Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Hodgepodging for Nigerian Refugees

Duluth Lighthouse at Canal Park

Join Joyce and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Put them in your own post and link up.

1. What's something you're looking forward to in the month of June?

Screening in the front porch. Up here in Mosquitoland, the mosquitoes are miniature vampires, just waiting for us to sit out on the front porch in the evenings. During the summertime heat of the day (which is way different in Wisconsin than the summertime heat of the day in, say, Dallas, Texas), the mosquitoes aren't bad. But in the evenings? Forget about sitting outdoors unless there's a strong wind that will keep the mosquitoes away. In that case, we most likely wouldn't be sitting out on the porch anyway. Wisconsin is the land of 15,000 lakes and 1,150,000 breeding grounds for mosquitoes. SO, screening it in, although I like the look of an open front porch, is the most practical solution for us.

Our porch is not that deep, but will get the same railing/screen treatment as the one above.  Currently, our L-shaped porch (across the front and wrapping around to the north), looks like the photos below, taken last summer.

2. In what way have you come full circle?

Only since my mother nailed one of my feet to the floor have I come full circle. Actually, I have no idea. I've given this a lot of thought, but can't come up with anything.

3. Lonely Planet lists 10 spots in America you should see in 2015 and the reasons why. How many on the list have you seen? Which one on the list would you most like to see?

Queens NY, Western South Dakota, New Orleans, Colorado River Region, North Conway NH, Indianapolis IN, Greenville SC, Oakland CA, Duluth MN, and the Mount Shasta Region CA

I've been to Colorado, New Hampshire, Indianapolis, Greenville, Oakland area, and Duluth, MN. I've no desire to go to New York, it's a long way to drive to get to western South Dakota, I would like to visit New Orleans but not ever during Mardi Gras. I love Duluth, MN, and since we're only a couple hours from Duluth, I'd like to get up there again sometime this summer. It is one of my favorite places - in the summer, when the wind is not coming off that icy cold Lake Superior.

Duluth Lift Bridge

4. A song that describes your mood right now?

'The Old Gray Mare She Ain't What She Used to Be.'   Actually, that's what comes to mind after I've been working in the garden.

5. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry short cake, strawberry pie, or strawberries right off the vine...your favorite?

I love strawberry shortcake once during the season, and would also like a good piece of strawberry pie just once during the strawberry season. And it has to be homemade. None of that restaurant stuff for me, please. Too much goo and too few strawberries. I'll also be eating some right off the vine, for it looks like our little strawberry patch is going to do well this year.

6. Aesop's birthday is celebrated on June 4th, although there is some disagreement as to whether or not that's accurate, or if he was even a real person. Regardless, the name Aesop is associated to this day with many well known fables. Which of the following best applies to something in your life right now? The Tortoise and the Hare (Slow and Steady wins the race), The Ant and the Grasshopper (Be prepared), The Fox and the Goat (Look before you leap) or The Crow and the Pitcher (Necessity is the mother of invention)?

I'd say that The Crow and the Pitcher is more fitting for me just about any time, for I can usually come up with a solution to any problem (a characteristic that is not endearing to most of my friends) - or maybe The Ant and the Grasshopper. Actually, the only one that probably wouldn't fit is 'Slow and Steady...'

7. The answer is yes...what's the question?

Have you had dinner?  YES! And it was delicious. Fajita Chicken (check out my recipe) with basmati rice, black beans, peppers and onions. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Did you notice that NBC News spent more time on the Bruce Jenner story than they did on the truly devastating human story of the massacre of Christians in Nigeria by radical Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram and the ensuing flight of thousands of others to nearby Chad. There once was a campaign, 'Bring Back Our Girls,' after a few hundred Christian school girls from Nigeria were kidnapped by Boko Haram.  That was last year. They're still missing, but the story is no longer trendy. We've lost interest.

Remember this?
A display of compassion, a little too late to be genuine, but...
That was from May of 2014
Old news. We've moved on.

So while villages are burned, parents are executed in front of their children, children are kidnapped to be used as slaves, and more than a million now are refugees from these brutal killers, we're talking about Bruce Jenner's desire to be a woman. It's not that I have no compassion for Bruce Jenner and his issues. But I feel most sorry for Bruce Jenner for the fact that someday he might wake up and realize that he is simply a gullible political pawn. Do you think for a minute that if Bruce Jenner's desire was to become a scientist with a passion to find the cure for cancer, NBC would spend all this time on him? Of course not. Bruce Jenner is filling the need for sensationalism. And that means money. 

Let's get back to what really matters. 

And before we ask, one more time, for God to bless America, let's get on our knees and repent of our incredibly selfish sinfulness and stupidity.


