Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Rather Taxing Hodgepodge

 Always beautiful Amish farms in the Cashton and Westby area of Wisconsin

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!

1. What's the last thing you did that could be described as 'taxing'?

Sorting through papers and things in a house where nothing had been thrown away for a couple generations. (And yes, let it be a lesson to me.)

2. If you could plant a garden of anything, what would be in it?

My garden favorites are Carmen peppers, tomatoes (Wisconsin 51, probably), green beans, and Oregon Sugar Pod II peas. I think those are the only things I'm planting in my garden this year. Maybe a few potatoes. But since we're talking about Anything, if climate and rodents would allow and someone else would plant and keep the weeds out, I'd also like a field of tulips and another of lavender.

 Carmen Peppers, my favorite
I hope my nursery has them this year, for they're a great pepper!
I was going to start them from seed, but we were gone too much.
I usually get 18-20 large peppers per plant.

3. April 10-16 is National Library Week...will you celebrate with a visit to your nearest library? When did you last make a trip to the library? What are you reading right now? What's one title on your want-to-read list?

I seldom go to the library because it rarely has the book I'm looking for. Our local library has a ton of craft books, cook books, and romance novels, but...   Anyway, I finished reading 'Who is This Man?' by John Ortberg and am starting on 'Paul For Everyone' (The book of Romans, parts one and two) by N.T. Wright.

I have several on my want-to-read list, one being 'The Brothers Karamazov' by Dostoyevsky, which I meant to read this winter and didn't get around to it. I've read excerpts which are very compelling and make me want to get that book read! It would help if I didn't fall asleep on the couch after supper!

4. Share a saying or an old wives tale you heard while growing up, you believed to be true or that you paid attention to 'just in case'?

Don't crack your knuckles or you'll get huge finger joints. Don't cross your eyes or they'll stick that way. I did consider them, but the temptation was too great.

 And 'don't cheat at Monopoly'
which they always did.

5. Are you a fan of onions? Garlic? Ginger? What's a dish you love that contains one, two or all three items listed?

Love onions, garlic, ginger. I make a chicken stirfry that has all three - plus peppers, mushrooms, celery, and peapods (and chicken).

6.  Where does nurturing end and indulging begin? What are some skills or qualities you think a person needs to possess in order to be viewed as mature?

Indulging is giving in or just giving, over and over, whether or not it's good for someone. Nurturing is what is done that is good, helpful, and right etc. in training or loving. Wisdom is what's needed to be considered mature. Most people get older; some get wiser.

7. What leading figure in any field would you like to hear speak, and why?

I would love to hear N.T. Wright preach, teach, lecture. Which, of course, anyone can do via YouTube and other online sources. But I'd prefer it to be in person at Durham Cathedral. Why? Because I believe he's the leading New Testament scholar in the world, because I've learned a lot from his teaching, and because Durham Cathedral!

BUT, if I could watch anyone give a demonstration, it would be a shepherd with his sheep and border collies, and I'd stay at Why? Because (Scottish Blackface) sheep are so cute, and because it's fascinating watching smart, well-trained border collies move to the whistle variations of their master. It's a beautiful sight. Why at Yew Tree farm? Check it out. You'll see.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I don't relish the thought of spending another two days (at least) of this week sorting through papers and personal belongings in SW Wisconsin.  But at least the surrounding area is the most beautiful part of our state, in my opinion.

Earlier this month -
Road near Avalanche.
(Who would choose to live in a town named 'Avalanche'???)


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Have a great day, everyone!



Preppy Empty Nester said...

Your chicken stir fry look positively delish. Good luck going thru those papers. Have a good week.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, going thru the papers does not sound like fun! It would be awesome to have a field of lavender. Your stir-fry dish looks delicious. I love the last photo of the curvy road. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

not only do i now want to live in Avalanche, i don't want to drive or ride on that icy road with a drop off... shudder shudder. also going through things left behind by others makes me crazy... i love garlic in just about anything cooked.
there is no one alive i want to hear speak, sitting and listening is like torture to me. my husband says I never listen and he is right, i want to be the one talking or doing the speech. i would love to see the shepherd with his dogs. i would listen to a herd of cows if they had a meeting.. animals with 4 legs are my most favorite of all things. well maybe they are second to my Kindle that i read every day of my life

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy, Yew Tree Farm is so charming! I enjoyed all your answers and your stir fry looks so tasty. Thanks for sharing your reading list, too. Have a great day.


