Friday, June 5, 2015

Cricketers Pub, Canterbury, England - Anglophile Friday

 The Cricketers, traditional English pub

Just a bit about fish & chips. I have ordered fish and chips almost every place I've been in England. I know there are other things to eat there, like delicious Indian food, for example, or unmemorable pastries, but fish and chips is uncomplicated and usually dependable. However, I have discovered that not all fish and chips are equal. The best, IMHO, until we got to Canterbury, had been from The Anchor Pub in Cambridge. Theirs is good. Really good.

But the Cricketers' fish and chips in Canterbury is even better.

 This huge hunk of delicious fish was about the size of a small chicken.
I'm still not sure who eats mushy peas, but it's not me. 
Peas are high in protein and fiber, and do nicely in a cool, wet climate - 
so I suppose that might have been a staple during rationing times.
Anyone can grow peas. And maybe they're mashed so they don't roll around.
Who knows.

 Mr. C., being his usual photo-cooperative self.
That's my water. No ice, one slice.

 Nice to know that someone else needs to change their wallpaper too.
Low ceilings, open beams, gaudy wallpaper. Very English.
(I won't show you my wallpaper. It's equally obnoxious and doesn't have any of the ambient charm.)

 Refectory Kitchen

The Falstaff

Only slightly disappointing for one who was expecting 'The Archbishop's Finger'...

Oops, just a wee peek at the cathedral in the distance.
That's for next week's Anglophile Friday.

Laying out the Welcome Mat

That's all the Canterbury for this week. Next week I'll post some of the cathedral photos, honest.

Missed last week's Anglophile Friday? Well here it is. 

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!


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eileeninmd said...

Great collection of images! I love the fish and chips too! I noticed when I was in London they do not add ice to any drink, I wonder why? The shops and town are cute and I like the view of the cathedral! Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

The Cranky said...

A lovely place! Since the Great Scot has lived here, his tastes have changed a bit: although he still likes fish and chips, he no longer likes his fish battered, although he still has to have his chips on occasion. Mushy peas are an abomination according to him, I'll take his (and your) word on it.

Cranberry Morning said...

When you ask for tap or 'still' water, you get tap water, which is what I order, because I don't like ice in my water. And it's free.

Deb said...

I`m a big fish and chip`s fan, too. I`d dive right in that plate you showed but pass on the mushy peas, too. I like how they served Mr. C his lunch. Gorgeous photos, as always, Judy. Deb

Janey and Co. said...

Thanks for the beautiful tour. Thhat meal looks delish. I have been to Cantebury. Your shots make me want to go back.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you already know how much I love the architecture, the windows in number 8 are fantastic. and i would have ordered the same as Mr C... but we do need photos or written instructions oh just how to take a bite out of that burger. the PLATE is really cool.

John's Island said...

Hi, Enjoyed the photos. Question: How did Mr. C. eat that burger? :-)

Linda Kay said...

Judy, wonderful pictures. My hubby wants to go to England, Ireland and Scotland, and these pictures make me want to go as well.

Tired Teacher said...

Amazing photos, especially the narrow street with the cathedral at the end. The bits of red the tourists are wearing draws the eye into the center.

Yikes those servings are huge!

TexWisGirl said...

you've made me sufficiently hungry for fries, er, chips. :)

Anonymous said...

Charming architecture and I can't wait to see more of the Cathedral. The fish and chips makes me so hungry.
I hope you will have an enjoyable day! xo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looking at your photos fills me with joy. I so want to go back for a visit. I really enjoyed the fish and chips!

Cathy said...

The fish and chips look really good. I like peas, but I'm not sure I've ever had them mashed like that. I'd probably try them though.

Unknown said...

Beautiful buildings! I wish we were more like that here. For awhile it seemed like it was more fashionable to tear things down. Is that a heavy breading? I have a friend in England and she does mention some of the foods. (Godstone Surrey) England sounds and looks so interesting. Not sure if I would like mushy peas either. Reminds me of pea soup!

L. D. said...

Canterbury looks like such an interesting place to visit. I really appreciate all of the sights and even the insides. That is a lot of food for one sitting. We live in such sterile surroundings over here with not so much history compared to that town.

Nancy Shuman said...

GREAT photos, as always!

bj said...

awww, I love everything in this post...your hubby is so cute and I especially love the bright red phone booths.:)

Anonymous said...

Oh you are making me homesick for jolly old England even though it's never been my home I love visiting and enjoying it!

The Little Yellow Corner Store said...

Hi Judy,
Thank you for signing up and making a post on The Little Yellow Corner Store. I am glad to meet someone from beautiful Wisconsin who happens to love farms and, I see from your postings that you also love barns too. I love your surroundings from your front porch. How far north do you live? Your profile also includes your interest in baking gluten free. My sister who is a guide to my gluten free baking and cooking, has been gluten free for about three years now. I would be happy to share any recipes. I hope to hear more from you and enjoy the lovely summer in our charming state.

