Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Hodgepodging Happily and Thankfully

 Barn east of Ridgeland, Wisconsin
Photo taken a couple weeks ago
There are almost no leaves remaining,
but we had a wonderful autumn


Join Joyce and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in.
Congratulations on the move into your new house, Joyce.
And thanks for taking the time to provide these
Hodgepodge questions during the Great

1. Let's all think happy thoughts...share one of yours here. 
 Tom Kitten, last night, standing on his hind legs
and sucking his thumb. Really?
No Photoshop involved

2. There's a Chinese proverb that says, "If you want happiness for an hour take a nap, if you want happiness for a day-go fishing...." What say you? If you want happiness for a day, pack a lunch a spend the day outdoors, preferably in a woods or along a river. 

3. Where do you go to decompress from the world around you? 
See #2.

4. What song never fails to make you happy? 
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, especially when accompanied by a pipe organ in a cathedral. 

St. Mark's Cathedral

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings
Risen with healing in his wings.
Mild he lays his glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
Glory to the newborn King

 St. Paul's Cathedral, London

5. Wednesday is National Fast Food Day. Should that be a thing? Apparently it is, so tell us what's the last 'fast food' you consumed? If you were putting together your own version of a 'happy meal' what would you include? 
That would be a piece of rubbery North Atlantic Cod from Culver's. But, if I were putting together my own Happy Meal, it would include a sandwich made from Ancient Grains Gluten Free Bread, Never Any (brand) roasted turkey, Olive hummus, Lettuce, Pepperjack cheese, a little bowl of an olive assortment, and a gluten-free chocolate chip cookie. Maybe a few Stax potato chips. Maybe a little dark chocolate. Yeah, I better take a long walk after that Happy Meal.

6. In a few sentences tell us why you blog. 
I blog because the cats won't listen to me.

Sunset last night
7. List seven things you're feeling especially grateful for today. 
Right now I'm grateful for the following 7 (or more) things:
God's love and faithfulness
My family
Good Mr. C.
The ability to walk, think, see, hear, taste...
Our home 
A wood-burning stove
A warm(ish) November
A delayed snow season, even though Carla would disagree
Beautiful creatures (like kittens)
Such beauty and variety in creation
Good books
8. Insert your own random thought here.
We recently ran into an Amish friend in Westby, WI. The meeting of two cultures is always so interesting. He was asking about a particular town in Norway, so I picked up my Smartphone and with Google maps, found it and showed him where it was on the map. He enjoys technology from a distance.
 Barn southeast of Leon, WI
Also linking to
Theresa's Good Fences 
and Tom's Barn Collective


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Carla from The River said...

Good Morning Judy,
I should have picked out the song "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow" :-)

I am in love with Tom Kitten! What a cutie!!
I enjoyed your random.
Have a great week,

Theresa said...

Beautiful hodgepodge of pictures:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy, when it comes to your blog, I am a broken record. Your photos are gorgeous! My fave tho, is Mr. Tom Kitten sucking his thumb! I hope you have a wonderful week.

April said...

Hey, Judy...sure have missed seeing your beautiful photos! I have always wanted to visit Amish country as my grandmother's side of the family was Amish. Enjoy your day!

Theresa said...

Such an adorable picture of your little kitten. Great song choice. I get choked up when singing that one, such wonderful truths! Have a great day :)

Summer said...

Tom Kitten is so cute ♥

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

That has to be the cutest picture of your little Tom Kitten. It surely made me smile. Organ music in any cathedral or our church, and voices singing that wonderful carol would definitely make one happy. I will be ready for Christmas music as soon as Thanksgiving Day is over. Again, enjoyed your photography.

Tired Teacher said...

How Great Thou Art has been on my mind a lot lately, especially with the gorgeous Fall weather and the Super Moon.

Cheryl said...

The words in that particular verse of "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" are some of the most glorious ever!!

Oh my goodness. That kitten photo. Too, too cute!!

Arlene G said...

I will take one of your happy meals Judy!! I love a good burger and we have a local restaurant that has the BEST angus burger. But your sandwich sounds like a delightful break from burgers.

Joyce said...

Aww, Tom Kitten is a cutie. Hark the Herald Angels Sing is one of my favorite carols, particularly when you get to that last verse.

21 Wits said...

I always enjoy your photos, and the first photo too especially, but of course the kitty stole my heart!

Anonymous said...

That photo of your kitty is just adorable!!!! It put a smile on my face this morning!

Debbie said...

Oh how I love that song too, and sung in a big cathedral with an organ, well I can't imagine anyone not feeling happy with that. The kitten is positively adorable! Enjoy your day!

Cathy said...

Love that picture of Tom adorable. Of course, I love all your pictures. That's a wonderful Christmas Carol. But then again, I love almost all of the Christmas Carols.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

I enjoyed that, CM. I'm with you on No 2 (might add a hill in there somewhere), but think No 6 is a fib:-) Keep blogging - it's a great read.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sucking the thumb is my favorite and made me feel happy. my happy meal is a burger basket from Culvers, if they were out of burgers then I would have a pizza at hungry howies. your first photo is just gorgeous. I like all the things you are thankful for

Terri D said...

If we lived close enough, Tom kitten would be going home with me! Preciousness!! I really enjoyed reading your HP answers today, Judy! It's great having Joyce back with her popular weekly meme!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

hey there, Cranberry ... thought I would jump over here to say hi, and thanks for always commenting on my instagram feed, you are so sweet. love that!! the hubby & i have thoughts of stress in our lives right now ...kind of wild. any time you have to lift us up in prayer would be so kind. without putting everything in a comment here, my hubby has lots of work stress ... & i just woke up one day and decided to put up my Christmas tree and listen to Christmas music to get me happy & smiling. Remember the good times with family etc. etc. it is helping. bringing out my snowman housecoat. etc. it works ... still tough. but this too shall pass. with God by our side ... we can do anything. just a speed bump to pass over ... hoping it will go smoothly and quick. thanks!! big big hugs. ( :

Debby Ray said...

