Friday, May 20, 2016

All About Lilacs

Lilacs on my cookstove make me happy ♫

I don't know why John Denver popped into my head this morning, but as soon as I had that thought about the lilacs on my cookstove, I heard his voice singing...  I was not a fan but that doesn't mean I don't hear his voice when I see a country road or sunshine, or...

Fortunately, even John Denver's voice is usually drowned out by my own thoughts or voice praising God for all this beauty.

The little blackface sheep were given to me by Bobby, my cousin, and the butter churn is from Mr. C.'s grandfather. I don't know where the old box came from, but I have a few old boxes that I'm fond of, and this is one of them. 

 White lilacs and flowering crab blossoms
After the daffodils have faded, I have these amazing colors and fragrances to enjoy!

 My lighter purple lilacs, plentiful!

 The deep purple lilacs against our rusty barn roof

 Last, but not least, a photo that popped up when I was looking through my photo archives for 'lilacs.' Bridger, standing in our backyard, spring of 2005 when he was four years old. I just had to post it. If you don't want to see photos of my German Shepherd who died in May of 2013, then talk Mr. C. into getting me another GSD puppy.


Check out my natural, handcrafted vegan soap!
Buy any 5 or more, Get 1 FREE
French Lilac & Lavender
Natural Vegan Soap

Currently sold out, but a new batch will be ready in two weeks!
I think you will understand why I really couldn't post any other soap photo today!

...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at

and at

Our ETSY Shop

Linked to Amy's Five on Friday
and Eileen's Saturday's Critters
and Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration

Instagram: @cranberrymorning

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!



MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would love for you to have a puppy, butt I love seeing Bridger, so don't stop. this is so sweet in the lilacs. i would have my house full of them if i had any. we don't have any flowers that can come inside... yours on the stove make me happy just in the photo. love the sheep and box and the vase

Arlene G said...

Hey girl, I love JOHN!! He was my favorite singer in high school and college. But I know not everyone is a fan. My kids used to hide my John Denver tapes from me so I could not play them in the car!!:) When I was growing up we had a lilac bush by the back door and it always smelled so good. It is funny how smells can trigger memories !

podso said...

You do have a variety of lilacs. I think I like the darker purple the best. They fill the house with such a wonderful scent. Wonderful final photo --post pictures of him any time!

Christine said...

Love seeing your photos of Bridger! I miss our German Shepherd and think there couldn't be a sweeter pet on the planet!
the lilacs are great for filling pots and vases around the house - you've put me in mind to go cut some and enjoy them indoors too!
Have a fun day!

Marcia said...

Lovely lilacs! I have one lilac bush that my youngest daughter had me buy one Mother's Day. She was in China at the time and the city flower there in Harbin is lilac. It's a late blooming lilac but smells delightful. It's somewhat hidden next to the glorious weigelia bush . Photos of both on my blog.

Tracy Batchelder said...

Spring looks to be in full swing in your area! Sadly, lilacs will not grow here, but I had them when we lived in New Jersey. I fell in love with their beauty and fragrance.

Cheryl said...

Ahhhh...lilacs make me happy too! I have missed our lilac bushes this spring. We brought a couple of offshoots, so I hope that we are able to begin a couple of bushes here at the new place. Of course, there are so many beautiful plantings here, that I shouldn't complain at all. There is a gorgeous rhododendron that is probably 10 feet tall!

Bridger was a handsome dog. I don't mind seeing him at all! (Although I would be happy for you if Mr. C. would bring you a puppy!) :)

21 Wits said...

Well you've got my vote. A home just isn't complete without our four-legged wet nosed, devoted pups. That's why we always have more than one. Three at the moment and down to one kitty-cat. The grandchildren love them just as much as our children too.

Debbie said...

Lilacs will forever and always remind me of my mom as she LOVED them so and could never get enough of them it seems. She even bought a shower curtain for her bathroom when she was living here that had lilacs on them, and it hangs there still. I love them too! And yours are just positively gorgeous. I would have been showing all these pics to my mom for sure this morning if she were here. Bet in heaven she sees them everyday. Have a wonderful week-end!

Stephanie said...

Sweet Judy, thanks for sharing your beautiful photos with us. I can almost smell the sweet scent of your lilacs :) Mine are slowly coming and in a few weeks I should have some blossoms - yay!

Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs to you!

Linda said...

Oh my, I bet those lilacs smell, Mr. about another German Shep. puppy???? smiles---I lo ve seeing your photos regardless.

Tired Teacher said...

Lilacs conjure wonderful memories from my childhood, as does the butter churn. I'll ponder the memories for a bit and then get on with my day.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots - my favourite is the one of your dog!

Judy S. said...

I love lilacs, too; they've been done here for a while, so I am enjoying your photos minus their lovely odor.

Sylvia said...

Love all your photo's. I was a fan of John Denver and loved his songs, now you've got me singing "Country Roads"!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love your gorgeous lilacs. The pretty purple colors are my favorite. I will talk to Mr. C about getting your another pretty GSD, I see no reason not to have another dog. Tell Mr. C, I heard dogs make you happier and live longer.

Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

mamasmercantile said...

Such beautiful lilacs and I can only imagine the beautiful aroma.

L. D. said...

The flowers are so beautiful and the dog is so handsome.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Love lilacs - a touch (and smell) of summer. And that's a great shot of Bridger. Not a huge fan of John Denver. And getting VERY frustrated trying to leave comments using my new Wordpress reverted to Google until I can figure this out.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, what gorgeous lilacs you have! Your home must smell divine. I love your little black faced sheep. I have a couple on our dining room table. Tell Mr. C there are a bunch of women who want you to have another German Shepherd! ♥

Amy at love made my home said...