"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."  - 2 Chronicles 7:14



eileeninmd said...

Good morning, interesting questions and hodgepodge. I would love to have a screened in porch. I wonder how they come up with these 10 spots to visit? I would pick Colorado or the Mt Shasta, Ca area. I love strawberries, plain or with whipped cream. Strawberry shortcake sounds yummy or maybe Vanilla ice cream with strawberries, YUM! I think I need to go take walk, I tend to gain weight just from talking about food. I have heard too much about Bruce Jenner and that whole family, enough already. Have a happy day!

Joyce said...

I so agree with you on the news. We have the attention span of a gnat. It's hard to believe there isn't more outrage, but then maybe it's not so hard to believe. You have a wonderful view from your porch. We're screening in a porch on the new house so we can enjoy sitting outside in the southern summer. I love porches!

Unknown said...

Sensationalism indeed. I rarely watch television, other than checking what is happening on the news over breakfast. It often centers on things like Bruce Jenner. The Old Grey Mare made me laugh out loud- I haven't heard that song in forever!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

I agree wholeheartedly about the Bruce Jenner story. I also have compassion for him but I don't want to hear another word about the story. There are so many more important stories to be covered. I think you are going to positively LOVE having that screened porch. We have a sunroom in which we live in. Enjoy the rest of the week, dear Judy!

Lynne said...

Amen . . . about Bruce Jenner and "his story" . . .
I feel compassion but really . . .
"The News" today seems to be nothing I really NEED to know . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great idea to screen the porches. there is no way to sit outside here unless there is a screen, and the little devils get in the house every time we go in and out the sliding glass door because it takes so much time for four of us to walk in the kitchen. they look like b 57 bombers flying in front of the TV and sound like to.

your song is perfect for where i am now... and none of Aesop's fits me. of the 10 spots in America i have only been to Greenville SC and have no desire to go to the others. i do have a bucket list though. Superstion Mountains in AZ and any thing in the old wild west part of the country... there are many places in Florida i have not seen and would like to.

bj said...

I think Between Naps on the Porch is everyone's dream porch. She has done wonders with all that room.
Your porch will be so nice ....
Strawberries are my fav fruit and I want Strawberry Shortcake every chance I get. :)

Anonymous said...

If I had your spectacular view from my front porch, I'd definitely screen it in, too. We live next to some woods, so we have mosquito problems, as well.

I guess I could share your song, "The Old Gray Mare", now that I'm "down in the back". Ha! Gardening isn't for sissies, is it?

Janey and Co. said...

The news is sometimes hard to listen to. I have not walked in Bruce Jenner's shoes.....and I wouldn't want to be walking in his children's shoes now.

I love a front porch. I have a huge deck here....but an old fashioned porch is something I dream about.

Theresa said...

LOVE strawberry shortcake but seldom treat myself to it, perhaps today:) My back porch is screened and it is nice to get away from the "skeeters"! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Michelle said...

New Orleans is a favorite of mine and even though I was there a couple of years ago, I can't wait to go back.

Becki said...

The screened in porch will be glorious!! Michigan definitely has our fair share of mosquitos too :(

Tired Teacher said...

My knitting group had the same discussion last night about the news. Social media has made us a nation of shallow people wanting a quick gossip fix. It's a sad commentary of where we are and where we are headed.

I love Duluth, especially touring the old buildings. How I'd love to return and tour the Glensheen estate again.

Carla from The River said...

First, I laughed my head off with the choice of your song. You silly girl!

I love your porch and can not wait to see it all finished. It will be lovely.

I totally agree about the news!

Susie said...

I love porches...we need them for relaxing. They give home a welcome look. Listening to the news makes my head spin and my heart heavy. As far as news on celebs goes...I say "who cares" move on to some real news. I do not want to know if some burped or cheated or whatever. There's more pressing things going on in this world. Bless you, xoxo,Susie

Cheryl said...

As you are about to harvest your strawberries, the last of ours are in the refrigerator now. We have made shortcake and pie and jam and used them in salads and eaten lots of them just as they are. We're going to miss them. (But not picking them.)

I am quite tired of hearing about (and seeing) Bruce Jenner. How did depravity somehow become heroic?

TexWisGirl said...

i'm simply tired of all of the reality show folks getting so much air and headline time.

i love your screened in porch. yes, i remember the nasty skeeters of wisconsin and the humid summers, too. we've got quite the mosquito population right now thanks to the heavy rains and standing waters, but i'm sure we'll soon be into HOT/dry weather.

totally with you on those yucky 'fake' strawberry pies. hate that gel stuff!

