Monday, June 15, 2015

Chickens a Success; Knitting a Failure

A fraction of the flock

One half, to be exact. They bought four Orpingtons and four Wyandottes.  There are great expectations for these little birds. I hope they live up to it. Forecast: A flurry of eggs in August. They're scrambling to make the deadline.

I don't remember a time when our son has not wanted his own flock of chickens. This week, after getting the chicken coop and run ready, the flock was brought to their new residence, where the whole family was excited to greet them.

 My most recent photo of him,
roasting coffee beans.
 'There's Mom with that camera again...'

Grandson, waiting beside the run

Granddaughter, the chicken whisperer
Making the sweet Orpington feel at home.
If I ever got chickens, I'm sure they'd all become pets
(now that my GSD is no longer here to instantly dispatch them.) 

He felt the same way about bunnies.

'Hurry up with that worm order already! Buk Buk!!
Grandson, digging for worms as the hopeful bird looks on.

Our son texted me:

"Here's the first chicken to venture out into the run. 
All the rest are... Chicken."

'Is that another chicken joke??!'


 Okay, that's all the chicken news for today. 


Last week I joined some friends for a afternoon of knitting fun. Hmmm. Right now, those two words seem mutually exclusive. I had knitted the hood of a sweater three times, then when that finally turned out right, I was building the bottom of the sweater onto it, when I picked up too many stitches and ended up totally frustrated with the whole thing. I don't know why I had so much trouble this time, for I've made that same pattern three other times. Oh well. So I've given up on the green sweater, bought entirely new yarn, and am starting over. Don't worry, it's not expensive yarn. My family is allergic to wool, so I couldn't use expensive yarn if I wanted to.

Note: If I were going to use wool, it would be from Yorkshire/Scottish blackface sheep. I think there's a place outside Leyburn in the Yorkshire Dales that carries it. Be still my heart.

 Cast aside
Now a pretty pale peach color is awaiting its turn on my needles.
It better behave itself. Or else!

Knitting Tools
I use a clear zippered cosmetic bag to store my little knitting odds and ends
It's very handy.
I have no idea why the canning lid is in there. No idea.


Me too, Jazzie, me too.


On a cheerier note:

Look what little grandson brought his mom and dad over on Sunday after church
to spend the afternoon with us. Awwww.


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TexWisGirl said...

congrats on grandchickens! :) love how the whole family is making sure they're set up and happy. guess the knitting had too much 'fun' mixed with it to be accurate. :)

Terri D said...

Well, that's a very impressive chicken coop and run! Lucky hens! Another blogging friend here has hens and gets more eggs than they can use. Keep us posted, please!! The chicken jokes were very cute, by the way.

I know you enjoyed that adorable Sunday visitor!

I got frustrated quickly with knitting needles. I can crochet fine, but knitting eludes me. That green yard is lovely! Can the hood be turned into a hat? Seems a shame to waste the yard and your time!

Deb said...

How fun for the grands to care for chickens. Or is it dad that will have the most fun? We've talked about raising chickens but I keep reminding the retired-guy that he still has a house to build. Plus....they'd just become my pets. I put away my knitting last year when we were planning our move. I've been a beginner for years now. haha! That's one cute little guy there. Have a good evening, Judy.

Linda said...

What a wonderful post!!! So full of life and wonder! Nature and beauty!!
Loved 'meeting' your son and grandchildren!
You sure know how to live life!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun to see your lovely grandchildren. I never learned to knit or crochet.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Love your sense of humor, Judy! The chicken palace looks great. I've always wanted chickens, but it's not allowed in my neighborhood. Your grands are adorable. I used to knit but not anymore--I leave it up to my daughter who has made us beautiful sweaters--Oh to have a sweater made from English wool! Have a great evening! ♥

podso said...

It's nice the chicks have that big run. Our nieces lost two of theirs as they free ranged all over the farm. What a smiley visitor you had last Sunday! Don't give up on the knitting! But I hear your angst.

Sue said...

Enjoyed all the chicken photos, we are soon building a new home for our chicks! I once tried knitting but couldn't get it going, so I gave up. Don't give up keep going, maybe there is hope for me. ~smile~

Anita Johnson said...

