Friday, May 13, 2016

Coon Prairie Cemetery and What's Blooming

1. I'm trying to come up with divisions of 5 in this post for Five on Friday. Why isn't this easy for me?? I think I just take way too many pictures. But I'm going to start with this Lutheran church in the countryside outside Westby, Wisconsin. Mr. C's ancestors are buried there, so we like to stop out there when we're in the area. I know I've posted about this church before, but hopefully it was a while ago. It is such a pretty church and cemetery.

 Entrance to the cemetery

It's not easy finding some of the names because many stones are flat on the ground and easy to miss.  But they're all interesting. I'd hate to be the person who has to mow that cemetery. I'd buy a couple goats. Goats are nice. I don't think that would be disrespectful. It would feed the goats and keep the cemetery tidy. Especially if the goats wore diapers. Just a thought.

 West entrance door and window

I wasn't going to post this photo because of the name on the stone, but I guess anyone can find out our surname anyway, so...  This photo was taken when the family was in the area to attend Mr. C.'s cousin's funeral (the one whose house we're still working on...). It was wonderful to have our son and some of the grandkids with us.

2. It's what's blooming at our house. Daffodils and the flowering crab. Not included in the photo is our poor old McIntosh apple tree which seems to have quite a few blossoms on it, in spite of its near-death experience a couple winters ago. A hard frost is forecasted for during the next week I think, and if we get it, there will be no apples on our tree this year. It's way too big to cover with a cloth for protection.

 August 2011. It was LOADED with apples.


Reminds me of the old movie, 'Witness.'

 Amish country, Wisconsin

 I think the above photo speaks for itself. I loved catching the sign and wagon in the same shot. :-)

4. More Wisconsin countryside. I wish I had better definition on this photo, and I probably would have if I'd ever learned all the wonders of my old PaintShopPro program. The yellow is mustard, a plant every farmer dreads finding in abundance in his fields. Something about this shot makes me think of Willa Cather stories. 

5. My nod to Anglophile Friday, which I have been neglecting lately. I have many more photos of Canterbury Cathedral, starting with this post.

Canterbury Cathedral, Buttresses

1 D.  I have to put this photo in here, at the end of the post. I took it at sundown, when we were back at the Coon Prairie Cemetery and finally found Grandpa Roy's grave stone. This time we took note of landmarks which will help us locate it another time. Unless the two tall cedars go down in a tornado. Then we're in trouble.

Coon Prairie Cemetery at Sunset

Instagram: @cranberrymorning


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Have a wonderful weekend, friends! 



Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The old Luthern church is in good condition with a unique shape. Wonder if, and how the towers are utilized?
Great sunset shot, I hope your marker trees remain for future visits too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Triple A on the last photo of that sign that is absolutely stunning. Witness is one of my most favorite movies of all times I can't even tell you how many times I've watched that movie. And that photo does look just like the scene in Witness. The church is beautiful. I love the entryway that sense what does the metal with the brick columns is just gorgeous. Hahaha I'm taking too many photos I would say something but it would be the pot calling the kettle black.

MadSnapper n Beau said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tracy Batchelder said...

I'm trying to picture goats in diapers...and all I can do is chuckle.

Macs are the best apples...crisp, juicy and, not too sweet. I never had one until I met my husband. He's from Vermont and that's the apple that was grown in all the local orchards. I hope the frost doesn't destroy all the blossoms on your tree.

The Wisconsin countryside is so beautiful!

eclectichomelife said...

Love the goat idea don't think that would be disrespectful at all. Just loved the Amish photo

Linda said...

Beautiful Judy....we have a few Amish communities here in our area as well. BTW, whenever we go and visit my husbands late father and grandparents, we always say the same thing, wouldn't goats be better, the cemetery just doesn't do a good enough job..thank you for the smiles, have a beautiful day, friend.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the church is beautiful. I love the family shot with the grandchildren! I can not believe there is a frost warning for our area too. The weather seems awful lately. I hope your apple tree makes it. The flowers are beautiful. I love farm scene and the Amish buggie. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

Dicky Bird said...

Beautiful pictures!

Arlene G said...

The church and cemetery remind me of the Lutheran Church in Waconia MN where many of the Grimms and Hasses are buried. When we visited the historical center they asked if we were the Catholic Grimms or the Lutheran Grimms. We got a kick out of that one. I find old cemeteries very interesting. And goats might be just the thing for keeping the grass down Judy!:)

mamasmercantile said...

A beautiful church/cemetery and I did smile at the thought of goats wearing diapers. Great picture of the sign and Amish buggy. Have a wonderful weekend.

Susie said...

Judy, I do love your photos. Wonderful Amish pictures too. Wow, does your son ever look like Mr. C. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

Breathing In Grace said...

Awesome pictures....what a beautiful family you have. I LOVE both sky pictures....I'm kinda partial to those, especially the sunset one. HOPE you have a great weekend. Thanks for joining in FFF today.

Lynne said...

Enjoyed this post Judy . . .
and I wrote a nice comment and right in the middle of writing,
the phone rang, and then zap, all the service shut down
and my comment to you went into never, never land.
So now I am back up . . .
Love your photos . . .
signage and Amish traveler
mention of Willa Cather, (my senior English term paper, I've read many/most of her books.)
And sundown photo is gorgeous . . .