L. D. said...

I would love to live a couple of hours from Duluth. My wife and I use to visit there every year but life things do change. The rose garden and the boats coming in all day. The seagulls and the water are great.

podso said...

I too love BNOTFP's porch. You will love, love having your porch screened in. Listening to the crickets and hearing the mosies fly past without touching you --- interesting post and totally agree with the last one. thanks for sharing the links.

Anonymous said...

I agree: the news spends way too much time on stupid stuff. If we're going to be ok with Jenner changing genders, then we'd better start being ok with gays and all the rest. But no, we focus on the fashion and all. So dumb.

Barbara said...

Amen and Amen! to your words about media sensationalism, etc. I pray with you for our nation to confess, repent and get back to God.

Also loved the photo that's inspiring your porch renovations. Hope that all goes well for you. It sounds like the screening is an absolute necessity.

21 Wits said...

I completely agree, and sadly for my keeping up with the news, I'm running from it lately too. But may I say love, love LOVE the porch views, especially with the quilt and those cool old time colored chairs! My neighbor has a ring of them all colors around their fire pit!

Terri D said...

Three cheers for your #8! You are so right!

I think you will love having your porch screened in! We sure love having our back patio and pool screened in. When the weather is good we can open the French doors and it feels like the house doubles in size! Please post photos!!

Unknown said...

You are so blessed to have a front porch! I have always loved them and having them enclosed is just a slice of heaven! Enjoy the time on the porch and I hear ya on the 'skeeters! They are blood sucking vampires even in Dallas! That is why we can no longer enjoy the outside or even walk in the evening.


Oh wow your porch looks most inviting. There is something about a porch that always draws me and makes me feel settled. All your porch needs is me playing my guitar and singing. Loved your answers.

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

Song choice had me laughing--I am in the same boat!! Totally agree with you about the news! Love your porch.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I will definitely be thinking of the 'the old gray mare ain't what she used to be' after my gardening because that's how I feel too when I'm done. This applies to housework as well, I can't clean two levels the same day any more - besides, there's better things to do!
I refuse to read anything about Bruce Jenner, there really are more important things happening in the world that need our attention, and prayers.

Debbie said...

a very interesting group of thoughts, let's see what i can remember. that first image, i'll take one porch that looks just like that, although your porch is beautiful as well. it's funny that when the weather warms up, there are so many other things that get in the way of our enjoyment of the outdoors. pollen, bugs....then it's just too hot. the window of "enjoying the outdoors" seems to be getting smaller!!! my song today would be "happy" by pharrell williams, and i would love a piece of strawberry shortcake right now. them my song would be happy, happy!!!

and bruce...bruce who??!! hehehehe

Anonymous said...

I so agree with you about Jenner. I refuse to listen to or watch anything about him. So many tragedies in the world to bring attention to and the news focuses on him.

We once lived in a house with a screened in porch and truly loved it. Georgia's mosquitoes are bad also. I know you will love your porch!

Theresa said...

I love the view from your porch, that would be one of my favorite spots to sit. Your fajitas look delicious. You are so right on about the news. Sad, isn't it?! Samaritan's Purse does such excellent work for the Kingdom.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, loved your "rant". Saw Samaritans purse are active in Wimberly here in Texas helping the flood victims. And I am just about sick of the Bruce Jenner thing...

Chatty Crone said...

Boy do I love all your photos.
And your song - The Old Gray Mare .... me too!
And I want to come to your new screened in porch!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wendy said...

I envy your porch. We only have a patio but don't get bothered too much by mosquitos. Look forward to seeing the "after" pics when the screening's done.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great idea on the screened in porch! Living in Southern California I have not missed those pesky little fellows. Well that is a great song choice. I haven't heard that one in ages but I can certainly relate to it.

Vee said...

I read this post in my inbox yesterday and had to come tell you how funny your full circle comment was! Made me laugh. And then you end all the levity with your parting comments. That issue has definitley become "move along, nothing to see here." There are so many of those in these days.

Unknown said...

There's nothing like a lovely, comfy porch to relax on! The views. The fresh air. A good book. A warm beverage. A setting sun. Perfect. Without the mosquitoes. I thought MAINE as the Monster 'Squitoes! (My sister and her husband moved to WI not long ago...) Your shortcake and dinner look FABULOUS! Now I'm hungry! LOL I agree - We need REAL news!

jerilanders said...

Your number 8 hits the nail on the head.. Bruce Jenner, WHO REALLY CAREs??!!! Aside from those trying to convince us what a wonderful thing his "sex change" is, many of us think he needs mental help. Terrorists wreaking havoc throughout the world, THAT is a story we need to address NOW!


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