Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Middle of Nowhere Hodgepodge

Lilacs against the silo

Join Joyce and the Gang

 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!

1. Tell us about a time you found yourself 'in the middle of nowhere'. Was this deliberate?

 Slough - England
and I never can remember if it rhymes with Dough, Enough, or Through
Update: Elizabethd just informed me that Slough rhymes with NOW.

Slough, in the middle of nowhere, it seemed (probably because we were on a train). But then in England, even the middle of nowhere is always really close to somewhere.  In Wisconsin, the middle of nowhere is usually only close to nowhere else.  I wake up every morning to find myself in the middle of nowhere - and I like it a lot.

Rainy day in July
In the middle of nowhere
south view from our front porch

2. What's something you're 'in the middle of' today or this week?

I'm in the middle of reclaiming the garden pond and planting vegetables in the other garden. I pumped the water out of the pond, got the icky leaves, sticks, and other vegetation out so I could clean the liner, put in fresh water, and get the little stream with its waterfalls running again for the summer and fall.

Pond Reflections

3. At what age do you think 'middle age' begins? What does it mean to be 'middle aged'?

I just read that life expectancy in the US is 79 years, so I guess middle age begins at 39.5 years. What it means to be middle aged is that in a few short years your kids will start moving out of the house. But don't worry, it won't be long before you'll be able to start taking care of your aging parents. You'll see what I mean when you get there. It's a terrible feeling when you have to take the car keys away from your father.  And by that time, or hopefully before, you'll find a new freedom to not care a smidge what the Joneses are up to. Soon, you'll find yourself in the replacement category: knees, hips, etc. Bleak as that may sound, as a Christian, I know that every phase of life is ordained by God, precious to God, and every single phase is one in which we can live, by his grace, to glorify Him.

Carmen Peppers, my favorite
Fresh or roasted

4. Ravioli, stuffed peppers, samosas, deviled eggs, steamed dumplings, pierogis, or a jelly donut...your favorite food (from this list!) with something yummy in the middle. Your favorite not on the list?

I've never eaten samosas or pierogis. Are they really food? Of that list, stuffed peppers would be my favorite, for sure. I love them! I'm planting many peppers in early June and at harvest, I plan to stuff some of them. Delicious!  My favorite food with something yummy in the middle is the burger from Borgen's Cafe in Westby. I raved about it on Monday's post, but really, it was totally worth promoting. Another delicious food with a yummy middle is a York peppermint patty or a Butterfinger, but I try to avoid them. I like Oreos, but wish they would keep the yummy middle out. I hate throwing it away, but I like the crunchy outside so much better. Mr. C. thinks that a chocolate Digestive would be the same, but it's really not.

5. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying ''In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.' Would you agree? Have you found this to be true in your own life? Feel free to elaborate.

Whether we like it or not, we must look for opportunity in the middle of difficulty. What's the alternative - to simply get depressed? We either give up or move forward. I don't think there are any other choices. I'd prefer to move forward. I hope I still feel that way on June 7 (day after my attempt #2 hip replacement).

Not my Junior High School, but similar

6. What's a song you remember loving from your middle school years? Do you love it still?

Middle school wasn't invented yet when I would have been in middle school. We had elementary school, junior high, and high school. But from junior high, (dredging the recesses of my brain), it would have to be a Beatles song. 'I Want To Hold Your Hand,' was released on November 29, 1963, just seven days after the assassination of President Kennedy. The Kennedy assassination was much more of a blast on the timeline than the Beatles releasing a record, so much of my song memory from that time was probably eclipsed by Kennedy, Oswold, Jack Ruby, etc. etc.   (Oh no, I just realized that I was a sophomore in high school then. But the Kennedy connection is so interesting to me that I'm going to stick with it.)  

But I will always remember the hymns we would have been singing even during that time: Great is Thy Faithfulness, Blessed Assurance, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. And yes I love them still.

7. May 18th is National Visit Your Relatives Day. Will you celebrate? Which relative would you visit if time, distance, and expense were not considered.

I would love to visit with my mom and dad, now, before we are joined in eternity. They are with the Lord, and sometimes I wish they could come over for dinner and that Mom could walk around my yard with me, helping me identify the plants popping up in the garden. Also, the same goes for Mr. C.'s parents. They were all great parents and good examples of Christian character: Love, Faithfulness, Perseverance, Reliability, etc, and I'd love to visit with them. 

