Saturday, November 19, 2016

Visit to the Amish

Amish boys on the way home from school

This week we spent a couple days in my almost-favorite (well maybe favorite) part of Wisconsin, the Kickapoo River Valley in the Cashton/Westby area, mentioned in a previous post. There is a huge Amish community there, and after running into an Amish friend (not to be taken literally) in town and having a nice chat, Mr. C. and I drove out to the countryside. By the way, I asked our friend Sam how long it takes him to get home from town. One hour. I saw the sun low in the sky and suggested that we let him go, so he wouldn't have to drive horse and buggy home in the dark. He wasn't the least bit in a hurry and said he was going to first get something to eat and still had more errands to do in town. You wouldn't catch me driving at night on those hilly, curvy roads. Yikes! And he wears black clothes and drives a black horse and black buggy. At least he has a slow-moving vehicle sign on the back of the buggy.

Amish Parking Garage
in Westby.
No. Really.

These young men were out picking up all the leftover
pumpkins from the field.
The white building on the left is an Amish schoolhouse.

 Hay binders by McCormick
All lined up and waiting for next year.

The Amish farms in this area are gorgeous.
Evidently, school was just let out for the day.

A collage of signs we see in the area.

Oops! How did this get in here?
Tom Kitten and Mr. C.

 If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen this.
Amish cattle in their traditional black attire.

I took this photo a couple years ago,
and some of you will remember it.
It's probably my all-time favorite.
Amish kids learn responsibility at a young age!

 Corn Shocks on an Amish farm

This is all for today, although there are a few more Kickapoo River Valley photos I'll probably share next week.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Linking to Eileen's Saturday's Critters
and Tom's Barn Collective
and Maggie's Mosaic Monday


At Home With Jemma is featuring Etsy Shops this month.
This week she is featuring Celestina Marie's Rose Garden Market
and my Etsy shop,

From now through November 30,
only at my Etsy Shop


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Jeanne said...

Such a beautiful life of Simplicity... not to mention hard work. Lovely photos!

TexWisGirl said...

a hard life but a simple one. bless them. may they prosper.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

kittens, cows, horses, haystacks, so much to see here today. the photos are just beautiful. pastoral scenes from the past, like it looked before they had to worry about cars on the rode. beautiful post. and how did that kitten get in here????

Arlene G said...

One thing I admire about the Amish is that they take their time, I think the modern conveniences have made all of us very impatient. We have several Mennonite families who live in our area and I love to drive by their pretty farms.

Tired Teacher said...

Good people living their faith and being productive members of the community - I like that. God bless them!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Quite a different way of life, simple and yet still productive. I enlarged the photo of the boys coming home from school - bare feet! Is this normal?
There are a number of Mennonite communities in Ontario and we buy the best salami that they produce and is sold at our farmers market.

21 Wits said...

They are a happy hard working bunch, and their lunch pails are really something! Sweet kitty face, and other loving and adorable critters for today! Enjoy your weekend!

Sandi said...

This looks so serene! It's like a deep breath for the soul.

I heard a story once of Amish (may have been Mennonites) who, when the electricity went out after a storm, would bring coffee (magically made without electricity) to their English neighbors. Ah...that would make them heroes to me!

This way of life looks like the good life. However, I am typing this on an iPad while sitting in a heated house watching Netflix. That would be a very worky life. Sigh... I like ease.

Christine said...

So glad you went out with your camera & took these scenes of Amish farmlife! They do work hard & every credit to them!
Thanks for sharing & I look forward to the rest of your photos!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love these images of the Amish farms. Love the cows and horses. Wonderful post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

L. D. said...

It is a beautiful visit as you see the sights of the area. The use of animals and the man power used to get the jobs done is admirable. Great photos you have taken.

Marcia said...

What a beautiful spot to visit. Loved your photos.

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Hi Judy - I have never been to Amish country, but it is on my list. Their simple lives and hard work are so intriguing in today's modern world. Thanks so much for this post - it was wonderful to read. Happy Thanksgiving! Jane

Terra said...