I loved your answers and I agree, I could have answered most of these with your answers...except for the happy meal one, although I do like many of the selections you made :) I adore these lovely barns, as always and that is one adorable little kitty cat!

Aritha V. said...

I love your answers too. Also in Dutch "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" is so beautiful! This is the Dutch variant:

Loris Glassworks said...

Hi Judy,
Your little Tom looks just like our cat Buddy, he looks just as sweet as Buddy too. I love your barn photos, they remind me of home in Indiana. We have many Amish families in the area, I love seeing their horse drawn buggies on the road. It makes me long for a simpler life, but I know I would have a very hard time giving up my internet connection. Enjoyed reading your responses, have a good week.
lori in Blue Ridge, GA

Chatty Crone said...

Hello - love your photos - that cat was sooooooooooooo cute. I wish I had a place to go to that had a river and I could walk it. I love the song Amazing Grace too. Stay warm and healthy!

TexWisGirl said...

love your farm/barn scenes but your #6 took the cake. :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Little Tom sucking his thumb is just the cutest thing ever! I had a chuckle over the big lunch you described for a happy meal and I would need a marathon after eating all that. Honestly, I have the age old problem of just looking at food and it goes to my hips. :-)
You have an admirable list of things you're thankful for Judy.

Deb said...

That Tom kitten is too much...awwww! I'd get NOTHIN' done with those munchkins around.
I always enjoy your random. With our Thanksgiving behind us I am now into Christmas music and hanging the lights outside tomorrow. :) O Holy Night brings me to tears every time I hear it. btw Judy, I received your package today. Thank you so much. Oh, I can't wait to try the soap; it's beautiful. The retired guy thought it was fudge when I opened it and I think he was disappointed. I told him my gorgeous skin from this soap will make up for it but he just smirked and said "but what do I do now with my fudge craving?" (child)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm like everyone else and just love that sweet photo of Tom Kitten. I adore his name! I'm thinking I love just about any hymn being played in a big cathedral, Judy. I'm so glad you have enjoyed an extended autumn. It's been so pretty here and Friday we may reach 70 degrees. Have a lovely evening, Judy. xo ♥

Empty Nester said...

The cats don't listen to you...LOL Love the photo of Tom Kitten sucking his thumb! Marcy keeps trying to do that but her parents won't let her. :) I like 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing' too. I've been listening to Christmas music since October. Ok, maybe earlier. :)

NanaDiana said...

Great photos and great thoughts here, Judy. I have really enjoyed this wonderful Fall Season, too. I think it is soon coming to an end though-sadly. LOVE that picture of your kitten. What a capture that was!!! xo Diana

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. I enjoyed reading your answers to the Hodgepodge. Fun photo of Tom Kitten! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Lynne said...

Tom Kitten
On two legs
Sucking thumb
Great photo . . .

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

What a beautiful and fun post, Judy! The questions are very interesting... and your answers are very good. :) I love all the Christmas carols and the hymn you chose is wonderful.
The photo of Tom Kitten makes everyone smile.
Hugs and blessings!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, great answers! I like your No. 2, that would be my choice too. Wonderful list of thankful items, you are blessed. The kitty photo and the sun/silo shot is awesome. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

Karen Lakis said...

I love Hark the Herald Angels also - especially if sung by a choir. Fast food day? Please, no - but on rare occasions I do enjoy a quarter pounder with cheese.

Tanya Breese said...

lol @ tom sucking his thumb! too funny...beautiful pictures especially the cathedral and sunset!

Jean | said...

Judy, Tom Kitten is precious! Be glad you're too far away for me to just run over and take him off your hands! The barn photo reminded me of something I've wanted to ask you for a long time: When you see one of those barns in rough condition, do you ever talk to anyone about saving them? Just curious. I'd have a hard time not knocking on the door and saying "Fix this barn before it falls down." A day in the country would probably get me shot! :D

Lea said...

A lovely series of photos
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing is a favorite of mine, too!
Have a wonderful day!

Rose said...

Lovely series of photos...Amish always intrigue me. In certain ways I understand their thinking, but in others I don't. But won't go into that here. I haven't had any close friends that were Amish, but have met a few that were really nice. Actually anyone from any other culture interests me. Just wish I could remember all they tell me. One of Roger's therapist, and she used to be mine, is from India. And she used to talk to me some about there...she is just so, so good at what she does, is not afraid of letting it be known she is a Christian.

I like your answer about where to go for unwinding, but also love to go somewhere fishing...where no one else is...if others are about it is not the same.

podso said...

Oh the first picture! I enjoyed #8 especially and wondered if that's the young man that visits your husband. It's surreal to have two such different cultures living so near each other.

Ruth Kelly said...

I love seeing the buggy and horse - never see them here.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photography ~ all very creative ~ favorite though is that little kitten ~ sweet! ~ thanks,

Wishing you a peaceful weekend ~ ^_^

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Hi Tom, you are a cutie!

Nice barns, I see that is the best way to keep your hay from deteriorating.

Ida said...

Oh you had some great barns & good fences here today. Also Tom the kitten melted my heart. - Enjoyed your post very much.

Terra Heck said...

Love your answer about why you blog! The picture of that kitty is seriously too cute.


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