 More relatives
Moving Closer

A relative who has lived far, far away (Texas) for 10 years is our daughter and her husband. BUT, they are moving back to Wisconsin. It will be wonderful to have them so much closer! 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

 The daffodils have now faded,
but the flowering crab and lilacs are in full bloom.
Such a joy to see new life and color and beauty.

P.S. Speaking of 'middle,' I'm a middle child. How about you?


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Have a wonderful day, friends!



Elizabethd said...

Just to let you know...Slough rhymes with 'now'!! Isn't English odd?

Stacey said...

Sweet post this morning, Judy. I'd rather not think about when middle age is because according to math it has long passed. Caring for parents - yes, I understand. :)

The photo of the silo is beautiful!

Linda said...

Your sweet post has me giggling, friend...I am the oldest and only girl, but that means nothing---my parents play favorites and I know full well I am not their favorite. Caring for parents, yes, my mil is ill...tough, tough, tough...Loved your post, smiles.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm the oldest and so his my hubby. My sister still says I'm 'bossy'...I don't know why! Love your photos and answers...always fun! Hugs, Diane

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It rhymes with now? How interesting! I learn something every day!

Theresa said...

I love all the hymns you listed and your answer to #3. I am the youngest of 3 girls. Praying your hip replacement goes well.

Lynne said...

"Words" suggest many avenues, roads, places . . .
"Middle" has me thinking . . .

eileeninmd said...

Hello Judy, stuffed peppers are a favorite of mine too. It seems the older I get, I move the age up that I consider middle age. My parents are both gone now, I did not know there was a national visit your relatives day. We live in a rural area that I consider the middle of nowhere too. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Hi Judy... My lilac trees have begun to bloom altho they don't look so great. Everything looks prettier through your camera lens. Enjoy your week.

podso said...

I was a big aghast about your oreo comment! :-) And ditto to the junior high school scene and 9th grade for me when Kennedy died--vivid recollections of it all including my father renting at TV for the weekend as we didn't grow up with a television, on purpose I think. I loved your #3. Middle child here too--well, middle of three sisters, and much later came a baby brother. I'm always wanting to tell my mom something and then remember ….

Pamela Gordon said...

I enjoyed the questions in this post today and your answers too. I like your answer to your definition of middle-age. So true. Of the foods listed I love samosas. They are a very popular food at the market in Fredericton. People actually line up to buy them! In British Columbia "Slough" rhymes with "Through". :) I'm with you on the Beatles song. Grade 8 for me and not Middle or Junior High - Elementary until grade 10 then. I wish you well with your hip replacement surgery. Have a beautiful day Judy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those happy yellow flowers at the end. i agree on middle age, about 38 to 42 i would say depending on how long we live.. i actually was happier in my middle age years than my younger and am still happier in my old years than when younger. my life got better at age 40.. i would like to go back to 40 and hang there for a while..
we lived in the middle of nowhere in KY but here in FL there is no middle of nowhere. our state is stuffed with people.. i don't know what a samosas is or a steamed dumpling. i love chicken and dumplings but there is no steam involved... my favorite food is a hamburger and my faorite cookie is Oreo, but i love the middle and the outsides...


Loved your post. Loved your pictures...and that soap l could almost smell. I will have to visit you on Etsy.

Susie said...

Judy, I always love your pictures. The one of your family in a previous post is a great one. Love that old school. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Nonnie said...

Everything about your blog is always beautiful. "As a Christian, I know that every phase of life is ordained by God, precious to God, and every single phase is one in which we can live, by his grace, to glorify Him." I love this. It is true. What will be difficult for me is to take the car keys away from DH. I dread the day.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, enjoyed your hodge podge this morning. The last picture of the yellow flowers is so beautiful on the blog.

Tired Teacher said...

This post was fun to read. I'm the last of six children, but I was often in the middle of the excitement my siblings created.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
We have been praying for your upcoming surgery.
Sending hugs and prayers.

When will your daughter officially be in Wisconsin? How fun!

Have a great week!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

I am a middle kid. Exact middle of five. And in true middle kid fashion when asked to cast my vote and break a tie, I couldn't make up my mind!
Peirogies are very very similar to raviolis or dumplings, they main difference being filling. Leave it to the Polish to think they need potatoes and cheese inside dough! Other typical fillings are mushrooms or sauerkraut or raspberry jam for sweet filling.

Christine said...

