of all that St Bede accomplished in his life. And Happy Birthday to your husband! He is a cutie!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy birthday to The Kid.. those arches and the door are amazing to me. beautiful photos

Lesley UK said...

Durham cathedral is beautiful. If you look at the map you have posted, I live about 15 miles from Norwich. Blessings

Terri D said...

Best wishes to the birthday kid!! :)

The architecture in these ancient buildings never ceases to amaze (and delight) me! How they accomplished what they did is beyond my imagination. Truly amazing. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Love these unique architectural features. Happy Birthday wishes to your husband.

Carla from The River said...

Happy Birthday :-)) Sam has an April birthday too.

Loved the photos today.

Debbie said...

What glorious images, Judy!
The craftsmanship is amazing!
Thank you for sharing with the rest of us.
Have a wonderful weekend.

The Cranky said...

Happy Birthday to your husband!

So beautiful, the arches and hammerbeams, etc... are so unique. =)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The cathedral is very beautiful. I'm in awe of how they were built so long ago without the equipment we have today. Now, I'm off to see where to sign up for your giveaway.
Have a wonderful day!

Tired Teacher said...

I keep forgetting how young so many of the people in this time period were compared to the modern world. They did amazing things in their short lives.

Happy birthday, Mr. C

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy birthday to him!

That much history and beauty just blows my mind. I wish I could see it in person!

21 Wits said...

Your last photo is so precious, I'm wishing your hubby a happy birthday and I know is life is wonderful! Children and grandchildren are the key to major happiness, well and we wives keep it all together too! Your story is quite interesting, and your photos are incredible, what a tremendous experience too.

TexWisGirl said...

love the archways and brickwork in that cathedral.

happy birthday to your husband!

Susie said...

Judy, That is such mind boggling history, all the grandeur of the building. I am just amazed looking at it. Happy Birthday to your husband. I sure like his hair. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Decor To Adore said...

Oh Judy I am just swooning with delight! I just adore old churches and boy this one does not disappoint! Thank you for sharing this gem.
Happy Birthday to your cute boy. :)
Have a wonderful weekend dear one!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Happy Birthday to Mr. C!

I find the white washed walls very interesting. That is was painted and scraped off......
Lovely pictures as always! Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us Anglophiles!

L. D. said...

Happy Birthday to Mr. C. The ancient building you shared is a marvel.

Unknown said...

I am LOVING the photos of your time spent in England. The zig-zag arches in this cathedral are so interesting! Your photos are wonderful, and I appreciated the accompanying info as well.

The pictures of your husband and the grands are so sweet; you have a lovely family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy! Oh, this is something and the cathedral is so beautiful! Happy Birthday to the BD boy! Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

podso said...

History so far back in time, and wonderful photographs. I always love arches. And happy birthday to your hubbie!

Nancy's Notes said...

I've enjoyed reading the history and the photographs of the cathedral! Happy Birthday to your hubby!

Lynne said...

Beautiful photos and post . . .
Happy Birthday to your handsome "kid!"

Karen said...

That architecture is amazing, what a beautiful place. Happy Birthday to the birthday boy!

Anonymous said...

Judy, oh my the architecture is absolutely breathtaking! Thank you for sharing your journey with us! & Happy Birthday to your husband!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to The Kid! The cathedral is very beautiful.

NanaDiana said...

My goodness, Judy! All the history there. It is just so much and so beautiful! How they did what they did with what they had to work with back then always amazes me!

Happy Birthday to the handsome man you live with!!!! lol xo Diana

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Happy Birhtday to the big kid. The inside of the building is magnificent. Have a lovely weekend.

Sandi said...

"...Bede was a monk at the English monastery of Wearmouth and Jarrow, in Northumbria. From the age of seven, he spent all his life at that monastery except for a few brief visits to nearby sites."

From the age of seven! I know customs were different then and times change but, as a mother, I would have a HUGE problem with that!

:) beautiful pictures, stunning architecture...delightful grandkid!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

The arches, the ceiling, everything is amazing! Happy birthday to the grandpa!

J_on_tour said...

That's a pretty comprehensive story about The Venerable Bede and a great photographic tour of the chapel. I'm surprised that there are no people in any of these photos as there were loads of people in there at the time. Just to add the martyrs above the arches were the disciples and it was also known as the Lady's chapel because women couldn't cross the line in front of the font.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

I'm catching up... Firstly, belated Many Happy Returns to the erudite and charming Mr Cranberry. Loved the bit about Bede (the venomous) - required reading when I was at university! Fortunately, I have it in translation.


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