Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hodgepodging at the Edge of Summer

The Youngest Granddaughter
I accuse her mother of putting false eyelashes on her!

Our weather was actually that warm...for a while.

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  She writes the questions; we write the answers.
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1. Have you ever had to wear a uniform? If yes, tell us more. Did you love it or hate it?

Yes. I wear a uniform every day of winter, from sometime in November through sometime in March. It's a three-layer affair: Cuddl Duds, long-sleeved shirt, and polar fleece vest. I love it. It keeps me from suffering hypothermia.

2. April 22nd is Earth Day. What is one thing you do personally to be a good steward of planet Earth?

Confused Daffodil, April 21, 2015

My greatest effort at good stewardship is to teach my children and grandchildren to notice, respect,  appreciate, and care for the world God gave us - to search out its wonders, and to stand in awe of God's creative power, love, beauty, and generosity reflected in his glorious creation.

3. Brown rice, quinoa, or couscous...your healthy grain of choice? How often are one of the three on your menu at home?  Given a choice between white rice, brown rice, wild rice, and fried rice which would you go for? 

I'm not convinced that grains are all that healthful (my dog was on a grain-free diet after he was diagnosed with Lupus and lived another seven years) but I've eaten quinoa (pronounced keen-uh-wuh in Bolivia) and couscous (in my recipe for Couscous Moroccan with Hot Harissa Sauce - delicious, but way too much trouble to make more than once every few years). My favorite is a mix of brown and wild rice, as in the cookbook pictured above.

4. In your opinion, who has the best job ever?

Mallards on Chippewa River

 Her favorite place to stand,
just before she comes into the house and leaves
wet, muddy footprints all over the kitchen floor.

Actually, I think I already have the best job ever, being a SAHG.  If I were to change jobs, however, then perhaps I'd like to be  a shepherdess of Yorkshire/Scottish Blackface sheep, but only if I can live somewhere near Askrigg in the Yorkshire Dales and have at least half the day off to wander the countryside. Let's make that 3/4 of the day. Okay, how about if I just had to work a couple hours, and my job description was simply admiring the beauty of the sheep. I could definitely excel at that job!

Ooooo, aaaah
Love those sheep!

5. What's a situation in your life currently requiring patience?

Notifications of Etsy orders are not being directed to my email Inbox, for some strange reason, and are instead simply showing up in my account. Very odd and annoying.  And you're right, that's not requiring a lot of patience. I'm in a season of pretty easy going at the moment, but just like a warm or cold front in the weather, trying times can move back into one's life at any time. I'll keep you posted.

6.  Do you live your life around days of the week? Explain.

My life is definitely ordered around Sunday. If one misses church, how does one know what day of the week it is? But sometimes, even that doesn't help. All day yesterday it felt like Wednesday. Do you ever experience that strange phenomenon?  That never happens to me on Sunday.

 St. Paul's, London

St. Paul's, Dallas, WI

7. In a nod to the A to Z challenge happening around town this month, what 'R word' best describes your April?

R is for RANDOM.  As I write this, it's snowing sideways. We had summer weather last week, snow and cold this morning, rainy day in between. Who knows what's next. I certainly hope it's not snow. I'm ready for more of that summer weather! It actually motivates me to clean and organize.


R is for REALLY, REALLY FUN. It was so much fun to have two of the grandsons with us last week.

 Walking along the Chippewa River

Trying hard not to smile!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

No random thoughts, just a couple of final photos of our week with the grandsons here:

 Mr. C. and the grands



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Pamela Gordon said...

An enjoyable post Judy. Great answers to the questions. Snow? I hope it's not heading our way. Today will be sunny after the fog lifts then it's rain until next Tuesday and much colder. I also tend to get more done when it's sunny and warm. I hope the snow doesn't last. Have a blessed day.

Deb said...

This is so fun getting to know you better, Judy. I love your sense of humour. Guess what we are expecting tonight....snow. Ho hum!

Arlene G said...

Judy, your daughter is definitely putting false eyelashes or mascara on that baby. She is adorable. As usual I love Hodge for your uniform..I have a similar one here in Alabama, just leave off the cuddle duds. Have a blessed day.

lulu said...

Those grands are precious! SNOW???? It is almost summer here in TX. Check back with me in July and I will expound on the bleakness of drought and soaring temperatures!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy... ohhhhh those eyelashes. So glad a beautiful little girl got them. I usually see the little boys with the eyelashes. Love the pic of your daffodil in the snow and the other pics of your darling grandchildren.

Barbara said...

Your photos in today's post are really great.

Sometimes I get my Wednesdays and Thursdays confused -- dunno why!

I smiled to read your answers to the question about rice. I remember reading in the past that you don't eat corn because farmers use it to fatten up cows. I don't have corn real often, but when I do, I ALWAYS remember you said that! (and I do believe you are right!)

Cheryl said...

Such beautiful eyelashes on that little grandgirlie!! It's a good thing she's a girl. My son used to hate hearing about his beautiful, long lashes when he was a child, so much, in fact, that he once trimmed them with some nail clippers. What a sight that was...all crazy and jagged. Boys do the weirdest things.

Uniforms are good. They simplify choices, and when they also prevent hypothermia, then that's even better. ;)

Hope your summer returns soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like each and every family photo you chose for today, especially the one with the kids and their grandpa walking. I wore a waitress uniform for 3 months, my least favorite of all jobs and one for 7 years at Sears automotive. I liked he job and the uniform because i did not have to furnish my own clothes or think what to wear. my favorite job has a tie for 2. admitting clerk in ER and CNA in a dialist unit.

podso said...

