Monday, May 16, 2016

Best Hamburgers in America - and Vintage Treasures

 In the Driftless area of SW Wisconsin, in the heart of the Kickapoo River Valley, is the little Norwegian village of Westby. In the little village of Westby is a little cafe. And in the little cafe is a chef who makes the BEST hamburgers in America. You can argue with me, but I have a First Amendment Right to say that, and besides, I suspect it's true. Just as I stated that The Cricketers Pub in Canterbury has the best fish & chips in England. Prove me wrong. I accept airfare.

ANYway, Borgen's is an institution. It's been there as long as I can remember, although sadly, it did close for a while. But now it has opened under new management and offers the most amazing hamburgers. They're delicious, tender, crispy on the outside (I'm a huge fan of crispy, and if I keep eating those hamburgers each time I'm down there, I'll probably be a huge fan, full stop!)  I think they make the hamburger buns in house, they always serve it with lettuce, tomato, and a dill pickle. I recommend it highly. Worth the trip to Wisconsin. I would tell you about their other food too, but the hamburger is so good that I order it every single time. I do order the 3 oz. Senior Burger and  I do give most of my crispy French fries to Mr. C., so that helps, I think. Doesn't it?

In the photo above is a stack of antique Bibles, two in Norwegian and one in Danish. All were found by Mr. C. on job sites where buildings were being demolished. It's also why we have about 36 slate blackboards. I can't bear to see actual slate blackboards destroyed.

The encyclopedias are from the late 1800's, and I shouldn't tell you that when I was a kid, (and yes, they were already old then!) I cut a picture of Abraham Lincoln out of one of them for a school report. I don't think I've ever cut another picture from a book again - ever. In fact, I have only recently been able to bring myself to throw away any hardcover books. Some go to my children, some books go to Goodwill, and some books are worthy only of the dumpster (a tiny category).

The little black onyx (or maybe just black glass, but I've always thought he was onyx) dog once belonged to my older brother, but he didn't care about it, or at least didn't notice that it went missing back when I was about 12. Poor little Scottie has a broken foot and one broken ear that he suffered when he fell onto the cast iron Home Comfort cookstove in our kitchen. 

Lastly, is an antique telephone. It doesn't have settings or apps or a gallery. I think that use of the phone pictured, other than as an intercom between the barn and house on the farm when I was growing up, predates even my youth, buried in the sands of time though that may be. But until I was seven years old, we did have a wall phone that you had to crank like that, so... Anyway, our ring was 3 longs and 1 short, I think. It was on a party line, which meant everyone on the line (all the neighbors) heard everyone else's phone ringing, and everyone always knew everyone else's business - a lot like Facebook, actually.


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Linking to  Kathe's You're Gonna Love It
Tom's Tuesday's Treasures
Evelyn's Freedom Friday
Amy's Five on Friday (unless I can find five other things by then)

Instagram: @cranberrymorning


eileeninmd said...

Hello Judy, I wish I could come to Wisconsin to taste those burgers. I will have to take your word that they are the best. I remember using the encyclopedias during my early school years, they came in handy. Now, everything is one the internet. Great post! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Marcia said...

How neat that you have that old phone.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

I do love a good burger Judy. They seem to be all the rage right now in restaurants. LOl. I hope you have a wonderful week. :)

Artsy VaVa said...

You've got me wishing I had a burger right now!
I hope you have a great week.

Anonymous said...

I love to have burger! Nice to see the phone!

Tired Teacher said...

Ahh, party lines - our ring was four shorts, and the number was P2593. Don't ask me how I remember that. ;o)

Mrs. Pepper said...

And here we had been so glad to get rid of the party line..... and now we like Facebook. :)

You've been nominated to receive the Liebster Award. Hop over to my blog to accept it. :)

SImple and Serene Living said...

I don't eat hamburgers, so I am afraid I can't argue with you, but I do love your antiques. xo Laura

Arlene G said...

I am always on the lookout for a good burger. I am a hamburger lover.:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we had a phone on the wall like this, not exactly but close. no party line on it,just an operator.. but our first dial phone had a party line and now that you mention it, it was like FB.. on my on the slate boards... what will you do with that many? i love my burgers crispy to... and i also love little cafe's with great food... there was a bar with a grill in Savannah many moons ago, and nothing could compare to a burger there.. except of course YOURS.. ha ha

Linda Kay said...

I hate to admit I also have memories of the phone, the party line, and the dialing. Ugh!

Terri D said...

I my goodness, I remember the party lines. Yes I do!! Kids today don't know what to do with encyclopedias or probably even what they are. My dad found an old Bible in a falling-down church when he was out hunting one year. Brought it home and took it to be rebound. It became a family treasure. I think my sister has it. It was old but only the cover had been damaged by varmints and mold. I love your grouping of treasures!

Linda said...

When we moved to Hudson, NY many moons ago, we had a party line--and a farm...yep, sure was def. time warp time, LOL.

enjoyed your post, Judy. Blessings

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You've touched on all of my favorite things in this post...well a lot of them! A big old fashioned hamburger is my favorite meal! I request that for every special occasion! lol And I love old books, especially old Bibles. I found 2 in the last book sale I went to. What a nice way to display your old telephone, too. (and now I know I can't trust you to borrow a book from me...well, I could always take away your scissors! hahahahaha) HUGS!!!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, you have some very interesting antiques. We didn't have a phone like that--I can remember not having a phone, but we went to the neighbor's when we needed to make a call. How did we ever survive? I love your comment about Facebook---your sense of humor is delightful!♥

podso said...

Your burger discussion is making me hungry. It does sound worth a trip to Wisc. That clipping of the Lincoln photo must have been a big deal as you remember it so well. Coming from the state of Illinois I can see why you would want a picture of that wonderful president. I dimly remember party lines, so we had them, but not for long. Very good comparison with FB!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Interesting about the phone ring.

Amy at love made my home said...

You are so right about the party line phone lines! Can you imagine having such a thing now!

Tracy Batchelder said...

You had me from the start with the title--hamburgers and vintage treasures--love them both. After your description of the hamburger, I won't argue with you. Sounds delicious! And I think you are right about FB and party lines, basically the same thing. Very funny!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Thanks for the great tip Judy!! I'll have to remember that place. I'd never pass up a great burger. ;) I love hearing about party phone lines of the past. What a hoot! And I love the FB comment - so true. Lol ;)

Lowcarb team member said...

Those burgers sound good!
Love the vintage treasures ...or interesting antiques!

All the best Jan

Cheryl said...

Ha!! Your Facebook comment made me smile! And your hamburger discussion made me hungry! :D

Carla from The River said...

Loved your Fakebook, oh I mean Facebook comment.

I would love to visit this cafe. :-)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the old phone and books although the bburger is tempting

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

That's an easy ride for us on the bike! We love riding in WI. We will have to check it out this summer!

Dicky Bird said...

Thanks for the post - I'm going! I want more of the yummy Icelandic yogurt from the dairy too!

Tom said...

What a great old sign! With each passing day I see fewer of them. Thanks for sharing and I hope that your will stop by again.

Anonymous said...

You are a great spokesperson for the state of Wisconsin. If I'm ever driving through I'll know where to stop. Now I'm hungry!

This N That said...

Nothing better than a good burger..It's been awhile since I've had a really good one..Love the old phone and books..

Anonymous said...

So well written is this post that I now crave a burger (with sharp cheese) and some really good vintage shopping!


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