Christine said...

LOVE these photos Judy! The sunset at the cemetery is fantastic and such perfect timing to snap the Amish buggy on the road with the sign in it!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Tired Teacher said...

I enjoy wandering through cemeteries and looking at the headstones. Some tell stories and others evoke mysteries. The church and the cemetery would definitely be on my list to explore if I was in the area.

The Amish buggy photo is wonderful. I can almost hear the sound of the horse's feet on the pavement.

Jean | said...

Judy, such gorgeous pictures. But you really painted a picture in my mind with your "goats in diapers"!

This N That said...

Wonderful photos..I don't think I ever saw flowering crab..very pretty..ENjoy your weekend

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your photos are just amazing, Judy! The Witness and the Willa Cather ones....beautiful. But that last sunset photo...stunning! Enjoy a beautiful weekend, my friend. ♥

Don Wood said...

Beautiful shots, thanks for sharing and hhave a good week sky watching.

Elizabethd said...

A delightful photo of your family.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That is a beautiful church and lovely to see the family. My favourtie shot is the one after the Apples.

Visits With Mary said...

Beautiful pictures! You live in a very pretty area of God's world.

Marcia said...

Such an interesting name for a church. Any story behind the name?

riitta k said...

Your photo of The Canterbury Cathedral is amazing. Beautiful clouds & sunset.

Linda P said...

I can see that you love photography. You capture some interesting scenes, buildings, the family photos are endearing and the sky images are stunning - the last one so meaningful for you. I can't believe I haven't commented on your blog since before Easter although we have been away for a while. I've now caught up with your news and I'm sorry to hear about of the sudden death a close family member.

Sharon said...

I LOVE the sunset pictures! I love taking them. It isn't always easy around here, but I get some gorgeous ones when we go up to the UP of Michigan or at my Mum's house. I love the pictures of Wisconsin. I haven't been there before but we aren't too far away!

Have a great weekend

Crimson Kettle said...

It's good to see all your lovely photos, even Canterbury Cathedral as though I'm over here, I haven't been there! :-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful spring skies, flowers, green spring hills! -- and happy family activities as the icing on the cake. Perfectly happy post.

Terri D said...

Witness is one of my favorite movies! You are right...that does look like it came from the movie! I sure enjoyed all of your photos Judy!

Lorrie said...

An interesting and varied post. The old Lutheran Church looks like it could still host lots of meetings. Graveyards are interesting places to explore. Canterbury Cathedral is so majestic looking.

Lea said...

The Lutheran Church is beautiful!
Wonderful fruits and flowers, too

Cheryl said...

You have been so busy with all of your sorting...I am sure that it feels good to catch a breath now and then...especially with dear family! Such lovely scenes of the Wisconsin countryside!

(I like your idea of goats as cemetery-tenders.) :)

Anonymous said...

So many beautiful things to enjoy here. I love the view of Canterbury Cathedral. I've been there once in the summer of 1973. I still want to visit Amish country some time soon. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Joyful said...

Lovely photos. I wouldn't mind one bit if cemetaries used goats instead of lawn mowers to keep the grass short ;-)

DeniseinVA said...

What a lovely series of photos. A lovely family shot also. Thank you for the trip back to England :)

Vee said...

What a gorgeous parting shot...

That very thing happened to our family. We lost our old cedar tree that required climbing under to find two or three in the family plot. It took a few years and a call to the sextant. It looks so different in wide open spaces. Makes me want to plant a cedar tree.

Recently, I learned that a group of Amish have resettled in northern Maine for several years now. Every now and then, we see a photo of a similar scene in our local papers and magazines. It sure looks unusual to see an Amish wagon on roads passing through potato fields.

Theresa said...

Beautiful pictures Judy! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

I just love that last shot!
Please link up also with Saturday Silhouettes:

Anita Johnson said...

Love each one.....

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful church and cemetery! I love visiting old cemeteries! Love the flowers and fruit as well. Wisconsin looks lovely...I have never been there. Enjoyed your post and all the photos very much!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That Cathedral is beautiful. I have to admit that I love walking through cemeteries and looking at headstones.

Amy at love made my home said...

A really lovely post with many moving this shared. Thank you! I find the Amish way of life fascinating, and I am always interested to see buggy photos! Thank you for joining Five On Friday, I hope you are having a good weekend. Sorry to be late visiting, I have been otherwise occupied as I said in my post. xx

Pamela Gordon said...

That is a beautiful church and cemetery. The sunset photo is gorgeous. I remember the movie "Witness" - a good one! I hope you don't get the hard frost. The weather is still erratic here across Canada but we finally enjoyed 3 lovely days in a row before the rains come tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots ending up with a gorgeous sunset!

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a lovely post to look at and read ...
That sunset photograph is stunning.

All the best Jan

podso said...

What a beautiful church and cemetery! It's nice to know we're not the only family who takes photos next to graves. When my dad was writing our family history he'd have us roam cemeteries looking for family graves… a nickel if we found one he hadn't already. We never made any money. I also posted today about visiting a cemetery and while there they were buzzing around the graves on their rider mowers. They actually did a good job.

And speaking of speeding, when we were in Amish country last week we saw a buggy just make it through a yellow light and she was driving that thing at quite a clip.


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