Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tuppence Visits the Vet

I will miss the Hodgepodge this week. I'm leaving for a couple days and won't be taking my laptop along.

While we were away for a week and a half in March, our kitty was taken care of by our son who visited her every other day and took care of the necessaries. But, when we returned, we noticed that Tuppence has not been eating well. I tried giving her straight tuna from a can, and she seemed to like it, but the excitement didn't last too long. When I gave her a wee can of moist cat food, she lapped up all the broth and I later found the bits of food-like-substance strewn on the floor like a four foot minefield. She obviously was not impressed with it.

She's also been really whiny and scolding.

 'Hurry up and get in bed so I can lie next to your head and sneeze on you!'

'And give me a break! I'm an old cat!!'

I made an appointment for Tuppence to visit the vet. We had her there at 11:30, as scheduled, and met the new vet. It's pretty hard to beat our own James Herriot who is selfishly thinking of retiring, but I'll have to say this new guy made a good impression on both Mr. C. and me. He was kind, thorough, and didn't seem to want to rush the cat out of there to get on with more important things. Evidently he's learning a lot from our usual vet. This was an auspicious beginning, as far as we were concerned.

It's true - Cats struggle to get near the person who least wants them there.

The vet had a hard time trying to hear her lungs, because Tuppence kept purring so loudly. He thought it was possible that she has a slightly enlarged thyroid, but not sure, her temp was normal, her ears good, she wasn't lethargic, and she checked out in every other way. She just isn't eating...much.

Verdict:  Most likely, she was simply missing her people. And, because she's a 15+ year old cat, she's now going to be getting a good quality moist cat food most often and dry cat food (her usual special-diet food), now and then. Basically, she'll be offered a smorgasbord. Let's hope she likes it. (When I'm an old cat, I'm pretty sure I'll still be wanting crunchy food.)

AND, we won't be leaving her alone, even with someone coming in every other day to tend to her. We have to be gone Tuesday through Thursday of this week, but a sweet family will be staying here with her - pals she's known for a long time.

Tuppence's happier days - when Lionel was still with us.

Bonus info: I hadn't known, until the vet told me, that calico cats are ALWAYS female, and are usually more hyper than cats like Lionel. So genetics had everything to do with Lionel being a laid-back, mellow dude, whereas Tuppence is just the opposite.

Linked to Eileen's Saturday's Critters


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How's your kitty doing?

Check Carla's cat, Catsby. She gives us an update each Monday. 



Deb said...

As I was reading this my thought was that she was very lonely and confused with you gone. As cats age, they become very routine and just the fact you were not there (especially at nights) would have thrown her whole system off. I cat-sat many an old cat over the years and always suggested at least two visits a day for them when they were alone. Our own Annie is a very sensitive cat and just being away one night had her 'off' when I returned. They are much more attached to us than some may think. Glad she is feeling better and that she will have a 'live-in' now. And tuna once in awhile might be appreciated. lol Male calicos are very rare (but out there) and worth their weight in cat-food. Actually, I read once that someone paid thousands for one.

Susie said...

Well Judy, you have taught me something...thank you. I did not know that about cats. I hope you cat does well...I think pets are like human , can get grumpy as they age, or not into things we used to love. We had a cat that would pee on the fireplace rug anytime we all left the house...till we had to keep putting her in a bathroom while gone. Quirky. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am so glad you like the new vet, each one is totally different.. to funny on the purring. and i did know about cats going to the person that doesn't want them. my dad did not like cats or dogs or any other animal. when he visited our church memebers my job was to go with him and fend off the pets by holding and loving them.. there was a house with a cat that would not leave daddy alone, no matter what i did to distract. i do hope the only thing wrong is being lonely.. glad you have a cat sitter.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Tuppence is so sweet. I know you are thankful to have kind and caring vets. Hoping that she will be just fine with these changes. xoxoxo

Arlene G said...

I feed my friend's cats when she is gone and one of them does the same thing. She wants her people. Now the other one would eat his food and his sister's food as well!! So they come home to one fat cat and one skinny Glad Tuppence is ok. And I just LOVE the kitty's names...I know I have told you before but it is true.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Our puppy friends rule our world. It is lucky that we don't travel...or maybe we don't travel because of them? Terry and his sweetheart Boscoe cannot be apart..even when he leaves the room. Terry says he loves me too, but doesn't follow me because I never sit still. Perhaps I was Calico in a past life, lol. I'm glad your kitty got an A-okay. It has been my experience that good vets only sell their practice to like minded vets when they retire. We call our vet Saint Sheila. I have had two pets that are gone now that I feel I was able to keep 3 years each longer because she was knowledgeable and loving and money was not her first concern.
xx, Carol

Tired Teacher said...

My mother loved barn cats and more often than not they were calico.

Tuppence looks like a sweetheart. Glad the new vet made a good first impression.

Tracy Batchelder said...

I didn't know that about calico cats either. I hope she's back to her normal self soon.

Lynne said...

A good vet and caring visits are the best.
Good news . . . that someone will be with Tuppence while you are gone . . .
Our Snickers doggie likes it best, when we are both home, and she can be close to us . . .
It has been this way most of her life but in the past six months, even more so.
It has changed some of our travel plans . . .

