Monday, June 1, 2015

Breakfast in Bed

Good grief, how can it be June already! I know that summer isn't technically here, but summertime is so fleeting and up here in the Northwoods, we know we've usually got 5 good months, so we'd better make the most of them.

As usual, I like to share glimpses of our farm and our neighborhood.

From top, left, going clockwise:

Phlox, which are growing wild in the ditches this time of year, at least the ones the township hasn't yet mowed. They're so delicate and pretty. The township is pretty aggressive about mowing every possible plant that could interfere with the snowplow, come next winter. Up here, we have to have wide ditches so that there's someplace to push all that snow.

Yes, like that.
A not-distant-enough memory

Heifers from a small, grazing herd that I passed on the way to Sand Creek the other day.

Chopper boxes, waiting to be useful. I noticed last night that there is now only one. No surprise, for the alfalfa is growing like crazy in this weather.

Breakfast in bed.  Misty, my little dog (I call her little because she's the smaller of the two dogs), can no longer hear or see, and her sense of smell is diminished. Sometimes I have to take breakfast to her. On the other hand, if I open a can of chicken, she manages to get to the kitchen and underfoot in no time at all. Hmmm.  And speaking of breakfast in bed, I don't know how anyone can tolerate it.

 Breakfast in Bed

The Blue Pallet: For some odd reason, that looks like a work of art to me. I love the weathered wood and the pretty hyacinth blue. I have no idea where it came from, but now it's on the stack of pallets near the wood pile. I think I should use it for something. I'm waiting for inspiration.

Flowers: Pink petunias and heliotrope. They're so pretty together. We had a threat of frost Saturday night, so they're going to be planted today. I'm glad I didn't plant the tomatoes and peppers yet. Typical of Wisconsin, we need to wait until June if we don't want to cover our plants with blankets to protect them from frost.

Chopper boxes on a rainy afternoon

Sweet little grandson and his daddy popped in for a visit.

Saturday evening, threat of frost.
Time to drag out all those sheets and blankets for the garden.
Covering the green beans and the strawberries
Leaving the peas to fend for themselves, uncovered. 

Update: It did not freeze Saturday night after all. It was 38 degrees at 4:30 AM Sunday morning. I always have mixed feelings when that happens. So glad that it didn't freeze, and yet a little annoyed at the same time. LOL

Hope you have a great Monday, friends!


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This post is linked to some of the linky parties listed below:

Mosaic Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and Amaze Me Monday and Metamorphosis Monday and  Roses of Inspiration and  Treasure Box Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Tuesday with a Twist  and  Tweak it Tuesday and Home & Garden Thursday  and Freedom Fridays  and Vintage Inspiration Friday


eileeninmd said...

Happy June! I am glad you did not have a freeze. Your flowers are lovely. And your son and grandson shot is cute! I do not think I have ever ate breakfast in bed. Wonderful post, enjoy your Monday!

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

I loved all the photos, except, for the snow. I could have gone all day without that little reminder! Lol!

I haven't had a chance to tell you, yet, but thank you so much, Judy, for your understanding and kind words about Gage.

podso said...

Annoyed because of all that work for nothing? But how could you know. I was drawn in by your title, not sure if the flowers were getting breakfast in their beds or who? Such dramatic contrasts--your summer photos and the reminder of all that snow. Happy Monday!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

LOL I know what you mean. You cover everything and then you could have left it go...but of course if you did, then it would have been a heavy frost. : )

Pamela Gordon said...

Happy June to you Judy. I can't believe it's here already either and that those snowbanks in the ditches are being replaced by lupin and phlox here in the next week or two. I heard our temperature may drop near the freezing mark tonight and will only be about 45 tomorrow. That's too cold for me! Have a great week! Pam

Deb said...

Mornin' Judy: Wow - June already and we are so behind in so many things. haha! Your flowers look pretty and happy you did not get frost. I always wonder how the baby birds tolerate such weather change. We have an old dog, too, that we see big changes in now. It comes on quite suddenly. Kane is deaf, too but still sees quite well. It's hard to see them age, isn't it. We love our dogs and cats like family. As far as breakfast in bed goes, I'm with you. It just doesn't feel right. I tolerated it once on Mother's Day with a Cheshire grin. Have a great week and hope the sun shines your way. Hugs, Deb

Primitive Stars said...

