Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hodgepodging A Nice Country Walk

 We park the truck in the field drive


Join Joyce and the Gang for:
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in.

1. Give us three rhyming words that say something about your Thanksgiving holiday (or your most recent holiday gathering if you didn't celebrate Thanksgiving). 

Our family celebrated Thanksgiving in mid October when the weather was beautiful.
Twenty-one, joyous fun, sun to sun.

On November 24, it was just Mr. C. and me.
Just us, no fuss, not a plus.

 October Thanksgiving

November Thanksgiving
Imagine how quiet it would have been,
had the cat family not been here!

2. When did you last say, 'the more the merrier'? Did you mean it?

I said 'the more the merrier' when telling someone to pass along the invitation to the Caroling hymn sing at our house  (December 16) to others. And yes, I meant it. The more voices singing, the better.

 Not many, but they made a huge and wonderful sound.
Brit's Pub, Minneapolis, December 2015
We hope to repeat this visit in a few weeks.

3. What's one piece of advice you'd give someone who is your same age?

Don't buy the headstone just yet.

4. You're ordering a veggie plate, what four veggies are on it?

Black olives, manzanilla pimento-stuffed olives, kalamata olives, castelvetrano olives
And now that I wrote that, I'm thinking they're actually fruit, aren't they.
So, we'll try again with the veggies:  Sweet potato, Carmen peppers, yellow onions, parsnips (and they're roasted with garlic).

5. Shop til you drop! Did you? Have you ever? Will you between now and Christmas?

I have never ever shopped til I dropped. I hate shopping. I really mean that. I do like to go to stores and wander around, however, seeing the people and pretty things. But I'll do my actual shopping online unless it's a pair of boots, which I have to try on. I rarely buy clothes, but if I'm wandering through a store, and an item speaks to me, I might buy it. I almost never go into a store hunting for an item. That is so frustrating.

Just browsing, thank you.

6. What's your favorite chair in your house, and why is it a favorite?

My favorite chair is the new sofa and loveseat that we are going to purchase after Christmas. We've already actually gone to the furniture stores and chosen the one we want. Not just because the other one is more than 25 years old and completely worn, mind you, but because we're feeling extravagant (well, actually because I need a comfortable piece of furniture to sit on). It will be a favorite because it's big enough and comfortable enough to double as an extra place to sleep (like during the middle of a movie).

Christmas Past

7. Share an early memory of faith, religion, or spirituality.

I have a few of these, remembering my mom praying with me when I was very young, on the back steps of our house. But I actually don't remember a time in my life when I didn't believe in God and didn't know he was there. When I was young, my perception of God was God, the Tooth Fairy Far Far Away, and my prayers were more 'God, please do...' When I was in my teens my perception of God was God, the Cosmic Killjoy, and my prayers were more, 'God, please don't...' The day finally came when my perception of God was God, the gracious, merciful, sovereign maker and ruler of Heaven and Earth and my prayers were more like, 'Be it unto me, according to thy will.'

 Sunrise, November 22

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

 Yesterday's walk 
I'm determined to get out and walk at least four days a week
during the winter, as long as there's no wind and it's not twenty below zero.

(maybe 10)
(maybe 5)
But it wasn't bad yesterday. Cudl Duds top and long johns, plus a rain hat over a warm cap, made it a nice warm(ish) walk. 


Praise God, a sweet young woman answered my Craigslist ad for Audrey, the mama cat, and when I responded to her, I told her that we also had one kitten available if she were interested, that I was hoping to keep mama and one kitten together, but no pressure if she was not interested. She came to our house last night and she is such a natural with animals and I am confident that she is going to give both of them a wonderful home. Audrey and Fraidy could not have gone to a better home, I am sure. She loves animals and also has a couple kids who will tame that little Fraidy in no time.

I'm hoping that in a couple weeks' time we will be able to take down the gates and let the remaining two kittens (Yes, we're keeping Smokey and Tom Kitten) and we'll see how Tuppence deals with them. She should not get the same treatment from them as she did from the nursing mama cat.

This couldn't have ended better.  The cats are in pairs, rather than being split up, and all we need to do now is phone a vet and find out how soon we can get these kittens in to be neutered/spayed.

 The last pic of the little cat family.
Taken Tuesday evening.


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Deb said...

Enjoyed your hodge-podge as always, Judy. I'm happy for Audrey that she will have one babe with her. It's so hard on the mom to be separated from her kittens once they have to go. Happy ending here. I think Tuppence should do ok as the kittens will stick together and probably leave her to her own business. I hope the new owner of Audrey will keep in touch for awhile to let you know how she's doing. Deb

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy... great to hear the news about Audrey and the kitten. I agree... I want to walk a lot more in the winter that I usually do, but I can't take the wind. Have a great week.

Tired Teacher said...

A lovely post. . .and great news about Audrey and Fraidy.

Arlene G said...

That little marmalade kitten makes me want a kitty. I need to sit down a while until I get over it.:)

Theresa said...

As I read your answer to #7 I found myself saying "yes, yes", very similar to my experience. So glad you found a good home for the mama cat and one of the kittens. That last photo is so adorable. The roasted veggies look delicious. Good job on getting out to walk. I'd like to do the same but have trouble getting started ;) Have a great week.

NanaDiana said...

I love this post, Judy. You are always so 'real' and that is the one thing I love about your blog. I am so glad the smitten kittens are together and that they won't be all split up. I KNEW you would keep at least ONE kitty! lol xo Diana

Cheryl said...

