Sunday, April 3, 2016

InSPIREd Sunday

 Coon Prairie Lutheran Church
Westby, WI

Mark 16: 6-8

'Don't be astonished,' he said to them. 'You're looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has been raised! He isn't here! Look - this is the place where they laid him. But go and tell his disciples - including Peter - that he is going ahead of you to Galilee. You'll see him there, just like he told you.' They went out, and fled from the tomb. Trembling and panic had seized them. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.'

"People today are afraid of Easter for totally different reasons. Well, perhaps not totally different. The gatekeepers of 'modern' Western society have decreed that religion is dangerous nonsense; that if there is a 'god' he's a long way away and only interested in your private spiritual life; that Progress, Technology and 'Science' (by which they mean not real science, the delighted and humble exploration of the universe, but an ideology that uses the same name) are in charge, and taking us towards a golden future. And that dead people do not rise.

"They have to add that last bit, of course - not that it's a new idea. Homer knew that the dead don't rise. Pliny, the great Roman naturalist, was well aware of it too. That's hardly surprising, since it is the universal human experience. Dead people stay dead. The early Christians knew that too, and that was why what they discovered on that first Easter morning blew their minds and imaginations. They weren't ignorant folk who didn't know 'the laws of nature.' But those who try to shape today's Western world-view insist on 'no resurrection' for the same reason as all other totalizing systems insist on it. If Jesus was raised from the dead, a new power has been let loose in the world, a power which goes beyond all other power known to the human race. All other power, in the last analysis, ends up killing people. That's the bottom line. But if there is a God who raises the dead, all other powers are called to account. Resurrection challenges human empire where it hurts most..."

- N.T. Wright, Lent For Everyone

Jesus is Lord

Hope - because of the Resurrection.

Have a blessed Lord's Day, friends!


Linked to InSPIREd Sunday


shortybear said...

nice post, like your new header.

Susie said...

Judy, I love this church. So glad that God loves us. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

eileeninmd said...

Hello Judy! Pretty church and a great Sunday post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

TexWisGirl said...

pretty church and blue sky!

Tom said...

A great church with a "cool" name.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great inspiration, Judy! Have a fabulous Sunday!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the inspiration. Happy Sunday

Lowcarb team member said...

Love those spires, especially against a lovely blue sky.

Have a peaceful Sunday.

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful photos. I hope you are enjoying a nice Sunday afternoon.

Breathing In Grace said...

Beautiful churches and steeples! Happy SONday to you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a beautiful church and the cemetery is so peaceful and pretty.. some day those who don't believe will be shocked to the core..

Primitive Stars said...

Beautiful picture, have a blessed day.Blessings Francine.

Suzan said...

Lovely photo of the church and graveyard!!! Looks old :-}}

Daniela said...

I'm so overjoyed to read a post of yours, my sweetest Judy, I've been missing this Sunday appointment I love so much, it's so inspiring to me, my adorable friend !

Sending blessings on your new week ahead, dearie,
may it be filled with love and joy,

with sincere thankfulness


Terri D said...

Blessed are the believers!!!

Sandi said...

"...But if there is a God who raises the dead, all other powers are called to account."

That's it right there.

Michelle said...

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday and a great week ahead!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what gorgeous blue crisp shots ... so lovely. hope you are well this week. are you still having winter weather? stay cozy warm. take care. ( :

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nice looking church & churchyard

Amy at love made my home said...

So lovely! xx

Lace up and Walk said...

I find churches that have cemeteries next to them to be so much more interesting. Lovely photos-thanks for sharing.


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