Hi Judy! So much to identify with in your answers today! But please tell Mr C that a chocolate digestive is in no way comparable to an Oreo! Dark chocolate digestives by McVities are the best! Especially when you dunk them in hot tea and let the chocolate melt slightly!!
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing is a firm favourite of mine also.
Really enjoyed your post and photos!
Have a joyful day!

Joyce said...

I got stuck on your first answer : ) When we first moved the UK my across the street neighbor drove me to Windsor and you had to go through Slough to get there. As we drove through she said, 'Only go to Slough if you need to cross through it to get to some other place. There is no reason to go to Slough.' Ha! I did go there now and then as there was an Aldi there. I know that part of England well though. Sigh.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

The middle of nowhere looks wonderful to me, Judy! I enjoyed your thoughts about middle age, but your last thoughts about having your Mother walk around the yard with you made tears well. If only... Oh, I'm the oldest and I miss my parents no matter how old I am. Enjoy your afternoon! xo ♥

Chatty Crone said...

I have so many things like you. I love the lilacs on the silo. The middle of no where in England awesome. I would love to see my mom and dad again too. Just one day. And middle age I am going to have to tell my kids that! They are middle age. Love your answers and HI! Sandie

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like your answer on Middle Age. I'm happy to be alive but not liking getting tons and tons of mail about Medicare in the mail. We haven't taken our dads keys away yet but I'm thinking it is time. Actually he often talks about not driving because of insurance costs but maybe it is his way of saying it might be time. I picked stuffed peppers too. Best of luck with you surgery. I will be praying for you. I am beyond happy for you with your daughter moving back. I'm the baby in the family.

Jenny Woolf said...

Never eaten pierogas, or heard of them. But lots of Samosas. In England Indian food is very popular! And I love the smell of lilacs.

Lowcarb team member said...

The middle of nowhere sounds so good and your photo's are a joy to look at.

How lovely that your daughter will be moving back nearer to you ...
Wishing you well with your forthcoming hip replacement.

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

Such lovely photos. Lilacs are among my favorites. May God bless you in your upcoming surgery. xoxo

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

So happy your daughter will be nearby, that's wonderful. Yes, your answer on middle age was great. Blessings abundant!

Breathing In Grace said...

I love all the photos to go along with your answers. HOPE you've had a great day...I'm running really behind in visiting today.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Middle age. most people think the Bible tells us we will live to 70 but that was only the people going to the promised land, it really say we should be iving and healthy to 120. I am sticking to that one and therefore I am just middle aged now!

Unknown said...

WOW! A move from Texas to Wisconsin is a BIG change. I live in Texas and could not imagine a Wisconsin winter. Love all your photos and your thoughts on middle age. Holding you in prayer for that surgery. Have a great week!

Vee said...

Love wandering about in the tall grass with you. I read some of your responses aloud and so get John's perspective, too. Sixteen Candles was really big when he was in jr high. I figured that a Beatles song would have to be what I was listening to in jr high...not too specific. I listened more to sacred music at the time and remember an album by Connie Smith...nope, rememberer is all mixed up...that would have been the 70s. I quit. Oops. That's not an option. =D

How exciting to have kids moving back to state rather than the other way around. You have a lot on your mind these days and it is fun to read some of your thought processes. (I suspect that there are many middle-aged folk who would be incredulous to discover that they are.) See? I could just keep right on chatting. I'll quit, though, because my comment is becoming more disjointed with every word.

Tracy Batchelder said...

Being in the middle of nowhere sounds good to me. I do love the solitary places!

It's pretty amazing that we can get a new hip when we need one. I pray that all goes well and the recovery is swift.

I'm the oldest of three girls. My husband is #12 of 13--the baby boy of the family, but also like a middle child because the three youngest were always grouped together.

Julia @ Mini Van Dreams said...

I stopped by to visit your blog and totally got side tracked by the barn pictures and ordering soap. My whole intention was to comment on the Hodgepodge post. LOL. What part of Wisconsin are you in? I was recently up in Appleton and spent the weekend in Rhinelander with close friends.

Amy at love made my home said...

I always think that Slough should be pronounced sluff to rhyme with stuff. I am pretty sure that the people of Slough disagree with me though! But whenever I go through the station on a train - not often! - I always think of that!!

Mary said...

Your pictures are so beautiful!
I don't know if you could call me a middle child or not: I'm 8 out of 10, so definitely not the oldest or youngest, but not right in the middle, either!


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