Awwww...I love a cat story with a happy ending. May each cat live a long and happy life! (And may Audrey come to peace with the little boy kitties.)

I love your conclusion in answer #7. Amen.

If I lived near, I'd be the first to arrive at your caroling hymn sing!! That sounds like SUCH a lovely evening!

Sylvia said...

Enjoyed your answers,Judy. Those kittens are so cute! Glad you found a good home for them.

April said...

That's awesome news about your cats, Judy! I'm with you...browsing in stores is more my cup of tea. Fighting the crowds isn't my idea of a fun time.

Anonymous said...

Your answer to question 7 was good to read!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

both photos of mama and her babies got a big awwwwwwwwww out loud. so precious and what a happy ending. so glad they went together and the other 2 are together. you did a super job rhyming, I could think of nothing when I was at Debs and nothing now. love the walker pic, glad your leg is allowing you out and about. I do not shop either. I am so happy I live in cyber world now. Amazon loves me. Walmart was out of 2 things I wanted, and out for 3 weeks. I ordered both from Amazon, cost the same and it comes to my door. I could not find Gillette ejector blades for bob's ancient razor that he refused to give up. found them on Amazon, so it will all be here in 2 days. I like to people watch, as in sitting in a mall or store and watching, but the browsing I used to love, I don't now. except maybe a Christmas store, just to look

Cathy said...

I loved reading your Hodgepodge. Aww I think it's so sweet you are keeping two of the kittens. I have so enjoyed seeing your pictures of them.

Carla from The River said...

I loved your answer to number 7! Well said.

I am happy for Audrey and the kittens.

I love the photo of you on your Winter walk. :-)

Empty Nester said...

I know the kitty story ended on a very positive note but, for some reason, I'm still sad. Some people say it's a good thing I don't live out in the country or I'd take in every stray that came my way. Maybe so, but I know that would make me happy. :) Reni (Baby M's mommy) is like me in that. More animals, less people. LOL I hate shopping, too. I think that's why I'm so grateful for online shopping. Even that gets on my nerves sometimes. Oh for a day when money is not needed, just the care and kindness of each of us for one another and the goodness of the land. LOVE your Thanksgiving rhymes! And the carol singing! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Jenny Woolf said...

I wouldn't know what veggies to put on my plate because I really do enjoy most of them. Perhaps Brussels Sprouts - which makes me quite unusual, I think!

Terri D said...

I LOVE your answer to #3!! Had to chuckle at #4...I think you like olives! #7 - beautiful. I'm so very happy to hear that the momma and kittens have found their forever homes and could stay together in pairs!!! Excellent ending!

Amy at love made my home said...

Wonderful kitty pics and kitty news!

Joyce said...

I'm glad you're out walking. I love a winter walk. We've been walking here (it's 70 so not exactly winter), and we're discovering our neighborhood has some hills that are steeper than they look : ) Or maybe I just had too many carbs over the Thanksgiving holiday! A plate of olives would work for me too. One of my top ten favorite foods.

Debby Ray said...

As always, I thoroughly enjoyed your hodgepodge answers. The idea of parking your truck in the cornfield and getting and walking just sounds heavenly...I could for that...such gorgeous countryside. LOVED that photo of the family hayride! When you described your relationship with God, I was sitting here nodding my head as I read each stage of your life, as if I had answered the question myself. So glad you are finding homes for these sweet babies of yours. Enjoy your evening, Judy :)

katie eggeman said...

I have a walk most days with the dogs...summer, winter. If I haven't made a move to walk by 11 o'clock they are on me.

Loris Glassworks said...

I enjoyed reading your responses today and as always I just love your photos. I'm so glad your momma kitty and one of her kittens is going to a great home, it makes the departure a bit easier. Have a good week.
Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Very nice Hodgepodge answers, Judy.

I'm glad you are walking well and that the weather is cooperating! I try to walk 2 miles every other day. My knees scream when I do the walk but I know it is good for them.

So glad you found a good home for Momma cat and her kitten! I'm sure you'll have fun watching the other two kittens as they grow. I have not had a kitten in ages--I adopted my last cat when he was 5 years old.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I so enjoyed reading this post and all your answers especially the piece of advice about not buying the headstone too soon or just yet I loved all the photographs of the cats and kittens and I'm glad you find home for mamma cat and one of her kittens

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I always enjoy reading your hodgepost posts and so glad to see the good news about the cat family! :)

podso said...

Great hodge podge and the kittens are getting bigger. So glad it all ended satisfactorily. I enjoyed your #7--it could be my story too. Good goal for the walking! Thankful you are at the place in your recovery where you can do that.

Vee said...

My hodge podge post was half-written and then I decided not to do one after all. Your advice to peers is pretty funny given that I am seriously considering tombstones these days. My advice was to "keep moving" so it is wonderful that you are moving. Praying that it is a mild winter so that it will be possible most days. What a perfect ending to your kitty family story! And we shall still be seeing the kittens because Tuppence is going to be okay with the newcomers.

Received my soaps two days ago and was so pleased with them that I don't know if they will be gifted or not. I'm feeling kinda selfish.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots.

Jean | said...

Judy, I always enjoy your hodgepodge posts. And I'm so thrilled about Audrey and Fraidy going to a good home AND you keeping Tom and Smokey! BTW, how did you happen to choose the name Audrey?


Loved, loved, loved the photos. Made my day.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

LOL....don't buy a headstone!! I like that you celebrated early. I want some of that veggie plate. Way to go on walking.....


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