Monday, April 13, 2015

Wisconsin Barns, Good Fences, and Good Grandkids

I hope everyone had a good weekend. We have had a couple nice and sunny, but windy, days. It's so wonderful to see bare ground once again and temperatures in the 60s. I know it's not going to last, and winter might still spit out another snowstorm before springtime is here in earnest, but I'm happy with the blue skies and warm temps we're having right now.

I am dipping into my files for photos of April barns and fences. It was interesting as I perused my files. Some Aprils, we still had snowbanks this time of the month. Other Aprils were nice, like this one. With the photos today, I'm attempting to reflect the weather we're having right now. These are from April 2012.

Our daughter and her family and in-laws stopped on their way home from Duluth yesterday, and two of our grandsons from our son's family happen to be staying with us for the week, so it was fun getting the little boys together. They turned on the garden hose and spent a lot of time watering the garden pond, the bird bath, pushing wheelbarrows around, and jumping off the front porch.

 Cousins and Friends, jumping off the front porch,
evidently competing to see who can break an ankle first.
(They never tire of this sport!)

Chewing on a foxtail and building a castle.

When I uploaded the photo, I noticed the trowel, its handle buried. Children lead such dangerous lives!

So I have to share this little anecdote:

When I was helping the above-pictured grandson get ready for church yesterday morning, he pulled a sweatshirt out of the dresser drawer.

"Um, let's not wear a sweatshirt,'* I said, setting it aside. 'It's going to be really warm in the church, so let's not wear something that heavy.'

He chose a different shirt.  After putting on his shirt, he pulled a little ball of his clean socks out of the drawer, held them in the palm of his hand, considered them for a moment, and then said, 'I can wear these, Gramma. They're not too heavy.'  He put on his socks, sat down on the bed, lifted a leg, and said, 'See, Gramma, they're not too heavy.  I can still lift my leg.'

*BTW, I HATE it when people talk like that, using 'we' or 'us' to kids, when they don't mean it's going to be a joint effort, and it's not like he AND I were going to be wearing the shirt!  And yet, much to my horror, I found myself talking that way. I promise I will try to be less judgmental in the future.


Daughter and Granddaughter
Photo taken in Duluth this weekend.
(not by me)

One never knows what to expect from the weather in Duluth. If the wind is coming from the west, off the land, then it can be a fairly warm day. But if the wind is coming off the huge, deep, and cold Lake Superior, then it can be freezing and miserable!  Our daughter and family happened upon one of those wind-from-the-west days. Looks like summer, doesn't it!

Have a great Monday!


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This post is linked to

Good Fences

(on Thursday)



Michelle said...

That really is a great, old barn.

eileeninmd said...

Good Morning, Judy! I love the barns and the cows.. Your grandchildren are so cute. Great shots of your family..Have a happy day and week ahead!

Nancy's Notes said...

I'm crazy about barns and that one is just awesome! What fun to have your little ones around and they do look like they are having a blast!

Have a glorious week!

Terri D said...

Great photos (always) and I love hearing about your family. The boys are boys!! I must admit that seeing that trowel sticking the ground like that made me wonder what someone was thinking!! Oh my!! Then I think of all the crazy things I did as a child - it's a wonder I survived!! Great post!

Arlene G said...

Sometimes we forget that children are very literal!! Glad you had a chance to have the cousins together. That is always fun!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Kids say the cutest things! lol! Love seeing your sweet family and the barn photo!

NanaDiana said...

What a wonderful post, Judy. I love to see all those family shots and, of course, you know I love barns! Your family is beautiful.

We were NORTH along Lake Superior this past weekend. Let's just say we drove there in a SNOWSTORM (for a relaxing get-away). Let's just say, I never said I was too bright! lol

However, Saturday and Sunday were lovely---but a tad cold. xo Diana

Linda Kay said...

Judy, first of the barn and the dairy cows around it. And the kids are so cute. That little guy is really interested in what he is building!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Judy Your grand children are lovely and I also love the Barn shots.

Debbie said...

Good morning! I enjoyed all of this as always, but especially the grandkid shots. I can imagine jumping off that porch would bring hours of fun, haha. Kids really do say the cutest Enjoy your week!

Lynne said...

*BTW, I HATE it when people talk like that, using 'we' or 'us' to kids, when they don't mean it's going to be a joint effort, and it's not like he AND I were going to be wearing the shirt! And yet, much to my horror, I found myself talking that way. I promise I will try to be less judgmental in the future.

I don't like hearing people include a "we" or "us" to convince someone a certain way either . . . YET, I have found myself guilty of the same.

Darling little story though, lifting his legs to show you the socks werem't heavy!

I like seeing your daughter and baby grand . . . pretty girls . . .

I was thinking the same about April weather years before. Thank you for the mention. This past weekend was the first we have had with out snow piles. We loved this weekend of warm (windy) days. We need rain here though . . , very dry. My son Scott was born April 14 of 1964 . . . I remember how warm it was, vividly, . . . 80+degrees . . .

Happy Spring clean up days Judy . . .

camp and cottage living said...

Sweet photos of the grands and your daughter, Judy.
I love the story you shared-how literally the little guy had taken you!
It's sure looking like Spring has arrived there in Wisconsin.

Stephanie said...

Good morning, dear Judy, and happy Monday! Your barn images are just lovely! We don't see too many big barns like that around here so it's a treat to see yours.

And your grandchildren are just you :) Enjoy your day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

doesn't matter if you said let's not, you did it the right way. you did not say NO you are not wearing a sweatshirt to church, you let him decide without putting down his choice. i regret to say i would have said NO when my kids were small like he is. my younger son jumped of roofs, slid down TV antennas and once was about to skateboard off the roof of a neighbors house, when a passing policeman stopped him and brought him two houses down to me...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

PS forgot to say that barn is beautiful and they can put a LOT of Hay up in the top of it... love the fence to

Ginny Hartzler said...