Happy June!!! Where does the time go?? Beautiful pictures but the snow one, no more!!! Blessings Francine.

September Violets said...

Time should move slower when we have warm non-winter weather (and hey, can you stop showing photos of snow!!). Glad the frost kept away and all baby plants were kept safe. You need to look on pinterest for pallet inspiration ... there is a whole movement afoot creating masterpieces from pallets. Burn them?! I'm cringing at the thought! You will think of something for that pretty weathered blue I'm sure, but get it off the burn pile before it's too late. Poor Misty ... my dog eats from his bed when we're camping and he is too exhausted to drag himself to his feet! So funny. Enjoy your day!

Gayle said...

Nice father/son pic. Poor puppy.
I paused at your title too and thought breakfast in bed sounds lovely but I would make such a mess creating more work.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

so glad to hear you didn't have freezing temps. but always great to be prepared instead of the other. oops!! i have never had breakfast in bed. i would think it would get crumby ... my Grandma would eat chips in bed. not me. i think at most i have had a soda. ha. ha!! ( :

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I will trade you 20 degrees of heat for 20 degrees of cold... love the pic of son and grandson. sings joy. my uncle had an empty 2 acre field beside his house and every summer the whole field was covered in flocks, we loved to lay in them and pick them to take inside... I think Misty is about the same age as Baby. she is having the same issues. she is so funny, she sniffs anything we hand her and if she can't smell it she will nt take it. for instance a cracker has no smell for her, she turns her head, but put peanut butter on it and she grabs it...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I was trying to picture you having breakfast in bed! heehee! I've never eaten anything in bed as far as I can remember. Once I get up...I'm UP! Enjoy your day. Hope it's sunny and nice. Hugs, Diane

Debbie said...

Good morning! It IS shocking it is June already huh? And nope, breakfast in bed is not for me either...but I NEVER linger in bed in the morning. Once I wake...which is EARLY...I am up,lol. Glad there was no freeze but I can see how going to all that work for nothing was annoying, and yet you know if you hadn't, there would have been, lol. Love the pic of your son and his. Enjoy your day!

Vee said...

Five months? You lucky dog! We get two weeks and a half. (Yes, I do love to exaggerate.) Lovely what grows in ditches, though I do wish that our town crews were more interested in removing the poison ivy that grows right onto the highway leaving no place to walk. Let's see...what love your little dog for sure to take breakfast to her. My cat is getting like that...fading away. Breakfast in bed? I think I should try it once before I comment. Never have.

TexWisGirl said...

my sis in UP Mich said it got down to 29 for her. she was glad she covered plants. :) love your sweet old dog!

Anonymous said...

Bless little Misty. She is blessed to have you as Mom.
I love the sweet photo of your grandbaby.
I cannot imagine that much snow. Only thru blogging have I see such amounts! We can plant gardens after Apr. 15 here and have had tomatoes on the vine up until Thanksgiving. Of course, our summers are so so hot and humid. That is the trade off. Your photos are just beautiful. Have a lovely day.

Tired Teacher said...

Yes, it's hard to believe June has arrived.

I "think" all threat of frost has passed, but maybe. . .

Carla from The River said...

LOL - I feel the same way about the frost. :-) We did the same,covered everything!
Have a great stat to the new week,

Carla from The River said...

Okay, that is to be, Have a great start to the week. :-))

Unknown said...

Great pictures! I am so glad that you didn't get frost. Like you said, here in Wisconsin we wait until June to plant. Our garden is going in tomorrow. Still not sure though that we are really finished with the cold. But not as likely in our part of the state as your part of the state. Hugs from another Wisconsinite.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, looks like you were prepared for the frost and protected the plants. Great mosaic for today's blog!

ann said...

Hi. I am so glad that you stopped by the Garden Spot. I checked out your profile to discover that you have listed Bleak House as a favorite movie. Is it from Charles Dickens' novel by the same name? If so tell me more. I read the 1,000 page novel some years ago for grad school. I think I'd like to see the movie. Love you mosaic. I have never been to Wisconson. Looks cold. Beautiful flowers.

sweetbriardreams said...

I know, June already and the wind and rain are lashing against my windows and the heating is on - a typical British summer! I love that you tucked up your plants for bed and as for breakfast in bed? I can't remember the last time that happened and I have to say I didn't enjoy it. Have a wonderful week xx

Trace4J said...