Paula said...

Good idea to crush those peas so they don't roll around. lol When I was young I hated peas, now I like them. You have lots of nice pictures here and I too like the telephone booths since I was a PBX operator when I was young.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a neat tour- thanks for sharing! (Ix-nay on the squished peas..yuck!)

Preppy Empty Nester said...

The Mister came to ask me something and took a gander at that gorgeous plate of fish n' chips and he said that that's what he wants for lunch today!! I told him we would have to hop a flight and he said "let's go!" Have a wonderful weekend, dear Judy!

Vee said...

At first glance, because of the sign in the first photo, I thought the establishment would be a bookstore. The sign looks just like book spine.

I am sure that I would despise mashed peas, but the fish and chips, specifically, the fish, looks delicious. Chips served under fish are not a favorite...on the side, please!

Pamela Gordon said...

We visited Canterbury and the cathedral as well. I enjoyed your photos and especially the one of the food. I don't care for deep fried fish but it's a fave of my husband's if it's known to be good. That burger that Mr. C ordered is HUGE!! Enjoy the weekend.

Cheryl said...

Oh, another charming stroll in Canterbury!! I love it !! I also love my look at your fish and chips and I am longing to take a big bite here at 9:33 am.

Mr. Cranberry is camera shy? ;)

Suzan said...

Ohhh my Judy!! Every time you post your England pictures - you make my heart flitter!! When we go over - and we WILL go over to England in two years - Please make a list of must see places and to eat!!! I will love to eat fish their fish everywhere we go!! And that hamburger!!! Goodness, my Danny would love that!!
Always, many thanks for sharing!!!
One day . . . . . .

Decor To Adore said...

Anglophile Friday is my favorite! Gah, this post made me SO happy! Your husband is a true card.
Happy June and have a wonderful weekend.

Lowcarb team member said...

New to reading your blog - and have enjoyed my visit.

Lovely read and super photo's.

Thank You.

All the best Jan

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I wouldn't want tap water judging by some of it I've had in Ontario, you're trusting to order it when out. The fish and chips do look good, the mushy peas not, I like mine round. :-)

Kathy said...

That is one hefty burger Mr. C was served. How did he ever get it in his mouth?

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Hi Judy, Your fish and chips look delicious! I'm enjoying your photos of Cantebury--so charming and so England! Love the comment on the wallpaper. Thank you for stopping by tonight. ♥

Carla from The River said...

I always enjoy your photos and stories of England.
That is such a fun photo of Mr. Cranberry. ;-)

Unknown said...

"Cranberry Morning" has been included in our A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that we hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I love eating in English pubs, mashed peas and all!

moonstruckcreations said...

Hi there, have just found your blog via Sweetbriar Dreams. So pleased you love our slightly wacky sense of style here in the UK!

Have a lovely Sunday, Helenxx

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh I would so love to go back to England! Anglophile is me too)). We have eaten mushy peas and they taste like eating split pea soup straight out of the can, no milk or water added. When we were in London, our son sent us a list of English food that he dared us to try ... Can't remember it all, but Spotted Dick and Black Pudding were on it.... )) we did learn to love Indian food when we were there and our (very British) landlady told us that she considered it rather than fish and chips as the National Cuisine !

See you next Friday if not sooner.

Red Rose Alley said...

Judy, these fish and chips look delicious. I love a good fish and chips, and often eat them at Easter time during lent. Some of these Cathedrals are extraordinary, and Nel and Jess always visit them during their travels. And I love those red phone booths. What a great picture! Thanks for taking me along on your trip to England. My niece just studied abroad there for a few months and didn't want to leave. :~)


Lynne said...

Loved the photos . . .
Not sure how a bite can be had from that burger . . .
No ice in Ireland either . . .

Terri D said...

The food looks delicious! Joe would have had the burger and fries, too, while I had fish and chips (which I do order frequently here in the states). Yum!

carol l mckenna said...

What delightful photos and what a great time you must have had ~ Fish and chips and all!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking us on tour with you! That street with shops and restaurants is my kind of street! And your family pic of the post below is lovely!

Photo Cache said...

What a delightful post. I love fish and chips and the only ones I had are the stateside version.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What beautiful photos! And what a great looking meal your hubby had. I'll have what he's having! haha! Hugs, Diane

Stephanie said...

My dear Judy, what a lovely place to visit and you are so sweet to share your adventure with us through pictures. Mmm...I LOVE fish and chips and now you have me craving some :)

I loved seeing te beautiful Cathedral in the distance...what a stunning place. Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!

AngieOuellette-Tower said...

This wonderful post is being featured on my blog today as part of Tuesdays with a Twist (blog hop):


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