Of course I now have John Denver singing in my head! I mean not really, oh, you know what I mean!!! I get what you mean. The lilacs are so beautiful aren't they, they must have the most amazing scent. A beautiful picture of your beloved dog. I hope that another one comes into your life someday! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, I hope you have a good weekend!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Your lilacs are gorgeous! They will not grow here - too hot. I think crepe myrtles are about as close as we get. So, I'll just enjoy yours! Our pets ARE special to us. I know we love ours!

This N That said...

I just love Lilacs..They are almost done here..I just bought a bush!!! Have a happy weekend..

Anonymous said...

Yes to so beautiful. And yes to praising the Lord in the midst of all the beauty he has created for us to enjoy. Have a good weekend!

Susie said...

Judy, I loved seeing your photos. I love lilacs too. I like German Shepard dogs...yes, I remember Rin Tin Tin. :) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

eclectichomelife said...

I love lilacs, just everything about them. They remind me of my childhood and I reminisce every year when they flower. Wonderful post x

camp and cottage living said...

Ha, I'm still waiting for my next puppy too!
Your flower photos are so pretty, Judy. My
lilacs are just budding now...
I hate that when a song you don't even like pops into your head.
I like the way you just change the lyrics!

Mac n' Janet said...

I love lilacs and they just won't grow here. I will be looking for your soap at Etsy, hope you have some in soon.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Wow Judy, your lilacs look so pretty and I bet smell wonderful! :)
Have a wonderful weekend.

Meredith said...

Lilacs are my favorite flower but we don't grow them here in Florida, yours are gorgeous.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love Lilac's and Forsythia, I miss them from Illinois growing up in Illinois.

Lorrie said...

Our lilac season has passed, so it's lovely to see yours in bloom. They are such beautiful and fragrant flowers. I like yours in the silver? bowl. So pretty.

Michelle said...

I think I can smell those lilacs through my screen.....

Lynne said...

Love your lilacs . . .
Gorgeous photos . . .and Bridger sealed the deal . . .
Very handsome dog . . .
Loved I am sure . . .

Deb said...

Aw, wasn't he magnificent, Judy. What a beautiful photo to remember such a beloved companion. Our lilacs have just today opened. Photos to come. lol Deb

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

You must miss Bridger terribly and that is a gorgeous shot of him. the Liliac is beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend.

BeachGypsy said...

Beautiful beautiful lilacs!! and gosh,,,,don't they smell so GOOD?! I was a big John Denver fan and loved him so. Got to attend one concert and was so lucky to have like third row seats so it was a great show. Bridger was a gorgeous dog for sure.

Vee said...

Loved John Denver so feel free to mention him anytime. I have only known one other person, besides yourself, who was not a fan. I asked him why one day and he said that he found Denver's voice to be like fingernails on a chalkboard. Hmm... If I heard his voice that way, I wouldn't like it either.

And who doesn't love to see a German Shepherd in his prime? What a beautiful dog he was and, dare I say, IS somewhere. God will have to clear our memories of such things if our pets are not a part of our future. God is mightily to be praised for allowing us to have such comforts in this life. Please put Mr. C on the line. Mr. C, if you'd soften your heart and allow another pup into your life, he or she would bring you great joy. And, perhaps more importantly, bring your beloved great joy and comfort. Oh, sure, there's the final heartbreak, but we do not allow ourselves to settle there. (Please forgive me for any impertinence.)

Finally, any time that you want to share the gorgeous lilacs that grow on your property...aren't they stunning?! My lilacs have not done as well this year. There are nore than last year, but they are smaller and puny.

A happy weekend to you...this is our last sunny day as we launch into a week of rain. I must round up a good book...

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, I loved seeing your sweet Bridger. I know how you feel, I miss my Goldie Girl and really want another dog. Hubby is dragging his feet though! Our home does not feel the same without a dog in it. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

Sandi said...

So beautiful!

There's nothing like lilacs in bloom.

Anonymous said...

The lilacs are so pretty! Love the dog photo, fingers crossed on the pup.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
Love the photos!
A sweet gift from Bobby!
Oh, Mr. C! Next time we see him, we will do our best. ;-)

TexWisGirl said...

handsome bridger. i miss the lilacs...

Lowcarb team member said...

Lilacs are great ... out and about yesterday I was fortunate to see many in bloom. Alas I didn't stop to take any photo's.
It was nice to see Bridger among the lilac, special memories.

Wishing you a good weekend

All the best Jan

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Such lovely photos of your lilacs. And I especially loved the pic of your sweet German Shep -- he looks quite handsome there. And I understand about missing him even after all these years.

I love lilacs and I loved seeing yours today. Wishing you a beautiful weekend,Judy. Brenda xox

Sharon said...

Lovely pictures. I love purple. Nice memories of your beloved dog.

Have a great weekend

carol l mckenna said...

Loving photo of your magnificent dog!

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

sweetbriardreams said...

... ... sorry Judy, my nose was buried in my screen trying to pick up the scent of those gorgeous lilacs! I'm going to have to go outside today to see if mine has decided to make a show yet!! Have a wonderful Sunday xx

Terri D said...

What a beautiful photo of Bridger. I don't get tired of seeing your photos, but do hope you get that new puppy soon! I absolutely love lilacs. Love them. They grew outside my bedroom window when I was growing up and the scent always takes me back. There are no lilacs in Florida. I miss them, so seeing yours is a real treat...if only I could smell them.


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