Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Amish Photos and Hodgepodging the Generation Gap

I'm finishing up the Amish pics from our visit to southern Wisconsin a couple weeks ago. 

Join Joyce and the Gang
 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in.

1. What's something you might say runs in your family?
Humor. My dad and his siblings all had a wonderful sense of humor and although I think my mom had a more difficult life and saw things more seriously, her siblings were all fun and funny, and my cousins are all a little crazy and funny. It's quite wonderful. Mr. C.'s parents both had a good sense of humor and so do his siblings. Our kids do, and for an example, last weekend (see previous post) family was here and we were watching White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye.  At one point in the afternoon, I looked at our daughter and said with all sincerity, 'You are a beautiful woman, Honey.' She turned to me and said, 'Muuutual, I'm suuuuuure,' like the annoying blonde from White Christmas. Of course it cracked me up. We can't have a conversation without laughing. Or occasionally crying.

2. I read here a list of ten things you should do before 2017 arrives (in less than six weeks!)...which tasks on the list might you do? What would you add to your own 'before the year ends' list?
visit your Dr. or dentist, deep clean your home, donate unwanted items to charity, look someone in the eye and tell them you love them, write an honest letter to yourself, clean up your inbox-desktop-photos, travel to a place you haven't been, compliment a stranger, watch the sunrise, think ahead to your goals/plans for the new year.
I think the only ones I've not done are travel to a place I've not been and deep clean my home. This is not the time of year to venture into unknown territory.

Brussels Sprouts on an Amish farm

Waiting at the Hardware Store

3. What's something other generations (not your own) misunderstand about your generation?
Yes, we may look ancient, but we still have a few synapses firing. Well, usually. And we could teach you a thing or two.

Amish farm

Same farm, zooming in on the popcorn hung to dry

4. Sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, cornbread dressing-which would you miss the most if it weren't on the holiday dinner menu?

I didn't know there was any stuffing other than sage and onion. I would miss nothing else.  Just give me the stuffing.

5. What are you overthinking right now?

The kittens.

6. Your favorite slang word lately?

Whaaaaat???? (said with my son-in-law's voice)

SE of Westby
Winding, narrow roads

7. Write an acrostic for the word grateful.


And on those winding roads, a huge grain semi

 8.  Insert your own random thought here.
This relates to the over-thinking question. I put a listing on Craigslist for the three adorable kittens and their wonderful mama. I was so sad to have to do that, but Tuppence Meowed at me in no uncertain terms that I was 'RUINING HER LIFE.'  I don't want to ruin her life. She's been a wonderful cat and apparently old dogs aren't the only ones that are rigid and inflexible. She's in no mood to be nice to anyone but me, and especially to some upstart whippersnapper kittens and their mother. Did I say how sad this makes me?  I was really truly hoping...But, the day I placed the ad, I received a text message from a family who wants to come look at them and may be interested in the whole kit and kaboodle. To me, this is an absolute miracle. Of course they haven't visited yet, but once they see those kittens, I can tell you it will be a DONE DEAL

He made it.
The end.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Everyone!



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collettakay said...

A sense of humor is a wonderful thing to have and I absolute adore White Christmas!

I hope you will consider joining in the 2017 PenPal Sign-ups on my blog:


Anonymous said...

Visiting from the Hodgepodge. What lovely photos! I'll admit that I was a bit distracted by them, but distracted in a good way!!! Good luck with the kitty dilemma. It's hard when our hearts get involved with fur baby issues. Fingers crossed for you.

Theresa said...

As always, love your photos. I would love a couple of days away to the country or Amish country. Stuffing is my favorite too, mine is seasoned with thyme, black pepper, and nutmeg. I hope it works out with the family coming to see the kittens. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Linda said...

Thank you for the smiles...I didn't exactly do the whole Acoustic thing correctly, grinning. As always, enjoyed your post. smiles---Have a beautiful Thanksgiving friend.

Terri D said...

Your photos are always so great! Your acrostic is beautifully thought out and written! I sure hope those folks will take all four of the fur-babies + mom!! Keep us posted! I enjoyed your Hodgepodge answers and wish you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving!!

Empty Nester said...

I'm so sorry Miss Tuppence couldn't get used to having friends. I can kind of relate. :) We're the same way with the humor. I don't think my dad is capable of carrying on a conversation without it. Love your #3. :) That's the first time I've ever seen Brussel's sprouts growing. I do hope that family will take the whole bunch. It will be so nice to keep them all together. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Oh, and I'll just take that cornbread dressing. There's nothing better than dressing/stuffing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Your last photo is PERFECT and beautiful for the holiday. love it. I am sad about the kittens to. when I saw the collage I said out loud, the kitten in the boot, oh my.. love all those pics, but I do understand why... hope they come by. maybe she might adjust to ONE kitten? like the one in the boot???? beautiful acrostic..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say I just LOVE the Amish pics and the truck struggling up the grade is my favorite today. and I have never seen Brussel sprouts growing, only in a store

Christine said...