I love this post! We get free eggs for life because we put a green roof on a friends chicken coop! It has been a very fun thing, but I am glad they got rid of their very mean rooster. I tried and failed at crochet this winter. I am going to restart my efforts this fall! I hope you share some photos of the new sweater when it's done!

Sunny Simple Life said...

New chickens, how exciting. I am here if you need any advice. Lol!

Anonymous said...

That would be interesting...roasting your own coffee beans! Have never even thought of the idea:)

doodles n daydreams said...

Love the chickens and the little grandson in the swing but haven't knitted for years so hate to think how it would work out these days.


The Cranky said...

Grandchooks and grandbabies, what joy! I will never a knitter be, so you have my sympathies whilst I envision the mess I would make of the yarn.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Chickens and grand children are all goin to have great fun. Kitting I am not in to. Too frustrating when it oes wrong!

eileeninmd said...

I love the chickens, I am sure the grand kids love them too. The coop looks great. Cute chicken joke. Love your Jazzie! The last shot of the little one is adorable.. Have a happy Tuesday!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Your grandson is so clever to bring his parents over, very lucky for you he is beautiful. My knitting has taken a back seat I am afraid I will forget what I knew. HugB

21 Wits said...

All the rest are chicken, too funny! I just love your happy post here, and photos. I get to share in chicken life every time we visit, Wild Rumpus book store in Linden Hills, in Minneapolis, and a couple of farms out here. My daughter only wants eggs from her favorite chicken farm near Big Lake, imagine that! I won't even get into my scary stories about knitting! Good luck, if there's a will, there's always a way right! Enjoy most of all.

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

Chickens, how fun! Nothing beats a farm fresh egg.

Good luck with the knitting. I'm working on crocheting a unicorn for the new baby. It looked so cute on Pinterest, but I've thought about throwing it out the window more than a couple of times!

Vee said...

Oh I hope your son will share some fresh eggs with you...maybe if you don't take too many pics of him. It's wonderful that so many are raising their own chickens, this bird flu situation is so worrisome. My niece has a small flock and she really does love those birds. Your son's birds have a great set-up. Fun to see the older grands, too! Baby grands are always a delight.

Lynne said...

Your post brought smiles . . .
Chicks . . .
Knitting with friends, ( I didn't smile at your having to "start over!" Been there!)
Roasting coffee beans . . .
Swinging babe . . . Sweet smile . . .
Was perfect!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

precious grandson... and Jazzie looks how i feel just reading about knitting. i once ripped a dress in half trying to put a zipper in it, that was in JR high, the last time i touched any type sewing at all. love the chicken story... fits with my yesterday post and hope they get lots of eggs soon.... we could not have chickens because they would have a very short lifespan with Jakeamonster

Arlene G said...

That is a Poulet Palais! It seems a lot of people are getting chickens these days!! I have been working on finishing up a cross stitch sampler here at my house. I am almost done then I will have to pick up anoter UFO ( unfinished object0 and get busy!!

Michelle said...

What a great looking coop! We have four chickens and love them. They supply us with eggs and entertainment :)

Linda Kay said...

Judy, I was responsible for the chickens growing up on the farm, so I'm not really a fan of those critters. But I do love those fresh eggs and the fresh chickens in the fryer! Nice pics of the grandchildren, by the way.

Tired Teacher said...

This was a fun post to read.

What an impressive coop and run the chickens have - complete with blind attached to give shade. I'm sure the eggs will be plentiful come August.

Stephanie said...

These must always be a lot of fun and excitement at your home with the animal life and your sweet family :) Your chicken coop is quite impressive!

Thanks for joining Roses of Inspiration this week. Happy hugs to you!

This N That said...

Looks like a great chicken coop..They will be very happy..They just love garbage..They are like little garbage disposals...Love the color of your yarn..I always figure if I'm going to go to all that trouble, it should be good wool..Cute little boy..I'll bet he's a lot of fun..

Cranberry Morning said...

I forgot to mention that our son's family and chickens live 3 hours away in Minnesota. Always wish they lived closer. And the chicken and kid pics were emailed to me. (except for the baby in the last photo who belongs to another son and his wife. :-) Dog and baby pics are mine.