J said...

What a relief to see that Tuppence will be okay! Our dog won't eat for two days whenever we leave her. The six cats do fine, but I think that's because they have each other. The best part of vacation is coming home to see all seven of our "kids" run to the back hallway to greet our return! The purring volume is crazy!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I am glad Tuppence will be okay. She is so sweet. I love that she purred so loud.
And that she sits next to Mr. C. Ha!

Nancy Chan said...

I think Tuppence was missing her family. Good to know she is okay and that the vet is caring and a good one. Have an enjoyable holiday!

Stephanie said...

Awww... Tuppence is precious and I am so glad she is okay! I can understand her missing her sweet people :)

Wishing you a lovely day! hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

Well I learned a couple of things here. I am glad she is okay. Girls - we are just moody aren't we? She is a beautiful cat. Stay warm.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Tuppence is so pretty and I hope she continues to improve now that her beloved family is home. I know my cats are all different, but I was glad to read that calico kitties are more hyper because my Callie certainly is and I thought that it was just that she was ornery. Maybe she is ornery AND hyper! lol! I had to laugh when I read about the "hurry up and get in bed..." that sounds so much like Stormy. She likes to sleep about an inch from my face.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Aww... I think sweet little Tuppence missed you!! What a sweet face!! Hope you are having fun!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your Tuppence is so sweet and I do hope she is feeling like her old self soon. How wonderful you have a caring Vet to take over the practice. I didn't know that about Calico kitties. Your photo with Lionel and Tuppence is so charming. Have a great day, Judy! ♥

Terra said...

It sounds like Tuppence is ok, she just missed you and her routine. Good to know your new vet sounds like a good one.

Lynn Blaylock said...

I had hear that calico's were always female but I didn't know they had a tendency to be hyper. That's good information. I hope Tuppence gets to feeling better. Best wishes to you, as well. Have a blessed day!

Breathing In Grace said... sad...but glad to know that the "only" problem is she missed her people. Precious kitties!!!

Joanne Noragon said...

I'm glad it was only a compound case of people sickness. I'm currently out of old cats, and enjoying the master of the house antics of my now four year old black and white. Mine was captured as a four week old feral, and is quite the piece of work.

Daniela said...

Poor darling Tuppence, being no more young she needs much more company and affection, how I love cats !
Kiss her a lot, and tell her that these kisses are coming from Dany from Italy, who loves her so much !

Enjoy the remainder of your week, sweetest Judy,
sending blessings of joy to you


carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I'm so glad sweet Tuppence is okay!! Such a pretty kitty. I miss having a kitty so much, but due to allergy issues around here we can't have one anymore. Our last cat (Wilby) was almost 17 when he died. I still miss his contented purr and sweet snuggles.

God bless Tuppence and hope that she continues to do well and enjoy all of her wonderful foods and people love. :)


Lowcarb team member said...

Glad to hear Tuppence is ok ...

Take care

All the best Jan

Christine said...

Hi Judy, hope Tuppence is feeling better and all goes well when you are away. She is a very sweet cat!

podso said...

No cats around here but it's an interesting post. I'm glad its nothing more serious. And the first thing I thought of was pining for her people. I wonder if she'll still miss you with your friends filling in. There's just no one like mom and pop!

shortybear said...

hope Tuppence will be ok.

Jean | said...

Judy, I'm so glad Tuppence is better. Poor sweetie! Yes, calicos are always female. And red tabbies are most often, but not always, male. Throughout my life I've found female cats of any color to be more high-strung than males AND less likely to have a sense of humor (yes, I notice that in cats!). A lot of people tend to not like to get out of their routine as they get older, too; so Tuppence is not alone in that.

This N That said...

Hope she is OK..I was thinking maybe a bad tooth?
I guess she just didn't like being left alone..Some animals are like that..I think most!! I've had lot's of cats and , like people, they all have their own traits be it male or female..

Terri D said...

It is always hard when a fur-baby is sick. If they could just tell us what hurts it would be so much easier! Hope she recovers and gives you more years of love! Our Amber was two weeks shy of 20 and we have friends who have one that is 30! I knew about calicos being female, and most orange tabbies are male.

Amy at love made my home said...

I hope that all will be well with Tuppence and that you will have a good time away! xx

Rose said...

I knew calico cats were always female, but I do not know why. did he say?

Wanted to ask that...I do hope Tuppence decides she likes some of her new smorgasboard.

Anonymous said...

I hope Tuppence is getting back to normal. It is probably a good thing to have someone stay with her, even better, someone she knows. We had various vets (in residency) through the years and all were very special. The vet who tended to one of our rabbits was the kindest, gentlest person ever.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope she is doing better. ((Hugs))

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

One of my cat, maybe because he's a male, did the opposite after the renovation last summer. I visited him every day, but often I only had time to feed him, so he began associating seeing me and eating and when I came back home he couldn't stop eating. He became rather fat which wasn't good for him, but now he's better.

abrianna said...

That was my firs thought-that she was upset that her people had left her. I have kept Skittles (my kitten) on the high quality food she had at her foster home and her coat is soft, shiny and I have not had any hair balls or other cat throw up either. I am convinced that it is due to the food I kept her on.


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