These posts are fun to read and probably good brain exercise to think and come up with the answers. I should try it. Your write with such a good sense of humor. I too wear a similar uniform. In fact, today when I dressed in it (A little less layered now that our weather is a tad warmer) I thought, this would be my grandmother's house dress. It's funny how there is such a clear picture of that in my mind--her various house dresses which she changed out of to go out-- but I can't remember what my mom wore when I was young. Probably something similar. Wow that was a tangent! Enjoyed your grand pics--what a sweetie with the big pink hat!


Loved this post and the pictures were awesome. Those eyelashes are amazing.

D&S said...

I love the "confused daffodil" picture! I've got to admit, I miss having four distinct seasons - even when you get them all in one week! It is beautiful where I live now, but the weather is pretty much the same all the time. Love the pics of your grand babies too - what wonderful memories you are making with them!

Joyce said...

Since hubs retired I greet him every morning with, 'Good is Wednesday April 22nd'. It helps : ) Ooooh those lashes! So adorable!

NanaDiana said...

I always LOVE your hodgepodge answers, Judy. Love all the pictures of the kids-that little girl is just darling! My kids say my uniform is I guess I wear a lot of BLACK!

It is snowing hard here this morning in spurts- ugh! xo Diana

TexWisGirl said...

your grands are so darn cute. :)

i hate glitches in getting emails and the like. hope etsy figures it out soon for you!

Pamela said...

How cool would that be, to be a shepherdess? Great post!

20 North Ora said...

Great post! I am also having some problems with Etsy. My new listings weren't showing up but I finally called them yesterday and hopefully things are worked out. I am getting my notifications in email tho???


Carla from The River said...

I will be your helper taking care of the sheep. :-) I will work for tea and cookies served in the English country side.
I miss our weather from last week. I am bundled up today and still feel cold.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

That poor daffodil! And snow this time of year, ick! We saw about five flakes floating around this morning, hoping there isn't more to follow......

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your grandchildren are ALL so beautiful! I love your shot of the poor little daffodil. But best of all are the sheep!!! And what is in the background!! Glorious! Let me know if you run off to take that shepherd job and we will come with you!

Tired Teacher said...

Love those eyelashes- they remind me of my nephew's when he was about her age.

The transition between seasons has been rocky here, too - snow last week and warm this week.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I loved reading all your answer adn some een made me laugh. Love the shots of the grands adn yes your are right aboutthose lashes!! Lov the last shot.

21 Wits said...

Oh goodness, I really enjoy your St. Paul's London. As I do your adorable little granddaughter enjoying the moment. All your outings here are just pure life!

Lady Linda said...

Delightful and I agree with your friend Deb, it is fun to get to know more about you!

Anonymous said...

I think the weather, this year, has been unpredictable everywhere--very strange.
Those eyelashes are to die for :)

Susie said...

Judy, Those eyelashes are so pretty...what an adorable little one. You know I always love your pictures. those of your husband with the boys are touching. You know they will one day recall that time. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy! I've been away from blogging for several months but have returned. So nice to see your lovely blog again. I love that you teach your children and grandchildren to embrace nature. So lovely!

Terri D said...

Another fun Hodgepodge! Those boys are so adorable! Love your photos.

Chatty Crone said...

I wear the same kind of uniform - jeans and a tee - love it.

Love brown rice too.

These posts are so cool because I love reading more about my friends.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It looks like you've had such fun with the grand kids! And the weather is nice now, too. I wonder if I've tried the lemongrass soap. It sounds wonderful! You know how excited I get over your soap! lol Sweet hugs, Diane

Michelle said...

I agree with you about the grains.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, so many things to look at and enjoy in your post today. The baby is sooooo cute!

Vee said...

One of the rare times that long lashes have not been wasted on a boy! =D She's so cute out there playing on the ground. Your Hodge~Podges are always never knows what direction you'll strike out on...for example, I was grinning with the descriptions of the "best job." Well now, you did have yourselves a great week with the grandsons. Memory-making times are always the best. This spring and summer will provide many more!

Anonymous said...

Your granddaughter's eyelashes are so lovely! Fun to see your grandsons enjoying a walk along the river too. You are the second blogger I've visited this a.m. who has had snow again. GA has had a lot of rain/wind but today the sun is shining.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The hodgepodge posts are always fun to read and find out more about the blogger. I just switched our dog to a grain free diet because the pet store has been giving samples of this type of food whenever I would buy the usual brand. The little guy loved it and after research it seemed the route to take.
We have twin granddaughters with long eyelashes too and after they apply mascara, sure appears to be false eyelashes. I'm envious. :-)

Jean | said...

I love these posts where you answer questions, Judy! That was why I did such a post myself last week. Thought it would give my readers a little better picture of me.

Really like the photos of your DH and grands, too. Love the eyelashes on that girl!

Lorrie said...

This was a fun hodgepodge, Judy. Love those sweet baby eyelashes and cheeks. And the boys walking with their grandfather is a wonderful photo.
I hope the snow doesn't stick around for long.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Judy, what a fun hodgepodge post.. First I must say your granddaughter is just adorable..Her long lashes are so pretty..Not to leave out your grandsons they are handsome little dudes.. I love the sheep, dog and geese.. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Chippewa River walk had me smiling...I didn't even try to hide it!

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful grandchildren! Lovely photos.


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