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Rocking a new meme, huh? BO Tuesday! Always partial to them (BO's) -so pretty. Yup. I'm sure we could come up with a Spiffy button so folks can proudly show off participation in BO Tuesday!

Although I must say with the systemic fungus thing, when I'm not rocking a reasonable facsimile of death warmed over, I do a pretty good job of Industrial BO.

Pamela Gordon said...

Yay for the chickens working out so far. I hope they are productive later on. I'm not a knitter but tried it as a teenager and again in my 40's - total fail. Gave up. What a dear photo of your littlest grandson. How fun to have him swinging the afternoon away on your porch. Have a super week!

Cheryl said...

We have been interested in having chickens, but we haven't made the commitment yet. There is something totally charming about a flock of colorful chickens scratching around the yard, not to mention the fresh eggs! Or maybe I have an idyllic picture in my mind...

Our black Lab was a friend to anyone on two legs. But if you had four, you were the enemy. I'll leave it at that.

What a cute little swinger on your front porch!!

Susie said...

Great photos Judy. I like chickens too....but I do not own any. My daughter and her husband have about a dozen or so.. Emma like getting the eggs and feeding the chickens. Blessings for a great day. xoxo,Susie

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Oh what fun Judy! I'd love to have chickens too! I don't think it'll happen in this lifetime though (or at least with this hubby) Lol

Your grandchildren are all so adorable!! What fun they must be. And I love your son's sense of humor. I actually laughed at that chicken joke. ;)

When you feel frustrated about your knitting just know there's folks like me that would love to just know how to knit!! Keep up the great work.


Gayle said...

Love the chicken pics.
My mom was the knitter. Me, not so much. I stick to crocheting doilies.

Margaret said...

I only have two chickens but love them with all my heart!! Knitting success will come. I sound confident, right? the truth is I haven't tried it yet but plan to this Summer! It's on the Summer list of things I want to do! Enjoy your Summer! Grandchildren are so cute! Maggie

Debby Ray said...

This is a great post, Judy...I REALLY WANT SOME CHICKENS NOW! I have been having this fantasy for a while now...maybe I can at least live vicariously through my son who just got his chickens a couple of weeks ago. If I ever move away from this house, I will have me! It looks like those grands are having a great time too. Happy knitting! :)

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Your grandchildren are all beautiful. I love the chicken photos. I hope the laying hens do well. Enjoy your time knitting.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy... you are so funny. I wish that we lived near each other so we could start a "stitch and bitch" club!! Love your family pics and the pics of the chicks. I'm a poet and didn't know it. Have a great week!!

Debbie said...

ooooooh i would so love to have chickens and fresh eggs every day. i have been thinking about it as it is all the rage these days with my knitting friends!!

now, lets talk about your knitting, it looks gorgeous, i don't see a problem, it looks perfect!!! and i LOVE the color!!! explain, please??!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That is a very nice chicken run! We love our chickens, and they will be thrilled with the fresh eggs!

I am a basic knitter. I hope this fall to work on some different stitches and some projects (like a sweater for my granddaughter), rather than just scarves!


Judy S. said...

Fun post, Judy! That is one serious looking chicken coop/run. Loved the baby photo and hope you had fun together!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
How fun, chickens! Does your son live in town? We hear a rooster every once in awhile in Cameron! As far as we know, chickens are not allowed in Cameron.

LOL, loved your story about your knitting project. And the canning lid! LOL Maybe Mr. C put it in your bag. ;-)

Oliver is so sweet. xx oo


bj said...

Love that cool chicken the chicken joke even better...:)
Our girl wants chickens, too...hope she gets some that lay colored eggs..:)
and, awww, the baby is so so adorable I could just kiss his little skin off. :)

Ida said...

What a neat look chicken run you have. Our neighbors have chickens and one wandered into the parking strip area the other day to eat some of the bird seed I leave out. I worry they may get hit in the street though. - Sure enjoyed your post.

Scrappy quilter said...

I agree great looking chicken run. Your little grandson is just adorable.

Conniecrafter said...

Your knitting looks great, I can do the very basic stitches in crochet and knitting but nothing to big, good luck with your next one

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Loved reading about the chickens, I can't wait to see eggs!


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