Happy June Monday!
So glad no frost.
Warm warm humdid nasty warm here.
Praying for rain.
Woolie Blessings

Heide at ApronHistory said...

It was cold here Saturday night too. We usually just leave all our plants to fend for themselves! Lol! But living closer to the Lake I don't think it goes down as fast. It is so fun watching all the plants grow again! But still, there is that sense of urgency to enjoy and make use of every warm day as winter will be back soon!

Donna said...

The farm looks wonderful and flowers are pretty....glad you did not have a freeze...we had 2 frosts and a freeze so we were covered up too and everyone made it through...3 nights in the 40s this week and rain finally...

Lorrie said...

I'm glad it didn't freeze, but understand the bit of annoyance, too, at being prepared for something that didn't happen. Lovely phlox growing wild. Hope the weather continues to stay a bit warmer for you.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So glad that you didn't get the freeze - better to be safe than sorry, I guess! So sweet that you take special care of your old dog. They are with us such a short time - I wish they could live longer! My cat is getting frail now and I hate to see it happen. How precious is that little one in the swing, though! So nice to have such a sweet visit. They mow our roads, too, and take out the phlox, but for a different reason. We have huge ditches for the rain! I'll bet the roadworkers hate to cut the flowers, too. I wonder how many of their wives and girlfriends end up with beautiful bouquets of phlox? :) Happy June!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

A lot of work covering your veggies but better to be safe than sorry. So sad to see a loved pet get to the point of deaf and blind with old age but it was cute to hear a can of chicken can stimulate the old dear.
I had breakfast in bed as a young mother a couple of times, it seemed pretty neat back then but it's not my cup of tea these days. Getting up early and starting my day before I come back to the kitchen for breakfast is normal now.
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Judy.

Linda H said...

Lovely "early summer" photos. We still are having some very cool nights, after this week we should be okay. So I have not even planted my vegetable garden yet... Glad you did not get the expected frost.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Hooray for June. We went from 90s to the fifties today. Very strange weather for here. Breakfast in bed sounds good. xo Laura

Scrappy quilter said...

That swing looks like so much fun!

Terri D said...

Lovely photos, precious people, and hard to imagine freezing temps in June!

GranthamLynn said...

Great shots. So glad it didn't freeze. Thanks for sharing.

Rose said...

That grandson is adorable...the flowers are pretty. And love the photo of the calves.

Cheryl said...

A visit from a darling grandboy is always welcome!! sweet of you to serve breakfast in bed! You're a good dog-mommy!

Sylvia said...

Judy, I'm glad your plants did not freeze. Thanks for sharing these pictures. Sylvia D.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Glad the weather was kind to your plants and your grandson is lovely.

Rue said...

I'm glad your plants didn't freeze. We have to wait until Mother's Day here usually, but this year I had to wait until just last week. The weather is wonky this year.

I'm not a fan of breakfast in bed either ;)

Judy Goddard said...

I enjoyed reading your post and seeing the lovely photos. I've never noticed chopper boxes before. I'll have to look out for them.

Enjoy your spring!

ThirdLakeGirl said...

Good Morning. I was searching the internet to see if I could find any pictures of my Mom's 1 room schoolhouse. Your site came up. It says you attended 1-2 grade at Woodside. My Mom also went to that school. She is 89 years old, and last night was telling stories of her school days. It was so interesting. I say this old school house on a farm when we were on vacation several years back. My Mom went to this school 1 - 7 grades. There was a very small group of kids, She was the only 5 grader, 6th Grader and by graduation of 7th grade a boy had moved back to town, so there were 2 in the graduating class.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I know, I can't believe June is here already. Enjoying the photos and the descriptions. Nothing better than seeing a grandchild. Glad it didn't freeze but better to be safe about it!

Stephanie said...

Oh, I know what you mean about having to wait to plant things.... it's like that here in the mountains. I just put out some planted flower on Monday, but I have to be careful because we could still get frost.

It's so hard to believe May is over and June is here....where has the time gone?! It seems like it was just Christmas.

My dear Judy, thank you so much for joining Roses of Inspiration. Enjoy the remainder of your week. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Winter was cold enough (or beyond) and lasted way too long. Thankful we didn't have snow like yours! Have you decided what to do with that pallet yet?

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I know what you mean about it being June ALREADY, my favorite month, but it is all going way too fast. Lovely entry!


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