So nice to see your family! Your daughter and grandchildern are simply beautiful! I love the sock story, it shows how children think so differently and simply. I also enjoyed how you show them in action, jumping off the porch!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I was so fascinated by your grandchildren that I forget about the barn! We have a few shaped like that around here. I love the big arch shape. For one thing, snow can't pile up on it.

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, I love that old barn and fence, so rustic. Sweet Grandchildes doing what they love.Blessings Francine.

TexWisGirl said...

cute bare feet and sweet boys. :) LOVE that barn. sweet curved roof!!

Anonymous said...

Cute kids and wonderful barns.

Christine said...

Hi! Found your blog through Good Fences link up and have enjoyed reading your posts and admiring your pictures!
Kids have no fear! Mine love to jump off anything and I'm better off not watching!
Have a great week!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I love the photo. Cute story too. I wouldn't worry to much about it. I think it is a way we teach language skills, without thinking about it. Baby talk is different, that's not real words.

Debby Ray said...

Lovely barn shots! Those kiddos are just precious too...they can really come up with some doozies! I used to work with a lady who always spoke in the plural form when referring to one day a youner co-worker took a little offense to her way of speaking (knowing that she was trying to tell her what she was doing wrong, making it sound like she was including herself too) well, anyway, when the girl responded by saying "Do you have a mouse in your pocket?", needless to say, the older co-worker quickly became quite!

September Violets said...

Love the curved roof of that barn! So many of your barns are painted white it seems. Here no one paints their barns anymore, although when I was young most of them were either red or black, black being more common. Your grandkids are great jumping off the porch ... couldn't they entice you to join them?! I have a photo of my dad skipping rope with his grandaughters when he was in his 80s ... he did pretty good! Cute story of the heavy clothing ;) Wendy

Pamela Gordon said...

I loved this post and can so relate to kids dressing themselves and the dangers of jumping off steps/porches and burying dangerous tools sharp side up!! Oh my. I grinned. Looks like a fun weekend and great weather too. I hope the week is as nice.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Thanks I love to see the barn, fence and the kids playing. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Wishing yiu a wonderful week. Julie xo

lulu said...

LOVE your pics and those boys jumping---there is nothing like our sweet grands!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Beautiful old barns and I had to laugh at the grands jumping off the porch and the trowel point up...Boys do live dangerously....even when they grow up! I love their thinking processes, too. Sweet photos, all. xo Karen

Judy S. said...

Happy Spring, Judy! Looks like you had a great weekend. Nice photos!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Lovely barn and fence. Kids look like they were having a fun time. That is too funny about the heavy socks and that he can still lift his legs!!!

L. D. said...

Your barn is so wonderful. I also enjoy all that is shared about the family. My wife and I use to visit Duluth at least once a year during the summer.

RURAL said...

They are so cute, the little ones that is.

And I am sure there is a barn just like that around here, but I can't get close enough to it to see it.


Linda W. said...

Nice barn photos! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

Cheryl said...

How delightful that you are having some pleasant spring weather! I remember the winter that would not end last year when you were a new blog friend to me. Even if Winter does rear her head for a final blast, the warm days are so welcome!

LOVE the grandson pictures! They are darling...and so much fun I'm sure!

Vee said...

Hahahaha...heavy socks...some are you know! We still laugh about the little ball playing grand who was told to keep his eye on the ball. The next time he had the ball, he put his eye right on it. Children are such wonderful concrete thinkers...some never grow out of it. It certainly looks as if spring has sprung there. I will be unwrapping my rose bushes this week

Cranberry Morning said...

As you can probably guess, the two comments above Vee's, the ones I deleted, were spam. How this stuff manages to get through my fine filter, I'll never know. They're pretty tricky - and annoying.

Anni said...

So charming is the countryside!!! And the 'fun nature of children' always makes me smile.

Hootin' Anni

Unknown said...

Very nice barn pictures! And your grand-kids are adorable.

Cynthia said...

Such pretty pictures you have to share. I enjoy reading and seeing your family. I must say, I remember doing the jumping thing on our porch when we were kids. We had to see who could get the furthest


This N That said...

Love the barn pictures...wonderful scenery..Fun action shots of the kids..

Carla from The River said...

LOL - I just love what that little guy had to say about his socks.

Carola Bartz said...

This is such a beautiful barn, I love the shape of it. I'm glad that you have lovely spring weather and I hope that it remains like this. I would be so tired of the snow now, so let's hope it's not coming back until next winter.

Your grandkids are adorable and I like the little anecdote.

Shug said...

I must say....I love the photo of the little one, chewing on the little stick. Reminds me of my brothers when we were children. Great barn and fence gate. I so enjoy seeing kids play outdoors...

Ida said...

Great looking barn/fence.
Oh those kids look so cute leaping from the porch.
Just adored the story of the "heavy" socks.

doodles n daydreams said...

I love seeing boys being boys, some times people are just a bit too precious when it comes to kids play.
I like your wooden gate and the barn shots are really neat.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh my! What sweet pics of the kiddos! It's amazing that any of them survive but they have to get outside and mix it up and learn! What fun you're having with these little ones. Beautiful barn pics too! Hugs, Diane

Annesphamily said...

Great barn shots! I also love seeing phamilies and those adorable kiddos are sweet as can be! Have a great weekend. Thanks for sharing.

A Colorful World said...

Your photos are wonderful! Loved the barn and fence and trees! The anecdote was so are so honest and literal, and so darn adorable! :-)

J_on_tour said...

It never ceases to amaze me how the shape of the barn food is so similar to many others you display from time to time. It's nice to get a Health and Safety post once in a while :-)


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