Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dodge, Lodge, Hodge Podge

 Village parking lot
Westby, WI

Join Joyce and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!
(thanks, Joyce!)

1. This is the last Hodgepodge in April. Share something you learned this month. 
A home without a dog is lonely and empty!  (and clean)
(We won't ask Mr. C. his opinion on this subject.)

 Jazzie is currently visiting her Minnesota home.
See those eyes? I know she's missing me! ;-)

2.  It's National Poetry Month, and we all know you can't escape an April Hodgepodge without a little poetry. Keeping the first line as is, change the rest of the wording in this familiar rhyme to make it your own - 'Hickory Dickory Dock...

Hickory Dickory Dock
I'm listening now to Bach.
The clock'll strike one
And I'll be gone
To slither back under my rock.

(Don't blame me. I'm not a poet.)

3. What were one or two rules in the home you grew up in? Growing up, did you feel your parents were strict? Looking back do you still see it that way?

I can't think of any rules in our home, although we were expected to pick up after ourselves, do our chores, be honest, go to church, love Jesus. I don't think that I thought my parents were particularly strict, because they were pretty much like everyone else's parents that I knew. I had good parents. I always knew they loved me.

My parents (left) as teenagers.

4. Tell us about a kitchen or cooking disaster or mishap you've experienced. Do you have many from which to choose?

The cooking disaster was probably when I baked a cake in my 1913 Home Comfort cookstove. The batter took up about a half inch in the pan - before and after.  There's a real skill to actually baking with a wood-burning stove, and I've not yet acquired it, mostly because it's hard to find wood that's reliably dry enough to know how fast it will burn. And no, I really don't have many kitchen disasters. 

Firebox on my cookstove
5. Plant a kiss, plant doubt, plant a tree, plant yourself somewhere...which on the list have you most recently planted?

Probably plant a kiss on a grandchild.

Who could resist those sweet little cheeks!

6. What's your most worn item of clothing this time of year? Are you tired of it?

Soft cotton, long-sleeved t-shirt. I never tire of them. 

This obviously isn't a long-sleeved shirt, nor is it mine, but when I was searching my photo files for 'shirt,' this one came up and I love this photo. :-) One of the grandkids, taken a few years ago. I think he looks like the Campbell's Soup Kid in this photo. 

7. I'm wrapping up the A-Z Blog Challenge this month and our Hodgepodge lands on letter W. What's one word beginning with W that describes you in some way? How about a word to describe your home, also beginning with W?

Me: Wondering;  Home: Wisconsin 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

 This is a photo that I don't think I posted before. It's from late March in the Kickapoo Valley area of Wisconsin. Horses waiting patiently for the [maple] sap wagon to be filled.


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Have a great day, friends!



eileeninmd said...

Good morning, I love your sweet Jazzie. I miss having a dog in our home, hopefully someday we will have another dog. Your grandchildren are so cute, adorable photos. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Good morning Judy. Those grandbabies just pull at my heartstrings. Tooo cute! Love your last pic of the horses patiently waiting. Have a good week.

Susie said...

Judy, Great pictures. At our house...if you did not want your mother to kill better show respect to teachers and elders. LOL... Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Tracy Batchelder said...

I love your wood stove! I can see how it would be a challenge to keep the temperature consistent for baking.

Arlene G said...

Cooking on a wood stove is an art. I am amazed at how the pioneers built their own houses, cooked so primitively and ate so well. Oh and I am glad poetry is alive and well in Wisconsin. :) I am your type of poet. If it does not rhyme it is not a poem.

Joyce said...

You always have such lovely photos. That last one makes me think of another serene.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen a sap wagon, had no idea what it was. wow... i love it... glad you found and shared it and the sweet shirt guy... i think your poem is very creative, notice i am not trying to create one... i would not want to cook on/in that stove but i want it so i can play and watch the fire.... the biggest cooking disaster ever... bob cooked the TG turkey, it was out uncovered, he had carved a plate for the table and left it there to take the meat off the bone.... the overhead florescent light burned out. He got the ladder, pulled the 4 food long bulb out and dropped it, shattering gazillions of pieces of glass in the turkey. it went out in the garbage.

21 Wits said...

Jazzie says where's my Mom! Love the village parking lot!

Christine said...

Wonderful Wisconsin and witty words in your poem! I love that T shirt 'Follow God!"
Have a great week!

Linda Kay said...

Great pictures to accompany the hodge podge this morning. Love the horse parking lot.

Theresa said...

Your photos always make me want to go on vacation. They are so calming and beautiful. I would imagine it is hard to cook on a wood burning stove but I bet the food comes out delicious! Have a great week :)

Nonnie said...

My grandma always had a wood cook stove. loved your poem and your photos! Those kids are beautiful! Like the horses too.

Tired Teacher said...

Love all the photos. Wish I had a wood stove in my house for emergency use.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
Your photos are amazing.
Oliver's eyes...I just love them. He is so cute.
Enjoy your week,

Wendy said...

Great photos and I'm glad I've never had to try and bake a cake on a range. Must be a real challenge.

L. D. said...

I always enjoy your hodge podge. I have never seen a sap wagon before. That is one large container and it is neat that it is pulled by horses. Great photos for me to see. Thanks.

Terra said...

I love those two horse photos.

Lowcarb team member said...

Love that first photo 'Village parking lot - Westby, WI'

Love your reply 'Probably plant a kiss on a grandchild. '
I adore giving the grand-children hugs and kisses too!

All the best Jan

podso said...

What sweet kissable cheeks, same on the shirt picture. I should have answered this one, I do have a newlywed kitchen disaster that involved not knowing the difference between baking powder and baking soda. Your answer to the rule question made me think. I don't remember rules either, but I do remember being taught the difference between right and wrong, and some spankings, probably for not obeying.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

I have never seen a maple sap/syrup wagon before! Very interesting!

Terri D said...

I smiled all the way through your Hodgepodge, Judy! Love the photo of your folks, Jazzy and that sap wagon! The grands are all precious and you aren't supposed to resist those cheeks! :)

Amy at love made my home said...

Good questions and interesting to read your answers too!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh the little one with the Think God T-shirt - a real cutie pie. My parents were tough. And every home needs a dog.

Michelle said...

I cannot imagine cooking/baking on a wood burning stove. Though, I would love one.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

This was so much fun to read. Enjoyed all your answers. And learned at least one new thing -- I didn't know Wisconsin was a big maple syrup place; I love knowing that.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh -- meant to say congrats that you at least tried to cook on the wood stove. When we were first married, Bill took a job teaching in a one room school; it had a 'teacherage' (like a parsonage) that came with the job. It only had a wood stove; the landlady (school board member I think) saw my face when I looked at it and said "we'll replace that stove for you -- so I got an old electric one. It's a good thing, because we probably would have starved. But now all these zillion years later -- I wish I'd taken the opportunit to learn to cook on a wood stove!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

yes your dog's eyes are calling for you and I love ethe horse adn carriage in its parking lot

Jean | said...

Judy, I always enjoy your answers and photos. That one of your parents is really special. Like you, I don't have many kitchen disasters, but expect I would with that old wood stove!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Poetry, old family photos and a baking disaster - an interesting hodge podge Judy

Anonymous said...

You do these well. I love these. I had to chuckle at your nod to poetry. *wink*

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Dogs are the best! Sweet photo of your parents. Love your photo of the horses waiting....

Empty Nester said...

I don't know what I'd do if Tucker was off visiting somewhere without me. We go to Nashville in June this year and he's going with us. Else, I don't go. LOL Always enjoy reading your blog! I can't wait to plant a kiss on my first grand! :)


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