Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Bloomingdale Road East or Bloomingdale Road?

For any who were expecting to see The Hodgepodge today, Joyce, The Hodgepodge creator, had to be out of town, but will be back with the Hodgepodge again next week.  I know I'm not alone in appreciating the dedication and work she goes to each week to give us something to write about. Thank you, Joyce.

Last week, Mr. C. and I went to the SW part of Wisconsin to settle some family business. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but we were taking care of a cousin's estate. It looks like everything we can do is now done, but it doesn't mean that we won't be visiting that area again. And even though I consider myself a pretty good navigator, I  managed to get us going around in circles because of the winding roads with ambiguous names (and just possibly because I'm not as good a navigator as I'd thought). I hadn't realized that Bloomingdale Road East was actually a different road than Bloomingdale Road. How can that be. And not only that, but when there's an intersection (crossroads) on a main highway, I would expect that a turn to the east would be the same road name (just a different direction) as a turn to the west. But no. That would make it just too easy.

Summertime arrived in NW Wisconsin almost overnight. We tend to do that, often going from a cold and wet spring to warm and wonderful summer, although I have come to expect more out of May than we got this year. This year it has lost its position as 'favorite month,' being replaced by June, which has been just lovely so far. And it's green. Very green.

 Smooth transfer of power
Hauling ethanol (probably)
near Sparta, WI

What you are reading is the result of what one does when one has nothing to say. I noticed when I logged into Blogger this morning, that I have written over 2200 blog posts, the majority of which were published, but some of which were not, to spare us both embarrassment. Twenty-two hundred! That's from January or February of 2010. It's hard to believe that I've had SO MUCH of nothing to say.

Because Wisconsinites tend to cram everything fun into the summer months (with good reason), I will most likely continue to post only on Hodgepodge Wednesdays, and some weekends. Most of the family fun events occur in the summertime, naturally, and I keep remarkably busy tending to the kitties, porch sitting, reading, picture taking, garden mulching and watering, and walk taking.  It's a tough life. As a friend once said when asked what she does all day, 'I don't know, but it takes me all day to do it. '

I had thought that these farmers were planting potatoes,
but when I zoom in, I see that they are planting 
plant starters. Tobacco? Cabbage? I'm not sure.

I just realized that every paragraph I've written today sounds like a beginning paragraph. I think I need a nap. I'm not complaining that the Tommy & Smokey gym opens at 4:30 AM, (after all, the birds are up and singing!) with wild galloping, chasing, crashing through our bedroom. I know. I could close the door. I've heard that somewhere before.

Chillin' in the screen room
Tommy and Smokey
Getting recharged for their next gym session


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Until next time,



NanaDiana said...

I am laughing about the road names--and the changes at highways. We have that even in our own town here. University Avenue becomes Monroe Street becomes Broadway when you get towards DePere. And Main St becomes Dousman once you hit the bridge even though it is a continuation of the same street. lol

Great pictures. You do get some wonderful countryside shots, Judy. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!!! xo Diana

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the train, I love the barn, I love the truck in the grass and most of all I love the kitties in the chair. that chair resembles the squirrel chair I had this week, only much larger. beautiful post, I enjoyed all the photos.
and about the streets. When I fist moved to St Petersburg when I married Bob, Park street changed to Keene Road to another name I can't remember, all in 10 miles going steady straight and North... drove me nuts. there were several that were different names but the same road. and there was a Park St and a Park Blvd.. oh my

Debby Ray said...

We have some roads like that around here too...confusing! What beautiful country scenes, Judy. I always enjoy reading your posts whether or not you think you have anything to say or not...I think many of us feel that way, don't we? Most of what I write is a way of filling up white space between my photos :) Yes, I miss Joyce's Hodgepodge and I have found myself relying on it to give me something to blog about when I have no ideas of my own. Usually we are burning up with heat and humidity by the time June gets here. So far we have been so fortunate...we are lush and green and the there is a cool, crisp breeze today. I better enjoy while I can...I hear we are in for a hot weekend :( May you enjoy the rest of your week, my friend!

Susie said...

Judy, You always have such interesting photos. I like to see the Amish farmers with their beautiful work horses. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Red Rose Alley said...

Sometimes not many words are needed when sharing fantastic pictures like these, Judy. I love that one of the old truck deep in the grass. It sounds like you enjoy the summers there. They get awfully hot here, so not my favorite season. It's nice that you'll be going down this road again while taking care of your cousin's estate. I have been wanting to take a drive in the country lately, and your post has inspired me to do that. : )


podso said...