I grew up in Sheboygan Wisconsin and have not visited the area you so lovingly describe. I think the large draft horses are the most handsome horses in the world. Nice photos.

Aritha V. said...

Nice photos and intersting words. Love to read about this people with Europian roots.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Such lovely photos of the Amish in your area, Judy. Their way of life is so simple and interesting. Mr. C is certainly enjoying Tom Kitten. And your last photo is a winner! Have a nice weekend. ♥

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I wonder how full those lunch boxes are filled? I was struck with how dangerous it is to ride around in those buggies with cars and trucks sharing the same roads when we were in Amish country in Indiana and Ohio. Have a great weekend and Happy Thanksgiving.

Terri D said...

Great photos! We stopped at an Amish market on the way home from Ohio. Got lots of goodies, including a jar of honey with the honeycomb in it. I love honey like that and remember having it when I was little. Good stuff!

Theresa said...

I think the Amish have so many things right. Beautiful photos, as usual :) I've been to Amish Country in PA and it is one of my favorite spots for a vacation. So relaxing and such great food.

Anita Johnson said...

A friend took me for a car ride the other day....drove through an Amish area...Colton? Because I didn't drive, I don't remember...the area was beautiful. These photos are perfect.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Lovely photos and I've often thought that should we ever come under attack ( via the Grid, etc ) that it is only people like these or the 'preppers' that will make it

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Such a lifestyle!

If we all lived like that, there'd be no worries about global warming. (Or going to war.)

Rose said...

Oh, my, I love these, but that last one...I so love it. Takes me back to childhood...I won't say a word about the photo that didn't belong...not how cute or how adorable.

Lynne said...

I enjoyed these photos Judy . . .
Such respect I have for the Amish and their lifestyle.
I lived not far from the Amana Colonies in Iowa when I grew up.
Today I live close to Mennonite colonies here in Michigan . . .
Sweet "kitten peak" too . . .

Jenny Woolf said...

Fascinating. I admit I would find it hard to be one of them and live so far outside the mainstream
but it is good that some keep the old ways going. Remarkable how they have kept their lifestyle going, I would love to see some Amish.

HWIT BLOGG said...

Interesting post with lovely pictures...

Sylvia said...

I enjoyed all your photo's, Judy. Reminded me of several years ago when I went to Illinois, we saw some of the Amish country on our way.

Bev said...

Beautiful...We stayed in Amish country in PA....would here he horses at night and see the buggy lights flashing!

Pamela Gordon said...

It is nice to see a glimpse of Amish life in your area. Such lovely scenes. Have a wonderful week Judy.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love visiting the Amish. I was sad to see their nearby produce stand close for the season. xo Laura

Tom said...

Great sightings in Amish country. Kids just don't like to wear shoes! That little fellows driving the team is wonderful. Thanks for sharing this week, I hope that you will have more to share again.

Michelle said...

We have many Amish in our small town area. Great people. I really enjoyed these photos.

Carla from The River said...

Oh that Tom the Kitten. :-)

Fun post Judy, I know just the place you were visiting.
xx oo

Judy S. said...

Fun photos, Judy. We need to see this part of WI some time!

Lea said...

Great photos!
It is scary to think of slow moving vehicles on the roads after dark
Have a wonderful week!

Maggie said...

The Kickapoo River Valley looks like a great place to visit. I have made some short trips to Lancaster County in Pennsylvania and even went to dinner with an Amish family in their home on one trip. Their way of life fascinates me.
I love the shot of the young boy driving the horses.
BTW Your boy Bridger was a handsome chap!
Happy Mosaic Monday.

Snap said...

I'm with Maggie, the Kickapoo River Valley looks like a wonderful place to visit. Beautiful scenery. The farms are gorgeous. Loved the "parking" garage...! Happy Monday!

Lorrie said...

I thoroughly enjoyed these glimpses of life in Amish country - a place I've never visited, but would like to one day.
I admire their simple way of life.

Eilis said...

I've always wanted to visit Amish country. Thank you for sharing this at Monday Social!


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