It is a great thing within families to have a sense of humour! I will write down your GRateful acrostic as that was very well put!
Again, I Love seeing the Amish farms & buggies in the area! Really beautiful!
Happy thanksgiving!

Chatty Crone said...

I have always wanted to go and see the Amish - on my bucket list. And I love stuffing too. And i think the beset thing one can have for health is humor.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Tired Teacher said...

Ooh, I hope the family adopts Aubrey and her kittens. I've been wondering about Tuppence: she deserves her happiness.

My mother's dressing (sage, onion, celery, and a few gizzards) is the one thing I miss at Thanksgiving.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Pamela Gordon said...

Great post Judy. I hope the kitten adoptions works out. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

podso said...

Enjoyed this post of course. We'll all miss the kitties but who would turn down such a quartet? Beautiful Amish photos. I guess you already celebrated Thanksgiving but I hope you have a wonderful day however you spend it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

#3 for sure. I'm sure some look at me as an "woman of a certain age", but I certainly don't feel like that on the INSIDE.

Love you photos of Amish country. I grew up in Pennsylvania's Amish country. I miss the beauty (although I love where I live now too).

Susie said...

Judy, You just seem to have the best pictures of bars and country sides. I always love to look at them. Your kittens are adorable. They are so much fun to watch, aren't they? Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, I know it's hard for you to give up those sweet kitties. Hopefully they will all go to one family to love. Your Amish photos are so lovely and serene. And if we can't find humor, we are in a heap of trouble. I love what your daughter said to you! Blessings to you, my friend. ♥

Vee said...

Okay. I can't follow directions for beans. (You'll figure this out for yourself soon enough.) Your daughter's quip made me laugh! Humor is so important. Makes life much more pleasant. So tell me, what are you going to teach me, besides how to order at Etsy?

Deb said...

I was going to comment on lots of things and then I saw the kittens. Now my mind is a blank. "Happy Thanksgiving, Judy."

Cheryl said...

The whole kit and caboodle? That is surely a miracle! I suppose going from being the one and only Queen Kitty to having a host of siblings/nieces/nephews was too much for Tuppence. Praying that they all find a happy home!

Yes to the stuffing! I like everything on the Thanksgiving table, but if I had to choose only one dish, it would be stuffing. Hands down. Want to hear a sad story? Kati makes our stuffing and it has an absurd amount of butter in it and it is absolutely delicious. (That's not the sad part.) One year, I had pulled some dishes, including the leftover stuffing, out of the fridge to get to something else, and left it sitting out on the counter all night. We were afraid to eat it after that and so our leftover stuffing had to be thrown away. Every year, someone says, "Remember when Mom ruined the stuffing?" :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I enjoy the whole post reading your answers and looking at your lovely photographs especially the Amish carriages. I certainly think humour is essential to any good relationship and I love the kitten collage

BeachGypsy said...

Hi Judy, I stopped by to see how you and the kittens are doing. Happy Thanksgiving my new friend!

Wendy said...

A lovely post Judy with some great photos. I do hope you manage to find a good home for the kittens and Mum. They are adorable. Happy Thanksgiving.

Jean | said...

Judy, I had so hoped the new kitty family would work out, but Tuppence deserves to have her way in the matter. It's so sweet of you to think of her. Loved the 'Muuutual, I'm suuuuuure.' Clever girl!

Anonymous said...

You do these posts so very well! And kitties! Yea! Happy Thanksgiving!

Rose said...

I really enjoyed the photos here, and enjoyed your answers to the questions!

Rose said...

Forgot to say Happy Thanksgiving! I am trying to rush through blogs I visit regularly and it is not paying to rush anywhere. Also, hate that you can't keep at least one kitten!

Breathing In Grace said...

I so wish I lived near you, because I would love to have the pumpkin kitten. I know you're gonna miss them like crazy! HOPE they go to a good home with little kiddos to love on the babies! HOPE you had a great THANKSgiving!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I had a plate of leftovers yesterday and I did save the stuffing for last so that I would miss. Enjoyed your Amish photos.

Lynne said...

Wow . . .
The Amish Brocclli Field and popcorn . . .
Winding Wisconsin roads behind a grain truck . . .
Brought back my car sickness memories big time!
You have the best pics ever . . .
And the kittens are all "sugar and spice!"
Sad Tuppenence thinks otherwise . . ,
(And since the young couple said it wouldn't work,
I hope someone new had stepped forward for you! )
I enloy their photo playfulness and cuddles . . .


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