Gorgeous photos! I loved your post and that stir fry made my mouth water.

Arlene G said...

Judy it looks like you have your own library in your home! We have a similar room upstairs with Hubbys books on certain shelves and mine on the other. But I am off to the Library this morning! For a smaller library we are blessed to have all kinds of books!

Susie said...

Judy, I love your photos. Especially the old barn. I also loved the way you did those jeans yesterday. So clever. .Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Theresa said...

I can see why you don't need the library! That stir fry looks delicious. I've never been to Wisconsin but your pictures make me want to visit. Have a great rest of the week :)

Nonnie said...

There are so many good things about this post, I am going to have to go back and read again when I'm on the iPad. I've only heard the name N. T. Wright. Now I will have to look him up and listen.
I did see the old movie Brothers Karamazov (sp?) with Yul Brenner. I imagine the book would be fascinating and loaded with all kinds of deep and profound thoughts.
I did crack my knuckles and they are swollen.

April said...

Your chicken stir fry looks amazing, Judy! Do you still have snow up there? Sorting through papers is one of my worst nightmares...did it a few months ago. Hard to know what to keep and what to toss.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, your stir fry looks good, but I'm not a fan of peppers (or maybe they just don't sit well with me). I'm also not a library goer....too many books available online.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I like your answer for number 6 ... most people get older, some get wiser.
Let us have stir fry the next time we visit. :-)

Chatty Crone said...

I am with you on the lessons learned about the eyes and such - I got the same ones. And that is what I have been doing lately - CLEANING - papers and everything - it is a lot of work - good luck getting it done!

Joyce said...

I recently finished Soul Keeping by Ortberg. I savored it and read just a chapter or two each morning. The theme resonated with me and I think the message is timely. I had a lavendar garden in my UK back garden (lawn, but they say garden). It was as lovely as it sounds. I tried to grow some in NJ but it was too cold too long too often.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Lovely Amish farm, Judy. Your chicken stir-fry is making my mouth water. Being in the middle of a renovation and having our whole house painted, inside and out, is making me get ruthless with getting rid of stuff we absolutely do not need. Other wise it would still be in closets, etc. I know it's even harder at someone else's home. I always enjoy your posts! Have a great day. ♥

Jenny Woolf said...

I love watching sheepdog trials too. The dogs always seem to be having such fun.
It can be tiresome sorting out someone else's papers, and also kind of depressing, although I suppose it depends who they are!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

As always, dear Judy, love your photos...answers...and humor. ;)
Blessings. xoxo

podso said...

Enjoyed your answers this week. IT sounds like a tedious job you have right now unless it draws you in to reading something fascinating.

Cheryl said...

Hi, I'm visiting from the hodgepodge! I loved your answers and I always LOVE your pretty!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a project I need to work on....getting rid of papers. I still crack my knuckles. I agree, don't check at Monopoly! Love your random photo.

Debby Ray said...

As always, I enjoyed your answers this week. I could eat stir-fry something everyday of the week and your looks delectable! I hope spring is finally on the horizon for you! :)

Wendy said...

Enjoyed your answer and the chicken stir fry looks delicious.

Anonymous said...

I loved your old wives' tales, and heard both, as a child :)
Sorting through papers...It's enough to give you a headache, isn't it?
As always, I loved your photos, too.

Kathy (Reflections)

Rose said...

As always, I love reading your hodgepodge. Oh, and I love that first shot.

Anita Johnson said...

Love so much of your book choices

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I loved reading all your answers to the questions. Sheep dogs are so intelligent and wonderful to watch as the shepherd directs them first I love the look of the stirfry. There are so many old wives tales but I do remember my father saying the one about crossing your eyes.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

I do enjoy farms and their barns. This on is certainly appealing! Have a wonderful day!

Vee said...

Oh I do not envy you the culling and receive your warning. After the kidney stone episode, I had to give up peppers...wah! No tomatoes in your garden?

Terri D said...

Your stirfry sounds delicious! I enjoyed your answers and will check out your link and your favorite speaker. Thanks for the recommendations.

shortybear said...

good answers

Anonymous said...

Oh, yikes...Avalanche. Scary! You do such great Hodge Podge posts.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful barn and farm. I hope your sorting out job goes quickly. I think I might shy away from a place called Avalanche.


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