IF you hadn't said it I wouldn't have noticed (I still didn't) that you had nothing to say. I agree with the photo commentator. I love the way your eye is drawn to beauty and out comes your camera and we are the richer for it. Such as the blue truck swimming in the grass. And the guys lounging on the chair. Where we live roads have similar names. As if they ran out of names. Some of the more famous: Queens Rd. West; Queens Road East, and Queens Rd. Where the intersect can get confusing. So we take our Easts and Wests seriously here. You do feel like a veteran when you've learned it all.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I always enjoy reading your posts, Judy. Your wit is woven so generously throughout your writing. The kitties are really growing up! I know they bring you joy. The gym sure opens early your way! I'd have to take a nap with them to make it through the day. ♥

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello Dear Fellow WI Gal!! ;)

I love all of your posts I catch - no matter what you're not saying. I love this blogland world in general for all the fun we share. It makes sense to us, right?

June has been just lovely hasn't she?? I'm trying to soak up as much as I'm able. Really feeling like summer and each day like these is a treasure. So I think it's smart to live in them and just blog when it works.

I love the Amish farmer photos. And all of the rural WI ones you share. Truly beautiful area!! Hugs to the kitties and cheers to lovely mornings and evenings on the porch with your beverage of choice sweet Friend.


Empty Nester said...

The heat and humidity that is present nearly year 'round in our area makes everyone move slow. I used to think people were slow in other ways when I first moved here but it's just the heat and humidity. Our little saying is, everyone has nowhere to go and all day to get there. Of course, all the Yankees that have moved in are trying to keep a fast pace from their days up in the frozen tundra but they're learning that just isn't possible. LOL I quite enjoy your nothing to say posts. I've learned a lot and I know I'd love to visit your area. But maybe not in winter as there does appear to be such a thing as too cold. :)

L. D. said...

You have such interesting variety of photos. Love the cats being pals.

Anonymous said...

The kitties are precious! I am thankful June has been so pleasant for you. Our area has had a lot of rain. I enjoyed your photos very much and I wish you a lovely day.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Enjoyed that; a gentle, varied, ramble. Love the hi-tech planting. Thought of you this morning - Alice Cooper was on the radio, talking from his tour bus in Wisconsin...maybe he was lost.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, wonderful rural scenery. I love the barns, horses and the cute kitties. We have some weird street names here, the names start with Upper and there is a Lower.

Happy Thursday, have a great day!

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your many posts.
I enjoyed my visit, today.

Your cats look like 2 of our cats. We have 3.
Their names are Nibbler, Sunny Boy, and Meme.

I hope you have a great summer.
You also take great pictures!
Thanks for posting :)

Creations By Cindy said...

Dear Judy, I am laughing out loud about the road names! I know exactly what you mean. However, in my neck of the woods the road names are named after family which makes it so much easier. Love your pictures as always. Each one tells a story. I hope that you have a wonderful day. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

This N That said...

You do well for having nothing to say...Love your pictures..Our weather is much the same here..60's this week and 90's this weekend..I prefer the 60's..Have a beautiful day..

Mama Hen said...

I love the picture of Tommy and Smokey! Our kitties are up at the crack of dawn running around too. :-) That is amazing that you have written 2200 posts. ALL of which have been beautiful to read and pictures enjoyed. And as Cindy said above, love all the pictures - each one truly does tell a story. Have a great week!

Jean | said...

Wow! Judy, you and I have been blogging the same length of time, but I've only written and posted 396 posts -- you've done 5 1/2 times more! I can't even imagine. Makes me tired just thinking about it. I could never have lasted this long had I not from the outset known that I could never do more than one post a week. I am so jealous of the energy of those who can!

Michelle said...

I have been blogging for ten years now. I also have a lot of nothing to say! That does look like they are "setting tobacco", as people around here call it. Although in your area, I would think that it would be something different.

Terri D said...

Well, you could shut the door, but they would make more noise than if you left it open. Been there! LOL I always love your photos and did not notice opening paragraphs until you mentioned it! Ha!

Tanna said...

LOL! Our mornings start at 4:30 and I can't blame Smokey or Tommy. LOL! I would have ASSUMED that East was just a direction of the same road. Ha! Man, oh, man, Wisconsin is looking gorgeous in June!! ENJOY!! blessings ~ tanna

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing the barns and countryside in your part of the country. I'm posting less often now too...I think everyone is! It's my favorite month of the year and I love being outside as much as possible. Enjoy your weekend sweet lady. Hugs!


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